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May 20, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-20

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The Michigan Daily



No,0 170.

. . .......... . .......... . . . . .....

Nno Left Yesterday for Ithaca-
Fresh Medics Play Senior Laws
in last of Semi-Finals.
The teitm is off, in, spledtit cotodition
for the three eastern gshes. If Michi-
gait io snt rig home the lacon it is
ecalre te west is inferior in its ath-
leic prowss.
I~asitg ith te afternoon, tte sqad
saslebt a slenier delegation of rooters
to gire it a osetiiof, hut a healty crowd
ts certatn to wseote the tett at their
hoite-otittg Snitda
W\ith a tpitilg trio oitposedl of Sit-
ok, IBart ad Iinthieittnsswhici catnot
te excelled in olegiate circles, Miei-
gant is emitnently qalled to retesett
tie ses. .At tie sametite tie eatertt
setpoIitersthom itt ieigaisotttto
eonqtey are among t est in te latd
attdssill torotghly liry titeeaier of
tile \Volserite.
'ilte teatt arriveil in Butffalo at o: to
hat igtt aiti wilt react Itaca at t12:30
today, siotpptg at te Ihotel Itaca.
iTtursday ttttritgat 7:20 tie suiad
silit leae ftr Sreiuse, ptyig in te
ateritoi. 'Theswill rest at te Yates
totse ill Syrieuse tilttit p. tn.,amd till
arrive at Proiideite, R. I. 2 :20 ntooni
FidIay, stoppig at tte Naragnsett.
Saturdlay they pslay Brotwi at Pridiuete
aid leae for ioiie at 6 :ofip1m.
Telegraphic reports ofth ie games swill
le receivedl bi Tte Daily.
iiiliTit'R li'TUtNS TIS slMOeN.
Mianager Baiord has sceiuledm a gime
,with, Wooster, to octe eriee May 2_6.
'Thi game sas sehediled osig to tle
Postponiementt(f te Wooster game sce-
dtlei for tweek ibefore lst, 1but1post
poied beause of rai.
gil-lT lMEN 51AssHiAVE:T ImNx ASi-gux
Keee Fitepmtriks chimces to laiim
first place it the easterin iteriillegiati
meeltext seek ideeitdpratialy 1up0n
eigt tei. Easternlttttiwes-etern critic
conceie that te teim scoring 28 ptit
will carry oftfirttonrs, aiidi ly isaii
ipilatioti of his etries Diretor Fitz
ptrik hopes to dto this.
Te tmett thus file assuremd places upo
le sitttadi tre Rowe, Coe, Duill, May
Biohtitack, ileat, Woli, mitid Merritt
All these iseii are ctunited upos to wilt
lintts ecetdMtay,and ot of te fieli
le tmay ine tible toiplce somieshere it
FEnmSisAt IS V s . sirm nitAWSt TiDA
This afternooti at 4:05 ie fresh merle
basball mill will atte switi tie eior
lais tit South Ferry field. FLlitter-
teamsshatve eet piuttig up1 a good ar
tidle of 1bal11 aut a close game is x
peeremd. 'Te tinies till tackle th
strong frisitils fr tile cianpilnhi
Saturday afternoomnl.
Te eiior girlsiaeaill teamtll s
try for tie campliosipitodtriay at 4:3
p. il., at Brotr gymnaltsimtl, te junior
eitig iteir oploets. If teeiior
inith le game.mimi thus tie:canpion
shrip, ~he iaseal seasoin till le over
tuf if tie juiiors itotiere swill ie ani
ni ,iter giitte. sittce biitifrehlmletait
junilor lae a gamte apliece 1totei
reiit. 'ile game will le titeit an11 tich
rit illle 1111stle at liii'gymnattsiii
from TO to 2 a tn. and111 Ii3 P. i
Mtiss Perrit, twho has ien'acii

director ini Barbotir gymnlasiumt ditrits
.tite past year, has aiccepted tile positioi
of director of the nsesv girls' gymnasium
~at Central high school in Detroit.

Last night J. E. Kelly, 'o9e, withdrew
lilt name as a candidate for president
of the Michigan Union. This simplifies
the triangular contest, leaving only J.p
E. Ogle, '07, 'o1, and W. W. Merritt,
'n8, 'i i, as the two presidential candi-
Candidates for vice-president of the
Union ave agreed to make no comima-
tionts int their campaign for office. Noth-o
inlg ut legitinate campaign methods, t
that is, personaI solicitation y the can- I
didate or his friedis, will e used in thes
race. No pledges will e made y the I
me nietior will tere lbe any trading of fi
The literary and engineering candi-
iates aid making a campaign among p
their frienlds for spport. The law and i
mledic mlen have agreed not to make any
fight at all. They will not make any t
canvass ut will let the department,o
without ainy urging, choose the mata itt
walts to represent it. The homeop and 1
dent ecittiidates are not making any can- -
Followin~g is the list of caniddates: .
For prsidnt-W. . Merritt, 'o8f,l
Iti; J. E. Ogle. '07, '091.t
Recording secretary, It. D. Barkdll,c
o; F. N. Smnit,'nS, 'om;t M. M.
Keena, 'o9.
Literary vie-presiient-H. A. Bnd-
shi, 'o; J. F. Wir, 'o; J. K. _Wa-
Engitering vice-pesident--S. J. Da-
isoi, '0; i. A. 'rat, '09; M. J.
Quinn~, '09
Late ice-president--Floyd lds, 'o;
Datt J. Hleyfron, 'im; XW. A. Herrck,
,Medic vie-prsident-G. I-. Fox, '9;
-Stanley Cox, 'Io; A. H. Giddings, 't.
Piarmi, deital, and Itoncop vice-
- rsidnt-A. B. Smith, 'gh; R. .
- f elloi, '09h; L. X. Doxtator,'o.
a Comstatt tuggestions hae eil and
ee ibeing heard aot tie attiual sprig
1 ottests. Fet,ioweer, reach a definite
s rml, attt scarcely any conic to The
sIDaily as athIle followitg stggestiot in
regard tnte tug-of-tar:-
EdIlitor of 'The Michigat-Daily:
If yout cotsider the following site-
Igestillnl sorthy of disusiots y the st-
detitbodly, till yott please give i pith-
" liciy?
Th ' unt itdersigttedl has three tines eit
d itmressed witt the neet of a loger
nmcontest for tie tug-of-sar, atd at te
atetlitte it appears imthte terth sid-
of the river gives avatage to the team:
't whsel ich cupies it. It is therefore ug-
Sgestedl that tietelant shall be declared
tiner swhIici wins twice omt of tree
t ties; tie hoice of sides for the first
pull11 to letmiide y tos of a coit, te
t eauims to cage Ibakfor Ie secotd-
e ull, mnd tte si-inier of the os for .the -
p thied pull giuent the choice of hanks.
Perhaps te tien othtiteians would
imisiler three pltls tooi strenuotous ;ut
t wolit certaitly e iore satisfactorN-
i, s a contest aitidtmttch more interesihs
fenimi spectacular sandpoitt.
11 It Ithas beenitsggestedl to level fthe
;o south baik.Th.fit-would aso give ler.
-samvattage its choice of aks-o
os II N. (COL..
rt Jamues I. ?lays, '51, wo on the
m ratorical contest at oswa City for Mick-
n igati in 95, was ote of the mets taking ati h oenos ofrnea $_
Whlite Iouse at Washingon last wee.
lie was one of the delegates rons Utah.

tg Thse secotnd aintal dance and recep-
ism ts of the Catholic Students' clu will
rn he given at Grange ', Thursday, Jud

__ _ _
.. t

P~r edent Angell Addresses 700 M
sapdand Clowned Students I°
r o w h r o n s C m u.ie p o s t p o n e d , t h e s e n io r s w i n g - a ;
sit as titnesssed tiy a large crowd that o
h tged the canpis yesterday after- p
itoin. At 4 o'lock over seven u tndred
etiors swuntg itto line for UtiversiyC
-all, whlere te blconeies wee alreauy
After sit orgats solo, Dr. DOoge
p ned the exercises with a sorth
rayer, according to ue customs. Pres-
idfnt Angell theti addressedl the stiors.7
" The great qetioni befoire you," said
te President, "is the estalihing of t
agreeable and sitahte relations with the
throtng of strangers twith whoims you tillc
he thrown. Reisembter, ionmatter whereI
your lot is ast, you wtill fimd guod -
friends if youm desere theis.
"There is room n thlis tworld for all;
keep tip your eeer andl courage Do not
bte oternmodst, tnor yet aggressively self-
coifideit; do not strive to e uncon- .
vvitional. Be siuml, siicre, genuine, -
an~d truthful.
"Go halltay to meet the friendship
of your associaes. Though you may
ever form sincs fast friends as you have
here, remenser thiat you twil forns just
smich ones as yon deserve.
"Be of service," coscluded President"
Angell. "You graduates ought to inter-
et yourseves in te affairs of your
own, work for and etcourage the lira-
ric, ite shools atd te churches. Sim-
ielate the oys and girls to a desire to
;ain etter thing. Show them the way
.o college withs all its possiiities. If
ou are called into the wider field of
utiuic service, remeemer, the strong are
aledl upon to minister to others."
After the exercises the seiors filed
mit the main entrance of University Hall
n this order: its, egineer, medics,
aws, dents, and pharuic.
The long line of caps and gowns, led
>y Gerg Hoart, president of the
-fume lit class, and Thoma Cacy,
hairusat of te cap and gown commit-
cce, wotnd around the campus and roke
a:im ehindIte ILaw uilding Iere
in group pitire wtrakens of all the
senior classes.
Sswathed ansml boundu, te Sphinx it-
itiatedl tems netv mucu froms the sopho-
ismre cas, ithleir anustal spring em-
umlmitng and minummifiaiot yesterday.
the anqut wmas given at the Cutting
'The Sphinx, attired its their red roes
ntui esired with red paint, marched
abnott the campus, heading for a time
tic senior wing-out. Marching to the
ouse of earls iitiate, they emssalmed,
lotaded himt into the wagon, and ent;-
uined their processiomn le Sphinx
nmormms its the Ann Aror Press uilding,
swhere the secret rites were given
At 8 o'clock the anqut 'was serve.-
Prof.. Van Tyne, Prof. Hildner,- Dusty't
MViller, Jima" Wakius, ad "Swede'
Good responded Io toasts "Wieni,"
Wuri acted as toastumaster. 'he menu
olfferedl some (f the following choie
is: Drippingsm front the Nile, camel's
eyes, embryo palm trees, secred ull wits
y oug pyramsids, a mess from Ceopatra's
garhem, tomb grease, mnd-emalminig
The following new men were taken

into the society: "Diz" Dusenbury, Chmi
Psi; "Ken" Arthsur, Zeta Psi; "Bart"
'fully, Psi Upsilonm; "4,v" Adamu, Delta
IUpsilon; "Jay" Gould; Sgm Ci-
I Swede" God, "Cur' Ciully, "Boni"
Bohusack, "Scotly" Elliott, and "Du"

Roscoc B. ,Huston, uanaging mditmmr
f the uon Michiganemssiam, takes ex
pion to the statement that te iis*f
fichiganensian hroke all remorus y he P
g put out sale May 4. Hfe sals that tie
902 ook went onm sae Apito111andi
ill holds the record.
Of thin 6oM book lie sals: "The bomok
is year cats speak -far utslf,bltiminm my
>pnious is the est .-Mictiigmmt-misiam yet i
ulliohed at Alma Mater."
Thse question of the feasiltitiy intla-
ionic for Michigans dramtics limitcusedml
mus agitations during te pIthwtee..
flue general opinionisexressedl y leatersti
f certain dramatie circles sowtxs mt
the idea of a homse unduer University
onstrol wounld bethle tiest plai. utn
Prof. Beziat's article pblisheinTilet's
ay's Daily, the Majestic was sggestei
ts the most convenient andimotms suit
thln place that couldle found.
The thouglt of a Unitersity theter"
was suggested mt the tite he t e t
Whitney managemnst notifitd te cee
Francais, who had aready contractedi"
for the playhouse for their produhmtonm
of '"LAvare," that they ad sceduledt
a road company for the same etening.
An original suggestion twas rougt
out in an interview when Mr. Dieterle,
director of "Minna von Barhein," te
Deutocher Verin play, ttotught that a
theater of our own, placed uponthtie'
campus, would e more fitting tan to
rent or uy a theter ouisime of Uti-'
versity property.
"I think," said Mr. Dinterle, "that tie
Majestic would hardly e aeequate foe
our needs. A thorooghy uodernm thea-
ter equipped wills up-to-uaeiaraimher-
naia is the only theater that canu hr set
aside for ams exacting Utivesity public.
Such a University teaee shonule he
placed upon the canps, and if thur nat-
tr wold e properly agitated, I have
tn dot that the state legisatre tould
make a handsome appropriatinm for the
laudale ause."
"We could develop the rmsica opera,
said Charles A. Sinsk, secretary of the
School of Music. "Al the present tue
we are handicapped cosideraly, de
to the fact that we have o availalte
ronm in which to old reearsas, adu
were a University theater uilt it wouls
imnmediately eliminate this hardship. Th
School of Music contains somte admira-
le talent, hut unfortunately we are de
nied the privilege of witnessimg adm
hiearimg our own talent1 suggest that
from the different dramsatic and umuisical
organization a oard of diretors e
elected, who cams rent thintheiaertthlie
various organizatins."
"The proposition in an excelemnt one"
exclaimed Frank Luza, secetary of tie
Cosmopolitan clu. "tTh Uiesity is
highly in need of such a home. To see
our thatricals in our ownu playose
Would naturally add considerale inter-
est. In the long ru, our produtctions
would cost less and a low prie of mt--
mission would only e asked. A Uui-
versity theater would e sricty a Mich-
igan affair."
."The idea of a ome of our owt is autu
ideal thing," said Prof. Bezia, whenuti--
terviewed. "The canpus is at presell
crowded and it would e itmosile mu
put a theater out the University groundms
wihouttmsarring its eany. I tikthlie
Majestic managememt would sell is tie
playhouse at a great sacrifice. 'fle thea--
ter would pay for itself tithinu a short
time.. Our first performnmcs woulutn--
turally be speial and enefit affairs. 'fle
theater is excellently uilt asd its acous
'ties are of a hifh standard. Withintlhe
exception, of the May Festival, Ie emoud
stage almost any affair."

[Speciai Ttninlenl Comincil nmeeting -
,night, 7 o'clock, at the Unuionmuu. Migami,
.fre .

Irof. Trueblood Remarks on Mid-
way's Withdrawal from the
Northern Oratorical League.
are all tsry tha~t h-hicmghm foiu
tncsaytmtmithdrawl fmm t he ll-mmrth
mm1 thra tica t- ml dPrf.'irmi-
lod1eseraycoring1ttht-e('mit tam
tro l-s itatimn a ms ii:r t itW Itinl Ittsu
a t mevtt-mm; n h i tc in anI y dcontt m
since mis-gnzin ftheeI laguein
and Om-mmtt Iowa cam, htt7lduting it,
lest yeatr. Ciaowamtthed Itt
andI Mttth s t a int ttt l7,tt hhiag'
lilacm-I has owhr e tt en by Illos
"Tttmsm; r:htica I t Iotsltt t hath1
the oher choos in1he1lahuhuse '
tin pec sI~i t y lle htWm indItt i 'i( 51 s teak-
es d ntr 'tIt th cnfsses tha th
the anciticm eto o1udig.hc
fails tn c og iz thtt-e tauh
-p1e-h' st. ftihieighte11con11 t
twhicht thelu.ha~ '' is It hed Mihigtt hts
tilt nie,11110 mrnforOert tm
tw, -hl in -oaoa ndt lbo-m
stncte ttal ht 1an11who wonl spok Ioin--
was n1 o h-lown It honoica i
nessimtu-rih-itm At 11Itswe on hgo
tosns hlell-I l ivr hl -teoherfl
lose thie(I t ( o f thir s-his-i
otns it heir--me hmoolbo m111style a lt-it.r
havng ourtro Il hs to wil' 1o11ten.ltcii-
eatmi-ta Ifctoish t I.his Nrt hrt- t or-ht
ical IseagueinIIt rllchesdaIt htsudents.
ThelhdItendeny Ils 1l5ivtmn(away frm
111he lt~h~ ropu, sh lumhI hel h1shy, 'iad
Ills simplmb ies-lllr.ike soyle am nc
11s1 inI . court room11. Tle last: con11tst
wams thle esh-of ll. I heals de
'tseetenotheegte,1n ee
lT n i d-te that this menlIg till
inult the other coll1g1s. Michugn memld-I
atleastI- mater th- his ini amclasthltng httfmrm
tlie dthmtmts.
11111e and lfr nl t h -'mtralm Orh-tomricali
me-Il, h-'th111 1Viriia, OhI1io1 Vsom il
mndCm i ca=t-m om . [lthlleIgne", says rthe
hMmaroonm, 1us1 the oh'stump1 spe1chisym,' and1
thetulge 'aveno gotson(othohm
lile~t thodIof in Ilti g hicIt aiim [mn,
hi r-eogizethi ysc glit aImlh-
cago~1. ' 1h'Y cni ta Chiago
is still mn the Ch-:tra l him -m-.'T'e m orth,
Crni eage, m- knm%,is him ne i
wins lu h hhm:in'''omdint ii mi ll n igihtemli
contsts lce tw fa t illay hinde.
n h i II 1o1din 1wil[ t in thin thir n-i, mithim-i
hi', a ity 11 thine lmita mi'h t ay511,
ltgr list ye It then shootl gt seoditl
plc. Iso.1 mitereminhg ti notemmci
u-o t t n buith Ile 11th intuim'sre ak
about this stmp spechi syl, limt thrds'
un1 i itim sin f u teen yas n rmyis ma ftnmn-
\lin-ltigmtn mnPtr il el'sontuhiought
soodmhenoutot represnntshlie mimwy.
"hhicagtshmmmmhtdn'tsss hsocrethiml
111 ml mlthatit hst hinely simplet

otyls--thtey msillhmis ' eit mimo. Andl ml
wortk 1hme inha, emt miuuttit-i mmi lie idemi
of developiung amplin,hbusinmessiikestyle
oft speakinug."

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