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May 20, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-20

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THL MICHIGAN DAILY ________ ._____

G.. Wild Comlpally
Outr Springo5 Sihoof fe
Imported and Domestic
Is non; r I Iinc lsall
the i \ liesShdes
M/ ose rown,
Crib o Tan,
Flt ic tt Iq
G. If. Wild Comipally
31 il SaeStreet
New ex
Sty les oa
Snor litest
lir o r, s l . \ ,hel
you 1 ofs sr/liget
, ~tij t in , h s -
rt le o o iii tlstles,
:1 'tTe 1 7 Ii-l cost),
Leave Ordelrs Early
S tmir t Boksores
Official National League Ball
is t1 i ' tl, wolld, i 1, reat,
A. (i.d. 'AI~t)INii
New 1111 I h -roa i-. i is 'aritttdeiby
a tl selsls ,ii s tIs. t1 irseinPuts
T. ont il1 l I:i:ls :i il y C lrthe nd,
No. Cheaslei iitratSanadatele

tfroiagng Edtor-ARCiicR FI. RITCHI.
Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD.
News._.....onal H. Hainest
Athletics..-.......Lee A White~
\ithletics, Assi.... C. . Eldridge
Esxelatige ...... Robert Mountsier
Mutisic................Roy D. Welch
I~ a i . . . . . ..Ra y m o n d V rs s e h e r
\Vosmen's Editor.... Louise Van Voorhis
lit-_-;ti McFarand Chancey Boucher
Donatld Lt . Kinney Robert Moreland
:Mchel1. Mi~ugh Fred E. Gooding
Leoniardi C. Reid
Lowsetl J. Carr J. It Prescott
\Walter I{. Towers Louis Kraft
PaulI Greer Samuel H. Morris
Otto En-get E. G. C. Williams
\\. . Atbbot I. L Armstrong
I. A. linekley D. E. Jones
Patti Leidy
John F. Wur Carl H. Adam
Harold P. ould
Address: MICHIGAN DAILY Press Bldg.,l
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: 1-2 Pp m., 7-8 p. M.
daily, except Sudy. Both phones
\\'ItINIISDAY, MAY 2, to08.-
lUFl NtllC.55t CONESTS,
Anthtter series of spriig cotests was
adtdedtoil the history sof Michigan cu-
llsrust traditionll,. Better -planed,
heler tandsted, sore enjoyable frotm the
oiertriors sviewolit thtsever-that
itie univ ersa sveruict Thie Conicil's
arlrrlgentlel of te existig coitests the
plainlg f te nesv la stunt"anti
the wolrk of its officials especially pit
trid i nilgtts conttesttwere deserig
of rise. file es-cts staited proptply
anst unduie roulgthtess wvas qtickly doe
Tthoulgthwe rie te contests, we
cantIcatltentperfct. otPerhapsthe
mo11stidIsett fautitwsas the lck ofit-
icrest stowtt by tte sopomtore class.
Atin timlitesid they ttrn ott ii adequate
n1111 ters. They were iarely able to get
sixttment together for the ttg-of-war
team. Computaratively a mtere hadftl
,ftile clatss ttrtedt lut for tie bag igt
indteir attesndancte Stutray inornig
was elln5worse. ,Wat is the trotule,
Asr l tote conteststetseves, twe ae
bt lfew riCtiiss, 'Thie ag stttnt woit
uivlsersaltatrproa as at eceleit sub-
stitu1e frr tie rrck cosntest A morre
equ iisionof sidshes, in view of the
1.110511 fact tttrt slioio ores ee trs
out ass wetl as te freshmtneswotld mtake
it esetn etter. Also a smaler field
.would~i coctentrate atliniitrease te in
trest. As it is there are taiiaiy rings
pe-rforminitg at oste tine. Aitd as to un-
oeccssary roulgntess, tiat can neter be

excused on te part of University stu-
-Sonething siolti be done us regarti
tot the coottsiisg of the sites of tito rirr
for tietuog-of-war. It is certaitly ttm-
fair to a class t reeise the ioorer posi-
tion both years, as hts octrresd with the
present sophomore class. This, ansi
othter tdisadvantages whicit the class re-
ceivet in its capacity as "trial horse" for
nutmerotus experimeits duititg its two
years, are periaps partly to btame forr
the lack of interest swhich it has 'sowt.
Whhy not httve a stansdiiig rtle, givig
thte tnorth hank to the sopottores each
yetr? It this way each class wottld
tate it bit oice, tant that tiiteswotld ibe
in titeir sophonore yearirwhien if ever,
thtevyotght to haete adse tatotge. It is
svhenwse tre. freshmnetthttdtefeat its
thtese contests does the tmost 'good.
But leaviitg aside tiese criticismss,
which are minor cosierations, se were
tlt satisfied withs the coitests. Tiat they
tre t. good thiting is ti campsuis axiomit.
lTat they were a great stcess tiis ear
will certainly te another.
As corresponsdetsasks us whvttatre te
results of tse athletic reformi comssmittee
inthue folowinsg ommuntiation:
Mir. Editorr
A inthber sof msemsbers of rie attletic
associatioti havie eetiswoderig for
suite tiime whiat becamse of te reiort of
that cotuisittee aipioitesd to reise te
cotstitutiont of te athtetic association.
'was told by a isemtbr of that com-
msittee, before spring vacatiot, tat. a
costitutiont ad beets prepared aid the
only thintg to be dotne before caini~g a
mteetinig was to ruts oer thesork with
thse oard of directors of te associa-
tioin. Is it possibie that te so-called
athletic element is endeavoring to throt-
tle reforts legisationi by refusing to call
ani associatiotsnmeeting?
Ais Usdercassnan.
Tue Kansas state chits hed its fila
nieetirig of the year at MMilans Hal
last tnight. The folowiig officers serer
elected for ext year : A. S. Vats Meser,
presidentt;'-. E. Raistey, vice-tresidett;
Wt. R. Griffein, secretary; J. M. Lrw-
ranice, tretsturer. The cttbthts laid planss
for a Mticiigtant camtpaigidrig the
summtiter, wierebyr Katsas isets till ibe
urged to come here ext year.
Arrantgemeits are beiig mase for the
charteriing of a special car to1 leave Cisi
cago abortt Junet3p, over the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. fa
arge eiotgt crowd goes, ield laorers
stitluter. ratesitay e otaitesiat tiott
one-third the regtlar prie.
FOUND)-Ats Alpha Kappa frateriity
pin, with nasue David G. Robiisoi on
back. Apply- at 454 Southt First street.. oms
Seasoisabe shirts-$t~oo ad ip. Wag
nr & Co., State St. 70-5
Strawv iats itt all styles atd shapes,
large assortmnit, at Allei's. fg-eod

FInteacollegat, Notes.
Spring fooltal t:11a1sr een-it ba-Il
Camus sings for althte stdetsrei
a feature f cotege tufe .l lln
Miassactutsets tlnstitut oft't'sethnllligt
is tbrutera ew ttlaratory divotedett
researcht wolrt in te fIielif ti
cbseutist ry.
"E~qull r igtts tr al, steiatprlilegesc
ill nonelt,'is tottrio illre1-itk)tof.
'Til emissorrat' of Wrsnton and L eleI
Ili thelau' ststo 5elrr'11 lll r;rof
Btrrwniititsersits- facu-lty lttave1'wssIttilsi
sixte'e-n took-is, oIllshundledtti gaIim
two hundtl~redt raddresse.
Onts sf 1the rrfssrs o.f Cornellis
Swietttzeand, rlnds'elay .(1h11e trill
stelttst015hreleitmonths, ottling abouI, tt
$350 fsr eachltpersn
clb of tts tniv-ersity- of MIinersitartItas
hel Eridtru-nightrt wh iha propo sed
Mtinttesotar teterefStr studetsas ss-
cttssed. Tecttttas tollsi euIr soie
platyhtotuse flt tee or'rf stdet pro-
ductionts.: -
Twsentty- pluian rs eetnes-Iubmtlitltill
tthe "grtet r mus" co test rat It-Minne-5
sota. 'Tte regetnts itffer $,(loo for te
set uof psitsreceisvinugfirsit ace, $Wstoya~
secotnd,rutnst$250 for thiruT e im on~ rf
this conitest is ill brig abolr uttIorert-
andtut risicrarragmtetttof bulditts oil
tte camups swhichsis contintully ieitg
enlarged byltis whitchtusttrrrndit bis~
bought. -
iterseufter ruty- studsett irf Kansasrrtuni-
sersity- sthuois Iolgiti b1efore- te jdsg
1f ills iolice esourtf tLartwree silt h
seith tthlbsrock 1ie Str tell hdas at
ieat, st tsrattter ots-little hi ltisrts-
nieu,w.Ttr his te judlge hars .11111 1115c(
scu It .hetssttdesnts f tht s chool of
torlealisitiantditScooptlubtttrgot ru igted
stattttttsh tfrtomttthte-citrofficils that
litllrlusitsuers' besig rulttuill thetr sit,
li t en lssPubltisherd illthILls m415rir
fhsth Jouulirut thlf.inuames rri owners of
Amonttittghs-ts'oistrtyrrws , nnIswa
tharlttf the ptruce judsge.
FPil-RENT'-I witlhahrve treelet it
!deetrratedt ,cites of rrstms fort retto
fauli of igt8 Profesor orrr tupeclss
:mteti irtufu-rr-r.t tq ou lth, Itits-sity
Logmnt Co., Phtograprhurs. CGrups,
views, laitierns slides, adl postcads. tDe
velopinug atnprnttig forsraateutirsa
specialty. This -first- consists of -Wilt-
lant, formuerty wstubLyndT homp ''ttttso,
who has had severl years' erprience,
atn Lontgmuat,.106 Srut Sate street.
Phtonte to0,i

y 1

Goinlg to Graduate?
Tst enclose with your invitations
leave. your orders early
Fugraved plate with 100
University Bookstore
All the latest in
Kodaks and

Rent a Kodak
lOc per day,

Senior Notice
stridvills dstnt ffucialt t1908 STEIN
itlev ult 1 is it Arnold's Jewelry Stare.
Peliee $2.50 enagaved
Visiting Card.
Finerst tiracarudetls atlowtesttupriees. Phato
antd lt) creds $1.25. .
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
220 S. MAIN ST.

f .} Mr.CoOMOp Store
Th4e place to buy your
Tez~nis Susppli*es


U niversity
of Music

Register for the
Union Election
Hy -Law to Consstituitions:
No-ineniber of the Union
shall h*aallowed to vote at the
annual electiots unless lie shall
have registered his nsame and
the numiner of his muembership
ticket in the book, provided
for that purpose, at least one
week previous to te election."
Registration book in check
room at Club House


We carr the famous
Wright & Witsonl Rackets and
Championship BallsJ________

121 WashIngt<nL. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Pros

Phone 596

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