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April 29, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-04-29

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The MVichigan Daily


X70. T 2.

No, fc2.

__ - _

Beloit Team Meets Varsity Next
Saturday-Yost Sends Three
Elevens Through Practice.
Nearly enough iiuniifor Itie eleens~
tuniedi out in repnsec to the call for
caiidcaes for the foothallii teai. Cai-
ain Schulz was qitie hilarious o-cctle
spirit of te sciuad, aiilCicYah os, iwlia
arriveid fioiiiNashvileiclsmrig
akniowledlgedl thaiiit a a god pac-
ice for the secndiday=ii ioii.
Giermniswnas leaiiiig ise of the
sqiuadsxdiliiihii i eldfrformiiiaioni
practice a atelthatiiiouli do cei
to the varsiiiity na 1iiiy, diy. The
were jut clii ciicughi toiwanti to ack
and they didcnitlanyhing tot thi le
high placesctill le cac putiia scp to
the idaysicock.
"l thought itat ica ii iiildle sr
le seoiiilcla out, lit(1TIneec sawaa
biuchithat iwanteito wskeoretsai
"Well, tie, ieeid all th wort: lhe
cat gel."criiiiinieditheiicoach. '"Therei
sit going to hisiiiampinc hotiiai illc
on. There ita a nicii time toin
ia acidfaillbeforeithe 1leve.
heosiaofi the i "M-umeltiire litc - a
ticdic ndil lic~ois iii iiiili i01
11e 1,i 1,t1s 111i % iii ii iii tIii I-i li- se
Beliand ichigcail illncc xt
vistoe t hae aCointyhaiirc-,iheniiic ii
of eieiiaon. Bloeit cci ~is cci I lii
lneent is intiiinihiianii ex-
(eciiiiiiiiood eic odineos I ~
brhs ofitl-cllegie atltic s, andi i iii
pitcher Facircealtticsriodiaticl -icc-i
fily moseo iarexiceipp lacrs. Ocimii-c
teaoiilis a priticcgood ll-ron c.
eh beenl wringic beh indiil tiiie'iihatii
thrfeivu hciis coilteuicoalir-iei a ie
picherincoto-iues atrfae
bostngfiithi poeint.iiu Arc odii itihi
secaiiiliig ncthier ofug ithe ou-cistars.
foos ndiag ll pobbac arinit
afe ticks si-uctheir- sleev ii foirithe
hlse holder to soiey.nc lxii i i
saniedini cntucing thiseasonitickt-
salhlecrestariaRitcihiii ssuuuecflit
"Tetickets in i h rcc onul. l ie di
hoie deamoand ic ngissa. son.i heyiiis
sions toc each of liihe aiig eight
gamnes xwil e fiftc cetts. this iiae
a 50 ier ceit reiiiciionfiic iieiiiersc
of the association"
Though the atenidaica cthle penig
game was fairly large, ut a sry fei
of thie associaion imeimaber lae taeii
adlvainage of the reiiieei rate for the
season tices.
T-tiX cuc rsiex 'iiToiTUN iiiUi.
Next Suriay will see the cC squad
on the roatd to Ypsi, whee they iwill
stride their preties. Dii the foliniitg

Sadclaa ihaeaiiil loihdschase xviRi MEET IN aid, aseeItheOSaic
lie held. This eieit always fillriishes iriiaii giiie coil the imiiiidcitearitg
exciieiient aiii, jiidgiing froimathle class tiisi-sci.lis lienest I ke I i w ci
of uner wthth sass ow tis DEARLY CRASH escapdu ndgtetebisitlogI ON SALE TODAY
year siill le n exception lto the rele. scaipeduI dtrko . lyT hywl o oW im r ae r.L, I ili'dbm-n h odssr
ida,- i6 the suill edbjogilho Whito creead.- i. C fo.1 ir anyiioi-nths cur
Vesertayth sqad ci h DulSeven Killed in Collision Near gt ctcru i ici tte BgCu
Tourer, hiltler ainii Teele, trotted over jureid sai: It rshiy fr this- iors igouty Fair Souvenirs Meet
lu hlls eci-t of the bohnical gardens, Ypsilanti- -Injured Brought to wihGnrlacciettw ie hv- ever hau.1 Isc -cu witbGeera Approval-Tuttle
ant reiuriieido ihe gymi after four miles University Hospitals. s urgc-uuuifr te croai for mny ye-ic, Says ''They're Great.''
if tiairilgoing. Thieerise-coserforty -- - -buti never-ithiuiigiah th aan tiing ilc
ciiian cit e ryi -ioce stuck close o the Svd esa istndi maunuy Pig are the liau ciii et hiptiiii."iu - tcrcuus ciseiliAs
fist iaces'set by the eaders. resls f this-heaid-ore cllison ishich Ahrb-u--heu r huhiug this c initg Cotity
Todtay a fast andila is-wsitathwiloctrreil cn the isiAneast f 'ypst 'cORP AICINPY NIdi;d1hTO tar, :c(i sle on Stie street today.
start friiiite gym at 4:15. Teele, wholictitiYesterday- afternoonuu. A far ais ieACdC T' I~' c ii c sheaicriueo ot
wiill isad-u tii-fast uch, is still looking can -lie aLPericumeul i ii muiu- cuuuuueeieuh two i cic s a tie lie t'a hasof ieot-
fir titemi enc. The fellos sarc it- itit hi-Ciircciihriasitur-b.'eueen
uttig rettrhahua-siell" iesau -"fies-hax sl a ijrd.Te I tc utitiitt tis-of this- Counil ha u iii-,iuci shi 'iawaitediandtnowthat it i
nmg remarkablgcwelthis fai. "'t'fty thed: sfi n, siii -li i n i its flrimi con l
allticieto iithis-prae easil, andhfews-of hc cnletsii, iich i i u ~ artihi-us e ic-ul frt he 'diefense -' iof icl sa ll o
tic-it have ainty soreness left i heirlimhtitied. thtueis tensgart. il l ' hf iercenuturits agre 'i thit is the fieist ' xampleof
ouu itis h c-i tii ke a fesni ilft-t harut.ms 1tuneic-ut u toiIthis Countcil a iillihe hee
potlta, if uuilih,-iiice freshmitncut Ci(iiue t aio.iit htwariedls -l.TishIthu' -This thei Xtit £th rw
csic iii-. vesry- sutn siill tav-c a litcitttiudtian, iring whimii iii icisei i-i iWithttauooti ihs-
chutce, ancdutthie- soonuterthey- get out, thits- Xihttcui Carmien.t. ~-rouuit.se pprox cit h=ll$mlit. diii cny i le I i ot
tether.'" cte httiunh--u.ituttii hs ueius c pii iniitedlto i se iiithe Ibaickground a Ispuit siltlet- i
Ja iiitittilo udtui i .another lii tutscntd as tht amouni stills tn arh th.whur: t e seeti
Cht BCd htILBOARDS Gf(nicedcil. Xiierrt will b hu ae,-ty i n.ii i r;coI , fte cellegian
AND SHEDS WILL, FOLLCIA IThirtntfour is-rc kilted-ut trigtilcmdc otiuetersae ssye r itrsul eagd i
Ccinnuelu tl Id uHoward'(tic-ut ie t ith-lutg theyi-h i'eunit s elscontriiuutedany hir isheeled adIumuttikopen
L-a ,n i av ru g . Tle bo gtt AilA br h hih thung hi-s-itil e d~is, n ie it te ikea c i lrCaeo h iodn; but
fot- tots theinjuredii raci i rec lt clily- to the hhariiis nor this ents nor ticsi or hefI tur oii iw olid sign i the
hav el tu eouiu jbhuais ilt lteiniiithisafternoonIiiimi-ii mof-i-ithetsit igr
lone -cen anii eu-rce histose thas--T esm risdhsams p n -I oe
ing- at heartthis ilaftiit iiis-f tiecamci-i urst wereii iii ito the generalihosital, ciplhim romii ltlaci"a t-s eiii ii- - r 5 i i kinl ine uicino cel1b -the
ps re O1, d Saurdayci- nightlay- hI' teothersibeu-ig ced for iattic iiuttid' autthe u io l amicis ac reard ohush irdii tu in. ad lck,
oreIf';s'e itndent R -csvi, si-lit iithis Thl ii ii till iiid mw oi ll- a hutoluwuhati tiiey' ics-c ciireauiti-given tutu sercii beai fyli he ictre
say they- mre idown ito scay. She onl ials ee .:. ici t 53.itrt slih h e i e uimu lasgniu gtuPrin t M i lit wasii u I tom int aoul t hd
org maztin mmomobject i, stranugely Thite m iiinu attheii iiiuiiiitiloss 10 hitg mumsaid: l"The cusse dimco meiofii l o ou husn o h s'win-inttg
nog ,theus e t ichshosiul p esuuua itlar: triai-Aliii i an ifiweih pe to d ally t ti . -my aIs- loveits x hundrue
illyhe it l m st 0esthtic, liih e tc ool ml ('art) ario I l i , oli iici la l tln muwmmiii lucius-flu tutu it aiiinavidleti :ti
w Xl aet ur n \nic. is Tliiey iatedsu thes hoiacrds re-inluiiiiea:iiiiuiidiemoe onv It is hoedtha te las 1 0 cii mcI tppn t ( e.of tur
Unno n a : njrilium 11 atl. li,. I 1 on icosee, he min t
a c is c h i-ia- hectiva-cuIhums 'iii IMlti cut cii tihead.ii w il - ,cc lthat 't ics-utd of nun - is i - m ) tec flI h lo ' muttdswas
tiheim ise,' saitudutuerinthenduenthi es-e.C- . II lf Jacuon;ibruisd. have thus'enugtiinees andmlaws. Su- dii e ~itahreito hnthis-rsenet
"- Ihuc wt, se e mi v isitorns lurewut-wsalt JI W.hhlii Xiii t mubo ; mose t it, lin litst-will tm-citculaitedio hum miii stplt xautd
to make lu as m l ciipitiarcucee d nas los' muAics. it . Ig.im i-mm -m, er it;adw o t hatuug hisll hv ciyt e 1ep cest nte o
sit.u'se. "tee m-yhi iiwilliin c-eliteit 1mmeeciuheontlcult liii- a d tuleeau',
c it 'mimid sill mmml si-cut tmmhetie diii I him ert}i Aldus ;Xi a1lm li lt.it - thu-u-t uswoimdcais--undit is iu-- i t tit ths moduetae
th it isin proagres. ThueStden iii S 1 (hn elicn m, IDe-r-it; i I i- uei'lliii ii - i -:lyiiimll he puruchaei
C'nuiii I vut (~i2 h, boa dws o e I imeaund IsXinal ijrmuis. bef.oi.rehiittnii h itC N'sC therem 0 , i ointing
A acmfumthti-u'stp towarscuiui ictifyig Gl es 'IC. Colu, Itchorhu gh: hadk it itchigan Thahuts, ft thus' itt-esiil tutuo
rl m cutuu limliandcuhs-I brus-eu ii i se . aioiritte tic dmooldc-raiol
tic smith sits- mf thus cauupu cutdlScuith M ihss Charcilotti- 'mchumin, DItri t Immmsti i-ii u'ciu' uiluliu- I h- -u mc l u ttle ii,, thin getial
bru'uisedu. lti he 1comsiea'ce asciiiatii~uion su u rhum m--l s i ui t Ciiisimmm'ticucritic,
ttu rsit u--it l e cmhs en cluseui upi. .. ' ones--ich isto behed-t-
It hus eli iledtwittil t uhtftousthe lithiumCurrieu, Dtuhoitt cti mumtiea i. wuicho' sa'i umiiim u he tc-u i h'uta hu!"t ohumtime yhueiu-
hicnmmouicil biuidintug excvaction.. A o tusAut Lop Tcthe mjciI'u ,cc tc'tc um mu~codasu1. ii it 5-pouscmiiti t ri-l iw itis sumi-lciat euu-
Lo 4rlla ,,: aA bo, sei u mieprsentmm ic h gitchrprset - , cult cc-mics, rid s gratmiretue itt
drsig is tbeng cuapleduhandultie grcas II' hiicmms Xii mc sc--yt s frontli ni m 'gIm u mitu asindi
ilt situn he'Stcartedu. itrt i njur tmm itmum ies. I cc1- ,Lj ii s tl ft hei tibarker's gar-
IAumte mum he l icikiles porinit lof lie l ' S SevrD mritt mi-ivis em-miset. XX osin Thit s mi musc't ucscuteut ets ndteQ nkes itndn ar
imcmt tiimiiihutg, suhichmis o he iouraIn X Iim uh'ut Ili, ihum lm tmmutum u i ii iiI - cms 1iii ht, Wascc isici retmay tar.l
cuto u uct mak ucil' tot-litue sw hemiacl mm li jc u thigh I-i,-. cmcutheireqmest:its iciailiwedstoiputcine
hutrmulct m l lccmcon ucto olimtduVM L nm an illgo n nc ort-lIiic iiif lm- u us ummhmm ii
abrcume tntmucs , 'uu taed se a y.uiiou Thue esposeiiinhum Xliii, "hu mmw
hi' muo lii'e siesh, tpcpulaicrhly uto ais i Mny oitiersi s i u i e s wmum- won ew a um m edmimcmu ntmcsis rli Ntli u tsaea a rd ie ta te
to tutuortfor
tihe- "sheids,"'areii o huh mhu e dcsclinsuedih-so Sericus rcmtincmiiicu tmYpsilantui. i tm''uiuutuwideI,, the faitrmismticnifor
stl ftr c mm uicmt.li heif ill Inlimi t b und lmmte cmiim ccc s lt e Anncl I t - -stu thschoe
he mplcedmirctilysouthl ofthur engneeru- ide-I - tim-- 'iI tic-cuteforeuhtohihe
timg slups ws rt hey 115'wiill he utiizedl sithm i iiestlumuu lo cli miau' dmithi's Samm, iitepaaePas m soe so
in the conitests ofmtisliileaguie Secomtuntclmtds m ir
as drcawinmg rumsucswsich, mbitwecumn1Denmtn 'mimiYsilcnti. tu mmulu- u mmgi ich -mmm cs-thithmmmcandithum'girls ccii see it"
_ Th ~loccii swunitg carotund ac ue ad rmc heetifvinitetIe Hiethshutsyiapproval the Icor-
S-) limitI'S DESREiOimt'tehumiedftcastigh.msrethlil-t' dcii ii' cini ci c I- iof enugrvers an t a-
RETA''XIN 1R 0CK STUNTh'track 'lie frontm of oth crs incs tcrsituthicsmummstmuilnc s . trim glum, cul t eri rgt
cruishued, th im tmitedmbesnug ti-lesetm ut bymi hueClcicgo, sying thact tihi- i-ctmums iteiion mmccial l iihve sein it,
Disai rin -hg mlbtuh contsts siu- A chacntge of schteduhle, iswhichmthuh effect - . mmmthim onliiregret cut ie cmnie is
mttiedlb11thur dtudentCounicil as substi- yesterduay, w spoc yrs-cponsicble forsmmcimh- um thaturgiucltuhiitglt mairneiiiiuuetisustmthan'-Ic5 hu enomough to go
mtes for tie rick stunut, thur soph it thureienrut.arcund.m
clcassvoe nmmeasicnlcy for the retentiout Joh ulrCmrie, mofI Dtnit, ocnu-comltie 'le itg cradcichmarunches aroud
oflacut year's conutst. Neither ithe pt- injured, scud:t ".1iwcas mumthe frut sect CLXAR K T'i'll CCICU IICtinc-mimis I-iy mmmciii ct u12:45 will be
muse fightmur liartiinug uis coistest, sug- of tiel occul. Thuhelcident semd ue Our(N [kICVOAlISIN CONGOI cn ofthin.hbiggst eat mmcccof thsyear's
gesttd y Vedduer, the Council's repre- to creessneuss, s lthe' r iiidcias sraight - faihr. Timee cmupi e-limit of march will
sentiativec, foutin asorwitihlitue classhWe were lbehinti elittl e m siru-trcuvtl- XI r Cacrsisill steckonul ime C'ng m anhu nounmmcd into mmrrocc's Daiy
'The umuetalers cf the romsmittee appoint- ig tua u hc ighs rctecomtseel cs-leun liereformt muoeumeti I'Thursay ct qp 7 . e o ed h lasintemotet-aecas am.Pater am ih ose n eber H l. Mr lakha ee __oe eie f h seia a
Ile I-lert, Good, Arthsur, Bohosack, sad rigs to asist tie unijurd ite sworking fr suse tiusarini Africc, fum eictures,- mil he gini esh week Prof.
A clcss ibanuete, o hee Ield atXWhit- wochk of rescur ie. emmanucae ehalf thur ast fourteentas havui nceug Itchd hus .lemt:I. XXchicr, of NeweYork City,
maccc Lake i he near future, was de- aaie, hacvig eandthlii-crash cutt tct heacqatesa t Icikko, a cunibuital tdisrci mibi hc-ihus ciurceof leciues o a pat-
c iueth upont. Frainklin, Martini antIXo- tisauce" itsthur Conigi urc Stai. te is snemiat cccv-, .Mndacu, tMay i. Diithur sameu
cisc-n siill icc-c charge of ue affair. A travelhig uum cuhim esculedlfrusuasof lie' pineersiusthe Congcreform dat c tm'hie' lcuelm commn cpyright will e
Numesrnals ere awarded aiurlcaps the susoker of tie lclunsicatedulsaltmosemtent t: ah has sput thur past I-cr heu u'htmruubcmFward S Rugers, of Chi-
citeu to1those eligible usaus who arInot utat liii first uintimuain ofum pent~iiding inilecurinig in Sctalad, tIuganm, ami cigo. 'hemelectures are cupiensto econd
alrecudy receic-ed hemcusrangrrwas mite-nthus m mn u mpuiel.iithas counturycandithitch ean suents.


Both-Gyrsw Doors Open
M'a J and 2cTH CONYFI 7:30 P. M.I

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