The Michiga nDal
No. 163.
P~ncl drlixe toextreme right for a horsier.
FIRST S MI-FI A We ler'sxwork in the lbox for thec lar-
riterswasgilt edgedI. liealloxeedibut
IS PLAYEDiTODAY t itsttck out six men1, and pe~r
VJL1.nitited noiwalks..,lHe xias excellently
auprtdb a welIlalaitced infileld.
Soph Engineers Meet Fresh Lits 1 .1 1 i 0 7-12 8 t
...Four Teams Eliminated Yes- 08 .........0 0 3 01 0 0-12 3 3
terday. ititeriex \Vcller andl Walsh; Framie,
Th inal stge iofteinterlass srixes
th smifial. legae liws oigialit'
sceduled for iFridtxlbt wixillx'e played
toda beauseof ill'com icte of ithe
be 'for th champlinsh lipiofithele iidie
amwill Plyte tireshiiiedis Vtridax
to 's emifial amein ti ia l on
'1'hi l ii 11111 'f.i'i iii iiia 1f1.
I e iii 1 r -r t) ahs v i ) ii
laws: extslitsv. 0 n ineers e i
ner iof 1') i t ,:11W l i ilii' lii
th Iacn ' o i hc1111 . xii ,t i tlei 11toi
i e g iii'. i''iit it cli ii i'll 11th 1
and ''t~ iiihcfeh lths. ii '.ali 11,'.i prs
e Jttile'. r nsip ,r e irs iI h h
lii i hi ii tspec tular Tiing .1 'i
l'iiite int Owtt. nd iiiof t i. fal ,
tookithetog tiaga11 inttii I lie tooate
1111 Icrd 111m1 the 111 1' i'tli'l t ' lo il I'l
11111of he 11 (11 t ;c reofii t
\\'eoge tccd til ,\fr ill,,n t gill
ic, letini ll r 'li' Rri ithei' irto. irtix
for then 1i'ivakci clxite ielI 'li ulittica I
ins. In t igt h > 2 i i ld throi to
'eondby Packar. 'o catcher, iiii in
Ioiteri rnn.iTh'i faniiigh iiionloheir
toes '1orkinx-xsihardgasthei xxliicers,
lie e 'lil fug tgli' li ll wil lcti iltli
faeiled.iriiiit lt
cr .star12 in hefi2. ad o
Whi' itig'ticaghiti' a lnidu game
foil f is. l iiti le 'i
'oiiie itoix' toix'rx' oltiol0 C-
xcorxxl iii lit' r0nio'o xxera'0 it' cxiii--7
lei iixe, liic iii adcl.teP, axar'
iiiiti guie.LWS'ixeQISHrx'illi x eiitxi
FnIaio'-iiiti'icxgaimei ii wi'clxiihei
phaxrm'i htteryii'atiid li'iax btalo
u ut ntie ixivor , tpre.vls.
In a ive-iniiiin g ciiiet etllei oiiao-t
cutof id'iarknes, le iaeih meiic
%11111 frothitie ii n itt. by a a cr Of 4ti
CCex'ii'it utwirlinige xxixteueeof ite
downfa1lliiofite dintits. Te frexii
lei vit i'xr taiiiwa'ii onliy ota' hit ii
t1( ie iiinig. 'lhisx soliar'iigl
the irtxtw1o11fre'.hmieiiwent cut. iili
strikes 'extra".rxxere iiaiie xitiree
hi1siaxwl, anditwoil)ertirs. lo, te
dent' itchraloedonytnihttf
'i i \I"(ic . .....g Oiioi 0i0--4 4 i0
Deu ..... o o 0o o-o Ii i
1os ndSiuxlc. L'iipii'-xhr
the intrclas 'iieiestodaex,'i'iie inior
iore if -0to ;,.1 'ilegame, whicit as'
, ty illling tiiii' he d ntme i
lii ii I t itin is il riiiitliiy ut
11) 1a 1 .ti ......... 0 10 2 0i 1t-'
flat titeiriies oesam t(Brnckger:Stitiu
,aina t1111 theii a inenanceiiixof'i"Cerri'ii
associaionlliter tIyillamped teMa-
Sooiii a'xxdial mixiiitticaigexoSur-iil
> ifi liith i nxits.i xi
I Crluft shoxwxcialliofx'is lt alin
t 114.hIslixnd t ighxxihuxiiexixao:1difaai-
t ighiiliei'wastoppoedetioigl,igiii'
and ie iinte eel fiisseicfoe ainey
to xx axrdl ir idefeat in. Sicnexx kept
7 iithekChicaoouut iioIfiithe mitec.
eIraticatlxtly tall le imoieyiecesary to
I etetio cii aexlitixnox' beitcol-
c lctxii. Ourthousxandrldollar'. maixpal
a tlxstlFriuay for actialidaiiiage, biiiiit
iwtsxfiiiiidi ilati$3o0twere till nieeel
for atoliriet'feeltiiiiiepen'ise. Bohi
thr c'miotxit' aiitilasiixcolletoix got
busyxt'ani tixcelt fr tifet'dilila~rx this
f lecolliecedilastxniigit.floxever, som~e
of tieimioiney' iiotstaig ix pledgexttaxi
1 xxiiii what hlitixt tyet een collecedl
afritit tetprceilxsiof the "Majestic hieneiti
trfiriiictiielcomiimiiitee epets tt
lite atiititiiimtayle riedcantiid u to-
lilmorrowil'night . Al collecor tre re-
itiuesteci ii reptri t lite Union either
artoii 8Ito i)tinitoining, or frtn5 Ito 6
Underclass Scraps Set for End of
Week by Student Council-t
Officials Announced.
Aa til t igf thlil t udenli'' t o unc iliti
heldoil 'utillth rulsx'r exs.pxig l
wiill take,, tplt ae'o x~iii 'i nd Sattu rdiaytl'
ofi thisix xx''e'a, xwer,'eiitiielx decited t
thtall enteth ie cntestsi.
The tll -odf-wart . iltltoccur atii :3
if tile oftaittitt egxnti. lOnei x la titicl-
tilae tif tiekex, oni, cash s1ittiidiioftt
tuton1 ixty me ionia ideshlie
dl ifte.sra , musiitih lt1.11 enty
feel beon il t heiii wa1tierilie ofiithe hank
Th ioe utnt b ied to'.ithe hbankti
inint v; i. he io ttu'.alist'arx t
he tirediwhen huthesidexx tiitt lia'n.x'Tei
'liints imiitt is o. ehur it . iuitg iui
bre} l 15 iitg' a. Sileeip'i iii atucx ii
Yards ide, w th a ineo iiio iii' o
temdlie. xhit,', poing',icllasestillh
lin t1) nt otpo i side.,u 'f t hehfild,
Tenii iimc,' beo' tetututixiiiun i
fied i5l' ags i ll iti gi ve t ech o
tutu oppoingi capai nsi, xthoi liatae xliiph-
poser) ofi lasieach itiide se'.sxiiit, but amuit
notbe lake frntth i ei luAuti5the 0il
stahrt ing lnii il l ili le(. Facxxiiidua
tile thosei'xxifithe lother'.icTheiicontesit
gull i ire.atlx hi ch ii lx iti xxal
ighting mustiitltop. Thelx i ixt i ll'. 1then i'
con tt oi ntsliixxixfl 'it ah siex ase'.ftol-
axr ever bagolx tioi'. itsua' s xx '11y iii. if
th fieldtand twofo eer lhgits
sl contiu ftwo xxininshalongeir.,i
te iaried:xxiiioegaughx t ixinith
hisaxahiet illxiihe d iiisq iid .ie a rx
'he eyracxxiiillbx l idduxxxiilull
theilra xesxwill'beiniiia t lull Thei ouul tto
])tehexriugwilbe oeir' tospe'thetcxiii
Tettw ibethxxeuretluaystieah tw0
xiliexxliiig.x'Pxh mnh.iltuemilne
egtxx0hixfiaicleii au220 a rix. Te
xueuixi i g h eiilxnlxtire raicITie to e
ilicluiganUnii'ii lxfo ' lxi' tophy r'oxom.
Contesiatiist notxintieiirere' xihiteir
oppioniets.];atxt'oi t stan'i~xitiutstarti
anduxecxlhisxrextay xiit liiihe Itg i l i
Al to a, xnt. ithe iit'.i t l contest xxil
bex hal. Anyfreshaxntltiotr xophomoreixt'
may t iakelxxii Thelie li t bextlx'toc
lby 5o iyais lilhe ih, whcahutit he
6 1- foi n diii iamteixr, halutxtiihe te-
guinnig iof llaex contest b la xtc'dtiii the
mtuide oxtexi e ld.xihilassesx'u, xvhicu
sixalilxxetu lnd, irxxix]Kicko h ls hal
stxirt only thy the i,'signatl xxi lila'referee.
rWhenit li'heitallgoes uxtxiifxboxuidslxit
sluull-lixelbroxught;ito tx Iiiddileofiithe
fiehl ouite xithe pinttixhcrexit xwent
it. Ea~chx side shallhe five yardx ack.
'he ioteshxxll e 30 mxinue. hutae
no goxlxtre scored the referee xsall
axarid the contest to the side tiearext its
'lihoientt goal. All coxniesxantse mxst
eaur tenxnix shoex.
The foloxing judgex, referees, atd
ificailx xwere appointeid y the Council
to regulate the ontet.
Fort the tug-of-war:t Referee, A. G.
Shl;judges, IHarry IHill, Iarry latu-
mondtu, NW. C. Long, . I.-BIoose, Harry
Frots, C. Taft;t officials, N. If Crmn-
tcker, NV.' S. Watsmunud, G. Hobart, K.
Breiiton, R. Burnu, tBallentine, IDouglas,
Nichixig, J. l oel, S. W. Downuey, T. I.
Yo'ieuiituixPit O'Deai.
Four the ag contest : Referee, Waxlter
Rhicild;iljudgex, N. Wenduell, ,T.
Joyce, J. T. Sulixan, C. Wisxteac, S.
Dtavison, A. ID. Pearce, R1. Church, H.
L. Pattonixu, F. Katie; officials, C. Boucher.
H.d3Nnree 'J ure S Smal, B.
N. ParkxG.I., I.urext, J.LuWicrengo,
i. F. CollhiNWatsoni"Poxl"Smith,
NWthr A. S:Iyton B. R.Eggetn,
Crane;IE.ID.K'anaga, S I Holmes, T.
(xiii, P.i Lidy, I.Redl1NI H. Gii-
ciiisxi If Colemaxix .NV .omringon, .
Fourthe rely r ax'.: RfereeaxHICe;
udigex. hi.IHttIG. lullJ.NWhiing,
J. 1 iitgeit 1D.RiKenniety .IF. tutnnte,
J . I lx'ugu'i F. Rowxe;tuofficls, N1I. Keeta
Joec Kelly, F. 'T. Rowuell, S. CoxW
Kcley, .. Treat;, N. Rf. ane,If. Anugt-
manxi P. G. Suikey, hBellmtanu, H. Bunds-tu
cliii P. Stevenson, A. Rickel, D y
mond, If.IBixbee, L. Wolin, R. Jenison,
C'. NNheat, NI.tMcHuight, S. NWily F
loeu, Arnoihl,Ayer', L'ily, Nisixtht
Fo h u hbaltIgame:a''. eferee,1'
NMagoin;ii tjuges, A. Canduler, Catsry'
Piatrick, TI. Clanicy,B~oxwiianu, T. Biiii
If. Boxughtoni, G. Kelley, A. fGrahax.
Tlii' oficails. xil he the sameucasx thoe
fo r the relayrace..
llhf.N tfhflflE '.TO SPtlAK
iluttiIReud xilrespoxd to thur toastx
"Schoxuol Days" xii the xsopulit auqiet
Wn'utesdlay ntight at NWhitore Late.
Thlis toastxihax bienuxadxduelto the' iro-
gram astilannioxuuedulat week.
NA'specialh raitilai.suoer thr Aii
Aror railroadilatii:15. 'Ie cmmitxte
urges tuattickets hbe secured erly xxi
that thexorrecinuimbiher tiayle arratgixd
'heia uauixl oratorical contuest of thue
'ciTeprance Rfesearh cuth was hlurd last
eetnitig ini ftomi IIat thur Lair building.
Ftirst place andelatprie of $5g were giveix
bty the judiges to C' F. Case, 'og. J. C.
Koxffmianx, '81, was alternate. The win-
tier, twhiose topic was "Prohiitiot," go'.
to the stae context at Adrian otnay 22.
'Te cotixuitee uonx nomintaions lute
xoffice ini the M1Nichigati Union announces
that the namie of Doti Sterling sholdh
he addhxed to the tueuers of the cotm-
mittee making the tnotiinaiots. Mrxt.
Sterlitg agreed o all the nomitnatiomns,
liii tasoutiiitowvnxiwhen th otcuher
mueimbeurs signeud the list.
'Iheeelectiotsiwill ake hplace ii three
w'eeks, Saturuay, May 3. 'rhiey till
problabl b'l iniiUtniversiy Hall.
OMfGA PHI t xu,MgT OeetF.CF
The Omega Phi literary ociet' elet-
ext officers' yesterday. The following
were chosent : Miss Catherine Post'.
president; Florence Ball, vice-presidett;
Alcenttot, secreary; Kitie Blake-
icy,tlexaxutrer t Franices Mitchell, critic;
Annua Woessnutr, marshal ; May Person,
reporter; atud for invitations, Lilian
Rnmors Charge Indiscretions_-
.Wade and Attorney-General in
Chicago-Former is Il,
Rumorxusxxxxonnecing tie'namxe uf Sex-
retiryJamuies IIN.Wa' wihxalegdi
carelessneiss or' utt.txtis txgx'uxucuiniiiliie
s.ecretarey'x ffice fthe Uriviersiy tere
agititig stiudns tutufaceuty aboxutith'
camtpusyestlerdiat'. 'i'Cie umorshrxtaee
beetivaiguelhy xwhipueredx forsoeieuia
buti tax',' utulI irece'nty' taen xi'titihx
ifori. lucy ar ased'largeyxiiithit,
fact huatiAttorxeya. erait JohnxihI. ieu
luas' tclini Axiinihrbi' c'iduin~'ixg all
iinv'e'xigaxtioniifoe huwoxor tre,' wek',
andi' it i id aut.tuh it'va'lsxreiously.ix
I the 'absen'uce' fhPrxsiettAxngl at
NNaxshingtn, tutu f Sxertet' NWadex
himsuefat Chicaigo, whlire,'MrNix'. hiuilau'
gone tcon xi fer wihhim ut, iis i'.ufieuui
t get authoita'itivea'infirmiationu. hipis
ara' kt frte iostuprteucrefuly cloised,
ini the, tabece oiftiniih xiitlnowlegi.
It i'. xx xi, hove , h gna'ltoIpiinamn
sationof wrog-doxing xit' 'e.x'x'uarIy''.
consiusu' eeth. 'Secr'et'ary Naeiasli
donei no m xi luog,''"ite xiitiut xxx aa.
tuuttio '.,'thos tlostxxtolhi aiinita
tivex office.
in stte ne s arxhictix' hi liii
greiiateort '.sitox'prachug th.e10ulixu xxii'
lien evuey tpossibleiang.i i lu'loit ise
Dtetroit Journal:~x
".:A'.part xlfhi ixe'igtiioniiof lila
rumortxuxhit uiveix txiy sxpiesh avetuu,,
bex'ndiver'edautolixsomieu xxhou hadiino right
t ilth, Nt.--GxxIBid lxxxguie to
C'hicagou xto i'exix' 3 tutu,''. iWadexi
whohasbeei sertat'rtyxi x Ixiof thliverstuu' iit
uf Michiganfohhepsttenty-'fitt'
tears. Mier.5.adelixsltakehuhe matter
soi mnuchxloxhlaxtitt is hexx. xaltht lasi
brokenci down.x I lixixnowill xinxthe resi-
deie lf isi'dughter''in'' C(hicagoxuti
asx '.oon as ANifr Nx. i iWade c lean xtanliii
authorety -gea a ntedi x toixx quxelxxtinim
hex sentu wo'rI xfor lxi t aucomxe. iLat
weeklhixxxxi, Luxres C. 5..aite, cmxix'alii
liii waxy fruit. .Nhiuuiei lxxx, N.N., lxx
ee thaxt fXl. Nadxe is treatedlfairly ii
the ir'sigatiaii. Jut. ubefe he eft
tier. e .iBirdirecmutaedthiatt xx soonu
asx tic gltlhisinvestigautionxutoxxaceti
poiltter,' Imigihlxstb wrkfr teiouts
tut lix'coulmxxoi g' intoI'u iticiar.
"As far ax cxxiihe learnedi lurethe
charges uponmxwhich theinivstigation wsu
basuedl xere aitibytoyeuaucolimerchants
wehuohbjeted io thur Uniersity Y. M.
C. A getting is coal mx the satue ternxs
ax thur Univexsity itsd1f. il. NWat'
friendsx cxnteiided thaxt helau the right
10 extendchthisixprivilege.
"HaltonuxReexve, supierintendenrt of
thehtuidings anttd groxundsi, ix a ou-itt'
law of Mal. Watte.
"Todiaty Secretary Wades tamuocs
uponm.vrry tongue, tresidenit Atgel
"'Secretary WN e a sur xno.mutItendueredt
his resignxationxou lxi mo tilliI hbeiee
luterx a mment thereix aiy reasxontwhy
lie shuldut I knoxw Scretary NWad'e hat
uone mxxxsrong.
I hiss'butinismhcretihxs,uniasskdl
tht. 'hatis udiffeent. Ithinxk they
miaylais e tentiniscrieret iii theirxxcii-
. ltuhx confmuiece iuintes.'"
D~r. Victor C'.NV'ugantigoe the rim-
cipatl touas't at the sotphi miedlic':hxuuxupux
hueldat xiihe Cookui hlouise, Saurdxa~y ighut.
(Otters wshoxuanswxenredI txxsts xwcre F C,
Renter, A. h.iBroerac, Ii. N Stmi.h
alld Stanuley Cow,