The Mchign Daily
Nozt. U7T
Ithacans Defeat Varsity 3 to 2 in
Pitchers' Battle--Michigan In-
vited to 'Intercollegiate Shoot.
After battlinsg for sixteen consecuttive
insings in the hardest fought collegiate
game of tlhe seasono, Sicock, thte snetw
nmembier of the varsity pitchingf staff, lost
tis first game to Corstell by a score of
,3 to 2. Frotm the first te, the fonal iott-
ing the gante was itt tdottlt.
Not suntil te fiftih inning cottls eittser
side score, attd thett to Michsigatn wet
te hontor otf sraien g first tsitsod. The
score remnttd t to o tuntil tite sesveoths
wisest Corstell tietd with a rttt. In the
eigihtht Miecsigats came sack witlt ant-
tther, attt tgaitn thse ithacans brosught
the score to a tie writit a rani int the last
htalf of thte intnitng.
Thsen thte real battie bsegatt. For eight
solid insnings thte twirlers stoodst thteir
groutttt atnt retiredl thteir optpottcnts witht-
out perniffing a -rutt:
Int the 'lass sof thte sixteenths, playing
almttost itt sarkites, Cornwtel Iinot thte tde
cidistg score.
Neithter Sisscock foe Mihi tiat not
C'altdwelI fotr Corttell htad to hse relieved
dutrittg tlse ettire tervec-rackinsg gamse.
'The Mlichtigan recrutit itermttittedtw selte
tits, whiile Caila-ell seas foutttd fosr thtir-
sects. EĀ±asi tecam seas cresdites isthil all
errotr--a rettarkable recssrst fssr ss stses-
11sas gatme.
Itt viess sf iis stslettsitd swsrk itt yes-
teras gamse, Sisscock trill itrobsatbl, be
used itt tte Brownsi gamtte Saturdsay.
Blrown't is getteraili cssncesdes tss e
stronsger (-essileer its sasebsalt ttats Cosr-
sell, assds if ss it Will reqeitire a istirae
o1 somse kinds tss give Micthigant a sctssrv.
Score b innings .
50a0 0 10 01 0 s.0-oct04 00 - 1
tutsaste error inthie fifths, wisest he msighst
have stopped the scoritng of te fresh-
msets, twould have carried Iis team tearer
to v ictory. Wsith two messoutt he fum-
led a bsunts, letting a toast to first. A
sutccesstott of ite filled the hugs attd
thsens Brownstetter, supplanting Hackett
its te gamsse, cloutedl astso-hag litter in1o
left field,. brinsging in tihree mess, workinsg
hsomse fromsssecondtshisimsef on thse pus-
sagref thse tall wvhile te sesionrsvwere
tryinto ssasse tseslay.
Permtstinstg six osf teeight runss ands
five oft thsesisne its sstsrbe smade tis
innsinsgte sentiors terre sttosf the race.
Howvever, te freshmssenswere unsab~le las
score after thseir big tallyinsg.
Davis,Ifor te laws, Ibattsedsaasuti-
fls runs-getter -tat censter intshue eighthh
ald woutldi tatve smade it a thtree-btagger
lbut ifor as stumbltse assiest. O'seasra
starredl "M bat issorteInesdics, gettinsg
ttresgoodtshits oust of fossr trials, ands
reaschinsg feitsstn asserrseorsoce.
Seasonsts icketsvwiltsrehonsored at te
gamae antousssrnsamsent Sastrdlay.
Sunatstries :
'it Mei~cs. tOAE ttH50A 0E
Bentjamttits, It.
h errinsg, ci....
,ir asir, If....
(Bu\hana, 1)...
I Isekett,.rfi..
Vtrsssvtsstetter, vi.
Jonses, 21...
. 5
r 12 I 01
o 4. 1 0I
o 4 2 0
o 2 a0 s
3 0t 31
o o 0 55
$827 15 4
to8 I ,ts
O~tke, If....
\V,11511t, 21)...
Prescostt, vs..
21)..... 21.
lott()e, rf ...
Vast:, cf....
stU1ng. 31...
Li\ ttssst, its..
-.....42 0
o 2 0 0
r 2 0 3,
o 0 *0 0
0 275
rofssor of -Architecture De- th
scribes Famous 'French Cathe-
drals and Chateaux. n
Prof. Ftmiil urch iif te egieerige
leiartmttt't taked lasts ight sit "frech
lthateaux sandi Catedrals, its SasahiCas
tell Anigel Bal. T'lecctes'itas ts' t
lass of a sevries gieniendtte 15'ausices t
f te erile Feasscais fsse this yeas.f
Over nissry-stereopt~icontviy-s iere t
showin oits eci toniith till elsalecture.
ilustrating te' gsstt sef te'Gotic f
sle isi arhitetreia it Fanca. Itsmayit
of te cashesralsithiere se as msatueas I
Ithe te'ow55s of illas' .sttportigflingitt
buttress-e for the ' armts rtssotiof. 'lisas'
liigbttrttessesdoiswaysiss tillsasgreat t
amtt oftiiisasasnry lhatuldss th siertie
be requjiredi faterspoti,t, laet'r
at greats ieal f sac'faraisies itelie
Ptrof. liaors-issaidiith at ss-No ttre aeits
Pasrisstatssie ts' h le mists comptiete situ a
plesing; cahiedlralsin iFran'ce ~. 'Ilista
'stogtfical lints'a'. tsst- ia5tt-a
sbler featre.1
'lasoget thsflt sl hcast f Nostet laiit-
it5' istcess a t eerit asunise
Ani t allstil ordera s'soa5gt5 theidite-
tiseci, 'it is niisa5r5 t lieii; it i
is nec ssarytoibreahitiisotthursitsak.
aIt iscs 55' chansit ng5''in thtl ay>tl
I)ajn ia' p e . o k' ristast ttmpttost its \ l."si
Whleth las fo-t therasler
Xitils's lit o e s lwat t simi ataite
wat av iotablie'fatltatiite outlins fat
stas auettheilifatattseit ateauit
liiie buialt pincstaty al tressesianIdis
as suh sr se'haes wouilistscaltit ti
sdetetrsmiedslit layofitheii l iald. Sn,ft'
for tinstaetrlethas sng iate tlt a
rie a nk i. Thsiii t it tihtitses-'1lt
collect ito tll. Ithtesate555oite tp
ofi tutuea'high ils srraundsedsbyItma-
viles Thse 'ee fast po thsti lists.
fortiicat ins 1beigi'littlt up5around5them
lithesiseofironstand tel isoin
,ssealri itscassistn.isas"It i< very likity
itt this acoutthalits siasa of tsisa
ltres osi_t Iisic arcsissestse silttilt'
-aay . inthie near fmahs Aft present1
esens there' is site catedalwhiishahas
pita tp a stele com'osiiedalysutsfitas
;leleteus (f sirs'1lemslTs htiss ut
lii atltf~taoe steitisse lhadiftileiti. It
ttsre eryRdelo sokingsiied, Isutat~pete
stis tiii'future fist alsisse ilssinsg-
AtnA-srlst a ats teatsetse
of the vreatiscesse rsai thie nataioal figt
agaisit. sieaci nostts. 'lisa'cirssla-
tion-ts illuse 'reat AmteicantstFradii"
atmongial, iassdsetts histscalothsiis llat
assaaitg alry ofi denias irsistheii ts til-
facttrers f te vsriousspiaetiseijites.
They allibrantdsiNastitaslCettisNWiley,
Sanstts' Aslaissaitt([i-Iasigiass ass tsts-
hers of te Ananiscit)sl. Cictlars a-c
heenst sflasitesesicassl studesh ee,
tottei in-their-aitsttettnt, as mstntofs
thns ay itatsthlisansaufactrersiof ca-
caine,- alcohosl aittdopistsnostrussilssass's
ssakitsg 'teir lasst fight.
The fouasths iiiasseries iof ctes fate
stusdentssof ERnglisisin tie' engitee ring
departmsent iissa toIe gitest Friay st5
p. in.t., intshleaphlysics lectusse roomut. Mr.
iBreitetiback of tse retorssic tdepasrtsment
stwill talk otti "Reaintg astsdNoste Takinsg."
Thse lee ttre isioiets ts ah studtsis of i
the, engisss'sritsg iiesasrlusnint
Frasnk C. alalsinssof Detroit, lectureal
etaeslay iatronitsRons 309, Ens
ieiritsg bilttinitg, onthie "Relations of
e Architect in the Clienst sntuto te
siitractr.' 'Meitlectrter tas baseds
riscipally ott a diiscuoss of te recett
short of te sanding cossmsitee ons
ontrsacs antt specifications of te Ass-
ricansts stitte'of Arcitecs.
"Thie report is as s-ry' vattabe oe,
;aid ir.iBaldiwin, "set ihase prisscipally i
as al ithths.usetiandiardizationt of arci-j
ectiral sdocumssents, sscsasscosslract a
nessis, itl,e. iTis is te first a- '
issit tsisasee ree rs nae 1toscrea
i unsifortm, atinasl if possiblte, schenec
for liete fornts. At preen't te sytemit
last antd is atytingint itt stifacory. a
Ihis repo55r5tby te cmtmttittee itsot itt
it inal fotrmt. It is publisedtinowuto i
receivescommentsy'te chapter com-t
sittees ofi the Institte, great care ieingt
slkn iethelshiarreporitiefr it is giet
is te bosarsd iii irecors o fhe Inssti-
ts. Itill sprobabily lbe t-nor three
earsefoinre this cast las soie.'
fir. Baldinis tsia rhies'titiri
an ai iis sa'e cfsthetcom itte'tthluaudsew
IE ll-. ROID E) F Fl I:SFN'i'
"It i'll beitsmptiossible to slitanytig
ltowardinissgsawaly' seills tie up~pr sdam
un i fts-i'this'prtoositioniis p assed' utpnt
sit'e boardsofiiirectrs isifte owsnsig
acterporaiitin,'saidi Pre'sitdent Morganssout
ts' StudenassCouncsil laitight. "Mr.
fl set tihiger, ue presisdest ofte coma-
pany, is wil-linigsiallisa remtaisttofthur
oldsdm ishuldile sdestoydtihile lass
sta auttorityta gs's-' pertiissionthattit
lie shots'- \s lisa' sirecorsdsinot niet
uansti u, it w sill bhimposssssible usoit
atyl Isgtis Shring.
ffha~teve r relief issobtaie tyakig
it this'obhstuctionis sill le temporstary.
't'h srorieos ftheiilialandsinitendasibuil-
"sits-stn si-suiasitsntesite of tieldus
on sirig tet ifeeeyears.The-
ite' it m luist e uiilstsnas largescatets
-s lustthe'riser hbelsow aill le rendseresi
sntire'ly' uselt st'r hbastig.
'hue hUiereity of hMichigasnaclubitof
thcitriy 551Newv s~ash hela a scces-
fls stikgeosit Friday, May ig, at wvhich
sevently;otealusmnsi tere preenit. Mich
enthu-isassn tas set free adnany Mich-
i55515 .-Stugstere suntg and yelle glven.
- ft as asnuncd l tat arrasngemensi
ta bestsmasdseswiths liarUsiversity of
Pennisylvaniascuh to co-operate in re-
eriviutfgte retrssbyispspecial swire from'
slur - Pmsnsyvania-Michigana fotal
gairdess xtNovember I is planed in
satyr he Michigan sinsott one side of
the' rooausaualthe Pennusylvania rooters
isi slur oter, ansd a large car of the
firishrn etwichsesery play can e idi-
catedl. last year the Micigan nen re-
ceisveelthe returus alone. Allan Broomt-
sush, 02, it in charge of the arasge-
utusits fusr h ichigans cusb.
Casisnights will blie tl at SleisylHol-
os,flay 29. At a special mseetig of
te Student Councssil last night at the
Uniont clubhostte it was decided to hola
Iis evesntose aeek earlier tian was
conutenpated. The chasnge was mnae
in order in allow the fresh medic to
paricipate. Their examisaion are
ster a aeek earlier this year thathose
of the tther departmsents.
Ifiorgast, Etneesnats, ansd Vedlder were
appotuintedl as a comsimittee ott arrasnge-
metus. A copy of the stew rules go'verts-
sag elates offices will be senst to the usn-
dlerclass presides by tse polities, com-
cr stitie.:
Wallop Juniors in a One-Sided
Game-Roll Up Forty Scores in
Five Innings.
it as one-sidledI baseal gamie, fea-
sturedl Isp heavsy'hiig and lclever field-
ig, tesenior girls easily udefeatel te
juiosebhyte aoerwhelinsg score of
0 toi 4. Thurabsecer sa scores for the
09o tramtswas duss largely to thaeir it-
sility ho it the speed)- cusvee of lisa
ppsosinsg iticher, while the 'o tain
seessedultoshe stle in rais out sigles al-
mosut ate sil. huts Sone, '0, reilacedi
flits Thomptison in t the fifth.
Its tefirst innuigte sesitrsstarted
thititgs ffby' ssoringgthiirten unus, swhile
shery onuly alowuedltseir oiposensstwo
tallies. It thur seconds it stas the ame
story-onlysmre sithesetiors icreras-
insg their leadulbis seentenscores and
giving tsl u irsiit asgoosse egg. '11an
tihe' junsioses 'iitstucicedto tssit tp and
taks noticeandsuulhaltutu'rtoppnssasato
liuts tnscorefte ht'rest iof te game
fMargaret Turetr, this sesior twirler,
iitchit sgreast gasmte, alowig les'osi
ponencsts onlyaiattwscattearedulhits. Sie
dishedteu m sip55 t sosit ia le' jisniors
dintitknowiusejust whasi t a sppening
flitsss stpomptonaass s-il ashtimies un
IrS sesverali players aue fist ae on
haluls. husRutisitisutplael as fast gamet
at eft shortstops. whie hire oploet,
NMs lledger, muadse se'seras1 tdiftit
Nutis J acobhi's atitigwa-se asfetre
of thre gamsse. Slur poundtedti 0a udoulei
adas trile swith almst mt sasclierrae
situ grace. ''lltu'tmembuers ioifte '58
teamhlii amot equ rtaslly wsell.
Thue flususeusass calledi atthure end of
lt' iftuh iing. Tlisco'eibyinnisngs
followuss : 23- 5 R It
tg 8. .. . .. ..1Pr 7 1 2-40 20
90)......... 02o 0 0 2-4 3
Thie litne-up ws a s itolows:
Seuniors-Margaeeret ITeser, .;, Emtily
Stasrk, e'.;IHilets Jatiltsits.;Cnstsace
lFlith, 2).;I EliStal 11 fl.; arie' Russ-
msasu, 1. s.;Eitshut H ughi, r. etAelie
Carter. If.
Jusiotes--CIiThompsonu p.; Reeca
Ranskin, c.;Nina s 4ausaerso, th.; Mary
Sleator, 2b.; 1 titu Pet 3.; Sarah
Ptledger, 1. s.; Lilaun Iodge, r. s.; F.
Stonse, 1. f.
Judlge Johnson, of the Philippine h-
sass, is isa Atnn Arbor at present, re-
newing oldi acquaistances on the faculty.
lHe sas ai professor int he law depart-
metnt and secretary iii the late faclty
frosm 1888iPto spo. Its gor1he was ap-
pointed ass associate justice of the su-
preme court of the Philippise Islands
and since that tinme has een a resident
of tbe orient.lie is now on a vacation
till the first iii Sepember.
Jtudge Johnsons stated tbat a short
while before his leaing the Islands, a
Michigan alususii association was formed
there. The membership nmbers forty-
five, There are several aumni occupy-
intg poitions of prominence its the Phil-
ippines asd the sew association promises
so be of great besefit o the Uiversity.
Cosnty air posters-only a few of
iet-are on sale on State street this
rweek at Wares, Sheehan's, and ush-
tsp>s. Ther iig red poster with its barker
and msonkeys hs provead so popular that
tse upply is limitedl to less thass one
-shtndired. ;Notwithstanading this scarcity
Ste lance hssniot beets raised, andl while
- they laust thsese sousvenirs aof the Coumsty
Fair cuss me pturchased for ten cents,
31 4 4 2710 '7
ot i1t6o ono-S
00 0 005 1o50 00salt7ttoI-' 12 i s'it,,fieshisa
, it'hi~asttsis tail to send asrfl
coets lts lathe uses us thus it e-ces'utiauts
riie, shotot a1 's< skight hi Ml ts te huter
itat ofi Junte. lie- shooit is, sh tuder
te ausiies ofi tih Natisotual, Rifle' As4aus
ciatiust tuf Amera rantus is anu anuiash
evenst. frihia i the lirsts sern einju
-stltius ts he fusi sit lit itsithu to 1p artici-
pate, atnu ii enterrd,, awill compeuste isith
thse best rifltesen of thur eastersn utist-
Ths far_- l'asi-tardh, Xiasscisttis
Teds, Prt~nssyisssia, George ,.Washitng-
tosn, Colusmbia, antu Amthlerst. hssue sigi-
fled their intenrtion to ersttea lists.
Thse contditionss gontotg enttty pro5
side that earls teamu shsall ber eo iassesh
of fott e ns with t-n substitustes, usisag
30 caliber U. S. A.,- Krag-Jorgnsets or
'Springfield rifles. Each roun 'is -per-
mitted tess shots asid Iwo "sightuers," at
2050, 300, and soo yards ransge.
lie itnvitatiosa to rene liar shoouut comstn
sh-rousghs thin coutesy iii Lieus. Albert.
S. Jonses, ;I, S. A.
Michigans has sever eans formally rep-
resented its such a cosntest, anda there is
nto organizations npon thur camapus ens-
itoweredi to proceed wills thse asrrasnge-
mntss foresstry of teanse.
Suiggestios concernsing tse: represnssia-
lion of Michigass at the shoot snap be
#ibeal with the athhletic eaditor of Than
Froasts NsIFDICS AND IJSC sill us FINAs,.
Defeating use senior laws isp a scare'
of 8 to 4, the fresh medics have wsonss
thse honor of competipg aills the fresh
its for the chanspioship of the .Uni-
versity oti the isew diatmndi Saturday.
Tie gamse was full of .buntgling errors
upon tse purl of btll teamns.
Weller, pitcher for thse upperclassmen,
sad a little Ike better of ,thin argusmenst
over Buchanank, and bust four tie unfor-
'a ws.lutist 0 i 0 1 0 o0 -4
'i-btseuhists-11huuus usttes Dits.'
Sa,'tetiCsa lstit It111.S Ptiless sates-
f\Valsh,3. Ptrasaltti Dais, Ile]st usussu
I aeriss MNaueir, fltes s trucskosut
l-p hf a lies -',iby B f iinas i 3s. tsit4
bseoasslis-thi 15ffys'lalias,3off htls
assault4. 1 tiiime f"asian I 90 CUmnre;
Thuretomaitteie appoiinted-toatetr atsd
amedu ecnsaiSu ustsitutlionsof sian Asiuitif
asuoiastioun lass burst workinsgfaithufully-
asti 1assidiuoussly.sinttelirtime of its
apsiu it tests. Chsairmant Joe Cusrtis re-
ports that us-r lorty' hottrs laser beets
spentioa thelarskus.
The refaorms comnnitteenhstcompleted
its dthessfiithan docuesnt but it is not
readhylair publaicatin:s-They- appoinstedh
a conmmittsen 3en tn ut-u, inetseith a
simailaur scommiuttee apptosinedisp the Alt-=
letic associaionst5 go over the work ho-
gether. IThue results of the nmeetings of
these lasw oso snittees will be submitted
so tile Sitishcns Cousncil and tse Athletic
assortitionsmnembers for acceptance.
Thesetwoebodeshsavis se tess meetinsg
lrately,. goitiguser suthework as rapidly!
as possilel. ITle haradest part is over
sow atndstesewtdocumnstewill he ready;
sooun.Amnig the chsaniges adivocatedl by
she reformu commoittee is ,osse anususal
election of, officers asidItse uaboiion of
thin offices iii treasusrer, finaiscial sece-
tary ant iitserschoastic snanager.
QLTAtItv1555 usIsi ATS ANN ARBORTS 05.t
-Golfers will ipsial an stuns tousrnamenst
text'Saturday aftertnoon at 1t:3o, thin
..sixtenshighsesittsqusahlify for snatch
pussy. E~ight stuidests will qualssify for
Sian statchers Soudeermiine She'flvee placses
055 thte University golf, seam,-