The MichiganDaily
ANtN ARBOR, M TC(2' AURDAY, MAY 9, 1908.
\ . L } 1 6i
Double Attraction at Ferry Field
This Afternoon-Baseball and
LTrack Vie for Spotlight.
.Track and diamond will i this after
noon in holtitg te attetiion of thet
..crowd, for oinlg to the ioovnons nun- }
er of entries for the hanidiatt meet
the first events will hve to hebettut off
at 3 p. mv The aseatl game with
Georgetown is sct'teduledto coinnienc
at 2s p. mt. antiNilt occtittv et tcs'lltil
lhor atd a haf to tso hos. so ttat
contests till te waget oni bott fields at
otte. Thetthtiisionii swit be lifts- cents.
'Tetuncetaintv of haniicatievent s
will add mutci to the novelty aititex-
citemtent of tlevasit= meet. \ittt tuuttl
a two-miler, etteeith te httttees
there is no ktowing swhat swit hppiten.
In this event eck, Horter, Nyeer ~c-
rell anti Craig ae listed to stat friir
scratch. Utless the anicatstpa
havoc with the iote It tier or Caig
wit pritatlystill.
'Te Iriatjumipiis atitohistit
prioittence trogigtheftc iok
In practice t thi pig i s titttrsst
22 feet, ttjumttthfat ogtt to pace il
att eastertmeet It is ie of tthis re-
makale tshoising thc is iel a sxic
hantdicap over Iheatt.Thfe lattrisIs
lit weathet jump r adtii fthad noti
ing btlint bertingpatie cssath
spring. Foi tiiis esoVoiti as an
excellent ctacs to ii t
Atnd, oiisodfkin! stie Coe is
ettereid itt ttie highti jmnpt Itittiani
cap of fmior icsSome o tedoe
ters suset tt itt as iiig ude 5
feet ti ineus ie ioiutitstip over'tic
hbr. In thi een sx en are t
'Te hurdittes p iiotibe Iliit srcs
anid IHtlbet -iare i 5ie t itiath fd nyof
tent ay-wilrni thii i rlist tii-i-- ftir-i
titte inieetiin schthetri-
'Twently-oneiime n are enitdfoth
eilife, anit Ritwe aniti its-tics-giieniti
anti 20, tirds htniiicaipsiresectiefy-
Sonteiof tis fanis ctcies edttio outiift
if Harry cn tetitRosswe tttta t tir,
butlibts-estfe oni ttie slongattdf iiie
A onumer if 'iut uin s iefiiihfitive
beett reciig pes-ti nrtineintiug witf
tie CCC sittutitates eltestd witfai-it
caps rtitgiiig frmiii95 ii13 3's n
soe of temunmty pttce.
Ribitons treioihisawarded tith
wnnters of ttie s--i-uts. 'Tes-~flointgit
is "the list f entries:
Slotiitt-Honensr, ft i. (Atur, 2 ft.
6 it.;ienotk. scittctt;I tiiisn ft.
-Broad jumnp=lA tiur, t ft.; ~ptm
9 it.;Woli, 6 i.; tettfi sratsti
Levinsotn, -2ft.;hLege, i i.; 'tig,
2 ft.;t Wright, 2 ft.
H-iglt iitt-H ornusr. IishThouig.
Soith, Orser, Craig, srtiti;Srtsy,.
3 fn.;t Coe, 4 it.
iitmer-Chanidler, srtchtefineft
Moffett, t2 ft.;tBetroik, ih ft.;\Vtt-
-kits, Cnlley, 28 ft.; Matsei, 30 ft.
Discus-Hortter, Arthiur, srtch;t
Bebrook, 5 ft.; Itanisen, Simondso,
Wight, io ft.
Poleval-Allerdice, srtitht f'tge
Levinon, 6 it.; Wright, i ft.
oo yards-Keck, Horier,Syer, Merc-
rret, Craig, scratch; McGregor, t yd.
Ii, Gaoble, t -it yds.; WVtrner, 2
yds.; itgerrel, 2 -2 yds.; Leger, 3
ys.;I Poiak, Madison, 4 yds.; Parrok,
6 ys.
24yards-Keck, H-oier, Ster, Crtig,
sacht Wrer, Gambe 2 ys.; Dltil
McGregor, 3 yds.;t Leger, 4- yis;hPOl-
lak, 5 yds.. -
Craig; ll hornay, 'scratc-I; latnitond,
Reagh, 5 ydn.-
226 hurdle-Merrett, scratch; H -oner,
Craig, 2 yds; Smith, 4 YdIs.;°'itill>>ttt ,
6 id.,RagSO ys ; sMeornayto0KINNE DISMISSES
410 yrds-1ohnsc 'i arner, Keck,
scrtitch; t'itzgerrelt h6 yds. ;Pollik, D C
Ptiserceio iIs.;Boyiitoii12 y-ds.; iuth-
site, 14 yds. All Damages Are Settle4
Silo yii ds-Bl nsasls scratcht ; fDnll
5ydts.: 'sistol 25 ills. ;Poiltlk, 2pydls.;,Judge Shows Leniencyt
ltyers, tsi-itys. ; tIlts, t yd,; ilamtel, 40 dents Charged with Riol
Yd.;Sti-rt 1t -. us ;Nt-hler iugtsit, 40 - -- - --
rifs. WaVoii iltksiititrht 25 y-ds.; Mel- W.ttemi coutenisied. yesirrdti
1t111 45 sisdsti thl, 25sii. ;Toner,15inga hetil fte-tdn
vfs.; L. tlt ll t i s. s May, - tayi.ft- trttytt ft.eitl;u
.\ltttc r'itt 35 yis. ;C.I till, 40 yds;the feelinig letwseen the ii
hanllg. 45 i-is showe-dithtiimatttirs titad scomie tc
fnt licCe cac;Rwz;ys;dfnt*udrtnigta hl,20 ydis.;SaIxtontfi5 yds.; El lis, 85 it tthe last ctulting itttishetase.
ydts. ; \iitr, 8-5-its ; Kendtall, 95 yds.;itey Cav-tiittughi forr the dfetus'
Mattrchi, too yss iHiimtl, 9;- yds. ;Craitt.: nt a stat'ie lt Illtotcortr
101) ys.;,iVattVolkso o rgti, 90 yds.; thait cltiniis for tiltl amagesh
Stahtl, 85 sits.;-M\eltson, 120 Ydtio, With- settleit. 'Tih-crimatititsharges io
rowsits2 thusatn1oy ds.;Oltitt le stttdenits Iere tis-td st-rc di
stsad 120 yd'0sit' Ruttitut135 s.;s fanThc siltsptiftatre, is foltlos:
tinlcto ys.;litossi 40 yds.; fly, 40
yds.;Lang '25y-s. Cointy oitt 'astt litiurjtstice
ITwo-miiile-Ruwescritcht;iDulli 15 taud officers' fees ....
s l 1 is, 125 Ydis.;Fletcher; 145 yds. ;City ittAntntArfbor, tofficers' clitt
Mitttr, i130 its.; Mirch,145 ds.;Ibatng, ig-dcstroyed .......
itt0 y s-iiittdal, 13'-dst; Biesterfeld, Claudic taint Sacy Rogers, to
18o ills.Piatmter, t40 ydis. "Ohnsteaiii otftitisic. ......
175 Ys; iit 10Yds. ;C riot t9o Dai-itRinsey, dttmatge- ti stoire
yd. htapin,15s.;its owver, 65 ys.; Ceorge Cootk, doihc tbill...
itw c y s fty, ii ueydis.;J. S eer. Walter G. .\ lit1, iitstriptiett
hontte, and thus removed from -ito salu- jfJjH l.LL
I tary iofluence. t1AUMNlUS OVFFERSA
"Traders and dealers in Ann Arhor,
arSES oubtlss largely dependent upont PRIZE TO POETS
th tdn oy u htfc osntestablish servility on the part of the___
d and general community, or condone disordef. $100 to he Awarded for Best Pro-
.St-The police of. the city are hnman, and
may ~make mistakes, hut in te proper dc fUdrrdaeGnu
ting, dlischarge of their, duty they shtoulid in Literary Department.
iterer be comipelled to submit ho jeers,
vunorti- gibes atid insults. Their conduct should 'Ths-ittigutiiiuiut5 0f ifut
rioters he ueich as to command respect anti coto-,- tils tiaylucproe tl , ew eftlit-. ipt)!ilIit
pet recognition. ftactorc i thses uutti-i Itt0it luit-it 0ii
1spiuttunts .,, >r51 ti uitt ti t,-ii i st tei, 11
a tmore 4iIf it be trite that the setntitntt pre- hats ouftecedt a p1ize of S])it il 1"tIe.i
ey wvere sails anuonig the stttdettbody that, ot ut-ipoeit iprouled-t by an uitut egetft ti3lic
Att~or- side of the recitation room anud campus, furs' Maty I ittst I'hItslt i t o5f
piresenut- their cotnduct is a matter of itndifference the aisardutc sfkl~~
shuowittg to the Untiversity authnorities, it would t. Comtuu iin is tt ito -alf ititil-
oil iteetn seetm that this inpression should be re- israduuatesi ls o teliterary Ifpittmpen tt
)11 whtichi tiuved. Amottg the ment of mtutrs 2. Niuoutuu ml li eitftion isipae
iiissed. thought and experience, individually 1 I cateitrstsrI Iength the p ltistt. I-o i I
am sure Ibis is tnt true; but so far as, hue iuntumb ittotile its wich lit roi)ittiti
I know, neithter from board or sen-its may submti.
or lecture room or rostrtum has otne I ft the trs-rtof lie ilttfr.
" $208.50 word been uttered in censure or con-matorinutg oftheItpie islef1 to t, I Ii
h- demnation of the unpardonable niscon- ittfthe dptmpenltitt irh-i iric ndttif >
--4x°35' dodtof March 22. *a.ssistat itlliifessiti If rltic.ii
's "But there must he no repetition nr 4 'ilItsrigfut isreservetosf i tr ll:
25.00 recurrence of the affair of last Marci.tuthpruce itneatse nopct ti i-t itielit iii
" 75.00 o If there is, then, in toy opinion, the aorthuy of it uis-ilitittIc-I
--85o appropriations by the legislature frIn e 5.'btiet s subittei) th isii iii
is support of the University will be itn- ptittinstittiilit le sibg cii till1-a It II
6. 150 perilled, if not sttspended, and the re-natiltsdoutilmiailr Iii to 1t 3 11'.N., sk-tt
19.5i0s gency will bave ground for the disin- bietneeni fulicli ;i -and, 1pil i 1
ir tegrationor removal of the University tisrtilmltitiiedf Ie)y ascald sitk-:_ye!i1W
of to a locality where the presence of tne- taiuittg the. su-me andt5til, ecif sii
615.6 ftt~fi ropoliuan police will render a recturretuce thme vriterTe,il ie t/~itill lie ts tis
- impossibile. You and I may have otur as sooitasie utit-ablif tt it
$uooon itdeetipersonal grievances; but, tnnuat- nttlatter ta ft(,t 00
1 bieent as tsr what nay tue the provocation, it is StMr i.lel us t pssdtr
it csmuldi t itour priv-ilege to diethrone time ltaw Almi a.o,5)ie hl aytile t' it !
tieandut invsoke riot anti disoruder. Ilie wiitll ss cantnhrtl..;
oiin "D~oubltless tmany mistakes wesre'uaie lucre ii isthgus,) rfto.1
okith mu hu ithe ight of Siarchi22. Iuthitnk they soas culls-rtel tadtncii ~
should iall be nmututally forgottetn tututhme cltulli iii uc a ha itt t
thme itcident closed. cesidthe s ilea oft t til ther iz k
oycil the "Thue record wvill showr that you were slitlut i
cetiitetuchititd all dischuargesd." -I hvtu Ie f n~> arn,<t
thatt of- Wuhen interviewved in regard to the Itiutesin feis"htsil
twosuldlle. stanta tkentby the court, attortneys furI , il-- -
hue defetnse stated that the court tootk strisinug tlonglitray ilii
antucseadtlythe tmost- reasonable atud judicial ithiti-eitpi Isoitsilefthe lt'I.iei iI
dissig tulle that it could andu the one whichisrti ul t ii-
is- giving ivoutldtle tmost favorable to the Utiver- Shfstigat~.
;rtiutiiug tLiN~'(AGE CLUBS WILL corime s intu e l rcltta ilt he.,l
the Ulii- GIVE COMIiNEI) SHOtW tissur itlisttli-
lit-cotutitig'W'V-Wohe. ftis h e ii i i i .
:throughi tor the first tiue itn the history oftil-liigitiiittiti, i ts
t.tu tech- .ate i rauto frmt
su\ 3ils ITCHNGs 'ic i tis stOut ~SHnIRNu.
Smiitth's sutperbmpitchintg, hackedh ti
:dit e iirirtiless ielditngwsatrestionsi-
lilt for this j unioru its' udefrtit ito the
hand; lfithefreshmenuothelisametii'dei-
patillelt yesstedy afternoonuit. '1Ths
The - flliwias piaytdill iaidtizztinitg
rsmithdtits staltld it tie entdloifithme
sit iig, tohlisthut' jtmtior t'etl
geute t tllaati ntattfter seeitugsic-
' 1In he itsit innminig time freshmtien scoeds
trtines oiies tutuosuhits. three ccrors,
a sacriic, atwo 15hpitsseid tolls. Vie-
lies\' it s maduie cesrtaintiniitime text frauts
whntrehuits, ti fsw oo ire' cutout, a
wstlk,. tindutil-ihu fpithsco~redl foutr vii.
Ili t t futhlantutufifth, whentastotisuwn-
utomutiistedtimmulput: nendulto the
gaethisftreshelnits-t ruck tiut ini totter
oi hurry thei-cotlest utrought the tegut-
listo n i\'eiinnigs. Three tmote title
us-us-etaccredisitedi t tfirst-y-ear tmen ill
ie sixth.
Th uir httdiotnuy oute- ihettce t
scotre,iwheni thesy'hiattdsuttw eat oitises,
inth itt-lisi, bItua prettly stout y Founu-
arom hrt-ssemteuI sorntg.Smtith bhadthe
upperclssmten ti hits tmercyhining the
ema~iier ofthe contest. Eight mn't
iinn the ozoneiinthe itt-t ivt itii
ins heilscore yity- ingshf
'Iis..... 3 4 0 003-O .,9 t
00itt I ml- . 0 00 0 00- 0.3 i'
mitt-us miui Lit-Founutain, 31;
F -crtt s-Satj r, gi; Spetucer, rf;I
33lsh c ;itBookialtrtsith;IRamnage,
c;llayes, It;Sitih, p. 'opit-Sluie.
t lee, ses;Nlither,.ub ; Chlaney, 2bh;
C umuuiuel, l31); Richards. If; Buttterfieldt,
cf;Ruissell, rf ;if lltie, p.
U umui ret -l~iumhiieuiuiattulSchmitt.
Te tresh -junior law game, which re-
stitedt'ill a tie score, 8 to 8, last Tuese-
(laty,wis os tpstoed util inext week,
owinug tothle fact that the second din-
nioid uo South Ferry. field was ini no
conduitiontoitipl~ay tuponi.
'imhe tresh-seuior etngineer game wvas
tulsot postpioned yesterday on ootnt of
Shue lpropto soviwig-outt.
tDr. Waltuer Courtney spoke to the
Studemnts' Memdical society-last night, oni
"Couservutfsi n T Craumatic Surgery."
.; The lecture wsa well attetnded by faculty
antd stiudentit. 'After the lecture a dance
-was givtetit'. Barbour gytnihasinm by
-the siteichy.
jl1. (Groes, ibrokte- indowutits... .
Gciorge Spohhelt, da-matigestoiiSt
theater, hiss of clotinmg, hss c
humsitess tic itrofits......
The -curtm 1slip tutu at 1hit hadu
bei. Tiltsfeelinugiof t-eofi
ees tcsedllutist citarty inith
astand itit tht lJugskitlnlitoil
case-.Tlisitis a ti lw.;
'"if the parits iwhlii Icsirc
prorulucuty ills-eStarticheater
bieforechuts, amit chat--edl sithi
fensm-, itly ationittislifell>-ii
"Suchlisftt l i thecse, anImit
toi tusshume te resioutisittility- ou
ofitt mimtterst heretet ingim l
ity' sitws andthsouninttg thatt
liote mitty trilles
'Cotmminug fromii -is 'uutt, gi
muth l iturry datmsnc 1111 tt
versity hlie, 1H dsubtseqtill y
am esidtent it AmiiArboir, limit
thy- frateritiy anth socital elatdf
tug minttithi wit flmi iversity- lif
I ctantiewors e 5conf ronmtinmg
withonut I tre-ttilie. I alitawareii
ecriticiis-tithintthese lhuesc
ite, I think
ethat anty
often mex-
with unite ini giving one big show for
the betefit of time Michgan Utnion. A't
a meetinlg of the representatives of the
lanoguage clubs yesterday it was deter-
le finvesitdinill t II-wlis at l . at
the sime',h tr ' i ltluralif a-ulaig- trit
mses thesl autrto lt hts-cittrge' ittes-u- tofueu to chatnge time plits for a satude- titertKittsttsCity. Mthliofi I
mtiy, especitahhyiati.'the tillds of uhtimmnu- vyule performntce to a sittgle show. 'She ssmmmu uis u teesut tu it
is-ve mitts, liibutttliust lie mmiilituurier fues will be itn English and will be so Filt's fhirumutunNvs estaluishted. .
t the sise mtrgt itf *utuy. cleverly writtetn that they wilt introduce 1Hremittsstemnis eight tutu thus of rich
"As ht tielecusher pauurmenmt if time specialties giv-en by representatives froum ylrriiu hg tl i ls ufcicu
city-. I thinuk tiers exists out hottest amnduearly every foreigtn nation. AmericanswueuhriglmetitefehetcsIs
umnuuhmuuutemmitmmutsrstuuifum. t asGermans, Bulgarians, Canadians, Uhf- hitmitelftothuirve tushdsI utli ini ii
teen chatrgeduthbat there were tovo kinds nese, Japanese, Hawaiians, Mexicants, Ir. Field halts ifslitdi i-rl il e
tuf justfce: jtusticectorcthe citizen attdtCreeks, Russians, Scnts, Poles, Portotupotht~e cstit:Il and i hayi ;Mill
'injstic forthe tudet boy. Ibe-Ricans, Hindus, Scandinavians, Spati- accompltisf'hu'd linguist, i ade
fiete teastit otohubheswhoully withioutit frds, PertuviatosNew Zealanders, and .iuet fuuui-musm sciii t i
fundamtttionu I hutve attemtnteu tho rsun Filipinos with appear ito native costumes tm dtt ictlueii u ttl i
sduovun tesecharges, tanudtin every in-- to give short skits whieh will represent stationus, esiuttittily iuttNsiu u
shuance theylhute tiroivenmt to e a nmyth.theirtaions. Grmtus ti uluuuey i iii
T~~~~~~te~~~~~ uhsrryttopttt sw o o AUniversity professor who is deeply with all 'it theuprnlcipalI itt-t: lh tsItiul(
to jaflotc htie houueit ofmoretion. interested its the Michigan Union wilt lrlirfeitIuisue iI55iit'tt.s
'l'beuitrhrysuue escapes pumihcty, write the pint and pint lines. Thue spe- fit trot-el trotuglih i '1.-ttu -ii n tu
by hemee ttlmocui uh uihs r fnecialties with be outlined by him ntmd SMr. Fiel itsasue
It isr the studseunt whoitsf the recipient worked out by the language cltubs them- ta i iltgiu ii 31 i -itl
ol ficictule tfscftmimtitiimtselves.I is expected that the perform- lift return froumulGermany.u
-onctme will draw audiences equtal to the
"I beliece thttt thue CUniversity of Mich- combitoed audiences of the Frenchoclib FOUR lDRPtsRT'h' N'lS WI
ugai bt ltefiues holy ttsloemos natd the Deutocher Verein and will also tt.Ct'SSt'i''lsthuV
thoe lanud, anud that thme Uiversfty senate prove a drawing card for everyone ito-
has Ito Supeior, huh these facts do not tersted in foreign custom's atud tan- Sit assoiatte edito'r fur tile 1s3ihc
efface acltul contditionos. Fuit, frolic, goages. It will be an instruictive show igantensianut fromuit tmhemethn,, iuulucuimc
and peritapslarks. are not In be depre- p p which will be filled sith life aninthoumor, and phiarmiacyldepatrtmentuil l ftt he let-
catesh, butlthere titlst exist some whole- _________________ eud tay fint he tst-lestutre troomii uf
somecestmaiunt; outhertise license will the Detatlbuiludinig.'l Telulls wetl be
degetterate finlt contempt of law and - STORK VISITS 5R0tTXNBACxiO optenm frioto htt2o'cok
decorum. Asiude from thoe disorderly Prof. and Mrs. H. P. Breitenbach are 'Te elec titu of three assoiciutes from
element which nuay usually be found in rejoicing ha' the possession of a lusty time litertury deparmenct willbehue lltit
all bodies, theme is the further fact that' baby boy, born to them Thursday morn- RootttCUnitversity Ifatall, frum8:'t3o
here the student body is away from!I ing. to 9:30. All jiuioir's tre enutitsed t(, tu tt-.