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March 19, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-19

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The Michigan Daily


No. z20'.

Southern Eleven Will Play Here
Nov. 7- Notre Dame May Sup-
plant Wabash for Oct. 17.
'Nichigan will play Kentcky stae n-
versity on the local gridiront Nov. 9.
Notre lDar's sinaility to scheule a
ganme for that date causeuthSie change
in the plais for the footlall seaso.
While Ketutckly as ot sigthue co-
tract, it has lbeent set to the sotherers,
wtil Masager Mkir's sgatre atahedl
andu it i kiownt that they are oore that
anious to 'pla Michigan. I is still
possille that Notre Damtetill Ie sayed
earlier its the seasot.
Kenttuctky State a oe of te est
elevens ithle south. hLst year tiey
iefeatedt every opoent exceptig Vat-
derbilt, andsthate always bess retreet-
cr1 y wrtyteamis.
"Kentucik is stronsg," says Yost, ':and
sill greeis a raigty godsi pretaratory'
gamte for te etatsylasiati. Isis glad
sweergoisg toiplay thesi."
Anntoanceentsahart Stre ssustest from
Notre asse that \Mihigai listsbeen
scheduetled for Oct. . 'his is tle date
uponstswhich Wabshslwtas ito ae ects
played.c ir.~e contracts for the Waasi
gamte ate ot hbensigte, lhoeer,
andist imay nstatbletplayed,lits seite
at the cosntracts for the Ntre Damite
ga i en Siget y Mr. Raird.
Negtiations are stillisson -isswith tefit-
diana itliituion andst Bis qisse tprsdbale
that they sill nret te Michisganseleet.
It eentif5ttheledulig f this gate
Wabasht till le left itths~e clt, s, wite
t' esceetii sts f NV. 1, all hlts till
li tillecitandt this date is resered fist
ssmiere ciflarger alier iprblaly Syra-
esse as Nrsk-a as tpreioutslyt-si-
Restredsets fr te Firs Regimeties
see, tehiec ausoes iif Strdayt-ese-
isg, tiill g isa tltodaadt ito'ctlck
'Tepliner'stiillle te stse slIsis
tweek-ifty cests essh eth-esr resere
Pacticall alttf te cutntestnts fits
ithe Chicagos srganiatisoss are lit elle
giate or prepasratosry shsissl sars, sits
Diretsor Fitpatrick is o excessiel
spitistic itser Mihign'tstcitiostoI
uetrItheis. ''Te smee is cerinsisto Its
JoeIHrter, Slit freshmansis sthlete si-It
listsbieen laisusith-ias dislscates ellot
sustassinedlitinte prelitmiar' tmee, is out
trainisig fr te hurles, srist adshot-s
ps-t I-e still stS le tle ts tlesvaltl
st teceminsg eeswth thde First Regi
siess, lutS till its'etere ith~e tthe
eetas mtetioted.
'hfublosles hassdball tousramsetahIs
ote reacthets~ setii-isa roand. Thee-
hsatburnscosidrsl trubsle experi
nicestits havitgtareatesasi ssban
ready to play promtply at 3 :30 so tha
the torament cast e rust off qickl
it has been secessary ts elimsiate ts
mins swho failed to aptear. There ar
foursteasms remtinissig stnbisatns ad he
till comspete ite stiesmi-lnas, whil
uill e played tosay at 3 o'clock.
Reigard ant Syder succeeded i
sinisng their match wita McIonog
atn Clak. Tsey Iet sooked up witiS
IHoag ard Leidy asdtere heatest in w
straight gmtes,
''Te drawsngs for tir smsi-fnal hay,
heero pide ad ressltd as follows:
Tyrlad Weller vs. Hoag ant Lidy
LolI ard Walsh vs. -Hansnt auntSLefog
gitnas cOUNT'RY tilgis OtttiCf.

A drize or so gaross etttitty utetn sat'
already takeni advantlage of athesteper
ate Weather arid arcetworkinig ottsidt
The practice is sot contducted ins squad[
Regular outldoor work will not crt

niencerustiltsfter spring vacation. I
vief tir plais of he association ts
trest a teasisseast this fall, it is proahle
st itsnrxtraordintarily istrge snsimsber of
mtens till traistthis spring.
lInterschsolastsicMasagerWhitinisg list
issues1 te announsticementsthtsthSti an-
nualsi seertill le heisisFerry lels,
-Fridasy sittd Satsirdasy, i\l sy 22 sansd 23.
lstsitssionssarebsnug misulestoiiial ite
trintcitiaslprepraory situ high schools
antd a lsarge atitessace is expectd.
The recentsprotes (f -upprclassmsens
agasts tie r lrssiseossdistlsy oftreis
schoolisi ttgnias'oithSirgymslooShire sa
tornicfruit. Scsrely ,,manst ats pes~-
teaseutponithsie flosor wearing asymboli
(f pastsiactiity.
At cisc sesissr girls' S. Pstrik's unic-
coi, si-hichisrtiedsito isble aiprety' sffsir
anit tisitstelisttendelds, ts-sinisteresinsg
announcssemssesswere madise ti the clsis.
First, is st-stsaesd ssshast ats'e- f isis
Nlis-iigrssss satibeigtpltnned'stfitsomsse
Sstutrdayiste rnofon 'soon aasitssfters-cprig
t-ss'sitsil. Itit-sitlso alnmwdiha
lt'eclausit sss wa siinvited tmaks aiiisisits
OcDtr'itsomeisstimse i itesprsinsg to sic
Mitr. Freer's ecolletii sof\Wlister's
'worsk,suhiehs issctties te fausssspt es-
cock roo a rit u tS stof Wistlr'sisown
esollecion555of Japanetse sirt. '-lTheiseatis
fortec-is sto ch-alerisissisa'tta
awSich this ehiitill hi ses--. Dancinsgs
followedtitthenhis eont'isis.
C~,Chhl Ii 1, PUBLI~SiH
Prosf. Lossuis Lisicax, ofCoumia
whisi twas ts leturec ters' uder h'ssie sit
itessf this'Crcleiram IaiuesFtranscsti
ttll te eggemet. 'T'he Crel essnot
_ histwoitt-stter letusrers isis-vi', soit' of
iso t wu iill illts'eunusmsles-cussestbi
I tse swihrawa-sl f Prof. Iosissuis. Oste
fis IPrf. lDtsiosey, of teU'isiserity ofi
Californsiat, atheSiteruP'ronf. William-s
rsass of Chiciasgo,it-istgve a leues'hres
I le Cerle ists tublishelas sueir
v stdtionsisof lMoiliee's "''LAnsre,''wsi-h it
t he presesntedt Sy its smembtlera ithit
e Nesw \Vhltuy thisater sitsMy i. Setes
hundreds ittnitufifty1cps o f S'the souvei
oeditions isillb its ted.sr Of fthis uitssils'
v lit-c hunsdresit sill bhissied by 'studetsiofi
itFrettcht itheits'ftfernst departmenstsof
-teUnivsit ty iTso iudret isill hbs
t pu~ tnsal sti 5suvitsssrs. Fifty of te'
- 750 pritd seditosssitillle exchasusges
lieb tercs l ratiueranc sstaitsith
protminti libratitess trusghoutste crisis
try. lDr\Wagier 'tidS Dr.Hailsito
prefacedtheSitsetios, wichsltsis now'is
's pess.
'e Unsder tediretioss fFPrf tS-ia
iceBordes, sdirectesr et regisseur f ts
d Cercle, tiresast (f "Aare" is reesr
ttsing regularly.
Y-After te ext lecture of the regula
ersourse, tir sae of associate msebsershi
'etickets till hrsdisotntintued.
'fluhe Cerceehas sdecidedtoitsisse-cas
:hattractiotn at tir County Fair.
"o 'TemsetigitSfte scnior iterar
class o le hedrtodtuay at gtS, Rotmus
eUtniversity Otall, n-it prbhaslyIle isseo
the mtssimissortt meetings f the ea
'lTe qutestioni of te clsssmetoria wit
it is expesteshSe ;etle,. Reotrs wit
bhetardl frschairmnuuro (f smesuof ts
col 1111ites.
le Trh stustionassof a class tmemosuriutlha
- aroustedru uschisussions othSircarnu<-tu

e. atnd it is bselieed that practically ever.
S. nsensher of thur clsass will hraS the steel
iing today.

Successful Candidate Passed Ex-
aminations Last Year-Com-
mission Finds Choice Difficult.
WillsardiT'I. Basrbouur,'oi lat, is tei
successful Rhodeus'scshoularshit cnstetl
tutu- Ile wstse yestsierdaysl btthes
schlshusiiuip nitsi sh-to tposteidosi
Presidents Anugsli.tPresidient Maosck fI
It's' daePrsidesnst Lacstsr'sof Oiler,
tatuSChlutf Juseissc'esantiofthu s~uus--uss
court.s TheSthetilistnidahiites st-rc JsmiesI
Is Wa ttki i) s i es o, n 1. IHffmuan, f
tisse colige.
W.T.S shaurus passdtte Rhodies
s-xassitutionss twtuyes a tg, ushurtsatut
'o6 liut. utu at thuaustise su e d sits lsts-
list candidacy ori thue-sihtarsipit-
pond utiltit e nlrestselctiionu.Lat~s
Ier srec C ui, 't8 ahuts tes
Thei compuetiutionssthis yewstex'-
s's-sits'i s e'hsss''tuuIhits' i'iiutssuitstest-
itt yesitrdayslits Prsesident \Anglls sffice
ftmidifiulty itsmaking thi slesi-i-'sst.
Pre-ih-s uc-issidnAnelsd, "iwasishasrt for
io did.'andlu' usswlu ld 5511h luss ikedt
utso ave appointeisdisll thu'esaniasts, Str
taunsithit were sui no t hsn 5this timess'arc
'tluibl tututhisneit s e sleiuon, swhihs
th itslitetitusoles
hut thi he rtssction ofsastudenst t is
schlarhi t-itnt'iion is issd,lby' ts'' 'uits
'if this boardh t:")liht estry tushschuss
'a,ustics ,uuu usus ts:it (It1 fon tdn es fisat-
suits5s itSma5esuittiltit..5rspors: (.1,) thus
qiua l i uiytIma itusd,.truh, co ug', its'
vot int utsluh mpatuttthy 'fuss'sandi hrts'
{ setnosit ieSwthissuit ndnriusess tutu e-
listwshptandtus () exshiitionsuistsring
huholdasof orsuits c ofharatri
ansu its ttint tou 1, I antotiales au
s interss' t inshisis'chooitslustesis" Scoritsr
wuhousases s'ttiiuuistasi1wi ni- 5e~
f leursosuitis ciuilils'ithouuhispasisedsihis
n titteitti serluats is t over t sit-
e hiss-sui theus I hesprtec-ednI"lus ilt
c tuet-ytes's'. suies Wtin sn t'tt
true titus,. This, tush its fritthuatr
isab us is sut huhhub iselitg il thus nhits itse
- hctisss, whus Waussitis silt h ig hile,
e useighted stiussdesbyhisrths this cutmmis-
n Sonin ecdin t-s-ssithis'tw ituhnt-
siga en ts-si.sits. lBatbouriit iil pro])l-
shl taes' u i sisu-test--side t IOxfor
Sf its this-fsll of st i 's'5 -
- FAI U P.hh L AYi AS ll IF
e Cl ISN iBY''Ill ?R EIN
it tits"M i tna lisnsus hu-lu,''this' Germantu
t- co'edytto'u be ii i-einrtbhithsIesielueer
V ereis, luss 1buettutustill is hun most
it estiulasretlal- tututhur Germtnuita~sg, a-
corin tioiticusnd-uimanausges'sofSG(ins
t santhlesters
'iTe firt tireformncssee uotfthe l'itt
B ierins its 77wstmuurkeslb h ay uelfor'
its repetitionsssuntthin followsig ight, ass
x incientihithertot unknownuuslitusthe 'snnals
pof thue Germatusitassg. Ninueotue uer-
foransscesihadi t h is'gess efor Slur
uspeope tsrre stisid. Not itnly teststhe
lly sigreat stcess i Germns y, but it
aso s esu seedss-tits foreigns couries,
appteastitg eitherin iithe riginal sue us
I, traslatiuions, ositesita1es itSfIHoltund.t
Russia, Sweenu, lDeumasuItly, FranIetce,
"y Austria, stitchEngasdsitAthtt sghs almuost
one hundredindtuufift yetrs ave tpassel
iS sinceits Grtirsensutationuu'"M\innssass
. Bathtsusiuis" is sisi greau tuuorite witts
ItheuGe(n ublisisic sundl acors. It is fre-
tS quenctlty slectud s thits'lutst suable
lopicr:t e aed atei unthur opninig oitS
sew theatr.

s 'fle play is often guvess it tuhis country
s, hay differesnt Germtanutirouupes. I.t is on
"y thanerepertoire us1 H-err hianusfehs's ruin-
t.patsy if thin Ileutthes thater tt Neiw

'fTsM-lasrthnuer f than Aunsnt
ust psublished gives a compee hisol'
oS Shhe atedepartmnitThur article ells
uS tar titan uhess thurschotol started swit
hrer professors asd inety-wo students
whos iset inthSurolducheltoi f tSlunrtru
wisng uSfuivrsiy Sall. Thanfis class,
twentssy-four isanumbnier, tas gaduasesd
ia 86o. Sitcetelntsover six thousand
sa-h a rrieensesnt outtstll parts of thant
wolisAut icie situ'Somse Grautsates oS thur(
Desparetmuenstf Latw itSthur University"
ells hun sry'cf the uciecessftSelrwlust
ecrs titoshaties-receivedt their tainingt
itsre. 'I'weve pages suer ftit atphutthinr
i'os-s-ii'i istingiuished aussain, iscuhusu
ingiapartisal iss ofhun gaduhateudownus
tis Stiro u-tansare hoslig juilsisues
tisuss, setts in Consgrss, osuerofesru-
cenit ruling of thin lawschool auinusregarduorqieet oramsinadm t
osits itrsl'ucinsuis trated.t
Is ashaster itS tear'nnosunmnnts sal
thur sutner sessions, hun Aliunussa uks o h motn hne aeb h
Uivrsiity authrihies in ithie arrnsg-
strutS of te learseplrogramss.
'fhere is alto a lrif aone sstf "'hue
Schoosl foreScndual,"uills hu nsamses uf
thoses'its thin cast. A litleSfr ftheranr usg,
hun sory of Muihigendta s trld. 'hsu
isnludsthe slur sisuusof smesmbters oithlu
csst sundrthSlurcemmuite uscharge. Its
anothsler tlae tS lu iustnus is plnsed
witi-shiss'ristlts f hun operato hiseis'ex
trut f ascolumnusandtahasilsuf.
Thur genersl ns f theUs'ntier'siy
s isshuoned hdownutue thuls' t ft-it'pags
thin rsultsestalishled inlitshetis, fus
tusineents; at Seveutsn iut s-is'ne s frit
te classes.
It CNQUf El)D Af CIXt.'tlh S (S
C've'snswerre Lkir n ighty-sit'uS thur
aeuet givenityhun'Mihiga ngsuCist
in iesi ut s on ucib uoos s ut ight t hiseu
commussitees andh cast uSfinhigeuuuts. Tun
repastcnssisited uSfsix-nouriss, hbeteen
us-Sinhthut'srestsssinging hlythus'esntirs'e
Afts-n thu ls'ttcouuurs' hadi See learedu
sissy, wstills oytiWlchnseastd t sthStu
Stio afll, sunrssireerualuof suit
theusosngs sung its litinti,'t wasiteutgints
besginuing silht hu n ig nchorus, ecah
sonsg us its regular Si t a ssug1by te
terstiestouecnhurusssthutshadssltintg it ini Sie
tina peformance sat tuneuoperas.
Follointt-g this aseeces sirenmaebyhI
tesdirectorseofStheUn Ssionut andsthus'ptuni
shier-nf thinopant.
"Lsadies, gentlemn, and mtenbes aS
te Sfacult," begnu Prof. ates, "in he
hufalf tar lihiigan sUnion I swisto s
thankIytuu foete sucess of Michntigendats
finasniaul as well as oteris, as it
mueanut a great deal for tarUsnin."
Prof. Sottastientscalled as, adit
Sars sauld: "You titus- estalished a high
stausnardt fr omsi pera its so primaitive
asg; ins yasr ok go on. ou
sanduardhis igh; nmak itfros."
Mfhelcht then told of he hops of
exts year. He desired tatSasyoseswha
had an5511ireasusor tilats itnmindulto develop
themusasdh he wotld gladly render any
sssistauneits Iis power. As chairmnur
of the commssite ta select an opera foe
thin Uniosn foeunext year, he satedt au
uht-lstwtas expentedt Sytune Usnios,asitre-
gsards thin carater of ther plot.
A'sfinanscialt report tas reaul y Chair-
manuusCatty of, thin finance committe,
showsuisg s at jproit of $2201.94 for thur
'nu1.EsYgvRagaNTS esiaP.
'TareSPhioogical society stut isa regu-
tar sessiona last snightits RoastsF, Uni-
versity Htall. Thin papr of than evening

S aes presented Sty SProf. NI . FT'illey, on
"Pinioanadt Hit Emuotionsal Imipulste."
TShe renting was welt atteinet and the
papr fayvrisly received.

:ommittees are Appointed-Sub-
scriptions Raised to Cover the
Damages-Will Fight Cases.
Preparaios eare raphilylesng smade
'us defendauthur sudens artrestedt 00 thee
chatrg of rioting, adto tspay foe thur
damassges donesutoSthun Strssnicltester.
C meetnigosithSlureassidets oitSalt
cltasstess Suldintsthin stleti assosit-
tiustoffins- yesterdaisy morinsg, tprsied
suereb al ~tern htnusrhii. 'Shune it-
ipali bsusiness tisne cnsusistdt us thinap
pointmeanslt commsites'st inlustesigae
Sic saffsirtsitesougtl. At'committeier ws
appinsttestoitsraies e suuy t reimbturse
thouse stissoasueeilsstsbis'thus'ffairi.
.Aothesr nsomsite itill fisdtsiasthstuns-nu
daatge'tisse t tshepropetyndlsutSstill
anosterusitissite'ave rheis- h isis morsns-
tug t cnstulttlisguilsadvie si that ciy.
Attrys Stun thinac-sedeehstudents
isis- deeinsedutoSitfightS than ases ito
tine uermoast. It is susieprobiales that
only1 twossof he unusedu sitlusts-e5aSartS
ightS andt tihaiit'e ters iih hube gitses
hutin Sreedom ti ridaCitsy'shlu-snug.
Tutu Anssnirb suijtits i topi' it
I at-cneesu esntns ite'thin tiane,"
taluS liaysornduersonupoussas n g asked
ie opinlionssconcserntiing' ts' filthy cndsti-
tissevlnt'u-in t tun jail, 'hut Iisuldis-
u's likentousend uIthi nightStiers"
('Iisf sf Polie Aflst-iesfuss-utous mask
a statements't abust it, wi ti clt',uesiper
appears o u pheld t~iitiithie -sitstditins existing
itsthuts jail.
ss uitr s saetu, ruts.estuus.
'IT'e5sieirlawsst sa smeting liste-
dytitsernoounsspassedut hiss'olstwinssg res-
luio :si
R-eolvedi thuat thuesseor luteclas
tenderienIt ssist sietsh sito Stthosise
bsn su mnuthtiurntis'hed ?il forlii'tiie
ssusus-srns sit thi s eituiit's'rs'tedSsut-
tg thus- urts i sis fIMontdy ight,
flsrcht 10.1e908.
( Signedi) 'Sensssior sitwCisss, t1908.
I55wsalis eidedstoi take p siub- il
scrtiptiiuls istitnfr h urpseutsof secring
cisusussfIuor tun accused.t lAescommitte'
twss api sutnttot istilgts'thuramtunust
sit dtamatsge- ilie, asustul Sty uuitsus itsind,
thin propuertyl sswners ouserhe nlduns.
assiNnsts 5i55s T uTODAYusi.
That ts'o plas madeuttutu tesdal
nighut'ssussmetinig smayu tsr. sarriesot ii
ini thi nesgineeringeatmntsss, utojoitt
meertisgs lusts-cbhes-uplsanteud fsun this
afternouosns.'hun senisrundsutjuio classes
unil uerS in tsusss409 st o'clocksnd ut
thin his-alhissrenlasseseuin Roomss301 sue
30() t ttusalue tisue.
'fle shoool of pharmacy ot the Un-
sersity tits reacherd its fortieth year,
Recentstatitisashow thatusits gaduastes'
are holding positions of respnsiiity
anad trustSisa all tparts of Slur wortl. Than
couses, as offered, are two add tast
yeares its lengt. 'he two-year coursea
leads to a degree of phamuaeutical
cemuisi, andhe fouryear cose o a
degree of acheor of senrce, isa phar-
msacy. Depuarmet records show that
the denmand foe gaduastes from hath
he two and four year conrses has al-
ways greatly excededt than supply. This
year, with heensatment oftaresew food
and drug law, thanuombser cutatpplica-
tions foe phtarmic grasduaes has greatly
icreased. to cosequnce of this law,
two sew courses are Sting offered this
year. Disc of these is a laoratory
course ini chemica fod and dug analy-
si, ad the ttue a course in micoscop-
mcat analysis. Thi n ew courses have
proved very popular, ut n account of

She crowded condition of the lahoratories
only twelve stnudents were able So elect

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