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March 19, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-19

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G. i. 'Wild Company
Our Spring 198 line of fine
Imported and Domestic
Is now ready. It incdes all
the latest Novelties, Shades
and U~p-to-D~ate Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
Grays and
Fancy Blues.
Your patronage respectfully
G. H. Wild Comlpally
311 South State Street
Shipment of
'McphMist o'
(the new game craze ) was
quickly sold and we have just
received a second and larger
one You'll find Mephisto
the best game for outdoors
and indoors too that you've
ever seen.
75c, $1.00, $1.50
Per Snt
Siheehall & Co.
Student Bookstores
__ c G S PAL D I NGO __lo
<& BROS.
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
at Official Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Bal, Golf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Otica Impements tor Track and Field Sports
Unitorms tor alt Sports. appadnos Hadsoerly
ittstratd Catagenot alt sprts cotaissnu-
meousasugestions. Sedoit.-Itsfre.
New Yrk, Chictao, St. Lus, Han Frnisc,
Mitsneawlis tenver, Btfal, Syracuse, Pitt-
brg, Philaelhia.Bosn, Ciciai, Bat-
aore. Wahntonta, Kasas Cty Ceeand,
Now 0rlIans Detrit, Mntrea, Canada.

Managintg E''ditor-ARcncR F. RITCHIE.
Business Manager-C. E. WtSTEAD.
N ews;...........Hiram S. Cody,
Athletics ..........Lee A White;
Exchange .....H. Jon W'ambold,
Music and Drama...Roy D. Welch
Wormen's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis
J. W. McCandles lmer C. Adams
Russell McFarland
George I1. Hobart Leonard C. Rid
Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams
Raymond Visscher
H. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott
A. L. Mainline Robert Mountsier
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney.
Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft
Lessis 'I. Kniskern Robert Moreland
Patui Greer Samuel H. Morris
Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding
Therou P. Cooper
John F. Wore Carl H. Adam
Harold P. Gould
Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours : I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. mn.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
'llTIURSIM'Y. MARCH miii ro8.


of a resolutiotn. I eice e trnnot butt
regret thtattpeaceablel-mttants were nt
tttre tittrotttglly pt to test. 'fThetmust
beiite futtture.
Whenrcth iis is saitir. lttwev er, te otie.
side msit again ie statetd lest a false
imttpressitttrettait. 'ITe mttthoight
itself acting ttttter tie cmrplsionr fa
citsttmrtr ntegleci ard tmistratmenttt
tttd a letspages frou thte history of
sttttett life stppy aunrrdt evidence
thtat tire mobirwassreaoning logically attt
nt withttttt safe premises. It tttttugtt
self rebels itta teecessay retoutittt.
'ie trst titme sill grant ctthwthile ame.
\tcarrtsile, swhateer teir au, and
wt-latever tie tterits ofth teir iarticitar
dlettsttatiitnt, totetf the dat htseamblers
ofri tttlife htree las tbeettsccessfuly
bust topen, attt its cobwesr-easnttt its fottl-
tess estrosed. ottce fitr all, to views. Mac
calltheirendets of goodr goeritent to
ai si ocintg atttinttt -igation of
eey ftetrue tf tte ttisshtapen tig
knowntes Annrrbr ju)tstice. If we
'list thad itttt ti isets gtided, tsray
notts t I aste reletoit reoli-
titottlttrtelenrtess t atsufficient for
ruch atltdtstmtttofttaffairs is will itt
tite fitter "tse ts teenecii of te legal
ptrectirestof tn enligtrentedlsociety. Tis.
ti sateums r tos is tihe- main titg to ftl
lw utnwt Nitriniy ctttde fettila
rittno titie nnthis une. Ilt ntow tat
tt.e crnflict s eguttiwe cnttoitt heartils
int ;I tcrusadetagitst itexcusable cni
totts ittderti chwsrhaneis-ustfferettatd
ahc tra thetntmttost ptatieti ndi wiould
cetrtainy sgteit.osetthoutrtgts tf vio-
We feel crcain, lsnthattw e expciress
tie senttienttositatlirge potr titttof tr
stdent lbodry len twesy tatttthe lo-
itosal ito constsate itec whoihtilerbtent
damat~grit strikes the right notei. 'ae alt
swantithat t rh utdoe atdiwetsr terde-
sirtus ititsuch crmptensatiuons le titde
whtere it is justly itiue.
'fhe gnetrouisrerpsttie f Attn Aror
butsinerstientoi thr e ntdfor b1nsenti
is wsecomtceetietethat sehe ttrnot
iereeacletn-cuttsitationoftownitsev erst'
gownt. Soeof ttthe lit twnssir tirttt
is shownei itits-c-tetmtehifaith in the st-
ents. It is to ble sinceriely oted tae
this idet till sireatd tino tty amonttg
twnispotple ut ott the campuitis. il
handisjoiedta. aiit lng faitiieincad
other. attdtasitall-sontrtollisenusetttof
right andtjst icie, of lti ndtio rierse.
s 'Amiericttntcitizens, altiof is. can itt
tmtucel to mttate life ini AnnitAnrb tewet1
lki tg. "Uniitediwesit tairdit diidedt t
'fhe Newss-rtttittsks if wetsrhoutgt
th altws a tfist-lass httel. Wt
answr,-Nan:'butnwe ailtiesmseditsi
miighitle at least atirdi-rate batstile.
tDon'ite coifutsed. There ha~s beets io
disorere at the TIIEATORtUVI ott East
f,ibetys theel. It is tittecotsattaimt
to tplease all our pa trns, sait that in
cutes critrteatmetr.
JolteGtt.tun, '0f, '071,
-5 Poprietor.
Hlettiirg & Kochr for bicycle repairing
ttnd fishitg tackle of alt kitds. 23-f

j Mus~hic ant) Udrama
ouattisiet IVrITDtAROA.
'Te repiutaton of the Uivesity or-
ceistrti thas gone abroad from Anin Ar-
tort. Sarmiret P. Lockwsood, director of
the orhestra, has received a request
from Detroit to britg the orchestra tere
t ittitarr intair elaborate performance
itt the "Messiah" to be given ii April.
'This is niidcatiosn of tietpositionrthce
(rcetsrta list made foe itself. The ter
fetneitiwesilttbr giettdirig spig
vateationi.soit iwsillle tecessary to tde-
cline this invitatiotn. Tte orethestrta sill
give a concert erer on May 4. assistedl
bty miemibers of tie School of Music
tENDANtttt. itilS t.,UG1tnrc.
BErKendialtltae "T'he Latn f
tDoltlar s" finnty. "A laughritteery lite'
is hardly ioverdrawt-n. T'hetiomtayiwas
good nouteigh to givertie tading part tie
hieessilry chances. After tie secondraitte
Mr. Kedtall inmade iis curtain speech so
oftniquottedt iiinteatricattmagaies,
funny lptters. and -(;ood Grasy.'
Comencreing Saturday afterntoontiwitt.
Siheitpere's "JurlirsCtesar," tie Ber
Grertiplayers wii ilrpiar for tie tnit
itte eftier tniAnti Arbor taudierce.
iEachi year their reeptioni is a terats
eoie, sworty oftct. andrdutionrirr.
Tire ptays aret. treseted iteir historic
setting, asprouredrt 'theii. tieof teir
inst produtio rn. Tie S rakesparetan
plays are set wstrutn10 differentr scenery
than whe ple aityedt at tieold Golw te-
tee intheiiearty seetenrthrcentury.
This yel's comtprany is practicaly tie
iaea ha ls tyer, ih tie ex-
ceptio(tltof iss Tfonidkr ewhose place
is tttketr ty bliss Irene Rooke, of tie
Coute theater, Londnot.
Saitttry night Glsitsi "tt Sie
tops to Conqursr"swill he staged. ard
ott tire folloitn-rg Afonday, "Roserind ni
tue.' Seat sales swil ie cntedrrrrrr
Satrdra~y tmorningrg omnin'o tt 12 at
Wait's Sute street sttre.
P1A 'tsr ktI seNres tt .ttett.T.t. te7'O-ti-i 'r
Tire 'Atn Arho rtnd Owosso ititootr
basebal teamrs sill Imeertrtigt iinte
diowsntorwn armorry itin te lsitg gmerr
f tile seasonr.'fTe winntreeotf tis girrme
will are tiehororrotf elaimrigthel
champtiiosuhittft f .ietigat.
LOST-Tart oblong prrse atd a Har-
svreetseal attd Etic buttotn. Please re-
turntot lt326 . tibrty Si. Phone
Part of Sec. 8, retils- to riding bicy-
cles ott sidewaks:
Arty tarsot or pertncagt riding
ott any rwalk or any other pibice place
rill be prosercutd to tie frll extett of
tie lass. 'Te penalty is a ine of titity
doeltrs orthitiny dae ir a ial, or toth.
By order of To. C. Ape,
123-8 Chief of Poice.

Globe Wernicke
Book Cases
The ktnd that grows with
y one lirary- that w i ll fit
practically any space -that
can he moved one unit at a
time hy one person without
disturbing the ooks-that is
practical, artistic, and the only
perfect sectional ook case
mtade. itted with non.bind-
ing roller-earing doors: base
units furnished with or with-
out drawers; and all made in
a variety of woods and finishes
adapted to any surroundings.
Call and see them or send for
catalog i o6 with inteior views
showing arrangement in lb
brary, parlor, etc.
Price per section $2.50
and up.
University Bookstore
I;. [. IARIN[[[
Law and Mdca Bokeller
rigby's tisory oftrt theat
Hieal Pratperty - - - $3.00
Oesn rteir's Editonr at
WiliamsiReal raperty - $3.00
iins' Outiroot Real
Property - - - - $.00
tishopt's Diretiuns-andrtmsra,
CrminaiActionsr - - $6.00
Bishopr's Criminali Proedure,
svots. 2 - - - $2.00
lthynld's Tttory ant Eviden, $2 00
Stephen'seDigiest atf statne. $.00
HSc~elve s REvic.- - - $3.0
MarsalsCorpraitatt. - $6.00
'Tmpi's Smmary othtnt
Laxnif 'rprtrions, - - $2.50
wrtimnr's Art ofi Cr-ss
Exasminaton. - - - 2.50
Itstwik'is Loxyers' Manual. $6.50
ltrdsy'sr.Abt's Frms, - $6.00
tiate'hladintg, Practice'ard
-'arnusaval. - - - $1.00
Wihn 'st'oderForrmts, 2vs.l, $1200
ture's Practca Thropetrrsts, $4.00
irkitat's opratie Srery. $6.00
lendratt s urical tDtatrlois, $6.50
Catirit". Pst-morrtmt
P'athoog'y - - - - $5.00
Souttta-Mc'aMurrleili's Atarsint
'txtauuokofAntaty 3 ols. $18.00
tjrasrect's Diseases atf'r4utam'r,.$6.00
Cattt's Differential iantrat'.
and Trvatmnrant - - $6.0
istibe's Secil Meridla
Otaagnoss. - - - $6.50
ttushd't Bigraphicr'Clinis.
ttvsrt..- - - - $5.00
itioniaries, t.istaiends. t.
Law and Medical Booksllrr
Tel 761. 326 S. Stae S.
'y.itus ane wihstunsraaf
neesr wusrnn ti dcrmetan art
gls ia les comfstrad servi.
tis uynr pitialwrt dunerti
ARODSand h itl xiiitiyarn eas-
fartably atn caararntn'rrnsnts. Qurik
Reiratenusets Groand.
iOpical Sp'n'alis ithlii
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
22tSuth Man Street

h tItumayhatve rerun suppatosed feomroiure
empnihasis upnrtrnrnaiaetrinisrti tun nof taw
urn AnitArbostr, titn eee nnredi tile
recent nritous cenduchrt swhichr gave it tine
opritnitto n exipose itself. If somera
histav rfoun1 ftaulttu-it irs ourttatrac-
cont, r I.innithtters irate thnoughittantswc,
urn, ster chantnirg thue rticethyntonf
inn' hlying hbrickbrat, tsr beg frnomnbonthr
siesanothrehiearinug. 'ae see rnt rea-
son tfoe retrtactinug stundecltratins atrir
tint curstomtiary rdissoltn ess nut Ann
.Arbo'-r jus-tice,-orarbou-ut lithe euliar 'Is'
tuuchinou-ich it stats-fit inn nprrnge-
itisehf oilthisrc rca~sionn. hut liat is .
tamn excseefoernine riot itself.
ERitsif artyscutr te a kunnitofadmiits
v ihacivilizedt commnnnity,try-altitsi
estrhuislues aws, truthespreiallty ltyit'
ideals, rendtens obisoete. 'ire ring-lean-
es inn suelt -t uinshapattre rguilty sofa
shtnaless displaty nilstupiidity, itfsn
insecerime. 'fie L'ivitersity carnnrot,
tdnes noth,-tinetinier, hbalanced etinirwhosre
sr-c preeferurn think nine real, unfrnrrchisedh
aotnof tire' Unisersity,-dots tot, for
ta momrnent,. siandfritiehe spirit thrat de-
nrasrperty annthratnettnrs personrs
nr donthey nastily tpaerdon theire ee'-
sinisihnes st-tins reformnnsuelt es, tatu
bectause thre a studeters drawtstinepini
ishmrerhnttfart ill reptinte up~oni al their
stuntnn eighborns. 'h r iote is annltru-
st nunernlnsf justice inn le usedh enly is
actresonrt: -turn opprierssiorn, tgrowni
rrunnidutahle, raises aity effort to shake
it iff fer ni-h n rnk otfa nintthonn tat

. 1

For' 69c
Co-Op Store


Fly. Conacerts
3so May 13-14-15-16
Frederick A. Stock, Ctoduco
CHORAL UNION (300 voices)
Albert A. Stanley, Csriductor
PcPe-aop.l Choral Work
"Creation"- - Haydn
',Faust" - Gtonoda
Mrs. Curinne Rider-Relsey
Thrursday asd Saturday Evsenings
Mmtne. Erniestine Sc'human-fleink,
Coantrato Wed, and Fri. Evenings
Mhss Janet Spencer, tCsntralto
Fri. Afternoon and Sat. Evening
Mr. Edward Johlnsoni, Tenor
Thur, Fri. and Sat. Evenings
Mr. Claude Cunningkaa, Baritune
Saturday Evsning
Mr.. Earle 0. Rilleeri. Baritone
Saturday Evening
Mr. ilerkert Witkerspoon Bass
Tkursday and Saturday $Evenings
Me. L. Os Mare, Fnench Hars
Friday Afternoon
Mr. L. L. Rtenwick, Organist
Wednesday Evening
Sraason Tickets tonreservrdi $3,
Season Tickets (resnerved) $4. $3, $6
Far Sale at
Sohool of Msicl


Oratorical Contest, March 20
Sin~gie Admi1ssojm - 25c
Brander Matthews, April.6
Single Admission - - 50c
Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30
Single Admissioro r - 540~
RESERVED SEAT TICKETS for these three attractions $1.00
-Tickets must be secured between 5 and 6 P. M., Wednesday,
Thursday or Friday, or between: 7 and 8 P. M. Friday of this
week at Box Office, University Hall.
Cbc Ztubents' lecture tssoci atton'

. .__.

121 Washnon t . The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.

Phoole 598

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