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March 19, 1908 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-03-19

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Ifyou h ir i ha T oeighteenth annual interclass nra- f tAmnre ' lt do ods will he-
bother, or you have torical contest 11-lbhld un11 ttder the teoril, 00 un il0radigs frolm)Coio kj-sef-jln
auispices of the' S. IA. orsl Friday nilir'' "Plecu is ft ienoo t. C nkits Se f 4
any trouble with it, night Thie ne and orations of the olort in 'IapptalIi hal lecture rost ash Cleg
Colg.Tebuy a good six contetants follow: oiieof a s0e10's(f Thurda afternoon Standwd Fountain Pen
"The awt of Service,'' J. AVI. McCaud- talks to le goven ilnii- the seneser.
1arBuh ls,081, 'lt.'ol-cre" niie of Corneille's three ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON
flai B r s~i I latiiltoi thlei Naionalit"' C.A. Lratmastr'pieces maring le height
tgseest, 'til. of is -erircomenit, prosesC s tiiaralto TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS
AT c C(irie"of lParisanship" S. VW. Dow- iauoc u}i n '''t0 r f Chritiani
QUtAiiiiiiRo)YrirSii ly Sold in Ann Arbor by
O Di lyitito the Sioix,''A. hI. Latd- 'Pld (00111 theio tor i iginalh enmos
andgetrelef. (lit nll iiiliii'iiiil (ie iii~i nliiiio hrlilGEO. WAHgWS) TWO BOOK STORES
"Inn tionil a ce,'i"''F. IB. oax, Conilleiadiii illt n teotimete no f..A D.
'i9.loiivoiio istian iii 101 001ndof SHEEH AN & COMPANY
"The li e 1o f thoNation. ' iss1111 C theon oh' I hatr
111110e lInfel, 'i.-
The Chigo aliiimii medal will ho vr .s'r a wt s o2,1r
]] yy a w r a r d e d ' 0 ' l l O t i h e 1. iwi nn o r o n f t l ios t e 'T ' h n u l b n u t o h e s e
M oney L oaned Ka 110an ehi nia i ho$00 'iii',toli i et wlu stha T olu ct hhof S prin g
On 'Watches, Oaintds. Lain Bnks,'folilting'll" ro-r am i'en rpae
Y r tter ersniia I property. tl 'r0 pesn10111 anil ic 'othr i I <, t o I 11. 11la an
Watches and Jewelry repaired. Oratorical leagun orntet l ic" . R iAdrs .
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds 'Tie contest of Fridarnightomi'~iss "ttiiililiiis"--L.1'1' rmn
to___be__keen.nlie o \lii rons'w1011111n10 r1110 ioil rsmel -I si iiiIai I' II.
Office at resdene 31 E. Liberty St 'n th rli iom inisth 111o t 1101010ore
Ann Arbor. "'t sln ain" t' , onr
Hurs: 8 no1130 a. n., Io4and7ito a n diila a rsuii heIlco'initelt'ts ossos
9 np. M.110' t I i l1''1'10' i 'hs n . 'iI I
ALL asssoCOFIDNnTIAL 11110 \loiui o on lii 11(0"-JnC11 liii 1
gOSElhtC. WATTS ticicooineo Ithe111a1tii-'iito swolCarioThe new Spring Scarf as a special introduc-
_________________rieitest. 1100 'ttlei iiil booiliiton11V,\J TI'llill tory' of the spring, we are offering a special
Ti'eeodcs wiheRnsi Hillf ileA 'd oiI 1.IIiiiiho purchase of beautiful new Spring French four=
O f dnt 111111)01111fiHiii aI Isetii ~ tdI Inomas Pe- ho in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ens
1-4i Off nko1)I 1mtiioflDetri, w 1hi ;
on ol atmpe gooa inludng c1h(iii ,huu iih.eV.IIit a. and in all the handsome spring coloring.
Netto____ ___d -- The new Spring Shirts make their first bow
BMlctlIOAN PILLOW TOPS Tomr tnrsatrth 1 ( il ' NTI'S :SNI i
i];ithi tolli i iii 'lolR 5v Sr SI Ifh\ 5SfICC and they are beauties. '[he new spring styles
inhApril I wn1er 111t___ in Hats and Cap are here for your inspection.
DARLING & MALLEAUX cut iaa.iFlowiiiin" tisl n 1111111011111hae een cerc t
224-226 S. StreSth 11 3 5"lulh i\ i cit soil ii onoil th 11 I ii'i
1 111113 0 ov . h o.I \hnuu hhtitn no
b-s nit le "Cl' g11 Mei , SIliii 10 ic ial olv ie. u i
C^ - sues and Resp10 onsiiiloiiesl. fo'oA Ilioi 01111aw I ii 10 ] huton Irorl 100 St
Sundog oonits .. iitlixihodIIBeule, Conlin & Fiegel
HlALLR'S JEOWELRY STORE, 216 S Main St. 1' i I'r S. .hoxfice in oO 1115 011111 hhuo IToeo
101101 e hoen odyta iii dayiit fiontii rsuut-Ir
~~ oo~~o-ao~~~t 1); ; randfn it p InI i0ti0 0 100 ' 0t .110 to
b illii iiici' ~l''ilticityPeron, . lintide] lt tilt' mipandugiy, ito'eckweablr
iilhi'three umbers Ilia reserve the'itithisscuteiughio th"abovtito n iht.A M !
t e li ayii> -oIaccolar.
1,t.i s it, (C ril 'hich hui wan tl1tost f'linbuc ,il11111,11111ho Y..ih0011 0 l0 1 f..11 r\ 1 1 010 F o rfr n At [ Li s d oy uhe o ntrte n.nl c l c 1
you CoaNewestaNattiest, LineaninpthedCity
East University Pharmnacy wuo n tyooi, reoingio ilot of in1100 ollc IriiN wetiN tietoLnoioheCt
119 S1. tUierity Aienue- 'court houisecaughft adhl dhiiiolI r utip 'oe A ie i 51no'oooooo
H. M. ROYS, Pharmacist 1hofore (ho'ititic'.e, harged withuh iilour'; viiHalollM ACK ft Co.
V. f Mb°i' pladll ilil y.hoping t in hid uaooooh 11 ) i 155)\\ t'(SNI)".5
Ii/Uone mE"ilel ttilii Clas hhattelrand 1110 i-isatEY
Barber Shop and Bath Roomsfi fer hiis fr ienFulid 1010 ollarhlsine O rdr1 1caoem1ie [ sprnO ANLD Iibls[hte hte n~laea~e
hu o iii.Ifl h o w enhu~'j > m i s le-(00c.r cnes o hr] Irl oB sr3. 1 o i de10 ti st.11
Ev'ar'ythirsg Fi.-t-cl~aa loiti and lelling he boys"I' teFos" otl to \1S.I11. hild ipIS.C nvr 0 orh iAneop iecutlioseifilreiour: Ml Ato Wr.J* L O URIMo91
J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop.- 'll bout i hoi,,or cu"a0ghn0 __________________________________
Sprinig Styles WAGNER & CO.
INow in Stock State Street"0..,.,0
4 Me%1s Hats HATTER.S "

We've Been Appointed Rowe's Laundry EL C R C T
Exclusive A ge nt s for 326 N. Fifth Ae. S~pldt oieeMna~~
the fHat that not only New Poneo5t ell Pine 4a-L SWomled forcAllegePMnaoes>n
made $two$ famous, but SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
also created the word 3111Souoth Siatc Street WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
-ST LE" Classes Sa'ur.day, 10 A. M. and
4:7:30 P. N. 200 Eat Wesh~ingtor~ Street
TR9 ARKAssnbly 0 o'clock,
$two$ Hats ?n i~ tb Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant By careyine a cpy of the MICItAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due
Chinese Fancy Dishes, Ameian Lnehes of H1ANDBOOK In yur pocket. Space for mem- ___
M A (Ij all kinds tEerything first eass oe oranda, cae dar, special events, Cniversityt
A L N Th Cl t er ST ETladies sdg1ct1iiin, Caedar in this 150 page book. Given away Sbscriptos taen by mlt, chek, raft o
TTReET Chinese and.Jap.neseBric-'-bac., tonstdents at the University Y. M. C. A. Mc- money ode,
Up Stairs, one door S. iustnBoirs, 3148 Stair SilMian Hal.
ST UDIO---RENT-SCULER, 1 East Huron Street

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