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March 24, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-24

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The Mlichigan Daily


.. . . ..


NO. 130.

Outdoor Practice Began Yester-
day-Notre Dame Supplants
Wabash on Football Schedule.
"it makteth ote feel blithe anti gay,"
carroled Georgi' Wheeler. as tlc first
ball thrown in ottdoor pratie cdded
t his mtit. 'Te whiole sqtadl made its
say to te fair gronnds yestertay after-
noon, anot ot a miait comtptlaindt of the
Theseweatier was ideal for the open-
intpratice and te disitio(Id in con-
taratively goodslcoitlition. A halftoeit
payers antl exiberant faistousied them-
selves tptlig up~ fene posts ott of
pure joy sat tteir release froisthtle age
atdte hardi gyii floor, It reqirel all
thetpersasie sliers of "\a" amd
"Sailly" t keeti te mietfromo over-
wrorking. Everyoneiwamted to see host'
far ht mel trtw, and gramdtatd pays
to anl aseiti adiene were omon.
Froamisnoiite wordil sill e 'rie
tieronte titeld if te weather permits."
\ust f the tiite yeseruasas takeii
up sith titItiiig aid fieditingpatieeanst
gnrlwrning ttl). Let 'sam feel tieir
it s" adthmeecoaech.
The ipracice s insever soteiie't tiore
aupiiusy iAlthe mieit tre i goid
shale. Tere is a lig squad of eal
arstytimbut e, ansI oer'asinthtin
twiich t ege shp adtiseetthle ite
tifrthis ie ist gmte isiples off itt
'I its ilts'varsity- gronstitiwsill le i
spedd aod tionif gssisweater cstn-
ttine sdtheliewit'ltys'cnstuctedestgratd-
statis siill acotmmotitdate all tes'fas iwhtlt
gathte'rfis theis'gamies.
Coiisi gi te iitt.amsetdutle, ads
grotis, ifbaseacl eer tpromtiseitoitbit
renuirtite is it destis sringtt~s
'lhei'foostall sedlet'is testsestot-
tilte. Ntre Datme is sigiesforIOt
7, stini every datie is fille.X'Wsabast ha'
teent sunitestfrsomt the lii of grision
oppinie tudthetls da f teschedlte
idotsstsr is sdoste.
A imors- attractive seisilssonh ssloim
bes'iiassresd lhan the cominitg o. igh
gmsiiisarm' tirst, cfwicsit ws ill le
playesd at hoime, adi the tbad ansi fait'
tiill ate 'ittise opporstuntiity to pov
their ability i stpotinttg the eleeii
OnOti-. S5 . .aid Sracuse isill hi
playid saway fromii homie. lTe om-
iltedsch eleir is s folos:e
Oct. 3--Case at An Arbor.
fct. o-. A. C. at ni Artist.
fct.- 7-NitreiDatie it AntiAror
fOt 24-0. S-.LU at Columbuhs
Oct. 3t-Vainderbilt at Ain Arbor.
Not. 7-Kenuctnky State at Atn Arbor
Nov. 4--Pennsylt-ana at Atu Aror
Nov. 2I-Syrsacuse at Syranse.
A statement rons Maasger Baird pth
niiend to te doping of track relation
Vih Syriese this sriig, so far as Ausi
Aror is cocreted.
"Thle Syratusemsaiager ifornsnit
that thirec istitaniy proset of ai seel
largely teatse they atett eansfit
tsmetie its this spring.
"As yet se have schednled no oti-
tdoor imeets. I hae't a ghost of at
ideraiwhiaticollege techlmetrnfirst othl
The scant student patronagr of te
last insoor meet with the Chicagoan
lit a slight dainter supsn Mr. Baird'
c;W[tti O R 'egNi TImAst.
'Thle old coistitutiiniof the atteti-
association provided for the awardint

sit "M's" to ment tatting part us the cot.
legiite 'tenis mi-eets. In view of lte
severance of relations with confereene
enlleges, the association will make somn-
revision of the rule, so that tennis met

iay receive soime reward for their ell-
Coritell iniersity at seledeta ul
lentils net witiChicagos o le playest
ott the [Detroit Athletic ellitist courts ii
Derorsit lie dlay- preedsitgtheir visit ts
Anti Arbor. Cicagot reftsest to plpy t
homtie ands the sommp'otmise wsi effetes.
The Feitcigcbhiiels its lpreliminiiary
contest st 'Waermsanigyminasisimtityester-
dasy at 4 o'clock. 'lThe results sit the
different itatcesiserr asfoflosi
Kremesrs-Biemsis t-.
Rosewater-Kremiers, 6-.
Reighaesd-Ruippe, t-.
Fletcher swostifromT'eil in the firs
out of-their mtath, bit the matcheliwasi
postpoeitsuntttilatier ii inte eek,
Fletether lhaing veeiv'sd aviustin lilt
Thleiprelimtintaries sill be cosntiuaed
Wenesay at 4 ocloc. The final tour-
tamtentitstill takse titter Saturdasy night
at ills'athleie canivali.
I conietioni siths the athletic tisfrna-
ueit ext Sattirdasy ight, the fials i'
basketbtall, wsrestlitg ad fetcitg sill
titer llacs' iiaddeitissitoithfts'reglasr
sital elasy races. reliminitaies ae
ieing heit this ieeks to see what mestnt
still clash fist-camiiosiptthonoisrs ii
wtrestlinig Thefisrttaatcesiwilile
helsi todap- at 4 o'clock. 'lThes are otst
to sll U'niversity stdenetts, whthller te
hasie bsent situ oi theitai'tisibefoeris
musht. 'Te winntttes ithe iprelimtiaiss'
n-will wrsi-te tstss tomrwad 'lTursdasi' is
decide islis stillstppiersinusthe fiasi
Satutrsday. 'iThose isihiig tsriter is-
das-5preliminitaries mutst rport etwsiesi
3 :3o andsl4 ts scr-i i. Immtiaiteiisly
Ifter this, the drawsitgs still tsr miade
sitns the itstcis csmmiteceds.'fhr fest-
ess-eights still'clsih, irlit, tevietii
tint comingtitigser, iii oref sweigt
'Ts' follsis-i cogestanssits its -i-ve cii
Feait'e right (123it) : V. S. P'sl
tier, R. tL. Cmbits, V. J- Curo, J I.
Roth, C. Nt, Jeniiitg. Williamus F. 1as
_Gesrge F1. Noisisiti.
Iightweightit to his.) : ' iRi1toss
StisAnersont, C. F. SitahlI, 1. Iaisi.
1I. .Howiari.
t.$ rices'. .F. tissise
a Vt vlvseigit (mIti's s) :XW.s"I laiss
It R.1) HtschstiF.X. XWelsh, I. .Tuts
etr J. AAimdierson ismD' II s tissiti
s -1.A.Lyon, F.ID.Wetler, II5s Fx.
e . .\lrisii, J. L'. Rger I' C(Reei
. It. tsiP-mne,F. ID. Ksanagi.
cevyweigt: B. Prks W.IGrahamti
T.'.15Ose, C. A. Iansmin.
XIAJ:STtC Tl'ttIiA'i'LL +tII
Te iMasjetieasster imaitnagemsemt,
swithi thur assistamnce of the Vsitsiy Girt
-cl,till it-c beiefit iperformaniices Fri
day~ afternoon autheeiniig, to raise fiidst
to assist the defemse of those stsdemnt
iuer arrest The maietill star
at 3:t5 p init. Tickets till sell foeomit
sdollar anid will be good at eittere per
Sfoemuance. They say be exchanged a
ntihsex oiierfoe ciumpomn tickets.
limTe psamireceity imamguritesi to tes
ithur ability- of tasebal andidates it
hanidling the tit was origimatei by Stlli
van, captaimn of the tean. mof Lom
ned disclaimiss all credit for thu ex
e Ierimenutsmandattrihbutes itts timeornin
aity of Caiptain ulmlisan.
'I'Tle date fume this year's swingmmsmc ia
erum set fete the firstswees itsMay
Prsactiallysll mdeparmetsha-cagrees
tstske pirtmanditie swimngoutswill robh
p abloy le tie largest ever seems itsAnt
-Arborm. All comteats fete the remtl o
ecaps simisgowtnsIssebhens let to Marl

t& Co., stud nil seniors are ueged to cal
efor nseasutuenents as soon as possiblt
n \o deposit is required with the order.

Petition of Business Men Pre-
sented-Pres. Angell and Dean
Vaughan Called as Witnesses.
'fle examssinatisioof te fiftenrtirsem
teits chartg-edsh ilsart'iciastigc iitie
recenthshiissihisutce' iilnt Siartuhester'
tes takuieniuphbefre Justie Doyust er-
-mornesinguan'suituti-iillmriud ig thur sfte-
'on hs-e-endatuitvscr ll Ipresent
smithsevn siltusse'ysseiresetdshe'inus,
ushle ris eccusiug iittorutepS'swyer wisi
sssisitedIspCip-ylAttorn e 1wtepe. Pts-
ls- l icemn urdecthe'doslts''s sthcurtlii
tio sm-sige-pb(usevensty-sfohs silessi hush
f <\ust Xrbr.st hrsass itspats sfis-
luwss Isasuhi asthiss-iteres''ts f
thus town and mushsdentss.1 's ant susuisgu-
lshly, usuts isitu sh ndits suses itie-
s-vlsitsolsmt smith isgracnv'tIstheuruti-
visipy ndtuhhi towluistue, this' busiess
iesl ;inArrmetndllss i s svusus uthtat, if
ts- stiulints ipay lithe isdama.gs adsumts
s fariurr edh, proseutioe dchrhhihied.'
XXaltivr liiik , X Xs, t, It t
Frot, uhrse sietioft'Iliy'sv'nirs's'ngues'rs,
smith. \(IXeli X i, precsient of risc
' eirlwhats -is st tsiei sheititionm.
'iTes found tshistit hiss-w se n s''tirst is
sit"lyin fsavortofst hiss irupossdstte
age that uisgndtetifthis'slms
usice lutswersivdiv'hehis'peitions ts
stain th a eis huty itpwits titsheirmitime
wheherHave asca se'osheoluthems
soutltnd his juriicttl'iniss' e n
fatis lT he alicainfo oni
lilt 's died.s iu '~isss is iili
seprt tilfrthe eh'fetuarsm, summi
thus- sutui'uiti hlgl. 'heissrlst cse5
us 111a<tht 1f().I. I hlusst'"k.'se.
lilt' Xts"l ws ilt hist i tne ss. s, tl
it- sill w ititosowthat ti hiv' hrg'
if itsh i ss uiwts raii's-tut "uIi. saw55'ist
bric~s_,club or te hro"hetutiu' i-
fii. "I vcame tothisen-'itll an siem't
toi o'ncloek, I sokettlothunstudenctts
'anithaskevdltilemis t gslhomue. 1 ws e'
r ~ ~ e ei'-ivedrvsctfillip . sut suy slice stas
drownsedsinusthcsnoise. Manyp'eitilhmeu
rThoetihatstupe "eli rIiie oly' t e-
mant ldemandiulthis'reiess'of this'pri.
oneris" lPrsi'nt XAngell wass itthi
msist sof this- srutwdu. XW'he askedh is
?.Attosrneciy Xass A.murugnus ithin oiine
isr set' t hie unrepii." stil' io Itolice'
t, 'Ihis producedimucsshs laughter,swhicthin
ecourt rchukei Isp thea teninisg o clear
thur cosrtdroomu.
s DenssVasughanuu, cnesulu tsthin stansdh
stestifiedshatt t ith.ws stuttimoesh edoscn-
lt oss-ti'tushfoundtuha largeccrowdsu swhichi
it-asitcreating eagrea l ofu sinoise. tHc
stoodslfuse ehlf aluit isue tsfronmt of
tie theae. ie sii : " ssws'fours
ipolicemenussmtdisp'its fruststof, thurthea-
er. I ist sutsee'thscoshtlsbatteed
mu, issuestumpviolencue.'
;t Aftersadjournmuntruhsie.ihearing ws
n reccsmedsat 2auo'locki. -Mayr iHedrson
i-was calledstoite stansd. lIe testiie
t- that he stas ifurmedsIitsthu tr fneoon
-beforeusce disurbaune tuatuthursuents
t- intemndedo rdemolsishs thus-Star, andshalsd
instructedh Chief of ilie Apfef to swear
in specisli usficers. 'I westscallied to thn
scenec sout o o'clocnk," Ie sait, "hip
sthree uptpiernclassmenmimmthur Uiesity
T.whsesnamemsusImiss muti knows."Futbe-
(I usoenhe sated ilac hueies musts ue'armoed
a- wihiclulbs, or thrwsing hbriks or stnues.

n Manyp intshie coil were towsnmspeosple,
d ndmeverone w satsguooed-sntured," lie af-
k finnedn. lHe ce ulisponsthe townspeoplc
I1 so assist inistopiping the disorder, be
ustatedl, inselcoommnded tPeucerowdl to
disperse, bnt they failed to respond. He

then called ,ot timefSec departmeitem to
quit thin disturbnhmuc.
(fficeSteet testified that he sate a
numbuie of personsruser te buildigp
swhene edwas stationmed, sndtudhast he ac-
cosmptaid Pi. andviMls. hRyodath
oters nemtployped mu thin theatreouitihe
IDavid Rinsey, on-tne of the bsuidig,
tess thin last switness called. tHc stted,
"Tweo glass windows timd a pillar wee
brnoken.'T'le font of tie bilding wsa
covered wiithm egg stains." He estimsatemd
shun dasmages at $12. "I bean olie
t-ansIour concenedc," hesaid, "ath
liner enteed io csmpaints or rqusts
fr arests."
At.4:45 tp.sin. thin court adjourneiuti
to unhitch today. The exanminations will
nsmtinmuertoday andsitmororowe at lests,
as theindluiiduual hecasigs till emitsumemv
agreat sdai of time:c
hlintsGreet reenuty iprpses ts iv-
aShakespeareanm prformnctae foe thin
beneit of them suets sehmo aremon'
awsaiting trial, ibuite Emgiittidpart
isi-tnt ioutl munmt allots-it. Mr . Gresi
"XW'rtre tll in smpathy sithm thin
studettboedp' and eoho ut elive thee
tis nt yp'tuy malicios ittecnt itt thin
troublues of last iModay ight. Tie sut
dents ave aways beenm fair ad highly
hospitablec to s ere ad w ee souldsilike
tohiae suuiishw oue apeciationu by gi--
tgsa meneft prformuance, lit out a-
countuofittheiobjcctioins of t Eumglishs
departmenctmtwsicoud nito."
Prof. Strusms of tie Engitishet-
inent saidihItat, athouimg prsonallyihte
faculty- might he it symtpathyp'with thin
stumesandmme wishs hishelp thucmt, it swoud
not bei'postsiblen fus e Untiveisitp ts
cnsensui tsosuch a becnenit prfosrmanutc.
"'It uswoul hie'anutoffiialiexpre'sssimonm of
hympahip'foit'thinsudens ueii thisli-
usrbance" he said, "and arsecgitions
f lieinnoc vu'sene -whicis lstnot yst
Mlr Geethstatcdshtsntigmt that me
fllIthat ai soationutohuttiusstudetusbthdyip
tr titus of is oganuizatimsm ws mitts
frustmthium andtskedaibnitwihatiwsns'he
smight gune si benmeit wi-hnswouumld he'
f uvalum e ttementuie Untisersity. 'hess
t'io watsspest sed asnd Mrh . eGeevifell
inut thie ide's t once, ath siethat
po ssilypif saragemen'tus soul his'emdes
swithshu nEtghli edepattment usretun
perfornmtancec of "Sie Stoopsts Cou-
quier" might le gisveun foe te Unmiin.
Atthorey-General Wiade 1. Ellis of
Ohsisio ibc tec principal speaker at
thcesually of tie 'Taft Repubhlicanu cubh
XWednesdasy tnight. M. Ellis is chair
tests f thur repubican committee of
fhioiu. His talk will be a prediction of
Shem comsing canpaigns issues anud of the
outcme sof the present political situatiou.
tAttorunyX. W. Wedemeyer, who will
offiinate at tie meeing, will also speak
A usmusical program consisting of songs
y us stusden chormnus, and msic by the
Varsity baud of thirty pieces, has beca
precparecd. The rally will e held in
SScott's al oer Cushing's drg stoe,
siat P olock.
Three hsutded dollars of the cas
muemsoruial fundmm has been voted for the
Fhenetit the MichiganUmInion by the
scnior cuginees at their cas meeting
m hldiyesteday afternoon.'The -etire
funid will amuunt to $75 anud the rest
of the usony will e used in purchasing
a meorilI for the engineenitg bilding.

'thu natnre of this nenuorini is yet ho
bc decided.
'heclcaos will give a banquet at the
Unionsu next Thursday evecning.

"Romeo and Juliet" Is the Best
Performance (liven - Rosmer
Excels in Part of Romeo.
The lin Greet performasnce of "Ro-
steo atnde Juli" ash ight was immsueas-
msesluy the ineistsiof this season's plas~
andmen mm ue respes tie ist papitg
this costmpnty husnt e mcitsAnAisiror.
Comparunisounsbetcween ti-ic ply and ite
stns givcen Saturdahsy is imiposiblbe, as
ihis tess asitgreait Itsuines they ergem-r
a disapn menimtuuem. 'ThechrmsanutsIero-
qenesofsitthi n m'mGees method msoed
the audirenesithits olmd-tim-ts toser.
ThurJuliet suf Violet Vivua as spl~te-
did. Chuildlike' andmtsimptlev, sc cosud,
nevcerthelescs, dsptlaytuchmiigreati cmul-
tiosanduuelitssounammffectedind sens'uine
a muanunethat missie couis ulbe umosvede
by tuesacting. Nit scerumslackedh its ists
pointssitha n n-ewfetshul ets tic befoud swits
tee readling. cnsideedes t c whioe
l itssum ucmer ctook this'part ofIRo
-mie. Mri. Rosmer acmnotbhins-esent
line en ifsrs. humisuit-psiauphe wssunot
fitedi ntis Iisspat, iot uoher hetas
ot ruceian,hut asitRomeo hehunlas
esiablishedi himsclf as a talemnted ath
stronug' actor. His Romeuo swas, most
happily, not tatrical, etencm er, ad
humnuaestll timesIsswas, isis-stwru,
rosmntic.e'hssahrt listsesldsosm resteir's
a sutre comptuminesuading.
Thurep, asitaewhosle, movsedwthIssfest
hitsche, auduhosse is-rcq'islu y elputer
loosked.sh.e bau c uoyis'enue, without a
halcnyp, anmdinittthingare of usay-lights,
scnafter Iis 'utch sithiTyb't'isi, Staeyep
- hcs-i ii, asit leu utis, idt terhas sthus
fnts itsf actnisg5f theueen'-inmg. IHis
sttiple andmitinatl ordiissi etolusivl
donme toibehncujosyablehu. f Ills-sdeatof
Roe antdsm tushsli's ltutu snessthesae
thing'mayu bepshis'. Itlut. shilne s t t
relief idhetnithesy'ms' re slshde, its[fill lis,
to thircisurtaniuncall.
Mr.GGenet edidlvery- lttls- acig tisu
yer. IHsis ssunto resswa septabesih,;ni
'hp'yLumpmtkinu tits funnyup, osthilt Friar'
uressie biii he dslutsshIis coniefseiont
at1 lte f'sulmet tombi.
1'e lt'a~y'ssinees'notuitlargvly attended,'u
Last mnigt's audusienes'ie issarget.
Thuose mu is arc si- t thtielit-muGret
ideat tushlhuk furse sreurnmswsti llseas-
APPtOINTS COMIiit"' 1(1(
First steps ini thin organsizationm of at
Spansishincliseetkei ati asmietig
hd yesterday sfternoontin muapauin Hal,
About fifty prsons fromi varios de-
partaments were pesenu t' h lu ub will
sot layyesprecial stress tutu dramaic pro-
diucionss, buut will hain social moetigsg
in the course of tsc yar. If cisc schemeo
proves feaibe thecleui will unite siths
with the oter laugagr clibs im giving
a jointutdrauaic podction net yar
T'he foloswing conmmittes n-e ap
Spointecd: Constitution,IH. Kiinyou, F.
SRowe, H Cody; by-laws, A . Lyon,
V. F Wilson, I,. A Hull; motto, C B
Franklin, Miss Hinza, Miss James;
nanne, Miss IHippie;p Miss Ldingon,
Mist Marshall;sdramautic, Mitt Haler,
fMist Wiodward,It J. Ausrotg, Jr.
JeUsIORntiro WILT, muessuiopv SA'URDAY.a
Thc informal lbanquiet astudasnce
planniesd by the junior its will take pacr
Satnurdaynight at IBarbeure gymnsim.
James Watkins will act as tostmastr
tand thrIfollowing will respond to toasts:
Prof. M. P. Tilley, IHecen Gabe, Ma-

puerile McLauchlanu, Rachel Sinclair, A.
J. Abbott, Benjamsin Eggeman, B. Dewcey
and B. B. Vedder. After thur banquet
eF'ischer's orchetra will Imuenish music
for dancing.

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