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March 24, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-24

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G. H. Wild Coinay
Our Spring 98 line of fine
Imported and Domestic
Is now ready. It includes all
the latest Novelties, Shades
and Up-to-Date Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather' Shade,
Grays and
Fancy Blues.
Yoir patroinage respectfully
6. IH. Wild, Comfpally
31 1 Suh Stae Strei
Mds- Govs-Balls-Bats--
ini fat eveythiiig needed for
t game aii te had of us.
You ate sure that the price,
the tualitand the design is
gocod ifit coniics from
Sheehan & Co's.
Student Bookstores
. A. . >
he & BROS.
TeLargest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Bal, Gtof, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball. Hockey
Offiiial Imtpeens fotreTak and Fild Sport
tinitarms fr aII Sport. padings Handomelny
Ilstatd Catagae f ati sprt aontainu
meo a ugcrtiouns. Send fr it-t. frer.
New York, Chicago, S. Louis, San Francisco,
Misnesp ois, Dener, Buffasi, Syracuse, Ptts-
burg, Pliacelphia, Boston, Cincinnati, Bati-
mncre, Wasingon, Kansas City, Ceeand,
New Orleans, Oerlt, Montrea, Canada.

Buisness Manager-C. E.WaxST~ AP
Ncws. ......* Hiram S Cody
Athletics .............-.Lee A Wit]
Exchange..... t.. . John ambol
Music and Drama.....Roy D. Welch
Wonmen's Editor .... Louise Van Vooris
J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams!
George 11I. Hobart Leoard C. Reid
Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams
Raymond Vissher
M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott
A. L. Hainline Robert Mounsier
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft
Lewis TI. Kisern Robert Morelanit
PattIGree Samuel H. Morris
Otio Engel Fred E. Gooding
Theron P. Cooper
John . Wre Carl H. Adam
Harold P. Gould
Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: I- p. i., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
Tt'IAt'Y.iiIRCFII 4. I908.
We arec i cceceipt iof scvratwistec
lakt-fut of felicitous rictoric frmit
good Inuaid tue te contryiiov(re.
Soniof tlieiiihasve beeiiin AiiiiArtir.
la-diikow tat i a sman iimay he arestedt
for drunkienucss andtttfiue frdisoierlery
coiiidictl,) hoiititd stcange of the sight
of stweet cidei, 'nilwhor te, those ui-
coaco iimeiiis wenieptoliceei run anittck
.ici caught aratdnci ilylicanse they
canotreach lhomneswiltut excedintg
tesedlimitl ttO ,ltic ae nevre
criedbici a lerm i-eof esidece eee
ciii lit is litle mtnter, fr they hae
heardithe ilplace, suit the uiewspapne
wch eitheyereadathouiighti souippliit
iy iteermutitIssieky li-lice of
esss froniut iisitc the ciuty. One of
tic-cetiiblictiniis tic till (nte fr i-
tiseration,i.istwh itemras-cuiconiiits ituitise
--lo I mcw uchi utoey itoestlatuniisea-
stle uniercsity- ti school foe ruffians at
Asn tuctbtiecist-itlie scatetofMihigai
It coniiiuies immedciatey,
"Ciccumtstances coitpel te Reptblicait
Newes to delay its formis in going toi
press this week and we caiiuot catch
Satuirdaymotrinitg's ui."
Lonig lice the wereckly Republican News.
ainldmat- it at the cnd of life be able to
locoitback, anti say, "Neer a wek
pasedttict I had ani idea."
Otneioa r "friends" conpliments us
ini the fotlointg words. tic is qualified,
Ie aers (ihough it is only fair to our
readers to cnfess that ino testimonials

tre eclicsci), ticomciipcire the kiiiitr-
gartertii tote eal sicol"
ccmpliaiin ccibiing tailed switti the tramps
if te Itims ciccititstndtihteiccimplany
tivetnight.T'tic, iccne tact the iaips
line rice sese taid Ies nony."
'Flit stidns as a ue ave asaiale
cashti s coe of thse instrtivie penocm-
cit- ,which ire at-cso often recurret
ticc ouri iscir usiets. The gentleian
has admiicitt cue faciniipstieccf hutm-
self. Buti cas cthe'geictemanc eec seeti
ai tccamip. cc bectn cimeled Icc seep ii
t iciteightorhood foncice' Or ehap
-siiic e s rites aionyiosl- ieraps
ic hiiimself is ccii- cc those smei tramps
st-tociterecin the cell, ad aicts eni f-
fendedlby our slightingreference! Ac-
qut hll] of cclt. Blidclesthe kniows
thcemeanincg of '"cntagiouc in dciis-
iase'.' Doecce icndcesand lthe differ-
ecicbtweni the cnufinemuettf a guilty
piesont, 'aiidthe detenition iof a ierson
knownti t le iiniocett ty the cue trht
irrcited lhim, in a filtllc nsnittcciay ole?
tPerhacpls cccl.for heCo cludtices,
"I tinow- ihcciiai ceise ltyu tre,
athlerecfore expect this letter ticdcc
ticitvecr- little gococi.'
Anothier "cllege gacuteaof i ufl6'
entertalcinsc ccchugely ctit tinformacc-
tionc ta tte studieit todacy is aiblalckt-
gutted.- fTemporiica.ft Attres!"teieng
a stdenttdotes cccltplce yout abocve i
itrtp if youiibrecit ny cis." Btwt tn
if tutu doitt brlieakclaw.'cie?"Yocuchint-
ibrccugh t ch disgrace uponciccolleges tat
ac dcnt-cicnIist tashamed-cltic siy le es-cc
blonlccgedlti co cllege. . . . Eto ccii.
ymthizles witihtyot aing tther st-
ilents that hicesbtentlawiteakiers,. andi
fccclish, giggling girls who ieser thikt.
. If yocu si-rc getlemn, ticyti
solit Ie. and cct ibltcacgatrds, asiyou
ace. yocutwocul d beticeca-tee like gete-
Welltiter altccc canttiseIchit, you
knwcit -We knctrica ets- cf our cnctmcber
wern- lawless tutd crimitical, atd that ii
tll tprobcabiliy- soue cit those egagei
itt the ciii' cistrbance it-cre hblae-
nuoty. 11 sems,ihoieer, that lt of
usc ("he-stdentotodcl actcy') ae ilac-
gucrits cclactirreclimabcletlype--'ic i-
scrutablel iroidece linestptshecd is Inc
frcom,,the good cctltie thaiti-ti, i
Actnicp-sitiateaper hasicliii-follwiing
t ay edtorciialy
"T'here is caoter side tic these cii-
bucrsc of stdettiarlity. It is cie that
is almtoctescc brocgt intte limce-
light. It is lie prt tlat-citiy the Anti
Actborcpolice Icice ant court athitioiies.
Thetse sudcet teottiraiiocns are their
hacrvest timie A.sudcett riot mceasc
icospei toictlie officers. Ottllie first
rumicoe ofci stdentitdcemtirtioin the,
itolice ruthhicc the scene, aparently wit,
te ope that te oys till oerstep the
limiits of orderliness. If the demonstra-
ion takes te eat bit of a serious
tuinthite police grabc althite beyst'sha
their physical strengtt till allow, knon--
icg nelltte there ae saty fellows
whocc wotuldtatter padtwithc their pocket
ucoiey tian hae a complaint sworn out
against them. Tthe fellows who are ar-
rested arc generally mulucted hard ii lie
interests of te court officers atd the
police force.
"Tue weter remembers a case a fews
years since alien the studentsn who were

scm ufortunte as to be lte cites guth-
edeu in n a stueti deuoncstrationm act
tou hty eitu.-for -thur poiceoen tic-
addtuitionuctco payicg fies. Wshycithite
studtentst tiuy-the htal? hBeause i sas
ctichae thanutoiiistruggle lice justice
against odds. I must ie remembered
that most of lie students arc non-resi-
ets of Attn Arbor ad thutiley hae
noc oitical social or busines concnec-
ticcns to help tem in te hour of trial.
I is a noorious fact that tie sudets
ce lt nl itto te clutches of te Ann
Arbocr iolice htin s-c a nthstowe of u-
ice. This shulduiunot he. The stucent
ii itn'sc[crboritas utmucti etiledtlit
squr deuc tal fromtithe police Iccrce ath
curtcas ay bcusiess munitout Ecit
A'sosiuternipaice ii etscribing te
reccent disturbancte staed thai only after
the milihiit luad chargedl fourt imces cit
thec studencts ic sperse. It woiuildtsemct
thatciliii-accuract- of lie rpcors cries
itese s- sthe idistuince
MEusic ana 'Mrama
rue:id disuserv.
Fiei artists ate created a greater
sencsatucuionithur tmuscal wocldethan tJanc
Kuuhclit. the famotuus vilinuisi.triteo is
startinug nwii ci-ci ltotte of 125 cocerts,
uutdcer the manuagmuentt ittDanil Freth-
mant.antd till pcyhateure Scturay ight.
'caret, 28-at lie New' 'sitniey theater.
His rogrtics leuresill iclde:
7. Situitg--Cnceto" A.mtajocr.
Alltegaen ergic; andate; alcliegco
2. Choini-Aduagio.c
SehuuuuuanncChantuson iTiise.
3. Wicniawsi-"cFmmcitFantacsie
4. Scait-Sans-ccVie Capite.
5. Wagner-lDeurMeier siner."
Ilucut- Scene tic isCsurda.
f. Pcaganii-W s~ites ItDance.
Curtint 8 Sp iiishirtp hrics lice
tits concert sclltranug remi50cetic ic
$2.0. Parquet dicr, $.jo candul$.oo:
balcnluy. $t.5o. $.oo, catnd 75 ceti; gcl-
cry. 50 ceuui. Seatsguioutn sale Turis-
tat r- ucuiug at the New Wshiney the-
er site office. mitteeers filed th het
arc ree-u itd . Adcress A. C. Aboctt,
manctucger ew-i- Wshitineythealtier, Anit
Te Macjestic ilt for this ek is quite
nput tiche usual standardnd tcu icludies
scomue esiecicalty gooct fectures. Klliniis
catdchKlifton, banijo cartiss produce sec
ceercimuitctioinsstd cediable duel,.
Frankhi 'Merit, burnt cokuitcrel, gise
selectionus fromisold tilme sngs anid jokes
Keilic std Dixotine-cv a clever stititI
-their iroducitont of Fit First H-onic
Cointg." The bill atlso incldes a cemu-
cat sleight of hand icerformantce.
Noel-ties ini nectivear for mten oi icle
bty Allhen, Main stret. 30-5
LOST-A gout penant piu, lue
entamiul, figure a itt whie bal. Reard
if returied to The Daiy office. . L.

Globe Wernicke
Book Cases
The kind that grows with
your library-that will fit
practically any space -that
caithe inoved oneut 1 at a
tinme hy one persoit without
disturbinig the books-that is
practical, artistic, aid the only
perfect sectional ook case
niade. Fitted with non-bind-
ing roller-bearing doors: base
sius furnished with or with.
out drawers; anid all made in
a vandey of woods and finishes
adapted to any surroundinigs.
Call and see themc or seid for
catalog io6 with ineior views
showiitg arangemett in li
brary, parlor, etc.
Price per section $2.50
and up.
University Bookstore
(;. [. BARIH[fLL
Law' and Medical Bokeller
Digby'slissiory iiotue aio
]teairuoPpuert - $300
tDetatitins Editn ofa
ilms h eal roPipetyi- $300
Miuti. s dutia, iiiRBus
Propety - c - - $1.00
Busostu, 1iectinsnd fortt mit
CiumnaliActs- $600
ol.2- - - - - $1200
tryinl's Theory cot Evidence, $2 00
Stephenu'nnDigesuofEcienie. $4.00
Mc ielveys Eiduuue,- -- $350
ilarehah's Ctipurtituu, - $6.00
Tompini's Snumary tic the
Lawioflcrporaetionis, - - $2.50
Wroletunu's Art iof Cros
Exainatuin. - $2.0
Bouswick's tutuyea's iluau. $6.50
iirdsey', AbthntsFst,rui - $6.00
lists-s i-stlig. Pracicistd
Form ,3vsuis. - $18.00
W5inslw'sd'iodeiFormst, siols.. $12.00
11a-re's tracticalt Thera peniticc, $400
Biekiuanu's (percti ve urgery. $6.00
Catte's tttst-Miortenu
Pathlohgy - - - - $5.005-
Suiunstla-Mc~iret's Atlas adu
Crosse's hticeaes s of iimen. $6.00
cattle'stDiffereniail Diagnuos
soul 'ii-i'nt,u.- - - $6.50
Diial.u,si. - - - - $.50
Uousd's Biographiic Cinics.
5 col.. - $5.00
Dictionaries. Punmpendst. t.
Law, and Medical Baksllr'
Tel 161. 326 S. State St.
Fyeglassse litn uch st ta
necessry nussnce willh stutsof
lit, thaiuttey ilt welunome asiev-
glais that gies tomoutuluri serciuce.
7liaryouur opticaul wrk dne at
ARNOLD'S and te wilt Slt you orn-
tirtubly std garantee resuhts.hQuikt
Bepirs. Li-seri round.
otpica Speiaist with
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
220 Suthi Main Street

. "'

How About That

ow pring Shirt
We have the Assortment
The Co-Op

Five Coruoert.
,May 13-14-13-16.
Frederick A. Stork, Conductor
CHORAL UNION (300 Voices)
Albeet A. Stanley, Conductor
Prlhaolpea.1 Choral Work
"Creatinn" - Hlaydnt
:Faustc" - Gounodii
Mi's. CorloneBider-Kelsoy
Thursday and Saturday lEvenings
Mane Ernestine Schusman-Jteinis,
Cotrlo et. nod Fri. Evenings
-Miss Janet Spencer, Cnntralto
Frie Afternoan sod Sat. Evenuing
Mr. Edward Johnon, Tenore °
-Thar. Fri. and Sat. Evenlings
Mr. Claade Cpuiigbam, Baritone
Sauarday Ec-ening
Mr. Earle G. Killen, Baritonue
Mr. Herbert Witherspoon, Bass
Thuarsday and Saturday Eventogs
Mr. L. De Mare, French Born
Mr. L. L. Renwicks, raiastteso
Wedanesaiy Evening
Seaon.nTicets (anreserved) $3.
Se'ason Tickets (reserved) $4, $5, $6
For Sate at
*ohaoel of Manelo

Ihe Students' lecture Association
Brander Matthews, April 6
Single. Admission - - 50c
Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30
S1ngle Ademission --SOc
The Students' Lecture Association


121 Washington IF. The Randall StuiRanal&PcProps.

P~hone 598

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