The Mlichigan Daily VTOL. XVIII. .. . . .. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1908. NO. 130. BASEBALL SQUAD GOES TO DIAMOND Outdoor Practice Began Yester- day-Notre Dame Supplants Wabash on Football Schedule. "it makteth ote feel blithe anti gay," carroled Georgi' Wheeler. as tlc first ball thrown in ottdoor pratie cdded t his mtit. 'Te whiole sqtadl made its say to te fair gronnds yestertay after- noon, anot ot a miait comtptlaindt of the distatcee Theseweatier was ideal for the open- intpratice and te disitio(Id in con- taratively goodslcoitlition. A halftoeit payers antl exiberant faistousied them- selves tptlig up~ fene posts ott of pure joy sat tteir release froisthtle age atdte hardi gyii floor, It reqirel all thetpersasie sliers of "\a" amd "Sailly" t keeti te mietfromo over- wrorking. Everyoneiwamted to see host' far ht mel trtw, and gramdtatd pays to anl aseiti adiene were omon. Froamisnoiite wordil sill e 'rie tieronte titeld if te weather permits." \ust f the tiite yeseruasas takeii up sith titItiiig aid fieditingpatieeanst gnrlwrning ttl). Let 'sam feel tieir it s" adthmeecoaech. The ipracice s insever soteiie't tiore aupiiusy iAlthe mieit tre i goid shale. Tere is a lig squad of eal arstytimbut e, ansI oer'asinthtin twiich t ege shp adtiseetthle ite tifrthis ie ist gmte isiples off itt Feryvid. 'I its ilts'varsity- gronstitiwsill le i spedd aod tionif gssisweater cstn- ttine sdtheliewit'ltys'cnstuctedestgratd- statis siill acotmmotitdate all tes'fas iwhtlt gathte'rfis theis'gamies. Coiisi gi te iitt.amsetdutle, ads grotis, ifbaseacl eer tpromtiseitoitbit renuirtite is it destis sringtt~s 'lhei'foostall sedlet'is testsestot- tilte. Ntre Datme is sigiesforIOt 7, stini every datie is fille.X'Wsabast ha' teent sunitestfrsomt the lii of grision oppinie tudthetls da f teschedlte idotsstsr is sdoste. A imors- attractive seisilssonh ssloim bes'iiassresd lhan the cominitg o. igh gmsiiisarm' tirst, cfwicsit ws ill le playesd at hoime, adi the tbad ansi fait' tiill ate 'ittise opporstuntiity to pov their ability i stpotinttg the eleeii OnOti-. S5 . .aid Sracuse isill hi playid saway fromii homie. lTe om- iltedsch eleir is s folos:e Oct. 3--Case at An Arbor. fct. o-. A. C. at ni Artist. fct.- 7-NitreiDatie it AntiAror fOt 24-0. S-.LU at Columbuhs Oct. 3t-Vainderbilt at Ain Arbor. Not. 7-Kenuctnky State at Atn Arbor Nov. 4--Pennsylt-ana at Atu Aror Nov. 2I-Syrsacuse at Syranse. NetDUAivMcci' sITeH SRACUE. A statement rons Maasger Baird pth niiend to te doping of track relation Vih Syriese this sriig, so far as Ausi Aror is cocreted. "Thle Syratusemsaiager ifornsnit that thirec istitaniy proset of ai seel largely teatse they atett eansfit tsmetie its this spring. "As yet se have schednled no oti- tdoor imeets. I hae't a ghost of at ideraiwhiaticollege techlmetrnfirst othl track." The scant student patronagr of te last insoor meet with the Chicagoan lit a slight dainter supsn Mr. Baird' enthuisiasm. c;W[tti O R 'egNi TImAst. 'Thle old coistitutiiniof the atteti- association provided for the awardint sit "M's" to ment tatting part us the cot. legiite 'tenis mi-eets. In view of lte severance of relations with confereene enlleges, the association will make somn- revision of the rule, so that tennis met iay receive soime reward for their ell- seatos. Coritell iniersity at seledeta ul lentils net witiChicagos o le playest ott the [Detroit Athletic ellitist courts ii Derorsit lie dlay- preedsitgtheir visit ts Anti Arbor. Cicagot reftsest to plpy t homtie ands the sommp'otmise wsi effetes. The Feitcigcbhiiels its lpreliminiiary contest st 'Waermsanigyminasisimtityester- dasy at 4 o'clock. 'lThe results sit the different itatcesiserr asfoflosi Kremesrs-Biemsis t-. Rosewater-Kremiers, 6-. Reighaesd-Ruippe, t-. Fletcher swostifromT'eil in the firs out of-their mtath, bit the matcheliwasi postpoeitsuntttilatier ii inte eek, Fletether lhaing veeiv'sd aviustin lilt Thleiprelimtintaries sill be cosntiuaed Wenesay at 4 ocloc. The final tour- tamtentitstill takse titter Saturdasy night at ills'athleie canivali. teRSa iNC'TOURNMgN. I conietioni siths the athletic tisfrna- ueit ext Sattirdasy ight, the fials i' basketbtall, wsrestlitg ad fetcitg sill titer llacs' iiaddeitissitoithfts'reglasr sital elasy races. reliminitaies ae ieing heit this ieeks to see what mestnt still clash fist-camiiosiptthonoisrs ii wtrestlinig Thefisrttaatcesiwilile helsi todap- at 4 o'clock. 'lThes are otst to sll U'niversity stdenetts, whthller te hasie bsent situ oi theitai'tisibefoeris musht. 'Te winntttes ithe iprelimtiaiss' n-will wrsi-te tstss tomrwad 'lTursdasi' is decide islis stillstppiersinusthe fiasi Satutrsday. 'iThose isihiig tsriter is- das-5preliminitaries mutst rport etwsiesi 3 :3o andsl4 ts scr-i i. Immtiaiteiisly Ifter this, the drawsitgs still tsr miade sitns the itstcis csmmiteceds.'fhr fest- ess-eights still'clsih, irlit, tevietii tint comingtitigser, iii oref sweigt 'Ts' follsis-i cogestanssits its -i-ve cii Feait'e right (123it) : V. S. P'sl tier, R. tL. Cmbits, V. J- Curo, J I. Roth, C. Nt, Jeniiitg. Williamus F. 1as _Gesrge F1. Noisisiti. Iightweightit to his.) : ' iRi1toss StisAnersont, C. F. SitahlI, 1. Iaisi. 1I. .Howiari. t.$ rices'. .F. tissise a Vt vlvseigit (mIti's s) :XW.s"I laiss It R.1) HtschstiF.X. XWelsh, I. .Tuts etr J. AAimdierson ismD' II s tissiti s -1.A.Lyon, F.ID.Wetler, II5s Fx. e . .\lrisii, J. L'. Rger I' C(Reei . It. tsiP-mne,F. ID. Ksanagi. cevyweigt: B. Prks W.IGrahamti T.'.15Ose, C. A. Iansmin. XIAJ:STtC Tl'ttIiA'i'LL +tII GIV'E BEtNIT I 'I' PRFORI ANCI- Te iMasjetieasster imaitnagemsemt, swithi thur assistamnce of the Vsitsiy Girt -cl,till it-c beiefit iperformaniices Fri day~ afternoon autheeiniig, to raise fiidst to assist the defemse of those stsdemnt iuer arrest The maietill star at 3:t5 p init. Tickets till sell foeomit sdollar anid will be good at eittere per Sfoemuance. They say be exchanged a ntihsex oiierfoe ciumpomn tickets. limTe psamireceity imamguritesi to tes ithur ability- of tasebal andidates it hanidling the tit was origimatei by Stlli van, captaimn of the tean. mof Lom ned disclaimiss all credit for thu ex e Ierimenutsmandattrihbutes itts timeornin aity of Caiptain ulmlisan. 'I'Tle date fume this year's swingmmsmc ia erum set fete the firstswees itsMay Prsactiallysll mdeparmetsha-cagrees tstske pirtmanditie swimngoutswill robh p abloy le tie largest ever seems itsAnt -Arborm. All comteats fete the remtl o ecaps simisgowtnsIssebhens let to Marl t& Co., stud nil seniors are ueged to cal efor nseasutuenents as soon as possiblt n \o deposit is required with the order. EXAMINATION OF STUDENTS BEGINS Petition of Business Men Pre- sented-Pres. Angell and Dean Vaughan Called as Witnesses. 'fle examssinatisioof te fiftenrtirsem teits chartg-edsh ilsart'iciastigc iitie recenthshiissihisutce' iilnt Siartuhester' tes takuieniuphbefre Justie Doyust er- -mornesinguan'suituti-iillmriud ig thur sfte- 'on hs-e-endatuitvscr ll Ipresent smithsevn siltusse'ysseiresetdshe'inus, ushle ris eccusiug iittorutepS'swyer wisi sssisitedIspCip-ylAttorn e 1wtepe. Pts- ls- l icemn urdecthe'doslts''s sthcurtlii tio sm-sige-pb(usevensty-sfohs silessi hush f <\ust hrsass itspats sfis- luwss Isasuhi asthiss-iteres''ts f thus town and mushsdentss.1 's ant susuisgu- lshly, usuts isitu sh ndits suses itie- s-vlsitsolsmt smith isgracnv'tIstheuruti- visipy ndtuhhi towluistue, this' busiess iesl ;inArrmetndllss i s svusus uthtat, if ts- stiulints ipay lithe adsumts s fariurr edh, proseutioe dchrhhihied.' XXaltivr liiik , X Xs, t, It t Frot, uhrse sietioft'Iliy'sv'nirs's'ngues'rs, smith. \(IXeli X i, precsient of risc ' eirlwhats -is st tsiei sheititionm. 'iTes found tshistit hiss-w se n s''tirst is sit"lyin fsavortofst hiss irupossdstte age that uisgndtetifthis'slms usice lutswersivdiv'hehis'peitions ts stain th a eis huty itpwits titsheirmitime wheherHave asca se'osheoluthems soutltnd his juriicttl'iniss' e n fatis lT he alicainfo oni lilt 's died.s iu '~isss is iili seprt tilfrthe eh'fetuarsm, summi thus- sutui'uiti hlgl. 'heissrlst cse5 us 111a