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April 02, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-04-02

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The Michigan Dail y


Prospects Look (food for Eastern
Cross Countries-D. U. S. Will
Meet the All-Fresh Saturday.
Though the lg three ;of the distance
squad, Rowe, Coe and Dull, will not e
attic to cotttetel for Micigan at the
eatern cross cousntries next fall, te
prospeects for a good team are not dark.
lhere are eight CCC' en in college
twho will le eligille to en tis fall, ade
tespring race. ay ring ot a fete
Of tletsmen wearing te cross conttry
isignisa, MSiller, West atd Saxtot are
juirs ohonsac, M\ay, Safroti and
See te sphomtttores; atttl ahatchet is
a freshm an. H all,lthe flst-year ttait
wits satic agood sowsig ittte tile
it the idoesoreet, outgt to Wits reog-
niti ottint il,- ostdoot'contests, adth~ lere
is theusase Iqutota sot (lark horses
lDirectors Fitpatric sates tat te
tletic' sseciati ont willtprblalyleasarl
at'"i" ,io the yicheligans satslain
fiet intheseastertsntius'.,ad 'isICCC's"
is he oiite tietswthes sake te'sqadts
whih tetes te'.nt ssest.
ttSulthsantopotuntstity as'.tis htas eet
beeistffetetcs'rosts'courtsIy' siest hee-
toitore, atnds it lis robable tht the rsult
will belstheIte stsucssces'sful yett'ittthe'
histiry o tesilbi. 51swthosiate i-
eligiblelsund ethe y erseienetrustle t
compts se i tracksthii.sring till tnow
hase as dedsssiie n tieet kettptetm-
sevsits gist 1ndtssiiostn ts mkttt hes s
5)5. % .'TEA. 5 tutu s SATRDAYs~s
The lDesroit Unsiersiy' tsc l sill
seda teastiters' Strsay t seelts
all-fresh teamrintanitt st itemts ts wipie oust
tsr stigmsa f lst y ear's defea'st. lT'e
suad hich vet sisiedlit'theeroi sholssl
ayea r agito rovedl'tottgeter too muchet
for lsthprips..
lists of te' siti peits sfigtes'in St Ii-
urday~'.see sill bts'little 'ltt" lt' Isi-
<its', wholitsllisus remarkab~tlle soskits
lassrst ea''stehlstaic etesststtse
re'ord.Is' JIse I tsta s' iis' stite sr itlssnd
te(ureas telIs its the' higs jumtp~.
It 55555''andstlie sill hatesanoethslle 'aelitt
tso tkee iac'hsothler's msesusr.
At a tme'tingsofte frshmansatratctk
manest srs, Ihedtits \atiermatn itsgyssssasiutss
yesterday, llt'.nssitetiers tere dsli
ettssed. It sas deiedl5toise siecial
sieaters forsse Isfreetsh e't, tutuCteser
Stapes'.andsttPhillip Kisi'ke'ts sill act
a'. y cllmtiers ettring tee st. 'The
adtssionsssfee sill tbr 2 cetts.
i.eitNDBi\L, eINAS eTODAYis
II sag andidilesy sill seel oll ansI
WValshlths'aftersoots for te doubles
handall camspionship. Leffingwell and
Vaughsn, who lost out to Loell and
Waistsl'Tusesay, till be gives riboss
ftr thirdilact'se ithle tornamtent.
Todaty's game will e played about
3.3, andi at the close rihbons swill e
awtatined to the contestatts.
ereetm e tsMOttt.
SenititIls till seel at the Union
clutibhouse tontigt:t st 8 occk for their
seconti class stmoker. A short program
ofi seeches liss lets prepared and a
luch will le seede.

Cotiuig po te enra sbjct BEGIN SESSIONS
ofthe classifcationt of operattng epenstes
as prescribed by the issterstate conmmserce___
commission, Prof. Atdatms took tp te Classical, Modern Language, and
sutbject of joint use attdlownserstips of
tracks, terminals, yards, ande equiptsenst. Physics Conferences Prove In-
"The joint sse of equipmtsst, etc., is teresting and Instructive.
fttr the pumpose of ecotnosmy ciefly. t-
gites, coaches antI freight cars are cot- Prof Masrtins . t'Oisge, as presiditg
stontly' exchanged bIyIte sdifferent ril- offire sttpenelteclssica cotterencee
roads," said he. "'T'he exchanssge sof of tes;i'chitigantsSethoolmsastrs' cishb its
freight cars is the most coissisot, the SasraihsCsellAigel all yesterdasy
retvenste of the cargoes initese cars i'.so rigts9isp'clock. The fetstissster
recessedl ly the road deliv'erinsg Itestoliosinte lssg proigamas 'asssisillssstre
their desisistion, bust they mtusst pay' 2, talte its "he RmanessFsrumtsits Cices's
cesnts (lately retuedt front 5o) to the Times," y tProf. Walsiter Cetisont. P'rf.
road owsing the car for every' tdty-it l ie 'sisssseplaied thtsiCirre ob~tttaly
utsio afioreigi' road. Otoftthttis, 5a5seseswtisestirlsieisgs whossse sistsare
prescribted Iy te'cmnmnissiontwItelve f lssl t inte Fottodasssssy,issty' tere
censt t msst gis towsards .the' repairsr m lrsills ni tonlyi i inte'ite'r sisys 51 Jliss
te wesarto the car." Cesa''r sisnI t'eigis of 'Ausgssts. Ic
Reerringhsack tosthIle operating ex-stess rote edsedstosreostrucstt, s lie s
pense".stlfia silrsaid, Prof.'Adsamss emts tossit'ble't,'eloramessss Csirenmstsi veis
phasssizedl thast "thei tttpeatig exesessroif sects it.
tosritslrondsst excilue sll rextnsiosi' Prosf.IDesison teass' ,1stes' i sist-
sits Ibettermtensts. 'Tee' rattriittg c'- sditely' lieC. S. Nseris, o iSIchigant
pe sre' thotse' forits' tesieoperatingS Ste' Notst'saslegwh reda ex
sillest'is rertsspsiblte, andeiinle' sll its- teisets l steilister poithe51ropertt
pesc'softoper'stion. Rt'ery' extiensee of sillseests si ttion it te Isits pittile'
thse' 'sillrstosad sss ls''otstha e sme itt sss'ty. 'ijti" sitstro d.
wthichts sste' '~shw upth te blancsiee' .I. tislesoeon"Cl-
sleet. 'laxess dtossino stt cme tndrtler t~c- laiealrsk55steitt Sek asdit in,"
atinig t'xpenses. SWhlessewe say' aiadswellig uote 1 sstettioft colatesit
operaes'ast 70 tsr rcenit, te rusmasitig oakntIowisti eintual opertiontiiinte
311 Itss'r sent incluels st' ts'es.' sLansit" ighsts set test1oIswticts s h
sitetiomes Stir 5e5plinttutw stirstti-
IAW G.sS' I VE UCSC'Alt L usi denits1d enitsseested i addtiiosal
ASPRI,17h00 .11.ANCE', studsissitfte lise tisditstisses'.otte
--anciencut IGr'e',sand' sitatsssssbsy ssstsdu-
Citer si hussuredetldsifty' .sstssuns igsere'ofclsialsy'mpossis.s
lust etensered e mbi s tesi .of te 'Miss etrIsudse Iret, of lur AnisAro
isair sex commasnsdssisg Ithestm t ,tl,stoaprhihscholsuandtProsf. J. H. lirake oul'
us Greanger's tutuFriday, Apil3,it 8 1 brtiufysdiscussedt Miss .Atins' paler.
u. its. This is slu regat sannual fuuctot llowingss ss"slt'roetf. Samuseul G. Oli
gisens tyrthe sesnior lass's snds lheysase 'suits o iv)s letllgresuad uaes
mnaskintg eartep'rseparats sfistthe ott"Salissaoses us lr tesacint sume t
eent. of ditisnsits",histhusoils f the' heart
'The "Cresse," suitnsusal utlp uublication twithin"ofttIhet'eybrowss, zstu[ ote
gouttnssuitS inthtes' tccaionsitsit atests-is lttts tiltudenmoemntIo
tutrany'succeessorn t teMichigani Lawiettestre hile 'blutiy.
Reviewss lrueasdtygonerto Ipress, andTtt 'hise tl tilst nerlu' ts he pog"uusofi
ut isrportedl hisesonstainsmuchurls'iginaluhthistetornintg sessionius ro 'sf. IHetuy
"d"slur'out stusdesntesusnsful slty' cm-A. Ssndese'.'lecuster upon "Ihe frees
hurt'' ef the idepat'trtt. It sill le rady-t 5h,'t1sseittof teel slutihle'.''vhidsutof
hits idistrihtesions amsog teesbpoenasedttster"eoiconeieslite'. itthus's'arious est
tus itle.rtte e'v'eningofslur partsy.Fischs h g Geekhsadth trl'es auscrps
ers orhetts sill furnishs the siusi. lProf. Ssndelrs pitued oush ts thur massn
toinistssif itrst'.itsthur tets 'ustdIshowed'
P'ROF1. KNAPP.lT''ALKS suitethey sger wth earhsethtter.
ON ROMAN T'l' R'F Te imodetrntslnuguage ectinuof lst
-- Shootlmatstrs' rlusheirls its itst sessio
''Tir Romsass Theatrer" satste stiltWedetsdaey ftsrnonsusssitsRomtt5, Usi
ieces if sui ilsstated lecture sdeliv'eredh ursity' Iasilt Prof.l.Metes'u'tisilcr aetced
hest ight ini Sarahs Castrel Angel Hal, s elseirmanu . Thurseerisg trssswect
by Pri. Chsarles Knasplp, Of Colussihi t ssededr, it besng snecessry to isst
uivt'esity. Prof. Kniapins itroducisg ets uset u traeences touacomodtetthe adi-i
Iis suject sioke of the opositioni of este.
the Romsasn gov'erntmtentto the develop- T'l rotgsagewssss peniiued by a pspe
set of thse dramsa. Because of this sit Clusussissu's lien Selshssill," gie
attiudce lplaywrights asd actors stroe o tby E. S. Ssuesr, of Dennssisoun iivesity
give teIteatre andidrlasma a GreecianIlsesanedl tie herers against the e-
effect. Since the Rosmans theare is ass ilsusisusic prie twhihs somue esitor
esolution of the Greciasn theatre, our asrard writrs stunschiferior to Lessig
study' sill be of te Greciats theatre o yScillerssud CGoete. Mrl. Sauesattespt
,I certain extent. ed o arouse sn iterest its Casmisso
Prof. Knapps gave a geseral history he tat, by' giing ass acoust of lbs
of theatre coinstrusction its Rome. 'Tis str'isng isscitents it s lif ie.
pars of his lecture true nude iteeesting li. See Mi. HIlneur, wvho gae thu
lby tse use of stereopicon slides display' secondu talk, spkie ots"hIbses ade Non'
ing the unscoveredsrunsss of the ole Ro- way." iedeaueslt fully' tiths Ibsen's og
tian theatres. sojourn from Iis natie lad ade im
- - presed nt peasll thur unfailisg pstriotin
Senior lit classeeting today, isp. u., whiht is so characterisic of Iis plays
Rosum C, Unisversity' Hal. Dr. Holsandr said stal Isess alway


trwishsedl it to be knowvn that Iis plays
trere wvritten s epecially for Norsegins.
"Womitieniin IHero-Sagas" wsatthe et
papere read, deleivered by' Prof. Gae F.
Sweariing'tosn, of Oliet cullege. Sie ei-
phasiedllen subtjet lby givisgviidsicIl-
titers sanud appropriate examuples of wo-
strutits the lero-Sagas.
'T'he last paper wasss:as essay ott thur
"Ioe huchte Ransoillet," by Prof. Monit
L~evi. i-i told at lesgth of the founding
uf slurfist salots by' theMaquie dee
Ramnbouiltiet ini the seenteesnth cestury
how tsrhroghli serosnderful istellect ard
strikeing ibeauty she smasde the salon te
cruser of he literary ands social spirit
of thur (lay.
'uYSC ite VsugtesuIssrs' TuRseS IN'rVTs'.
'Three interestiig addresses see givens
y'ests'eday' inthte lthysical Ilaboratry,
tiundr ue auspsies tf te Michigan
Seistuolutsies' dust. 'The tplic uofli.
W. i). II eersuis, f thur Uivesity,
was "Sotmse Side-Lights tinight Shols
Phiysics." lie siidlthlat toay tere is
a tdeidedl unest asuettte smetodtusis1
cussrnuphysics susudltha 't ens oliteac-
er.sue t uiasgredl iis iudamussestas. Ile
traedstes ihits'evo'utiionof uthysis thrutug
its differenth stsges.
'hess kindelr'gart'ensitessf makutig" e-
pertimensits easy tutu iteesting, li. IHest
derson umaintie, sotsulcesues'ndtuthSu
realhvaueu of experuimse'tst.ivo'slig
mas'thuemausticlesiquuationuesusnd quatiaie
wrksint hirlaborsiatry' i sh ul sit he
sacriired ts sake physics esy, simipy
bieuettOlstite uof the reformsestf physics
havue msisussedshSie correct setottus of
htehing it.
The 'strebscoseuli dsciltgraluit was
vividlly'explatiinedl andelitperaedl by bProf
Fi. C. Wo'uodusff, of Jamses Millikeni- is
versity, swhich ahparatuss le lhal brougts
iith itu. 'Te oject of the stroosct
liecusillographs is tot examuise thur aris-
tiots its thur atenatiig electric current.
Prof. C.V. Greene, of Albionstcollege,
tutd formierly astuet of tire C'nise-
site.,isalked ot the "Comntent of the IFist
'Year Cosllege Cos'e its thysics." Ir
uidtSfavorsethurs-callcultre ours
its phy"is thast usositeudthemstahemticia
tush experimsentluphrblems.. le sal
thtthurirs yearcourse shoulu he its
tenusie'. The lecture, reitatioti sndslasit
irto rtsuk stshulhe combuielwit
sui interutietnt awaskess itsthursudents
akeeners'iteest its tnatur aussu l -tt
pttejttticthsdesir to gelsat thu rohssath
swily of tings about iss
Intestirscieussiosncotisiudersbint seret
was st abets its])csllReds short talki
favo stnof a Cuturse course in physics only
lurthosusseeho udidh not1itendtspe scial-
izeits it. te alsot relstediulloe srikisg
exp terimentsss'he hadsse'est itsthurGrmsans
'Te "conferetnces" of the Mlichigan
Schoolmstssers' club till costitise today,
snitn tssddsiion Ite fist of the "geseral
sessiosis" will take place.
'hhe general sessions will begin sith
numeeting in University Hal at 9 a. mn.
'Fle getneal topic will e "Formal Disci-
plite inthe Light of Modern Pychol-
ogy." 'Tle speakers will be Prof James
1R. Atgell, of the University of Chicago,
Prof. W,. B. Pillsbury, of the Universiy
of Michigan, atid Prof. harles I. Judd,
of Yale univeity.
At So'clock, in the High School au-
dhtoeitiu, a musical program wl be
given bynmembes of the faculty of the
School of Music. This will e opento1
persons holing menibership tickets its
he. association.
At 8 p. i., its the High School adito-
riusm, Prof. George Lincoln Burr, of
Cornell university, will deliver an ad-
dress ott 'Hisory and Geography." This
also is open In persons holding mes-
bership tickets in the assoiatios. Al
the close of the address a short recep-
tion sill be held.
'Fle classical conferetce will be con-

tittueh by a meetitig at t :45 o'clock, in
Sarah Caswell Atngell Hall. Prof.
{Continue on Page Thre&5

Speakers Advocate a Department
of Religion on a Strictly Scien-
tific Basis.
P'resientd Angell presideud at the jout
sessionmu of thur Michigass Sheomates'
clubt andI the nerdenomsinational Cot-
fernuce of Church amd Gid Workers
in State Universities yesterday after-
sntsn usSarsahsCawell sAngel.IHal.
'Fle conuferenuce openedutatrI:30swiht
a papereio "'Fle Affilisated College and
Stsate C Uiersiy," by Prof Wallace
Stearuns, f Wesley' cleg, North'sDta-
kouta. 'rutfI.Stearnsleavosredltheedtab-
lishmenrut o1 a sctrin coleegdat state
Ptrof . Wefey nextsmade, sh ortssseSas-
desits shichli ut esid: "WSe avegeast
smith experuut intu'ce ts itssesuruivers-
tics sundu cs-ry Isacility' fusestsuy' andelit-
vestigastions slonsg evely' lise, litsthere'
is oner thinug (sandl shihsfact is te re-
proache'u ef thi ngili'tishrl todasy) for
wrhichtnosu hunsfacilitis fitr stsuy' andu
invsestigsationssaser hrtsviecd, andselhaut is
religin." Preof. WSenley adocated
sunt schosouul st Muihigant, si school its
which sectarunth telogy' hadslno0 ilace
tnin i chtitsthur sujetissuetoe'strap-
proachsed ad tus utsckedhike phlysis adi
chuemuistry, inthSursentiic usay. 'Fle
defects of the averae rteoogirsal smsi-
ary werec thur subijet usf hirsf. Weslsey's
cloesinsg resistsks. "I s theirubuusnes
to unt unstosulrs,urcuhues, mission55-
aries asd1 teachues. 'huesousmucsattetionu
is 1555idtsthe second ofeelthese dities,
iths lite sussrs"
Presidlent Angell set itroductedI
Bishuohp Williamss, uwo satily echoed
Proif. \Vres 's ideas f thur scietiic
attituudle whichishoieuldl he lbrougtto
ber otut religiouus suttl. The bisihbdp
alsoet houught thuresate'shulduprid'ue fuss
asc'uuho f treltigt ioat he' un diveriy.
BishoptilSiliaseconcsluduei, "I thoru-
otughlty' be'ive'inte slurusuEFnglishs tay
suis igrat univetrsity' whlure tey
islets' orbsusanduuslkeelsasiltmsphstsiere of
felosh'tipuswhichs is nut foutndutits a teo-
'hue presidlents of teological semui-
strict herunthe fotreguing withs interet.
'Fle IRev. SWiliamus Douglass Menes-
zie rersd a huler out "'The Studuy ef Ltinu
std Greek as a Prepartion fete the
Study' of 'h'eology," auth in whlihshe
celey shoswedl our isearablehrfrotm
andinthdissble to the stdies of as
divinity studunch he clsssics ser.
A paper by Re. A. J. ock, of St.
Joseph's chuurch, Deroit, wsa on the
sanmetohpic-he vsale of te classics to
a student of theology.
'The last address of the afternsoon se-
slots was given by the Rue. Hlugl Black.
FHe opened by dislaiming the subject
which ad beets assignetd to ins on the
program-"'Short Cuts to the Ministry"
-sayinug that there are no more hort
cuts o the mnmistry thamn royal roads to
Prof. Francis W. Kelsey briefly out-
ised the significance of educational sta-
tistics in connection with the ministry
andt gave the reasons why that profes-
suon s at present its sant of nen
'Fle regular meeting of the Scamdina-
viamn clib will e held tonight at 7 o'clock
its Alpha Nis rouoms. Prof. Swearing-
tos, of Olivet college, will address the
club on old Horse sagas. All interested
are cordially invited.
Notice to presidents of junior classes:
Elections for board of control of igog
Michiganeussianmus be held Saturday,
April 4 Board of Control, Michigan-

A mseeting of the soph it class will
be helud Ibis aftensoon at 4, in Room C.

]Ferry Lctures
HUGH BLACK in Congregational Church tonight at 7 o'clock. Fourth of series on
"The Reasonableness of Religionx"

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