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April 25, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-04-25

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The Michigan Daily

Vol.. XVIII.


No. 149.

gase Veterans Invade Ferry Field
-lichigan Seven, Await (long
at Pennsy-Class 'Baseball. ,
White Captain Rowe anti his sextet
of companion stars are strisving to main-
tain Miclhigan's prestige in the east this
-%afternoont, Captaina Suliivan wsitt tbe et-
deavoring to werest hasehati honors frona
the husky lads fronm the Clevetasnd tecta
school, ansd odds are sonaesshat int favor
of the Wolverines hoth ptaees. Ttae
nine retttrtted fronm the sotuth in excert-
tent sha~pe anti is fttll of sets for tthe
first encounter (Si thte home gons
The hattery whichielsil tte etntrutstedi
with the ganme is tot detertmined, ht
wilt prohahty he either Fare andi orest-
rots or Lintthicusm anti Taft. Atl of the
men were out yesterday hutt w sas tost
windy to tackle a practice game. Mae
appeatrmd on the green witih a bhttal of
"fssngo" sticks and eonutentesd hitmseif
witit swatting high ottes to ttte outfietd.
The old score hoarti Sat tseett remnosvesd
to the new diamond attd tt still ters the
top.-heavy scor rosf last seasonts fm
game ts etcouagae tite nite itn te foray.
This game was withs 0. S. U.,. atsd Sttlty
says if itere is anttthittg itt supter'stton
that evidetnce tsf tise slastgter of tise
Busckeye intnocensts is ant il ttsis for
todays Ohtiso visitors.
The last work 'sha b~eenssdosetttpon
thte groutts antt te gr'andstands an the
are ready to receive thte faithtful fass.
There ihas heett sotte tsisusnsderstandt-
intg concertning tise sae of ttse seaeson
bsasebsall tickets. Thtere is tts reserva-
tins of hig gattes fsor speial ticket sate.
Every gatte to ise playesd at htstte s ttt
citicles in thte seasont ttook. Th ise ise
$z for tihe nitne gamses, bust snge adis-i
sions stilt he io ceents. Ailt tmsembers of
thte athtletic assoctationatrse eigitle ts
ste adivantage of it( stpeci rate.
Eldtridge stilt ostiiate as sssttit's its
todlay's gamse.
RFAT EAMs RtEsts FORss CONa Jss .SS'
Piliadeliphia, April 24..- (Stseeisl)
Tite teamt arrivedt tate yesterdayt andss re-
tired at osnce to te lintel Nosrmtandite.
All of the mearte its goodss conditionss
and ready for Satturdlay's frasy.
Tihis msornsing Fitzpastrick consducssted
a ligiht weorkouts ott 'Franklitn fieldi ands
seemsed pieasedl wsith thse prsectse.
Chicago's teatm is expeteds erer to-
day asnd will put tap its thse samsse ol
with the 1ticiigan stets. Ats enopnsous
nusmher of representatives of thse arl-
otto schools ansd colleges were ons hand
whets we, arried, 'Te seel promises
to lie as maost succesosfusl otte. Roster.
Two huntdred class hasebtatl candsidates
thronged Sontis Ferry fied yesterday
afternoon, representing eighst teants.
Each teanm has fromn fifteesn to forty
candidates. The fresh laws claint that
nearly one-half of thecir casss is out.
Yesterday a contest seas played hetween
two fresh law teams, while enousgh nsa-
terial remuained on te Sidlietis o start
another gante.
The fresh lits present a large croswd
This hunch has heen out snearly. titere
weeks, playing the first two weeks at
the fair groutnd diasnontd witha tise high
schsool team. In the several gamaes
played with the prep schsool thse lits
have wona most of the contests..
The 'it enginseers, 'io lits antd '09 law'
have heen its thse field two weeks. The
remainder of the teams have crae ot
only this wveek. Several of tse teamtn
have failed to report.
The soph lits, last year's class chtam-
pions, have six of their oltd mns wtho,
according to Massager Elliott, will forte
thae mucleus of a second chasmpiosnship

ThCe gaines doy not cosumenace usntila
week fromt Monday. In the 'ineantime

te teamsswxiii undergo the tree horss
laity trsaiing for the next week. Paper
calculations poisnt to one of the mot
interestitng chanmpionshsip races in years.
Rehtearsals for "LAvare," whlicste
Cercle swil present osl May 8. are nose
of daiy ncssrrensce at the Majestic thea-
ter. 'Throusgih the kindness of Mr. Saser
te Frenceh clubsh as access to tie thea-
ter at alt timtes anti constant use of te
stage is enaling tie studesnts to growe
, ccttstosues to te lhose. The acoustics
-steMajestic ave eesn pronounced
"ceilesse hy comapetent critics.
Thsrotugh the hep of James O'Donnell
Bennietsie Cercle has otained the
copty of "L';5vare" weiicha Donald Ro-
ert'sosstedsinitsproducting the play at Chi-
cago. 'Teook contains all secessary
stage sdirectioss. Mr. Roerton has ex-
pressedsiself as greatly interested in
the Cercle's work, atd it is possihle that
lie wiltitness the performance.
Y'he cast sehich wiii produce " LAvare"
is ot unsknowen to the University audi-,
estee. Eeasor Smoot, Stoddard More,
Fet Lyon,.ilesseyCarstens, and Roert
Montrose avt'een itt all the Cerce's
plots duintg the past t o years Messs.
Mor(ec ands Bowtsetn art' it t the iGet'
Ma nd ren stpas this yeas. 'ihe
cast isas los:s'
itarpag'sst...... .. ..........Ptrf. 'Beziat
t.'eatte................Etigate Boseen
l ise ................ IHelesa F. 1lsttt
\'atere ..................R. N. Moro
t1.'ri sss................. Eleasor Smuoot
.Xtsetse.............I5 essy R. Cartess
Frosisse .................M trs. Hofmann:s
Maitre Sstot..... Irwtin Arstrotg
Masitre Jcues....... Stoddars S. Mtore
Las Flece ............. .BFet FE. Lyons
Caude................. Mary E. Lynchs
Flittsas'sitts ............. Leo C. Weier
Lasselsste................ F. S. Cody'
Un't Comts'atte ......... .JulianstBoween
Seats for "l'Avare" sill e placed ott
slthsssornig at 9 seock at XWatr's.
'The prices -re: Foxes, $s;loser tloor
$1, 75 cetsts; baltcoty, 75 cets, o cetst.
.\sssiatc'memesesbitaisa choice ofcc-
teredsiseatsstuponttspresntsationttof teir
msembaeshipi tickst.
essetterpise ithie social 'lssr
wil ti ake'place tis eesing isa a party
givets by te Itetr- Sorority.Asotciatiost
laof Atnt Arbor. The affair will e held
ass Barbsottr gytatasisssasfrost 8 to 2
p. i. antd wilibe a formal receptiot,
Itollsoedi iy'daninsetg. Refreshmnts wil
tbe servesi ansd Fiscier's orcsest will
furnishithemustsic. The geseral chair-
sats of teatty' is Miss Roinsoon, Chi
Thse pusrpose of tis affair is to pro-
stmote inter-sorority spirit, asd it is the
first reslt sat a long effort in this ,di'iec
rtiotn on the part of the sororities.- Th
t intvitatiottsiscute all sorority patron-
-esses.altiae andsactruve enters, ad
John Crahesa defeated five other can
teidates last tnigt in the contest for class
xorator of the senior laws. His sujet
n-wat"'Te Johns Marshall of the West,'
sa nhicis he elogized the work of Jtdg
Cooley of thae lawe teprtment. E. T
sFoote otoassewardedseosd place an
. C. Hate ltesi.
At a bussisrs meeting of the Girls
Glee clb, held Wednedgy afternoon
thse folowinag officers were chosen fbr
athse comisg year: President, Raceli

Sisaclair; vice-president, Jeanette Kot
vst; secretary-treaosurer, Wilma' Marx.
i Thse clubs plants to give another- dane
etowartd the end of May.

REGENTS ACCECTFeld a graduate of the literary sir-
Rrju nuo iwu~ ri arstmrt in the class of's , ; for the
est pomt written ly a literary usder-
TA O ESI NAT ONS gadate efore May t, soi. The con-
dttots ottwhicha the prier wiii hr aari
ed ad tae choice of the poem are' left
Prof U. . Dvis nd r. Bad-to tie heas of the departsent of riet-
orte and to te asistast professors of
Shaw Relinquish Offices....a- rietoric 'lia contiiots of te asestes
ulty Seek Carnegie Fund. sill bae saade pblic wtitin a fete days
Ther net seeting of the boari will
Prof. J. B. Davis of te esgiseerisg e aeli May 2.
fsatty has resignerd as associate deasa "
of thse departsmaest. His resignsationa tas "VON BARNISELM FINISHED,
retuctantty received ly tie oardi of c- FL.UENT," SAYS BENNETT
gests at thiremonsstthly saeetisg yester- -
day. fisa Iis place tisey t otter appoistecd Jamaes O'Donnell Bnntaet, dramaticr
W. i1. Bttst.ntst assistast professor of, critic of the Chicago Record-Herald.
mathermsatics. therchasge to bseose ef- wo madase a flying trip to Ann Aror;
fecise \lst.'l'They' alto provided for toswitnassofilearproductiona of "Minnaavoss
tse stne appossitee's ipromoatisonsto a'tarsstels," Friday evetisg, iha otitg
junsior professorshipt (ctobere . Prof. ut te most entausiastic praise for te
Davis remaainsisathe Utiversity. Sres cast and for taesantire performanasce.
of seork is respsonsilel for his reigna- "I consider that the performasnce was
tion, ande relievediofsthtie duties of asso- astonishinigly finished asd tie redsering
etate deltes wetill contisnue at thae head, of the ines surprisingly fluent," said
of the civil engineering department. M'r. Bennett at the conclusion of the pee-
"Coincidettwsith Prof. Davis' resigna- formatter. "When it .is takesa into con-
tioni is that of r J. X. Bradshaw, sideration that much of the Germana in
registrar of the literary sdepartetr 'Minna son Brnhem' has eoie ohso-
Bradshsawv til rema~ins as professor of fetctae manner in wiict the ast str
mathematics, his resignationt taking ef- monted the dfficulties eors' themetit
feet Oc)tobert.t trof, rthur G.Hall even sore o these credit
of Mia'tits' ssi tsy , fOxford. Ohio, sas ' li of te parts stret'hantdled tn a's
hb'et seceds'for resgistratr.Ilit' sill aso, ellentiashios, andt sttl' of taesasee'
be as prsofessor of msatemastics,stndslesi-. nsussataly good. Mr. (Grats-s saaistainae
toe of thse Blletit, satary' $, oo. te searisg of military' dignity' ad ost-
'The tmeeinsg of lt'retaents yestrdayta ndtst hichststthe partsemissands. Miss
stas nottble fort-shie res'olutiontsattopted il-aket's stork stas very' peasig; ee
apply'ing fosr admsissionssto tsre. seei stnack ofttalking watites'reys' wst
of the C'arnege foundsaiotn foe te a-iecepollsy got. Mir. Btwnt-'swos-nt
'attteettto-f teacinig. Thiss futsd frto as tnsutssal; it sotishax-c soneacredit
'thte petnsionittg of teachlers owas formaerly to ay tprossona perforear, addwosa
closetd to state sssiersity professors crtiy sdesessvsg of teiigest tase.
Mr. Carntegie itt attnipena letter to tae
funtru estees asstannu iced is owilingness NI V-MItCH ItGA'N TECHNtIC
to increase thte futndl sfficintly to is-XMAKES ITS DEBUT
elud the state professors shoudtteta
troisreauthttoriis ttake asisplication. DOs The tatetition of tec Micigan
Pritcetts sftile trustetesntotifidi Press- Tetchnttic t ist Te Teshnit' is tsted
dest Antgelanttth ie regetts' attionsastas siannutsssaly y te Enginaeeing societe
thte reslt.'Te govs'esrrsandte legis atstsl tounpresesantay'nteweostyia-
latsr ate et ts atily'te oatd's es srittena by' its saessabes or saem-
action, butttnIo drlaso is exietedth iere. tbers of tae fastty.
'lwsetty-fvtshousssand doslslars osass-t- Atmonsg sousectf the ntasle articles
esi 1stl theordfor as busildingtshosuse ithie string isse are "'lhe Rs'ultts of
that.e tatseIilesie at the stbsereatorsy. Sre Experimnts upsntae Resistasce
Constrtsti~ o wil tsrelbegunsaas sosota as satShipis" y Prof.ITi. C. Satlere; "High
possst ssl listeb tardatlo sautorized tec Speedh Tool Steel," iy JohnstW.VLasg
itmtdartse razingosf te rick part of ty. atdi"'Te Esgissr's Ctttract of
te olsd sestal tbtuiditg. AXnewe hospital Emps~loymtett"ly Prof. J. C. Knelton.
bildsinsg'fete treastmentstof nsae' andshi lssedition also contaiss a gt'ntrasl its
throat tols w tass askedh fssr by rsdex Isa pblications of teiac tgitaerisg
SCattfeldiatlfs' th esicast facultyls'attdsa sciertylbreieslists of atie atdI gatis-
Scommiasttee' sas atppointedtthts ittvesigate te smaemabers
1atndhreelrt 1tlthe ext tteeting Isa Thle IEngnering society ao verys
vie esfthue coedestontditions of lthe ttmaty 55totinentaen tgiteers ott its gracit-
University htstial, it is problable that te listI amung homa are Joists 1.
1at irpst as tetmprary addsitiots sil ibe ibbssardh'87 Alfred Noitl, '70, Ciars
iait~s Essrthe ovtseeisng of teseorasatd I'Flrshsit'69, Joseph Ripley, '7, Aet
reset busildiing Opesratiossthlir boatrdiA Robnson, '69, Roet S. Wootward,
t apprsdprsatrs $,ooo0ffor the saary of as'72, Corneliuss Doovan, '72, anti Otto
supervisor of consstrutions. J. Kot. '72.
c Pen. A. S. Xhitintey askrd for the
establishmnent of a departmaent of..educa- SENIOR--IAS TO SING
-tion, hut sothisgdelitine was done aot SWAN SONG IN DETROIT
etis. -
Tie' city cuncai of" Detroit asked that The sesaor law class wilt hold its an-
,'the rsgisseriug- deparlsaent laer appont nusal anqeuet at te Griswold house,
three ciizess of Detroit as city oiler Detroit. tnsigt at 8 o'clock. Speial
inspectors. 'lits will hie sone when the ecars will leave thr ., J. & Cswating
council desires it. room at to a. u. anti 5 P. m sharp.
Z Dr Jtsian Gilkey was given his si- Tenm sembes of te lawteaculsty ave
gree its dentistry, and Johna Nelson Nor-' promised o make the trip with the
- wood, Usiversity of Wisconsin, received , class, and it is hoped that a large nm-
Sthe Peter White shaolarship in Ameni- er will turn ot to make the evest a
r: an history, $40. complete sccess.
The hoard sader a tnumber of minor
e appointmests, andshgranted reave of a- NOTED PALEONTOLOGIST
'. snee to the followisg: Or. Wlliam ADDRESSES SIGMA I
t Beaki, medical, lease till August; Calvin-
C. Davis, prdagogy, leave to sttdy at "The chaif aim of paleontology is the
Harvard; Prof. James. Craig, Semitic lassificatiosa of animal life," said Prof.
lastguage, leave for a year; Prof. W. P. W. S. Wiliston, of Chicago niversity,

,I ittshtsry . psychology, tleas-in'ftor' first last night hefore an open meeting of the
~seminster, 1908.-g. society of Sigma Xi. In his address'
rProf. Hf. A, Sanders,, assistanst prosfes- on "The Developmemnt of the Elephant,"
s oe of tatin, was made jusnior professor Prof. Williston showed some interesting
= apmd; wa.s granted, $5so a year for his stereopticon views with which, he proved'
:. work on. Re Prince manauscrips. that the elephant waa descended from an
eThin regents ree'vetl, notice that, a animal prohably not monre -than three
prize of $100 rhas hbeer offered-hy NelsonI feet high:

German Students Prove Histri-
onic Actors- -large Audienc
Applauds Heavy Scenes.
Lrssitsg's tatsepiece, "Minna von
Bartleta," sias presesntedh by the Det-
snaereVereisn of liar University at the
Whiittey thseater 1Friday nigt isa a man-
tare st-isletsnot only dilighted theau tdi-
esace bust saise'te spised sscal and ott-
sisde critics ass sel. Fotm the rising
of thse ssetaintithasiue ends of te fifth
act te performsancersmovedl wihla apro-
fessionatsoastnesss, asnstliarindividula
wosrk inthlea leasditag sles dsrevis a-
msttt sstissteshpraise
"Mitnnas vssisiartshlsIs" is a play'
whicht seisans ot ion ssly unstualssohistri-
osic abiliity,lbsts clsos' anlytical intepre-
tatinsas sel, ansI intl-sthinmemera
of liar cast and the isstttctors who have
direcrtedshtse prepatratioan of thin produ-
'isat seetm to haresdote all that lay
owithinttheisir powe'sr s to strera renditon
of sits'dlitieult lits.whsisthitshould e
finishedsin tesrys' iatcularsSeveral ot
t'e passges .areradiitfastprofessionsal
aost'ndattt he51tamsateurs' pefrmettrs had
gotte'fat et-Isstety etsnattmptedi to
hassdles'thses'ostionissitof thes'play. Vie
atbly' is suffiien5t prttaise' itsitself.
Its ascaste whichis nt sainedh st weak
s 'sssnd st-Iis-I twatostitrstly stog
it is a sdifficusltmsatter tos bestowsvpartis-
late praise. Carli. Grswn as 'lellhenm
assdt Miss EflfriedlatXeit as Minnta had
litns es ichscnotsnuty e prfetly ma-
tereed after stane tosroughasttdy thian
was posssibleitstepresesnt ittstance.n
Floth ofsfise leaeintg roles wserr amnira-
ly filesd, antdeiinthle fewe instances in
whichs ait oI stffness ore of"stagtsnes"
cresssies o, it n-s imtpy ott sndication
thsate the actorseshadsldomesr sorin than
setedsi silewstillsbits 5f acting hicts
casll fore nosthing sort tof geniuts.
Mistsater Fater tadeattracharts-ing
Franzsiska, Not osnyedid sieihadletrhre
lins cleasrly atnd cleverly, ist se pos-
sessedt asec uliaselywiting taginpes-
etnce, tier is" appearansce tmade a si-
cisdesdistpisessiess.astds the adience ap-
plassdedsIhee gests-esassly'throughout thin
perfosrmsasnce'.SteiphtsnttIiricer as Just
accouttted'fortsr thller perplextngrolein
a very' credsitalse mannsser. Stodard S.
Msore ass Der XWit causgt ter spirit of
tse typticalsinntke'ier thorsougly, and
wass completetly at hosme in tei part.
Ber'ttRif1 ggs'ttv sat-Werner performed
creditablly Ihandinttg ti-sinli scine with
Mliss Basker its clever fashion. All of
the ttitnr parst werin filled in a manner
weichemintainassedltie generl high char-
acter of te prformntce.
F. WFowe-n as Rceaste srla Mar-
liniere int Iis one appearance on the
stage presentedella untssuaally finished
piece of asting foe an amuateur perform-
anceIlie shifted from broken German
to smsoothaFreettch in a manner which
dilightesd te'audeience, and he was given
a perfeicet.oations as tarlrft the stage.
'Pie cottmng anti stgng of the
piece were intl- carriesdosst in excellent
taste, atndicombsininsiwith the smootnet
of the estire performance to quite dis-
abses the audince of the idea that they
were enjoying anything ut a profes-
siosnal prsentation of thin work.
Alareinprcentage of the audience
udersods German fuly at well or et-
tee than English, and their livily appre-
ciation of the humoous passages and
hearty applausin during thr heavier pas-
sages attisted thin fiished manner in
which all of thae performers handed the
German tongue.

Notie to Sinnior Lasss-fIstill take
lorders for invitatios tomorrow tore-
tnoon at Carlson & Hndersosn office.
Those who have not placed their orders
please call tomorrow. Oppliger.

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