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May 10, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-10

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The Michigan Daily



No. 162.

Horner Proves Genius Wth Dis-
cus- -Several New Broad Jump-
ers Appear.
Although0no 1reco1rdsVwere.ishatteret
in yeerd(1y's hand~iap metl, lsomeC su1-
priseee sp'(irung14up1on te lspetaos.
were gilen large haniicps, otucce el
in wre-tlimg ho(nors from scrathl 10(,
while in other casesthe "mkno woo a-
uall exceeed the 1w \o(f the aor
Iin thefrthet o f the tO-y111da1
the officil caught1thetie as1-11:a) 45
stile e 11had111th 11gun1behind11him 1111
hfired.(111111 tstro1140nd thbako
1he I'll' ade he onierby
1hs1 ws1ls- akn1no oniertin
Ie pl ni ,Pge tfeha
lit,1cleaed1the ba 1at (1 fet. (ht Ith
inoot ee t hy tle th otn sf1-
hes srl: was half11 10 1a1foot I lesl ither(11
A1110.111 11111 ei i n 1 C11(11 to es
0(111 111wh11 11111d11111e -oll irti
place f oila ild o(fire11 tll il 11 1in1
fogie 11111111-ich haicap, hll 4 e
everyonelsed aled111101115ti le11111t111
n111d the1 c tlainches I Itoill.111S111111
a1111Ho111111ho(1tied0for1seco111d pl111111
1111e111one11m11111 bettrilforme eve1t.
S 101t111w111110eitleared Ilfeelltic11hes1
thisevenrtIbut ( 111111 1110(11ple cod-
froundtthee 0(t ntbee111111e10a11-111o2
fihtl1(1 n ti ify fmatiea111111,t1110or
the pofoi11wiin ofthe(11heftirt 11111
Coe,;lortil111t11if 124 feellsto111i11d
nol lmea1110(11140inteen110 t.~ bn
1111511 fto11111iIft aeite 11ha t
ttow 11111e10hearlested otabeerar
wa 101>10ee1t4ihes,1110n1111isli0en00
yestr01y1111 ,nbetter edthe he-111 ti ft
fet 2ai(lesrir111 410- ttih 111b0low

101:21. For the lost Ilhirty yards boil
men ran abreast. Chtapin, wvltosecared
third place inl 11is0eventt, Ishowed lis
gameness Iby finishtingtron10g. 1000 101

Craig tanc Merritt rat a pretty race
ill tile ago-yard hurdles. The formerMA EB O I1, E
Nvon1 by nearly thrlee yards in the excel- MADE imi o "',1 COMMITTEEicaitsr

wasnabout euao101 hnicp
too-Iyard c las-ra1114(s),\Warier
iS) lrck(o) Tntc-:10 1-.
:Mile1111-CIIe (s),iMay- (40), Stal
(85). Tnlr-4.36.I
Pole v4-11Paoe (6 in.), i feet 6
1i11(es; .01v111s11n11111Allerdceetiel atofe6inhs
1gIlh lllll-Cloe (4 11n.), 5 feet 8 in.;Hog(sanSmt(),ie,5ftl
220-yardl das-Wa0rmer(), beck (s),
Leer W(4) me111110 5
1)11(110-14011111(s),14 feet 3 inches;
81 mond (20), 92feel / inches;NWright
120). 91 f1e(1
11i11u111 \-10of1111 12), 121 feet 4
1nche1;0haltterl(s), 24 fet; Colly
Btroadtt 1u(m11-Wrbighbt (a ft), tfeel
I- in11(10hesN W(11n(6 toin), at feet It
f- 1(1(11>s; ILa 1ll11 (15in.). 22 feet 2
1880 -(1(1 11111Saxton (5),Ctall
40 yarltru-L. t talt (i), Syrs
ts), Warner 1(s). Time---53 1-5.
Shot11p1t(11 Xi tti (2 ft. 6 in.), 40 feel
I) I- Iinches; 1(Ho111r (6 11.), 41 feel 9
inches i nenbr1o(111111 (), .11fe-t 6 inctes.
000 1y1(1 1((1 1(1111s--Craig (2),
Sttll (16 ANNOUNCtED
OtSlits10in 1111comptton l(1for te
1odd(pr1(11s0of(f919 11ave0beeI an-
1(1(111(e(. 111ese pries are offered 01-
3tultlyi folrte est essays 011 certaint
specififed llpolita, gvernlmeta011(1so-
It1ciolog1(ica 1111me. Th110subjects5 011(
cond litilos10as1announced11from te 11
pre-lienlis (office are to follows:
t. One1)10rize0 (f 0110tlhlndedl dolars
r for te til es10a1 onl 11tis Olubjct:A
1o11(0e1111hip f tie raliroadls at the lowest
11(11ielositntw11(100. ad quty
11.0One11prize(1115 110chundpeed follarsy
rsfoi te best11 essay(Iadvocat-theypuill
own(1ersh5 gilandope rain the egraph1111
andtleprnesine sadi 1 1 sa
(4111(1heos1(11rizesmlyge cobytedcomitte
s I tuent s nrlly tnfa011(11ren~lltiof
dei d1e1(0elhery e 11011111n1101 erll x
reu-al Oollenilot anivssityd 111110y0111d011
tthsereodidictes assumey11010l0
mooa0(1gadthe fomsiftheenvelope.n
t ri 5,1909o [o.
white fs otossjugpedsoithencotiitte te
a (olawardstort011 owfrsuc1 rcfgnio.s
mor PthanP.on1eTaortheprofe.C resH
) Coole, Prof.hFarier 011oulProf.nBats.
esa T hnarrsuetrsd aelrgemis-o
1 einelpe,-isell am eeanddis tomte
adres ptoilagsfcingte asuionaellore
s mtioflonithle 001001deaoit frveopte
Il Nouldns-Leagute, 10114 pwtrhasdth
Iaprienof the Upvrceeods rme"Te
r SCooly f Sadtd an. ro."ats

Candidates for Highest Offices
Represent Larger Departments
-Union's Interests to Consider
Board ot (f IDirectolrs,. ticiat t'nion:-
You> Ilcmcrittee1( apio lintedt1ac ordngc
m(101 it(nomition l~lltfolr tic variusficesf(0
of thieUnio for tillesitng yar, re-
rrlpresdenti-Nr. N,.Meit,11(Wo
tIT lass. .b lely, 'o cngiuneer;J t
Oglr 09'(X)lw
R~ecordinig secretary-II. 1. tiarlIutll,
01); I.N.Smtith, 'A 'tlo; 1W1 Al1
chui'(09;J. F.NWurz, 111(1J. K. NWa-
PEnginin g (1((ice-rsiet-S. JlDa-
vison,,'o); 1. A. Treat, 10; .\t. Jt Quinn,
11(1 1ie-resiet-loyd11((1l111, '111;
Dan11J.11 efron, '0; SW> A. l lruck,
Medit v(10 90>111(11 t-. It. Fox, '0;
presidenit-A. B. Smith. 1011o 14 .
Mltlonl,'001;1,. I- W. Dotatr, (191.
IThe commliitteel recl mmendsith9111 io1n00
le oe ii Onrteroil ca(10ida t fortir
agins eafh thelrerlandttthe eP111011
helely up1ong personllmer~t0it afflnot
allttso011(1 110(1110 This(111(0sten
allofthed laigerO-depVrtmeantlUnon
11.1105reurgd, oweerin this
0011s andto cosier (the0larg lle Union
illtereland de 'ither 1(h1oicesolty
Ilarry(. Ptik
(1011hreemetf th egcati the))7nloven
aledytereittts redottctinable wook 09-
intco llghativit iottetitue ieltd
Fr If.1511l1i(, whotiwas igraisatdls
celagtokainst teition Ifthembufac-
seth y N'. SteC. i tate1Y0,(SM, theA
grasedt c.ayisr.betgan the eent
whichrlect~lyi resullllltd it stifferiapg
propia teiiobytelegttriieslitatue oasrtu-Ol
hasnscuboreilat.hiot are firsity.hc
for stenttperiesreatpraiselto
0.r.iatncleiies duiighilt shorts
perio Dra lnh i eneralsecretary ofth
DhetriY.09. C. A. 1101raietablishe
grecatlsteealgnteDing trh e isn
indril donessonte ls be011int-
idteStitet hint011(1n 0he51town,1and
lioshas seueb uded crfaimiewt he
or thernseoratoricalplgeds.hsc
cesriof Chicagorshicherectyowth-
Derwt . A.C.Ahsesalhda

'T'hiere swill le a joint discussion this
afte'rnoonin iiMScMillan Ifall by Kiyo Sul
tiii aindlChen Ting WNang. M0r.tni
is 1 Japanese an1111 is trllknlownVal
prize rtor of 1110 Northerni Oratorical
eague ill gof. -Mr. Wamng is a China-
mni ande a '10 lit. lito was formerly
Chinese secretary of 1110 Y. M. C. A.
at Tokilo, Japan.
The sublject sill ho "A Critical Sitta-i
110(," and w sill ideal swithi 1110cnitiosl
(f the Chnese 0111 Japaniese yonlg1110(
ill Tok~io. 'The purpose of the mleetig
is toin lteest M0icigan 11100nlthlis i-
portant problem, ant to scire their co
oplerationin a ma0 lterial sway. T'he dis-
cusi-5onl will beginl at 4 p. m(.
Lat Inighti1Mr. iDelay gas-Ianlitieret-
inlg lecture tnder the aspices of tec
Enginleering society, on 'Copper Mining
in Micthiga." A great many stereopi-
con viewSscoere5110ow11giig 1111acurae
idea of ining in all its stages.
"The copper ines in notrtenlMihi-
gan are backward about aiopting ness
systems O rf lighting their Imie. The
o(l canles otandI parafine lmps a re tiei
amiostexlsiel, giing 0a 015r(11(1
light to the minertProbiabthelieal~so
for using tese old-fashlionedl Imens of
ligtinhg is to offset any sperstitiouso
feein~gso lf the 1mi110. It is thougt that
if the levels scre better ligtedI te would11
1(115 a feelimg(f awe fronm lookimg at
the 11001 holes amd slopes aroinim in.
I"towever, very complete telephonie
systemis are in use itnany of 1110eImies.
eac(1h1l-0eloomunicating with a cntra
sitcthoared whlictgises conecionso
twithi alt shops, offices, etc."
I answer to 1110 question, "NWhat per
cent1of tte ore takenl out is copper?'
M~r. tDely explained tat illte bscs
mneus 1110 average is otly twnty-fiv
pioutnds of copper for every tol of ore
haultiedt lp. In1 the poorer mines the
average runs asO losw as ffteen ponmd.
'The copper vein in norternt Mihi-
gain," sahi Mr. Delay, "is fromt two to
six miliies 1i1l5width. he vein makes 011
atutte of absout 75 er ctt witl te
hiorizonltal near the srface, but as the
uepthitti (1c1115 ths amgle gradually di-
muiises to absout 35 01 40 11rcent1.
Coper cones fron thtree 0100 ill this
region, the tswo principal 01109 being con-
gomerate amd magdaloid. Some of the
mntes are a mile deep and are reached
by5 a main shaft over 8,ooo feet long.
'Thteosedeep mims, evnl while the cop-
ter is still in sight, ioto10 pay as well
as those where the copper is nearer the
surface, for te simple reason 11101 mhe
cot f hoistimg the ore is too grat"
The coimmittee of the Studemnt Council
is ntotw 0n14040dill securing the balance
of the money sumscried by the different
classes and organiations for defrayingi
he inciental expemseinm conntectiomn wit't
thte r1ot cases The committee desires'
10 11100 all collectors havingmtgnoey on
htand, at the Union cluhose, from 4
to 6 Moonday.
'Tte spring comtests between te soph-
onuore anti freshtman classes will be held
Friday amd Saturday, May is and inS.
Thte contests will be the ,ttg-of-war, the

bag fight, time relay -races, anti the pusht-
ball contest. The rules governing the
contests, the referees, judges and offi-
cials, and all details will he published
Tuesdy morning,' Tme general chair-
man wishes a meeting of ,the committees
ill charge of each- contest this afternoon
± at 3 o'clock at the Union,

LUnthicum Holds Kentuckians to
Two Hits Which Fail to Net
Anything-Wabash Next,
The fGeorglewnaggrgati it provedt
to lib 111 motiiceiocreletavinug-AntntAror
sit a coat f owhtewasiohaft-i yild-
ing4 1111( runsio ich~ligan. I1-1'1745 les-
son1 oii l osig the iceOtvailedI 'teii
notiniiig, forcl-ry timtheluy got 1o the
cakes0 (occupiedl hby lDunine and(1Keley
they sliped-and(lilt dolut.lL~itihtieunl
pIttitced a isuperb gamle, holinIttt ie niton-
stutters0 histwo futilehlits.'fle 11114fi-
In tc fist innnog itihiga troved
iou tiealmost as c10lumsytp-aa>thto Georgies
woresareid. Riiihte('ror ls chalkeud
til agains111ti St liM." in w1ere tmae 'in
his innuiig, Pate-ron aniud Duinntufalitg
downi in 1e1>5 ((11101lettinig Baret 11
seoind. tut fir tise ftttlt, oly(n,'
Ketiickianii won]([lt out-- ureachled scondu
twuo-threurde 0rtt 1 iin vy innig uti thei
trot, anditouniy-fou enii baitioiited thenli.
Geoorge-hoswni was 1eaIkenedibth1-te hi-
Bencei' of hur stihottp,1F011, w1o0 1(s
biien i lfI-ihtg from e ra nnigis
A1 consequeniI-t: -ifttlhlae ei'uiihcuauuat
thtitid itnulie isrespoible f~tor tee iil'of
Steist', tl0lthterni twirler,11(01-
aged to11faltsven o lverodinuts, as co-
trasteid withine1(1who111strck((outbefore
,1(ltliuii; btt Steves-cuwsas wilud, pas-
(11g sixmen 1 10. ithiinliO iever sweak-
eneditfor a1(1momei-it. 1Both mtenfeled
A tpretty olttte 1play 11a10puiledlooft
it the seventht. tBarnet:1(1(11mae a
roally pretty lhi, )juta ittlhutot) el01
placeor il torgio XWhclrto get. Ito
5405 foloiedoi by Cllin,1w1ho1fannied.
First baseocbtg-i toI get wsalmi for tie
Dioierctchrtad iiit stutSteoes seti
ai lively gl(iitdI'ou(tilt11ate11ron1 10
peggeIdiawiy forrseondeu u11t te in-
fldut whis wereIwill oild t. 11scull
he tiltto Pat hKeleyitaudfromtithere
it tsveedt down to 01h~t t Duntie intimhe
to killt h runneIrs.lll The justly Oapath-
cic 1audince yedhd a little hfosiuluese
a1plause iiiackntowl eigeomenit.
tDititic 0batting was 5theidiviull~
feature (f the slaughte1r !To aut alt the
vacanlt sptshOill the ur tfieod ourveyed,
andh a pretty lier lst over the third
basemn, a Texas leagier, amd an ifild
simge gave 11111 the dlay's recordIti-
zenrothi got the only two-bagger of the
'Phe way the Michganuero stole hses
whomt Steveis hit once antI walkeud
tswice, gull his revenge by stealing three
bases fromuntdr tile very noses of the
Tile tmoonshiniers scre simlply out-
classeid. 'Tey aren't hulesseol withl a
crack cotachi like Michgai'--ii fact tey
havem't a professional coach at al. Nat-
trally 01101 squeeedthetly didn't know
whlat to do, anod so they ost,
The Wabash suadt will arrive Wed-
nesday andI will play two 4ga1m10.
Yesterdaiy's score
GORGeI'.0oW V. Alt 011 P10AA14
C. Stovens, thu.... 4 0 1 7 2 0
Darnteti,0......3 0 0 7 3 0
Collints, 2b............ 3 0 0 t I t
P;. Stevenss, P..,. 3 0 0 t 3 0
Nash,If......... 3 0 I 1 0 0
White f ........... 3 o0o0m1o0 o
Rossell,s.... ,,... 3 0 0 3 1 0

Creoknlan, 31........ 3 0 0 I 2 3
Carptenter, cf.......3 0 0 2 0 0
ia2l 0 2 24 12 4
(Continued on Page. Three,)

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