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March 21, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-21

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The. MIichigan Da-ily

No. 128.

Tonight's Meet May Go to Strong1
First Regiment Team-Varsity
Outclassed in Field Events.r
Mieligan's hope tonight is practically1
in the hands of four men-Cse, Dull,
Bebrook and Honer. Several of the
younger athletic stars will le asert
from the meet and of "M" men only
Coe and Dull will compete. The FirstI
Regiment is sending a team of extraor-
dinary strength. E:xcept in the shotpt
Vichigan is assolutely otclasse ii the
field events.
"'We are weakest in the mile," writes
Manager Wilson. AnsI in the mile they
ave two men. Plant and Steers, good
for ettr tais 4:40. Dull outght to win
this eent, proviing Co tdes not enter.
but te Chicagoans may let loose a su-
'rhe half is Coe's, lit MCartney sho
has an inoor mark of t 5g will crowvd
him attd proaly place secons. They
swrite that he is not in the et (f cn
dition, htt, as Haskins says, you never
kniow a man's condition till after the
race. It is sp to Iahaclet andstBhn-
sack to get by him.
Larsosi, the reginent quarer-miler,
rant a close secondl t isiiurg at Ill-
nois, doiig the sdistne ii 54 scoids
If Cse rins tie long srint, as Keene
inteniss, there will be a trett' race.
WithKimal nst ilsiigs dins~g bmci
ter tan if feet for te sodiers ii the
vault.Sichigasi cai't get etter tais
third. Likewise ii the jump Kirkpat-
rick aisd Fletcher promise to do5 feet
to inches. With Torrey out, Michigan
caii scarcely hope tu ilsii.
Ca rrithers, foriserly of Illinois, setl
(to 43 feet. says Wilsin. Tat mais a
chaince for firs, swith hots Ientrook asd
IHorner is opposse. Both te latter ise
are. goodt for over 42 feet.
Reck aii Itorer swil ave to do the
spriits for the loal teaii, llc Nair aissl
Craig Ieisg out. Te regitmeit has
Wasson, wiiier of te sprint ii the
dual imeet withs U. of C. this spring.
Bristol swhi runss for the Cicagoss
is not the Michigan mai.le cones
from Armour Iistiite.
There wiltte no loss' hurles rntisto-
All in all, Chicago has the es shosv
it has ever had to win and, whoever
cones out ahead, the score nust e
Reserved seats are still ois sale at the
athletic associatiotn office.
The followiig are the eitries ad
offcial :
Sotpit: Micigan-Benrook, Hor-
ner. First Regient-Carrithers, Samp-
so, MGan.
Thirty-five yards dash : iciga-
Keck, Homner. Warner. First Regiment
-Wasson Cliin, Mc~ann. Wehh,
Fletcher, Dee.
Forty yards hurdles : Michigan-
Tallmadge, Huert, Merritt, Homner
First Regiment-McGann, Wasson, Sta-
deker, Fletcher, Knox.
High jump: Micigan-Levinson
Smith, Rakestraw. First Regiment-
Kirkpatrick, Fletcher, MGan, Schey
Quarter-mile rnm: Michigan-Merritt
Boltsack, Co, Warner, Nelog. Firs
Regiment-Wallace, Larsot, Dee, Mc
Carttiey, Clinni, Wasson, Williams
Mc~ann, Bristol, Weh.
Half-mile riii. Michigan-Balliahet
Bohnsack, Coe. First Regimet-Wil
huns, Plant, Steers, McCatpsey, Wa-
lace, Larson, Coleman, Bristol,
Mile ru : tNiciigan-Dtll, May, fex
ton, Co. Fist Regitnert-Williits
Plant, tgers, MCatey, Colemqan, fib-h

Fole vaujlt: tficihgat-Levinson
Sauer. First htegimen-Tddiings, Kim!

Rely rce Mihign-Tam o h person~al iinterest and appropriateness,
picked from absove contestants.Cirst Ii IIIIIII !1PJ should prove very strong in the final
Regiment-Larsos, Clininis Wassoismnes."
~: :e~iaarva; il~ms RATOY C~TESTS. I,. A. WVAS HEALTHY WA
ffrees:"St. agteEwaiionrd uit---- EFR IVL A
reereW.W.Maee anoncrDu-"Our Duty to the Sioux" Proves -
ley B. Keinnedy; clerk of course, Sids ouathie~~y n h tdns ecueascaini
Mllard; assistaiit clerks, FranikC. Lonig- PplrohneM~a n ie oftheles treniatsofthei
man, Floyd A. Rousse, Harry Patton, A. l'IcCandless Given Places,. ieo ~eotetog~iaiiso h
R. Chiaindler; irsick jiisges, 'Theodore Cniversity. According to Prof. Isaac
Lisce, Erisest Diunlotp,. F. 'T.tDuchsarie, In ani address, sirng in isersoinal in- N. Des us, its birthi sas the result of
Walter Fishleighi; field judges, ID. E teresi, Adtrians M. tLsisiisistriumphed aforatwich sprad o vearil d n
Wistiii,1H. L. Johsson, Joe S. Curtis, oeer slivippinents iii the eighteseithias-tefr ntdwih pedoe nln n
Johin TI. Sullivasii osusers, 1). F. Sirsven- inwtl:oratorical contest of use oratorical teUsiehStates tdirinig the secondf
qsialer sf he pst etittrf
sons, R. T. Sayles, S. S. Hawssley; timiers, sassociatiion last night. 1Fresierick 11. Mc- quathiea of reform," saidur Prof.
D~r. (George A. May, C. it. Cosrneal, C. Kay wsas aswarded secondt honsors, whiile Ti aeo 'frsi rf
E.Edde.ttl-'d- :Mcandlss rceivd .thr t esiiuonsyesterday, "ressiltest inithe
iii gs Jus~srs rt.iisillss issisest tsiioi l -5 r ..- v ..... -..s the,,

Student Mob Tramp Boards in

The cases against the fifiees istess
chargeid sithtionetswere cated in Justice-
Dotys court this muorinisg at too'cslsck
ut the examiiiiationissas cntiinsues tliii
scsitSMoindayiimoriing at tis'saiie hour.
The defenisants swere reiresessedsthsyis
foslloisisg atrieys : 'Messs. tLongmani,t
Vansi .kiieriigesi. Kessrsey,lBrsssn,IBes-
set, Casasnaughisntd 'esesseyer. Cite
Astsseney Dwmyer assistetd the trsectige
atsoriey..Althssusghs miscjusstice's soffice
was crsisedsthere swere ees' festu-55
eits oit.
Nr.tCsasvaaugis ssked foss acotm
aisceef the examsinsastinunstil tir 2thi
is srser thast le sdefesess might iis:
ioreissrcsshsssse toiiinsvssesigteandst
curs-winisesses. Prosecuinsg Atitsrney'
Ssmseer ws illitig tscsnsenti ts a5cnt-
tinuancsies, mit nost a lsong osimsd' s
smadse sitsfurhe stjetioni.
S. IL. IMeiserr irs notptesetsi-tes'
his caeiasiis casedesnd spsrcedise
sAceeinug takeni to forfeit hisison
ahe hcle camise iii. The bons os~ f drer
ifth si sudetms hatt tsle reiese,.is
hie isee sut cotiuissig tbonssl. iss
resmauider' sitthis'ons ho~sldunti ssite
dhsussisp sition iof he cses lbfore slur jus-
t'OER "SiUD)ENT'Rl' Is'"
"WAe kinow whiatilai AnnisAror ritt
is, dossn at Lansing," sd Ios. Iul-sy
Russell, aiummsber f the seaeUier
sity csmiitteie, anid presiisg offirreat
te oratorical coitest last ight. "Of
course ne knowis," le said, with a laugh,
"thatshei a stden ias Iis air ct
that coisttumtes a riot, asdithe mitiia
is called out.
"Wie kiow, too, justIose uuct o cut
ass appropriations bill ecause sof sit,
trouble. The state papers swry a god
deal aouti these little locl affairs, hiss
he solons dosen around the capital are'
1a it sworried.
"Were proust of slim University. We
workout hard for the i.- appropriation
aunh we got it through. We ave heard
a good deal aot he work of the Mic-
igasnUsnion,. especially coceniig its
tproduction of-sehat do you call it?
sMichigeniss --he cosmic opera. Its
splendid o think you luave such creative
genius lure. 1 sists the show were coi-
ig downi our way; ed alt like o see
"Of all susi state institutions, ere
tproudest of the University, asd I don't
-think you11 -find any heartier sympahi-
-ers its alt its alumni thais those sho
hasve een elected to the legislature.'
tunuRRLTs o aMrge soVtniuso
Thte Pisbsurg Press annunumces that
Martins Sheridantsasd Johnnusy Garres
will conmpete its the anumual Press track
tseci this sping. Sheidans represents
-the Irshs-Amsericans athletic dis. It has
-bteen frquiently proposes that he. asd
arrels meet, ut the costest ws never
-effectesd. Cartelsrcccnitly vsietPits-
ssrg and issedl a staemnt tantanmounit
i- to a chaleng to the big rishmian.
Sherdat hols the records in tie dis-
cus, free aind reek style.Ile also has
t- a inuhbe of oler seigtecorss to
his credit.

:iilr. tlts titus tho is 5a sensioursums,
paitiipatush ithinatus suittest sluiee
itar ago. Draing, fro s f it eahis
lins h mdea truss:g suaetutu'rthur
iswsuitsdus Sissux. i-ikis rnestnsess
oaimrsive ns itutisvours', tresmuloius
ith e'imotion, strusktsoithetsheists sif
hisherer. isgsstures, strng asndu
twsh1 t itimeflts supplttemenutedt aistronig
ises'';listit 5i'5 the: ronliythur
instenuse ' 55.555'stessuitnd sisei' ity sts'

oreganizionus of associationis. Micsenso
emsisnence. were isin tsissy udrassnsinito
use swork aindl sere secusredi tlecture is
thur vasriousscities insistoswns'sitfttse
countusry. University towss w ecre espe-
cially faisoredt. ItsAnnisArborsesuitasso-
ciatinsisas fosrmsed iii the .fifties. It
proedsci tsohue successful fromsithe start."
Prosf. Ilesnusti was correspsondisng see-
retairy iof te issociationss lure durtinsg
1866h-7. Oniaccounsst of this hue casne into
a personsal relatiosn swithsosmsse of the
greatiest iltfsormi oratossthe csountry

i C


ha'" lst sprouced.
uuiuliis tike"AXit tme closse of the Civil sear there
Conuitaistinsg thsirs Ister sgluey xitssh ' u
thi-i settsra~sta'' teus, his'leaed tt's Su," iesail, "us stronigtendenicy t
; 'j~t. ii Wroplsoytsien'who h2:ad een activein thur
itarn esit iil piuisugihe u n ttsf suhritctuuu teiscse t-e
tncodthis-it hisdoomed peoplej euforimis. The maiagers of the ssocria-
the ~this I ha pusedeheseson
iii, uihtii ii ii sueri curiisti it i serclalphowXX'.AmionEguteso
if sue its ldens'shu froms' .'tils'uh efue strr m\oithfamoiuisme1 houise sinyhFre
or this ile 'peotl-sithrstt i iussiof. W endelss hii pos, seho te istefley, this'
Diougltss thueigreatcolsmeedSoraton, 'ts-
thlre hor. t bI t 5 t ethu st out 1rs Gl uge''I h, tss, te p e anilaiic ssaiso st
isissuiftrthue slveshui , itu i ithis-si --uk 'ih t I. I it i. ~ esi s-n w o p em-ms ort heisi
ti-bite tts ' teat ent ha porly ri hss of wsmer, Ca rlpes t ounneC, STie,
thus huuuu us hi'us 5' it: i itsuisltis 'siml t, IGeorgss-sme l iush CurtiShsun
hut tu rlutu rs igtehoi iuusly, .t 5t wisth y , toavlrutain thipo t y o n Sa e ,
was whhu h e suusssuss5igs:is Iussosnersk of tshuirst, jsiohnusc o rdstisticanii
te land we-sthvier teistromsthis es.ut esuit i .Oui owardiansiasril 2 S8,schuz
In the turs s t hunernat:555 ion thuscegeeastissolis qiiste ogums-cuvior.-
w5 hi' dut\- 'i tt stu ii hono stuu eisit ' he fistsisiscio him sialdn
ingth iois o stif: btwentne, e erus Befosre this tisse is had snever heens
shusites 1thus -groitntg'sens'sitofthe re thouishiasssasbse tsenscroaichup s~onsthin
spusibilutitS oflusts'nsutorder.iSc-iencedomausin f she imusical targaniuzationms. 1his
tutugion, a uiteoracy,." htinelareditiser yersrthere sias also usnschs uiscuss
''use theufrcIues uwhichhavtitus de' forsehenfuss' t'its avsbiiy
u-ulditmprovuementurt.''Il i eat sps~irit
if op~timuismin iithinerapidl progress of
arhitratioun andh declaredt thie happy stay' S'ANISH1CL.UB XWILL.-BE
wvhens "eighthallutirule andit peneretist" ORGANIZED MONDAY
to he sit far15ditsttait.
Isrconsidterinug thinpobtmrss wsshichs Asmetinug sitalt personss interested
tare ausnusg'coessge muansonsitscueriingis the forimation of a Spanish clsub will
active life, Jamsues XficCasuuiess outlinsed tinhlcd ini Room .5, Tappani Hall, Moss-
Iis iLase si Servie. He emupasized thin day afternon~ at 4 o'clock. 'That the
'uuerdtrsrunssnuc f mansskindshatusshonwed news'organization isitt hams-caamauspicious
lust internsationalst trothuehoosd is beccom b teginnsinug is shown bsy she fact that sesv-
iuug us materialt fact, s use selfsisess of enty-fienanmes are nosw on the preliimi-'
thur age is beromuinug suns si harmniy usry' lists. All perisoiss interested ini
vishit i.'PTe effort seas well planned Spanish are invited to bse preseist anud
ass ediiiernst, imprlsessive is is narlsest- uaid ini the work of oragnization.
ness andeliusthe earsnstnsess ansd strong The Freinch, German, and Ultra Mar
gestures of te speauker. clubis arc at present flourishinug organi-
Thiesusomanlhy appeal of Miss Ernestinse zations. Thse nesw additiois, which may
sMoffett for thin prosections of te chit- possihly he knownes "El Cireulo Es-
sremn,. thin Hope of tun Nations. She paniol," wilt, it is thought, prove nso less
touched lie audeieneithsher vivid pic-progressive.
turns anud effective metaphors. The Harvard Spanish chub undertook,
Stephsns Doiwny's asdsress on the last year, the presentations of "Zara-
Ceimue of tPaetisashsip was noahle for gureta." Theme are mussy Spanish cluhs
its eceence of turns an~d delivery, in other colleges and universities.
Charles A. Everest tdescribseud Hamilton h nfigifuneofordmc NVRIYRN}T
Stain Senator' Hunitley Rutssel pre-
sided swith grace' uutuh diguity, Hie pre- 'Thie Uiviersity hbaid will give a third
senstedshue Chicaugos uluumui nsedal to the danuce April 24 or 25. In viesw of the
sutcceisfis ul sionestaint amuidl she applause fact shut thue last dance was enjoyed hy
of ai rathler scatteriing asudiensen. He will such ai large numbtner of enthusiastic sin-
dalsos receiveshun Kaufumn testimsionial of dents, the manugemuent feels thaut an-
one hunsdred dollars. u'thiled of fifty otlier party would hue acceptable. 'T'he
dollars guies ho SMr. SleKusy. SMr. Laind- bandus music is especially aidapted to two-
iman isiturepresenst theCUnisversity iii steps anth harns sances, antI withnthe
the NoriherisOtouricaraugse conitest assistansce of thie orchestra good waltz
swhichs sill tan hett isIoeau City-,Stay 1. usmusic is assured. The sanse admission
Petit.'T'ruetbloodt sail, "It was a very ten will he charged as last tinme. It is
>strong contest, tine of the best see have suite certains that the hand will give out-
had. 'T'he speech, selected hecamuse of its tissu concerts this spring.

"Julius Caesar" in Afternoon
-"She Stoops to Conquer."
Bess Greet iwithi his cenlebraesd coii-
assy of Englisth classic acors wilil ar-
'i-c in he inedtis monusuig atiiuso'clock
frots L~ansig. ''hretpeftriances swil
)e giivcii ty thin compiny whie iii Ani
Arboru, "Juliis Caesar" at 2 :30tis
fternoonuu, "Shin StoopistoitsConique" it
3 oclock this evening, anid "Rotmeo auth
Isule" st 8 o'clock Mosndauy' eeniiiig.
A spieial featuruen of thin Julius Casr
peformianscenwilli he thin smoscsecues.
these paris rn tkens by' P'rof. 'irue-
abloodss Shakespeareani class andus the
chsaracte f thesir is-srkiniisis role is
sal ts e snst thiesstit losertaii
thin strmdardl set ini their receitte-
formianiee si Virgiiius. Th'eses stuieents
atppeasredl iWenesay ight ii Ypsilaiti
whie their sm-trk ernsied fusethemtn te
highest 5paise.
Thde5prforiirmceo soldssmith's fa-
msious comuedy' with greaty icmeas thin
esteem, is is sie,uin hihilen Greet
and his comsipansy' sre sus ielhs-t. Prsss
notaies'secierywhseren prise thei wosrk in
this miaserpiee.T'linhsessre cltsey
folloamwesdard ue charcers sit accuratey
stud naturally' pmortraye thatutthin asset
encet imies'y' als 55to tehumousususi
spirit sit he aumtour.
Twos useumsfaces smutlhe seetiminstthin
companiuiy' Iis yearm. Stanluey' trrsitt mill
apeauss teorge.'HIt usigs ii this ese-m
mg's perfrmnse.'Thissmansi Iems Get
regardssis lie best mau ihitIis trouesu.
Muiss I ren Rouoke is thineother scsi
isi-sitie.Shut'witt takie te passtositeiu
I-arutesusis - he'thserhieadesig iles fttr
lhis ev'eninisgs tperormanctse wsil he Ruh
\isian a s \rs. HIt aslete, Lucius Cle
s Ctsane.srnNesile , anidt thinfuinsy'
'Tmy liumsikism y itemsGreet himssel.
Thle famiuiaisrflies of Russell Torusiile,
tGeorge Viv-tian andlSysdsny Gennistect
are agamuints be seenillsathis year's te-
RomeoundsmthJuliet ns, usontday' ight,
w ill tbr give'n praceiticaly entir, assethutts
peeseisntd uil he at sergsdifferet pro-
ductionmfroums tie ordinary' stage adapta-
tiomn. After play img this coeduy oie
ighs last sammner is Bostonm', a old gen-
tleismas, a deep student and over of
Shakespeare, remaruked, "t an seen
Rummes ansI Juliesieary ffty times, ut
this is hin first timeu 5Iave ever mccii
it played so htI cauist rightly enjoy
The fimasuie of reserved seats for
Julius Caar and Sie Stoops to Con-
que will linelcd tis morning frosm 9
to 2 at Walr's State street ook store,
price 75 cents. Geierladnisiton will
he ,$o cents aind tickets may e otained
at the ow office at the time of the plays.
The prtoceds of these performances go
s heretofore to he ers Greet Dranai
fends for lte general lirary.
One hundred giri attended the . W.
C. A. hanque at Neserry Hall lst
night. Miss SiacAlvay actetd as toast-
mistress. Those swho respotinseud to
toasts were Deani Jorsdan, auth Misses
BeritmhaBrd, ifertha Roeloeffs, Martha
Downrey, annulRuhs Paxton. Siss IPax-
tons sas the guest of hoior swhose toast
was the imuportanut one of lie evening.
She saitd that te college girl aimsio
know which is good, to tdo wichs is et-
te, uatd totiebelhichsis tbes.
The paronesses see Mrs. Jordan,
Mrs. Markey, SMrs. Hlussy, Mrs. Bird,
SMrs. DOoge, ansI Mrs. Bteahsanm.
Miii Paxtors is to speak again totay.
at 5~ p. m. ansI Sunday at 4, Newberry

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