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March 20, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-20

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The Michigan Daily


_ .

A*7AR 3O T-. fJTrANRfI)AY, NARCH :2, 1908

0. 1 27.

__._._. ..w,_..._,-..._..._..... .

Only Hopes to Win First Regi*
mgnt Meet-Chicago Squad to
Arrive- Tomorrow. I
The team wvhich the First Regiment t
will send -to represent it tomorrow is an
dark horse. The Chicagoans are verya
reticent about lettinig their opponenots
know what they nmnst face, bitt it is a t
well known fact that their meniarc re-a
cruited- from the athletic ranks of alls
the colleges and preparatiary schools inf
this section of the conntry. It is this A
fact which explains their estraordinary
teams. The Chicago sqnad will arrie
toniorrosw. M 1ichigan will draw terr
team from the. list of point winners int
thte varsity meet held last week. s
Iddings, formser star pole vaulter forI
the University of Chicago, and Kimhall,t
a phienomnial young athlete from Lake-
niest high school, will be here. Iddings}
can do aboat ti feet 6 inches. Kimball
imade t feet 4 inches ini aii inior meet
tis witer. It is altogether probable
that anything over it feet will carry off
the event, that heiing ahout Michigans
Bristol, swhi took part in track athi
letics ieee until his gradutaioii last year,I
is also slated to aptiear. Ilie is entercid
in the spriints aisd the hailf.
Antong the distanice mnt are. Steer,,
formerly of Etnglewood high, antI Dec,
frotm the University of Illinois. 'Steer's
made a record Of 4:40 in the mlte sthile
in schotal. oe- is good fioe about the
same titme.
lIn the half the Chticagoanis tave-Colt--
an, weho is said to lae very fast, an:{
in the quarter. Wallace froati Nitli
Division high school. Wallace can ito
the _440 i aboustt 53 seconids.
Captaini Fletcher dloes Sfeet to inchtes
in the high Jum~tp. Torrey may he ahle
to equal this niark fur Micthigan ; at any
rate, he wilt he able- to push the soldier
to a good miark.
Sanipsoti, aii olid Itiinis mn, will ptt.
the shot for the regimenit. Hle is pretty
certain to reach 4t ,feet, and siatnds ai
chele to tpishi henots or tiirner io
a record.
The Chicagii squad has at nuniber of
(rack hurdlers, including Lazear, aso
of Illinois fame, and an olit conference
M4ichigan stay save the best of the
meet svhen it conies to the distance
events, bt in the fietit the regituetit has
ther favorable cend of the idope. At the
biest, Director F±itzpatrick says he onuty
1ottes, to win. But for, the 'opportuiity
to use the freshsment, the chances areI
tat Miich igan svot Id he bacdly tieateti.
BaskethbaIt is not dead yet. Esey
night at th gyro the game: is played-in
stome forn or. other. On Motnday,
Wedntesiday and Thursday nights one
may see," Qerm any"' Schutlz standitig hy
Thie side of'athe'haskethalt court, yelling
l t the lop of: his voice' at a sunich of
pttffintg aspirants for foothall honors.
Now attd thent the "Dutchman" takes
a sand in the frame himself, hurling the
,Call and the opposing players ahout the
floor with equal ease. Watkins antI
Wastotnil are the otily other "mtent
out. The latte.r 'is in, fiue shape, doe to
his constant hasketbiall practice witht the
junior engitteers.
The nien. indulge .in- half. an, hour's
bard play, .each man keeping on, the -go
from: staft to, finish,. After this -a relay
race is run, all taking part. These races
ir~e hpflly contested and every nan is
thoroughly tired at the finish. Schulz
is fully satisfied with the way the meii
are workitng, hut waints msore out. "Every

mian,' he says, "who exrects to make
the team must rome out and work hard
from the. sltart, Eyery, man of abiti~y
has a. chance to make the varsity, brut

iwilt nmean work for him, atd lots of
Thie juior engineers and fresh last
re practicing hard 'in peparatioti for
the campionship contest which uill take
iace in contection with te athletic
arniva ott Marcht28. l'heenginer
save lost note if their early seasnt
stap atd ook for ti certaiti victory.
However, they wilt miss tte serices f
West, wtho was compeed to retire froi
:he game early in the season. Clark,
who retlaced in, it fast anitpts til
agood game.
The laws, though ottitnticitinitg ic
ory, contenstlaute gvitg their at}-rsari-
a close ut for varsity stass. IHoi-
son's sraieidake is oss better asil
the teamishstoutldt le itsspleidshlt ate
twhen the whistle tloss.
'Te doubles hatidball totratent i-
toss i its mtost itterestig stage. Tree
teamssatre still ii the race ad all ttri
seetmt totaveetatces fr te ritbo-.
The gamtes, yesterday swere filt of it
terest atd ecitetent. to their mach
wsiths Weter art Tyrelt, loag antI Leid
switi te first game easily by a score o
is to 4. to the secodgame,lostveri.
Weller tattitTyrel play-nitvery fat ttind
aftr tasp crnttest scceeeiall i
iexitig le gamte. T'he tirit gate tii-.
starteit stroitgly ut the pace sasts
fast sait they lst their caces to tir
sshetn by state very fast sork aitIotte
tart, IHoag adt Leiy gitati tgtai.
Van Zie sait Gotldtsern beacteit i
straight sets. Yesteray's scumesseri:
Loel tandtWalsh idefeateit Vttn Zie aiti
Gould, 15-515-; IHoag suit Ieitylde
featedil eler toil Tyrel, 15-4, 13-t;55
Loteland Wlsi are ot scsedclseu
tio ploy Leffigwel adtHanlisen. 'hil-
mtchs will proabslly le played Ihittitas
tatti thin winers wilnt rn 1-Hag aii
Leitty Tuesday for the ctaisaionsiii
Ribbhotns wiltteasarded t ivtacitof t
frit.secondatid thiriest tettms'.
'The munit of the Ittsetitlt sutdari
toi be it thrutg a rather iniqe attitia
test this year hbefore thiv seasins opet
tro. Lrobtardhof theoetica ideatr
mteit has begni a series of experiuet-
toi deterine, if ossile ,what effect
paticer Is antitian's qiickiess ii
striking at a hat.
'The atter is placed before a srevin
in iwhich tre sev-etl upeinigs. A n-itt
-disk-itt place of a baseall-is drppdt
tast site of these and the atter strikes
IHis at is sia cottected that te toss--
itenihreaks ian electric circuit atdhatiti
niatietlly measres the tioe ii fiftieth.
of a second beteen the dropping oii
the disk auth the switg of the bat.
Captaits Stlivat has promised to hats
his oen tmake thin test. Each is to ie
tinted whie le is comtparaively out ofi
practice at the -eginiting of the 'seasut
atnd thent again weni "eagle-eyed" iv
June. Cotiparisots of than records is e-
pecteid to show ,that the sluggers hat
increased cosiderably its speec..As yet
only thee- of -ib lsijiad have hirned tis
for the first test, ad there is dangs'x
that the object of the experimuet wil
he frusteitecl unhey t - others sake thu
trial before begining active batting prac-
Thin experiments are beitg coductete
iii the physiological laboratory it h
Old ledcal buidng.
Experiments in ting usuatr re-
aciotns are ot at all new in psychology-
but Prof. Lottiard's application of at-
oratory mehods to sprt is pracicaly
untried There is a possiiity that th
experiments msay provide an additioa
method of juidging of a'player's btttin
ability. At any rate, they will pros-i

Cornell has, adopted strict ruttings
fagainst summer baseball on professional
teauss being participated in by the under-

' th.1at AtJl 0
Ii r TesoSi O t StSS

ORATORSWILLusKE illbhreldiii lwtuCity, hly-tM Sri
TA R shools ssill cmtplete its cit es
PLTOR ONGTXbihcugit Itisstiuonie tinestsut Oi
T~fl~fflflt.sventeeni initiis league, adut the hpr,
O I pets liiitis year tre as briliantsi
Winner of Chicago Aiunmni Medal SenatorIHutly Russell, f Gran
Will Receive a Fine Piece of Rapids, nhun is a member of the Uni-
versity cmuimitte itt the state egishs-
Work -Russell Will Preside. tlure, sill he te 'presiuditg officer i
tonuights cntest. the juduges till b
Mhire tletuthant usualandithle seeandthregent tIhill, of Saginatws, Regent Sasyer
girl sttuutio has vr sappearedl sincete of e il ilsulue,IFrtutk l). ERamani, of lDe
oratoiricalh contests sarured rtwutvi-ry ti, uhosis atld hntr deater, Prof
indrhucingountis offeredt Ia thurmanaisge- . C. Hll, of Orchard lake, and it
tmet at fthur eghteituht tuuttl interlass Ru's-Arthurte Beach, taf Ypsiati.
oratiuitlontiesisich s%il he held at T'he cnttest sill begin romphtya
Utsversity IHaltonirutglhtuter the aus- S u'clock. tDning the orations the door
icesofteSLA T'he namiies anth of the halsill le closed to hrtctnti
istin ac ,fitllowss: iterruptuion ef thic speakers
.Thus Iaw ofSerricu,' J. WV..XMcCaindu-
less'8 of rut'SttNDA.Y'S RIOT WAS TAME
Itllamlton itherNational~uist. (C. A .AFFAI R" SAYS UNCE,EJUIMYX
Everest, 'cl - '-
CimeutssfiPaItisantship,~S. X. Bun-- "Mndauy's rnot wasnututth wvorst ss-
tny, s01ave hatt by ay meaus." Thuts steak
tOur Dtito t heSuxA. . bad-I Untcueh'Jimuamy, thineustodana tatthe cssi
mitsui s08. rootum inithur general lirry Anud IUce
I ts-ntiut P ester,"I. . .Xtchiy-. Jinmumy- ougtts knouw, for he tits eet
,0. ere sit mtng that thinuumeory off its
The Hop~e f te Nsationu." ti"ssaEnt- esuamett miitimthi cn cturary.
estinme \Moffett, ',. 'hti esl riots used iro take plae ju
C Cicgoalmnipda, hic wllcaesubaedhsekfrouth thin armuy to gum ttcot
tawreo thesitnner h o tinonitconCitlhge tagain.They u-rused toi airoutl
pitstp Erop an Amrbicaartto ritcs h o ethlife antuthiyserne ought for somue imt
pe ul o snriii ueru' itstotutoratu. XWhy,tecyhadtoiscall tout thu
piec 'efti wistak itt it sostnt it~e sw-trud. uihiistt keeti thuemutdowusaimathotseduls-
hr is udtesignedulits,8p.hy-(. I. Suuti- Theumi si snv eusaotees
taut tmehums-i ii ths- \iuhittnt~iiti a Cli- iv elrt evei twnu. 'fle huoys wst.utoim:
sagoas ta ersna a voIsirunflir Robhet amnigotumurt tore utuall te uriges '
idlhsrdtuty, tpresidesnt oif tfe Chicagt than shim-coulus'teae twn-u.Thur tbuy
._uuni asocatitinae phermiTgoud maowaays.
'Theu taing amstdIles tre sit reiate Thsi is suencussragemnuut o thu
thastsgreat rdiffclaeity- was experinedrin sesum steu ulfrCth iuo
has-tugsuthe intmadte. Thebhust enugra tits hastuunivaled r fLno n Prsrfsdteopportunity us curia
wsork, asmuththask ias" finala-giten t conditionsher _formany _years
tin udirectornof tha tuieud Sates mit, bISSIPAXSON WILL, BE GUEST
whoudidt thin lar sut of wtorking hoiuurs. OF IHONOR AT' Y.W.C.A. BANQUE
The iitiialtcost f ith inuas almost
$"Fo uttyFudraetl 'T'hings i Chri
f 'u sntu i iuuesi i fsnkugtisenLife' was the tpic f thanfisto
_ beamty. Time oausemuums of Paris, t. a series tat addresses by Miss Ruth Psi
t Presin_ ai lriu srisalc h Soatsamd as given yesterday afteruos
nmedalsuiamg their colections anth con- at1 the P. W. C A. Mliss Paxson, wh
itter' it fthu fitest of its kindu. Anadrew isagtdaeofhnUairiyofow
0. Whine, fornmern proessur f history was first a membeuhreit the national boa
thin heUivrsity, ater presidenttof of tie Y. XW. C. A. suit is nostatious:
r unul.tt xsamstro o(rttty secresary of the Studtent Vottutet
lhas echoedtheimn~ioiin of thinfurigo Mutett. Slur silt be isa Annu Arot
e critics sart hats dhelaedt taremda thrugh net Sudeay, and with spe
trilymarvelous work. of art. Saudyt5pman Snayt
Thse meda is awtardedransuialy to the.in.Saturday top. tt.uit ounda oa
wutae at thanetis.thrtsttr050a isanuual Y. W. C. A. banqutuet t
wiltslsotrepresentichian inthun
e betigsuu hueeditht 6 I. it. todauy at Newbet
Northenm Oratricalleague otestswhichHat. 'De renmainitg tikes sill le,
ale at Newtezry Hall front to . tat t
NTt'ICE. m p.lit. tday. -
yIt wenuhtan bewell for thur -stuents to PROF. VANt'YNE XIL, ,ECTUR~
erenmenaber tits it woiuldit he far etter ON 'AMERICAN IDEALS" TODA
tfor tiltcunernedlif they(tota not. go
g hriswn to tie court house today. No sta, Prof. Van 'Tye wiltideliver a ectt:
c excet attrneays, witnss mothd defend- out "American elss" itt Harri tHall -
suts, will tbr adinuitedl toitie oust rooms. 5 toclock this afternoot. 'Iis is t
A repsetitionu of aTuesuay's crowinmgsill thiid of the series of lectures which a-
snonly precipitate muoe trouble and le- teing given by memes of the faclth
it haps resutt ini othersbtnug tplaced in uliuing te enteus services of St. A
-cusoy, , X W lte Rhuinsshilul. dres's chuteb .Alt students ane co
Cbhairmana Studett Commnittee. dially invited to attend.


hree-Fourthus of Fund Will Go
to Union and One-Fourth to a
Class Memorial.
thy a s-te of 74 to 3 tie seior its
Iccitted to detae thre-ourths of their
lass memorals to tie Michigana Unioun.
'Iis coumprmis was effectedt after two
louurs of udisussionusswhich marusked the
,lass maeting yesterdauy fternoonsu. A
Fumi of $0oo is to he raised, $300 going
ko thueUtaion, shilie tie reumaitder is to
te useud fume aiuistiusctly insflit mecmo-
ial. It is e"upeteid thatt thinotuheur snuior
lasses sill combatiun sith tie its its
desvotinugatntleast tiamajurity- ruttheir
fundrs to the Unionthustsmautkig thin
smumuirial firetlacen which hiss beeta so
trntgly fssored tossible.
EnouughaUtnitn suppoutr tes uter tres-
itt sobhase ftumid throuuugisidothgift
lir this organmizationmlimithiy refrained
frso sverridhinugthin sishues ittthe mi-
nortity.- A srge mmuiniy f tie girls
faiv-tmevi am Union mgift.
'T'he resoilutionratatssedtthsise last iet-
tug, iiin-hich a n Unmuuion mmunuumoisl was
decitdedtupotnm swas rscimned aftr a
starumaiebate.Duiunitg this discussionm
tie st-lile meoriasaisl mastter tm-stethreshed
out again, tie Utionm prpositionm haing
strntigly supporeaindtt as strongly o-
posed. 'T'heclasstuent adjournd oe a
shunt timeondttutie meetswithdurw mis
mllsy thus- soumena imPthin casusettte-
ternmiuse their sattitutdet'iustiem atter.
At sute shoittedutfifty oitheii-girls oappouset
to si Unionu gift swithm thirty- five io favor
of it. Ini theansutimea the meni of tie
classsau ld ntismitnfrma caucuus itheta
swas prsacicaly-unsaimoaius its favor of
this IUionu, btut eight oppsinig it.
Dessite tismjrityuitsuthouught
test t compuhromise thin uasthsr tatdta
mitiota oivideis-the tusfundI wasadotiuetd.
Thur paercentage rutdivisision mwas yet 5o
he desterumined,stn athbouugha thinhorur
wa-ss gruawitug ste thus-debeastswas fully
s stiritenutuuthis qutestion uas sit than
t recednuug-ioness. Xitlasthe muoion prao-
viditug thatuhthrts-f tsnhs f thus fund ut gu
toi theU.-hnionuuiwaisssd, udesitie hunde-
'rniunh iotppositioni ot sifewt oppoutents
wsosiaumdecdeser use itt technsicaities.
Thi nrttract ft urn uuisingthin mem-
tues of hun class niss cps std gowvns
was sawtsrdhed to Mack & Cu.Tie Michi
iganurtsimmnrpresenthative stated stat all
lutS twtenty atthe is- rihis have1had
their pictures taken ansdm will be repe-
seneitn muthi nsualss. T'his cumpars
favorably- with tie results of fome
years. Thurititations eucomitte report-
ed that its mrk was welt ider way.
Prof. J. H. IBrewstr lecturid last
evenitag before thar Architect clubitosu
his tratvels throughs Southa Americ. tProf
Brewster was sent by thi nUtiversity out
ayear's eave of absencer hi make a sudy
of thin South ckAmerican peopletat, their cus-
truss, goveroments, an ehucatisnal isti-
tiutisuas. Duing this time tar seued a
larercolectiont rutviewssdeling pin-
cipallty with thur type orsicitectutre ussd
inte mvsaioiuus couuntis ; tes were usel
ts illustate is lecure. Thur uodern
mutt ancientluiuings were showun md
several intrestinmg iewsoittold u is,
built ity thur first inhtabhiitats rut Boivi,
were idescribed.
Althioughtmnuy inteesting views sern
shown, Pest Brewster las still a large
numuber o use iun his series of leture
which hesiltieier ittthur nerfutue

H-eynaiger, Prineton's star ptcshe,e-
fuses hto gutituo professioanal basebsall.
IhMrphy, of the Chicago Nautionals, waunt-
nil hims foe his staff of pitchers this
conmung season

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