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May 01, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-01

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The Milchigan .Daily

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No1r. 1 54.


have in the coming campaign. In the
TENNIS TEA northwest the people are preparing to
rise. There, the condition of the mats
DEFEATS ICLHABODS who wsorks is getting a little worse each
ya.Icatt onty think tlhat if wte are
ssnssuccessfnl in the fall campaign it will
Normals Easily Outclassed, Fail bceIbecautse the people save heesn hulledt
into a false sensse- of secnrity hy tse
to Hook a Single Set-Tourna- prosperitay of te past, antd save come
ment Postponed. to Ibelieve sisalttehlessings which save
-- comtiso this cousntry save comse hy rca-
'Te varsty tessiis sqtusSadsadso trots- soss of tivt-ite assistaisce so te repubhli-
ile itsdefeatinsg te Ypsilati Normsal cats party.
teats yesterdiay. 'S'ite Normtal msens were "At te comsinig convrention ins Denver
sarity its-.1 class stithste iMichtigans it is toly-hope that te deisocratic partsy
layers andtids nit ot sticceedinit gettig' wiil gisetointhe Americans people a Plat-
a sintgle set dusrinsgte afterntoont's play. fonrs swhichtshssil he te right platfornm.
Tihe Normats-' test stdenttplayer, il- Whtethter tse Canididate alto shsall standi
Icr, stackedi tp against Captiain H5-ag, ott this platformt comse fros thie east,
twhile Prof. Bosseci of te Nosrmsal fac- wsts, torts, or southl, stakes litile dif-
tiis, probabl~ty teSte-st shyer ottlte ferene. I wtill sdo swhat S cas tio brisig
Yptsilantti couts, wsa iiredioff t-iish so itsletemocratic cause as smsschsof vie-
Pice. i-or as lies innicity poswe.'
Itslte citstie-. 'Mlesr and ICat-swsll_______________
Bwlr g gdPice ndLidy. Z"RECOGNIZE L W
antd te arsity stenssintshiree straight L A S O N O
sets sdefeatediteir tess. Price andtiProf.
Bsowrn atssidsy aissi Msll stensplayed
Off teir tss-tces, tvs-cait},stens agaisn Minnesota's Governor and Possi-.
s ituiig essily its straightsts. The ble Presidential Candidate
dosubiles sere silaye'siositnext siturc- Ends S. L. A. Series.
stisltedi intwo5(ttstor eihigansvitiess.-
'Site score stoltstw:'Te soluionis of our probslesms is a
iloig CSI) 45 4tsIillesr SY),I-ot, 6-2,reconitiioss of te nisjesty of te lasw,"
it-o. begani Got-. Joist S. Johnssons, of Mtinnet-
Avers(:1i) scat Cassssll (Y)S, 6-o, sssta,-lasst tight its University Hail, its
6-a, (-s. ts' list lectnre betfore te Studsesnts'
P'rice (NT)i teat Bosseni(Y)S.6-3, 6-2. Lecture associationt. "Wisest se appre-
Leir S (NI)Sbsat :'i ils ('Y), 6-n, 6-1. cisatete immssensity of te universe, st-
Hasag-AXyers (M'i) scat Miler-Caswtell realizetat there must he some great
( Y), 6-2, 6-2" stural lawsthsial holds ns all together.
Price-Leisdy-(i )b esat Ilostes-'Mills The authior' of lteisniverse keeps it all
(Y), 6-3, 6-2. its place bsy a law that munsitntise
i N Nsit (t55RiN r rT t'ttt'051st).. violatedin iiassystay-. Suppose she last
C apt. SHorag announstttt h ie postponte-"tf light So he violated. What ibecomses
isis-tt iSfts' annlsps ringtg enisstosirsna- otfits,-titans.
intt uti lssondayiisOicCCOint of Ste 'Andsiso te people cast less affors I
scondsitinssofSitecistirt - 'Te esstries ts lay aside te lasss they satenmasde.
mutst Sieitsit by sSatrsdaiiimsrintg. 'She hainisg essaciedi lasts, te people shlsdi
fee:fo te s econdiclasshsitiglestsasbecnetshe telast to violate thens.
reduicedl ts 25 ceisis. Slits :fet i a "A5 smajority of those clothedi wish
ntttitil sitne eelysits? it is expectedtbiefth siority isreak laws ontthe
lies sissies silltaiske dnaclisge of tse groussi o (f expedientcy. Bitt snone carts
otl-ittiit is ito ite hiandsomeizs tets. es-er find ljustificatintoinviolsate a last.
'rTe Siate stieterchanssts ittSittiso- Nit political party ever profitedl per-
s-srs'vrasilprizes anitit 5i isplannied ~toimanenitly by followsiigsterule of cx-
tc-prizes to its tir cistissi seontdlllacseteiency.
tstinnrs. 'T'iledolsissiisltsiihSe OpienitSo 'Amserica is cosnfrosntesd by iswo great
till Compe~tiitors,siSb uit l timen tho tate sdansgers lstetentralization of commer-
ties-er enteredl a first claiss 'tornramoent cial potter andtihie centralizations of
litre taestniter Steccoissicchis singles. political power. What America neess
tday isi't nmore poster as a nation hut
'rISREB CLABS Wh,CONiIB in siffuse more liherty in people lSting
JOHNSON WI'T'l BANQUET wthin osir nation. All te landmisarks
'of libterty in history swere linmitationts ott
'If£ste couslsi maske the peisple of teslit poster of a centralized governsment.
Untitetatses unidelrstansd just what the Thse real dleclaratioss of insdepesndente
demsocratic patry staisss fosr, slit vole carse swten the cavaliers, Pusritasns and
text Novembsier swouldstittfar sdifferentsieneverywhlere tinder the hosnds of
fromssltSt lste recesdinsgyears," said opphressions caineto Anmerica,swhere slit
Gov,. John S. Joshnssons,uif Minniesota, people are, asid of a rights onght to hbe.
yesterdasy afterisooss at te Cook Honse, free."

",B'Oosh' Mirandy Look at Them
Gals!" Cries Si-Scrumptious,
That's It.
sinit sits- sshis e-oncessosans-siithSt
a muie 55f AnntArbolis steetes reseres
fsor te formtiss Sio ts-esaradse ite
secosditrSi'sssiSstttiennal t itFi isnly5awaits
sth pish ing of ts-eIbitltonts its-set itt
WhenSct tes-crsowdSsiters te gsststo-
ightS it still knoti s- -s-sti isg its rseadiitss.
Cstrpics Sc. suitS ciiat sis we.ssre- issis
tll sisy- sstetisy Sittissg ttipte bitst
rtsiitiring the -ir ts-s tigtite o-
gaizat~titont workeitdcsilSts-gseingitesisc-t-s
stketbotsde scsrasiti-sindittii -siiiis.l
''hss- tsssi ssp s'ii- iof ts- firit sill
take placte st 7itt.itu its he tos, sill Se
trowntisienst cito'csoci.isieSlsiSgtt S.
'Yost-isisoispesedthe-si tre ttar
ago,sill ts'shtshe bu ttontatstWisillse
theiilg- sowttitsmttion.iThe ais r
fromssshiritiy-.- ti t t-is-wislbin
itt thise 5 ( togysts hits polist use
iiestinug theue'sloc skr room, Jlist-
theret- sill liia i g sillossii s r'-tsisss sise
scits. cigaette, aisidSiiall sins ofi ts-
bacics-ostu itwi ts on sehYlsttis-.icshigans
'Te svsityissshosit htstillSisie
offeredisittsSisstttesistlosttotst to tiet
tion. A 5ition Sen sifthSie-gyt Idiiast
andsicowboyis wi l1t tlingithe fSits- esn's
of St h ocky-st~ts tsittsooisn-. Acrsss
te st-sy- lboosstrs ssil sll ioS ithe strut
deso h co h idweea Amicnsess a uitysross wislile gient
irs setihsoittheitsrist tsels-h il-s isoisake
te peiouts josusrnes -Miss its Jpse~t
tostsumes susil sersisadse yousttryityo-ur
luc itl ssts-estitsel of forune ands tuu wil
si box otf hisssss'sscnesstii-sCiruses
abondans onssisis tss etcralie . 'simsin55 t
sth S Hambuitr Sihsiss, frsts Iiissistss
lit-si tsthesi- Si-t-sisiiB-iesgal, wil stissiit
issnesistill bits' esib iiionus. Sre Pa'ts'
iSi Soills-p ris-nttstractistsstee
b ieore-si-s-t ispciiliedi i-tuple. A biloosy
busllight ill551 ite- famtoitss"isli its-
tau,' s iisssa-d t se a iwiner.- The
Mtysir blsze, S tisitghsasi ititiss tunseli
autu pehssislszoitodasisr stts'sissi, will
D~i ipte SDip, sifittsinue ut's'e
years sgo,silSe tee-foin csg onest
toisdhe frsion it iigertso its' lsser
regions. Thestlste f SanssJans Hill,
led by "'Tuddy'ittidiis Rossghs Ruers,
aill le ires-ssissiA 'toui teh ie swisrld,
shsowingtll ts-eiteres~tingsigtiss sill
iete Sltstraictisson lst.eCosmoepoliant
thu. Near Sit wllie lthe STyolan
Aliss by Rail furnsissed isvthe Mihi-
Sgas'usa. Yptsilseudatiis sueidtsase.Mch-
igendalandsitsu sgirls isaseiesf ite ma.
'Te silsiofltheStr std te Miciga-
'Pennisy gasne will ite "tressin ull.
D~on't SorgeSte $o on exisbituad
Aiutaitgpatigslsttgisess iy lthSPhiliinpte
club. "For tn'urts y"hisusguithby the
Illinois cluithsis yets. I s ytise soulsi
hbuy a chatnsce, onlsy S0 cestonilte 010
ton cycle, tearkers ssill ell yostwhre.
There still e s-iuesils sssssersosa-
uints-sisil sases oittllsort1 s. trsqtt
'statues prsntinlsg tsefisest tieces ot
Sstatusary- fosundinitstheUsniusssiciy at
tgallery-,sill e 'pre of te bigtsacions.
Spilers stillisel ll sabssit ts,'antI

toasty others. The enchanted Castle
psrchased hy Michigan gradates lst
ects set ip int he gym y the Dentsche
tt'ceitt std everyone shounld take a Sip
lisrosugl' it. tWhie people are trotwing
stlls assth.Atricasn Dodgendase seing
list Chisnese 'Mystic 'Waterworks, lure
sill le iti eight-act vandevile sor
takinug place its Saraht Cawel XAngel
Stall, sithSie cry till go. Thiee sill
lie sit smanuy thigs to see thuat oesill
Sare o count ack te second igh.
All lpreparatoins otteparadehe sr
bet-uscomupeted andusheslihg affair sillI
siart sti o'clock fromsusIit Uiversiy
is esuis. A judges sanduh will le eetes
it frots of Unitenity I-altthee Pro-
fessors Effintger suit Allensand BetS
Cark,;isresisdenstof te Uniosswitde-
cidethe sites-iser of te piie oferd ts
tehis tursisn-ot ithlii.patade 'his
aill besitseasy- tasfor the is.atstiy-e-
tweeni te organizatonsstfothlis hsnort
is kecen. Immesitley-folowing huc
l is usra e he tRocky IMsountin lu bstuwsill
ise ai sildi sest exhibiitittnsositEast CUs-
ves-s y C-T-hSee still le ronchoss ibustig,
roin~isg, auitS sll oher cotw-boy- spots,
ree itt scssig,
ho iss-s mattes it, ltefistsissue of
the sClarin twi le isis isnsalt' surig
ts test isheitions outright, Sy- smst-i
dicte itsris-so is)ll55teah'utuy- 1sitt
fr ltit Isisoite 'lThiste Cariots
coiteeiss'rs'fused.No soe thatelus
ces w sill itt sol at anty-oust instoi
anys itte petrson. Wth for ltheCariots
SOssing ts s i uussuesut ing f sises,
only asndulsosi teple heardh Desis
Reed'sl ctiure yesterday iT'apsn 11a1.
hut spesaking of "'hieTeching of Pysics
its SHigh Schools anti Colleges," he said
thsat tslur5imritty nobjecsssuset us
ctlliee issadi fornstudying phlysics sere,
finsts gtassisteligent ksostlege of
te subhjet; 5second, as a blasis on
fiture- i-trk,sun third, fistrtepure-
Theis no50such divsioi t t huthilh
scholso," te sdenstassid, "ecauuse te
Younug bsits litluse ides hst-lauhiss fit
tre soul its.
"The resettex-botoks usied usnt
ighs schoosls shsouldihe iprovdi e
cusse-thslupil takisies te pintuedipag
as Ilsisblasis of knotedege soe i ts he
thees teecures std epeimns.sThss
majsority' of phsuis text-ooks useh it
high schoolsutoay tue fitted osly for
girls' finishing scools an551itittins~
Str lt-efecebe indedu.'
Shosrtly ibefor 6 o'clock yesterday
laft rusoslst he uilding osithutconse sit
Jeffersnssuand Sate srees, occupiedh by
i ts."'Tea Cup" ini, caught fie sue to
ai defecie fue. Wssheo he fie sdepat-
snieStcariedsthSlet ciie top of te house
wa-cs its fisames. Studsesi, at ue reques
uS CoachcYoVst, egacarryitng vatuabiles
frusthslutouse, whilehe litfiremten fougt
5sthelamsses for ass hour and a altle-
tune they Std tie fire its costrol.
Thec damsage aillhe consisersuhle, as
ite otofwas consume n deiouthe entire
buuiling was flooded. Mrs Morris, te
tostner of list buildisg,is at present its
Euope. Mr. Stun, who -has charge
of lheistnut, says te estire loss is co-
tcehbyitynusurance. Mrst. asd Dr. Emter-
son, list later ass instructor in the philo-
sophical departomesnt, sere rooners at
Slute house.

Students Are Expected to Raise
That Amount Today to Pay
Riot Damages.
Seventseens shudredt dolas mstlb e its
he hanssu ofs thel StSudencut Cosucil om-
mittehi t Siurday ight its trden that
ts' damauscges cused bylitlate riot say'
he settiledb hatdut imue. T'he cases of
slur studuentssaresedi romse outfor tril
Mondatshcy- morninusg tushit is ighly si-
sirabus cllisttesituetbdy msae goosd
it promtisieo pacy te ills iefoe slut
cseusssre clled. Abou 1t eeven uitneti
sf ht Iis Issuilhiotstanduinsg 'I'ody $foo
iuts: sibe l sriissd te sclaus uss-oiftthe
forticrstussriptiriss 'd usn 'fTheccosts
isuile- sty- ttwhiast they eeth std
musust hatt-is monusey- autu sot promises
sstdents',hate rspondedinusay say.
Tecutrestill at iuleistal many who
lists neitherngist-isnuit promtito isgive
anyithinig M1rtoerc, ltri-esdepatmentts
thut medsicsuhaitint andsdtutuitsh ave done
nothng hus ie cio itt'sepct 10
hsearnfrom temsstousy aituSsay that the
steudens tsody- cannost asorto hainuvr eun
disappsoited .
'Sassi c Merritt usilass ight:- "If
all thoise wtho hlusts- uhyet contributse
ansyhinig ito as uselicusthue oterus-
scribiers,swesill liss-c entough muosey,
tutu sucrhcussesxhiitions of ott good fat
tutu intetsuiuhon tussakereparations oay
still scsi i-ussr orstntsasfelws.t"
'Theccommsiterhs asraiged to Save
sit sufites'iustheserridorofiBUieersiy
Hallshe vsre pacymen-st s maytibitt oadec to-
day- Insis Sc. u.In 6 us.st. 'hiee will
also hut sssmseonesinthlstLaw, Mesdicsl
andus Enigineeinighbuiinisgs sallsay stuo
sill reiscist the usuhstilsssiosss
Allioectoisrs mu isitt repoir, wstils t
msoney ceictedsict Sthe o office its
Uivetsrsity IHclllbetecns4-santuS6 o'clock
todaiy.- lTe risussitec of te Cosucil
havtingteis-fundusitscarge rconsiss of
Wite Merriit, C. A. De'5itt, Mlviii
Bldints, tutud'W. J. Morsgan. Any ot
te colltossrs stio cie nttululy m-
formsedsthit lancssacie askes In see
one Istis commsuittee- ct lthe suitoffset
anyt~ s-timetis moritng(.
H. F. C'op, sit Chicago, gnseral see-
rtasry sit the Religiouss Educatioa as-
sociations sill sdeliver Iwo lectures to-
day'rusefirst sill tae place this noon
ct ltheBtit Sgsi, cit tha tohpic, "Wat
Art Intellectual Coniditions of a Chris-
iatt Life?"' andthIe tther tits eveing
ct 7:30 u is tBapist chsuchsono"A
M'S~susReligion orn.~es" All students
cre si hitstoatends.
stigussi s sl(5its Tuss-1T.
'heiAdelhiclitierarcy stciey meets to-
ightssilith e ufloswing program:
Currnt evetss uliert hparliamentry
Sill, chacirmnii ilunsrossc, mtajority
leadser, Crust, msioiy leadser, Selman;
genseral deae, hRe tsl,ltstsocialists
sine. ci imenalcetslthegeeral welfare,
affirmatuie,; Beker, segaie, Anderson.

so syno denmocrasts o gathscred there
to aelcoes he lstpresidetialcandidate
stll a panty bittiitt. The biaqsuset was
givenstindterthenltauspties of tteAgn
Arbour idemoctrts, tesludissent Dernto-
cratic dubt, andsel luMginnesota clubh.
Got. Johnusorn said;- "The siemocrstic
party believes ius.gosvernmuuent by thse
peopsle. Tile psanty sutpresenst in poster
unsfotuntatly beicves us govenmuent of
tihe ieiphe, Isy ift-eof te people.
"I hatt woerustedsh sat chsance see

'Te fresh engineers in5 a nmeetinug yes-
terday afternoon voted for slut pillow
stragit ithut spring contests in prefer-
estee to time rock stumnt. A committee
was appoinstedi to draft a consthitumtin,
enmbodying several featsures lately pro-
posed hy tse Council.
'he most impsuortasnt of use suggestins
ashopted were that stennoiinaions for
clasts offiters should he smade on te
fosurth Saturdlsy after tse opening of
school, thast electionus he ott the fifths
Satturdasy, andtihiat party tickets slush
no he usted.

WATCH FOR 1 1:45

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