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May 05, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-05

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The Michigan Daily

Vson.. XVIII.

ANN ARBO(R, NfIfI{ IGHN, Tt ,SDAY, MAY 5 1908.

No. 157..

RAItMAS IRS i. ind' (01(,took tbitf
RAI M RSFI S a(I 0a- al. tEtttt~ltimaTROPHY CUP GOESJ~
on c'a1lisb alk n 'totd h m o-e 'le et a 'bo t one to asatrt.
OF CLASS GAMES I 1'telao-so-c\'ltou ot 111oe;two- TO RADIUM DANCE
litheffth__m tt aitedctl r footr____
Fresh Lits Win from Sophs in " olsadplee epl o County Fair Rleaps Large Profits
met tttr. S ittt ccttred ottittfield
Five=lnning Game-' 10 Engi=;auto1Mfit Rktuuuuttwas helto ilt'for Union-Dr. Canfield Wins
neers Win. (a"CotCt01d ack. Tto-nt a tll pithetdto Iflttor Cycle.
Ftin sfa lipped through the lhatndsof
T eiterclt bascll season opened Bid am. tte optlittcatcher, tttttlbothl T hetto trophiy cutt, or tie teat payitng
(uit-ita0 dtizztitng tatil ttwtictt forced frt l t oo s-camperedl lotat. h t'it ttt t 1booth :t theto utttttIair itill be tooard-
A Introthll dr t to c dl thettgamtto heo ttt k ttftathit saftely toti he0cnler edtt ofthelie ltI toll TIhetas fttt-thi
itti i (toli tiittt itasto to ttbit ao to. .At tis poittf Eldridge cdal Raf tttttttace." ITeIRockiyAMountatft
t\\le i ohthe itit a frccl it >o all -wi ho. tltt (c0 ttiiioa iitl it tat ialoio a Io itl w o fi
s ha prd te egre t a t i lt -aethe a ait th d I(as icltt ubii t a 1itto killuthe- 1 lii o tota o tbeut
sovd itef ilott ri cal (fit ati t . sph er a rmo llsstutil ht i w ri eii e as thc a d o th e bt
Th spls v(11 hiIttrtl. _1 010_an opbit rtni tyfl to i z, f m- t (i tt cothelhstp rade exhi it ll0
a fasto ubepa elt l opfeIs lint- Oftle, (abutit ui ra fial tithat st
Ha f it tiltpi il o he frs fr 1 t littiltailr. ft illc Itierred o heCi ha l~u p i t-i-tNot byu
acillift tilt wh ich asn t u tisg a a ttl vv o i t he ti tiftl i lithuutttflit sl cn n etil tilsthtotasti1a10
thesphreto entt ift fofi\ta has(ticde-leifica f t uu - hall treat'n
iiitta -t ( i \v aitra\tiMrt t h\ibo Odtihot tel
i ts a a i tI( f n r_ l s s i a-g ov- r (o o fes c r n d s m m r :t h e pi z e .i c l l
ing ile g:1 c I)-te-Is--e- ile 1),ittLi .....at0 ttif1- 3ifTh(haor ycitof ite:al ta elt
ft (f, 1wp it - t( ftih ns w sil 'telc-C)B in n i ll utaeiotl receits of he sos at FiI
l it - tilt I ((((liltecc(lmi(of rin. ft
t t ilt ifdtof fit inn ing h ol 1( )'iit ititta,. ( ts olh l-1' at ,orthe(((( i tIllint ui detii
taf o i ifh te sp o -fest; i Frltt niti-fitito of ItIit by pt ii I ft ((ifi t iia ilt uetten lilt oli t iiii
\V101it \.t fu d h t urh r ly lm s df it ut hutyre emig feit 1i t poi ilp o a l ei
to rit irt to if li i It ((sivviti lifvf uli t itilnite ga e b-as o e f1litoal11. Ic ft aiiiaift (the o e di t he lftt ittiti
have esuit tf 11 tftno ig tmc. Defi itet t he motiill ito- elta bc Wa to c t har f tre yas a ,wvil n t(
-fis ir t oud fvM ii titif it-t]Iiin'"i ((tl i fc.f(f tltoitto f l ffftS 00 tg . (~t d P
Mule 7 t "N,) "- shall be the is tttoii io (itheuy fita fli t ftgelt c rscltefX aff1 lVl st


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1 t.
- I


the Cerele Dramatique -Francats ay has
beeti rehearsigng almost daily for the NIHIEWDASOvyNGM
tast (tw0 months. The ast has been
most ethtutsiastic in its work i prepan JT- E HU RD AGlAIN
iatos for the pubhice tresenation of A U JJlfhI 1 II
"IttA'vreett The members realize that ___
thtey are to produce a play which would Oeo eetHt ilb ie
ttx then ability of professional actors.OnofRc tJiswilbGin
'Ihe ittblic work of tlic Crle has al- at Orhetra Concert-Child
wasta abtietinarked by careful training Wonder to Appear.
andi rettitrkable ability,. especially in last
year's play, 'Le Borgeois" Gentil- One of the mo(ti popular of Ihe "Mieh-
totine" gnda" sotgs will be heard at the or-
The sett sale for- 'L'As'are" wil con- clestra cotert in the high seool audi
tite daily at Walr's ook store tntil toittit tonight, according 1o rumors
Friday-eeig. The prices arc of such tabotlte School of Mbusic today. Te
tintuure that all may e accoimitodated, taac of this sotg is withheld frotm the
heintg $too0 75-'ceitts atd 5 cents to prgra, bit the orchestra Ias, it is
lhose whlo do ot old mentbership tick- said, becnlhardl relearsing ote of thte
eli.; Althiogh te sale so far has been -sotgs s orchestrated lySanuel Lock-
tmost saisfactory, good sats cait yet be wood, leader of the orchestra. Anotet
otinttted, because of the rettarkably noable evett of thecucr is the al-
goodl seatig trrangemtett of teMa-- pearatte of Miss Mariatt Struble, a chil
jeii teater. -"-:twih extraordinary talt, who will pla
ote ovemet fron thei Mozart violi
ALL, SENOR CLASSES otcerto itt B flat. Miss Struble's talet
- -'ro UNITE .IN SWINGOUT was discovered by Mr. Lokwood ti
year, xw-ho has carefully traed atc
t The annualtswivitgioutl of the setior brotght it ott. Miss Slruble is ote o
cltasseisiill le heltd Wededay after- te few exceptittal muttsic studens
t ots. May 6, t 4 o'clock. This year's whose fututre is assuredly briliant.
tptrtite sill le the larges ever heliott Mrs. George 13. Rhead plays t
r (lie campus. The setior classes of all Weber-Lizt "Polonaise rilliatte" wit
sdeatrtmensa tve laid aside department- the orchestra. Mrs. Rhead's playing i
e ait feelitng tuttuhate de ied to attempt well knownt and universally liked. Mu
-etabtlihinitg the cutstom of aing all Etrle Killent will -sitgte Toreato
o enitrs itt the Utiverity participate. sotg from Cartmen. 'Tie companyin
is Bfore le exercie, wvhiht will take of the oretsra itt preiois concert
a place iniv ntersity all, at 4 o'clock, waiisitarredl otly by carelestess oltill
Oe Wet-ddy the nettubers of the settior part of ot of toswtt terfortmers tel
1e cltsses usill tueet inthleir departmental ail iot reearsedlwitihlithe orhestra.
builinug tiutmatutceh to the main bitild Tle orchestra tdeserves sutport mu
tu ig. lhe lits will tmeet tear te southl only ecattse it is a worthy orgtnizuioi
doior of LUiversity Hal, te etgieer -it deerses it ott this account as fe
v athe etgiteritugtrh, te laws itt orgtnizatios tdo-lbutkbectuse its swot
Il Rout F of the abaeuilditg, the medics is creditable attdl worti support. Th'
ti toitwot entrance of le Medical patrons of ttusic of te city have le
buuiding. ant attitiotal souret of etjoymetoatni
011cftr the sertal cltsses ate taken rofit.
their seattsiilethautll, the tcustary -
att sinegitut exercies tiill befield. Pro. 1R101'CASE POS'PONED-
Oh. it liii I,.ibOoge swill opent with prayer F'l.WIN(Ic
il ad ritdtnt tgell swilmake a short ____
adres Aftte111r the exercises te setiors 'li caeoth sudttinpie-
will maritcItott of the ttaitt enrance ofiii the Star theater riot wts-is ell ov
th hutiulitng to the Sate street walk, utttil Wsedntesday. When the'csc sv
it tsuhuautg otltdtei called itt the circuit court yesterd
of thit camus.tt mortitng, the defettse requesteud a pot
ly ITh litetwill udisbanduin i frott of the Ioetnn r aaag lote
m in tutu iuluig swuere ti large group the defense, said tat he was tot reti
phototaphwll be taken. Mr. Lyndon for the trial as the other tmembers
is conustrucung special stands it' order isi fri were ott of town Prosecuui
ttuaututtotole te large number of Attorney Sawyer atouned tat e w
- stiui~t, ready to presett testimony.
ThIeaswngoutttwsill he led by George
iy Huhbit pu-estulett tf the seiior lt class, EIOS0 -qgANA
andThomttua Clattcy, hairmnait of the O -BEClOSEN WE~DNESD.
a hcaptand gustsn comtttee. The depart-
Itucmeri-uniltuttrch ima the following ordert Owing to the fact that te catdida
1e Litt-catyEgitieerinug, Law, Medic, ad'not receivetd the neessary quaif.
Is luuutptu ~mtl hray ions from the secretary, tee cci
Al11the apandauu gowns have arrived for business maager and managinge
;iltad canitteitetured at Mack & Co.'s.to ofhe 90 Miignnanb
'il huesaruts cmmutittes desire tle en- been postponed. A definite choicew
re tirs of their classes to get teir calls be mtade- Wednesday evening.
the tandlgutsn at onte, to avoid te ruai
toieuns ihttutttl - CARIONS (ON ALE
ira the t ctuuesciti o istNfii n ospac>. Both issuestof te Clarion will be
ill 'The tnewv tuilk laboratiny at the Uni- sale tll this seek at all the book itsi
versityhouusittl stas formally opened ott State street. Tere is otly a hind
cii ltst Wetdnesday. The laboratory is to stpply left, so dotnt pstpote yotr b
re heusetdfur the examtinatontatd modifi- itg too log.
of cattioti of cot's ilk for infant feeditig. -Thebusiness mtanager will keep of
ett All of. the apptaratus and equipment sri tuotri front Irhut 2 p. tt. every day
Idty of the lttest tmakes and improvemientsty; tiotg ress btilding, and copis ofd
i- at1Ime, cotrse of, imottctionm is tindeCr s n.c b le obtained fronYt int-l
ry the directiott of D~r. D. 10. Coxie chni- tticfiers xiii confer a favor ota
-houca ptltrofessor of pediatric. --nair if they will see him du
for - ofc' irs and thus save him te tr
Elections to Phi Beta Kappa at-Wi- ble rf tl~oking them tp. Warrants
the euousiut will tot he held until 'the niddle as hg-sered Otti ye editor at the it
of f ay t- -tim



ft o a ae St f g-t fuuuo i rt uuratic r ft tutu ga I'lt uiuu pitucht-d itl ot i last
.ig; If- t oft 1,1( uo t i ho uhutr it situ butt toutu tuft o t rt r a c
ac t tuofuic i:td ytut gam it ubs I hi wakness afn thte a fitghtu tuft th
at at t hil -b dclaed hewhier oall ire ttIt hit. thuu 11-s tnlt Ittnl t tut
runsfor bot sice Iin )ene(. ofthu Oay MCutltch (t p itchr
E= rti-r i ut fiti u;ton < it~~ti 'i a el (hut its of Iut iis net ie tut
iluytrsion h baft-il auth Ic la hui t as gfter 1tt igutiti if fth nate mii haiet]
to thrba t\erriso tel aw tutu- ilium't disc(h i ttu hut (tt (ft secondti aut
tios tut tuo~nrt I tutu avotd ;pal at iioutfit I'lit lineitp t-A creta -
tutu"'s it ou hatis Mli a~ itd thue P Bola t(('titaer :It-iutit oh 00th-om
:;at t h re--slitin; -Pittrn Mll ht a i itttuRctiiphi~i 31) ; ft authe d ml; P at
itcn \\c Cot Ie %\tl hut-i lmalc gel hafiCuihti I' ur P ckard, c, P huh-
W(r a tutu Stlvtl andt ( iitit4s a <is tutKu lr f
Jut S. Jzasosrtn cdtui tutf thue I~ hitfht u-uuuoau-: h~raii 2iii It C
ijt out 1"-: rss --lir - co sute u-llt if illl rg ssum - a batI hers 3b
aboutthe patte Oye len - -tte tl- 1 ca Klu.s l cf. Palmera if,
lahon, sad : The stuaton i a u itu I ite 3l, PP m'liiian \ii h th p. ihiunti
ote a til no (((itt- more tha r
abo toni a uhufafuit. suit 2 -y , } Scre ho- ((irii a
t sa thit lat unceit ant in fth itohd 'i 1'.... 4 I Q i if 1 0-1]i
tmb t tl u re: the. inerretion 'ohI...... 0 1 .10 262 - 4
gvts hut Spaiht se cec n. ftmu mmd(tme Cit-h.1 mi u-u ahd Whit-.
hut my oin the fhcuu l on by u SNO-<tut tat VIT
scot- if I14 ."'h senioru fia failt ) puimt <t tetam
hum Ow 'usi tound Funtaiunm, humit t mu ohuuin th. uuI'cr h ii~~lowta series-t auth
tight Cltell sn--eal( tcotal frm the ifa tpcoutgg :anu s\tus tir'foith 9 t ,
first tl (t alit catht the flt itldii to theit (09 it.
ove aecond. Ptla (til ht a cemr fluf t'icut co)ItI1cIu (mu pigc thur e%)

liet ipretralti n [-:bigmd
he (ticlt Ifunuututuit I O(aia if:t i
I(((ittittt foits((a rftc mu mu reacnt
"ljw ae"I lt l -t i ta' eeing t t
\h getct tr peittl1fhatfumes
t? o'stimi omind t.-h ut-cene gytt
chorutei o/icithe idflitataitti
clt a ttuu/ itit t7soistewa
the C tOchotiutiihate irlsuhaof tI
Arlp shr-- cntuiieculmir
Frnhtetr.In Mtuce time ushet
at thueth-afeare ugirl-suknowni ast
,iovrcse." l'hsegirl-. muhlutakte it
of the- --a(ing net at iiat uevenig \v
he au idinFrnc cosaumes:
fit-m it iii tic ha .u fol he.im forte
coumers in ( matt uT'ht-phatve hut
ordarad wmithaheatm of hutuitg the tat
hum-tilt tage(f,'utsot a iita mm Mu
us hut-Bi uump a -i lu-b o au-atic at-ist -w
maks aspeialy f tpretparing; tplaysi
C ii ounto utthengeneal, lubtlic, t
cai-f cubi-iel untirely if mtembhers

_. . ;..

LVrdversity Hall 'o fiC I(ANE 5 N
Engineering Bldg. ONoth
Medical BuildinigONSA ETD YL.o
y P

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