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March 31, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-31

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The Michigan Daily


ANN ARBOR. AJiC II IAN. T VV"I ;D-,\,MARCI 131, 1908.

No. 136.

Fans Select All-Class Tram with,
Tyler Captain-Cross Country
Work Begins.
ilasketball falit and( officials got to-
get]her yesterdla afternoon andi seiected
at11 alclass teattt int other wrordis, what
woutldi prohialy tare ])cell tihe varsity
teamti if Michligant suppotlledi batsketball
as a reguliar sport.
Matte excellet mten were elimtinaltedl
early iln thte seasont btecause (If being on
poor teamItts, and titety mustt ihe jtttgeti
largely by tite swork titey did its practice.
iSuchi is thte catse wtiit tawlestt. to~r, andt
ihotttstop til tile varsity ninle. li-1e shotts-
te bill dittwt heltd undter exttrmte idiffi-
ctulties. fit tas te "heatd fttr thte gatte"
an sa fiorwatrd is calmt, dleliberate antd
accutrate ill thtrowittg baiskets antt ties-
Ilg. N iit a sea'stt erarlice, itsttttt
of tavintg 1ee elimO tintaeti wtith a ior
I Insittore andtt \\'t wouild hat ye eqiual
ftor West's tendI e tot loste itis temper.e
Bthtre excellenit players andt aittays
Iob one nto rtint up arodsre
forteaids, w itht West its irst sttlstitttte.
tasIlws estemed te test eeti-
lo eat 11111 ott tte jtump. Raiss is al-
atl'tttt Iiits tod-a trsiv etiet' attil(t
lcculte asooer glsaltttle ftalle
than Ter Take Itt fi allI, telatter
is pobaly he estandit' ale o shitti
It aminute's ntic t1 nltt itthest psit''n

fatst tetiriabothttn thtie tases andtitn tithe A ITt~ QAD
'Titererre tit ettottgimen th ittI
make two trants, so "A"ar" puhe ho nu SPECIAL STUDENTS
rttttning stntis. i'Te ttetwoustitake ____
ltrns it tile tat antirp tis ali tfteItitttr Forbids Participation in College
andi etisort ttt'ntihe iases ,twite, ,ttnt
thsetn taikeiteir itiaces in titefield againt. Activities-Entrance Require-
"bt"atnd "Sttlly" kept thte otildters ments Have Been Altered.
busy gthieri'ig in long flies, --
Captatin Stllivtan is plcasedti tth e Cbose wa'tlitisbiig keptt tier all
wrorkintg'htar'i tndi se ou~ghtlt leie thle ypulicia'tiles of tile 'niv'ersity, all
giooti shape for tite sotutherni trill" lite'rary sitdets tilsitmitaiait tsatil-
Cotachit Allistee is tdotingitugey flatory's tndardi ofiseihiolrsipi.Fly ti'-
Jeninitgs' stuts ltest' days .anitopen rotet ctle tilItiOftile faietyiesitellt r
a fr'sht jarenf gilnger' eteret tit. As a trcill 11111his I ii fi ddt' eniit'tfort'allsite-
a ''rttitfttler'all te way. Te fatns meely i'to takei'ait'll' 1 athlticts o tiert
canl expect som i ntl'lte base-runint'hitsa'tillitilts.
yeiar, firn'oibodylt realizres moter 111 than Tr'are''a numbelre ofstdnse
is of tmottr'es'tdutt he iteam 11 ltan1 a paitm thu i So11111of tuts' bite itrit
is aipparntlys'well11satisi It itihis 1pro- herieaflter lt'ey1mus ti't'comet'reglar islt-
teges, hitstillly wtshtbieling tha t e iti etsl es etif'ro'm1suhlltillviies.
tmtteof ttemt. lie wIts ttefiteshttmenT helilte tilts t inIgii to'eiicetii il l t
theyar tolelible tile nuleuitIs iof111futr aId iicl. titiarc iit wit full
Sal trdays. Wtercaln lsteltemtti ,I ittIs tilsaitisfaittory is wa hred. ltiall sc




tiles lire'ialotiequtally Ileek's. T'Pitt'
lrteam. :Vsa fioul tt thoer lie is ittar'-
tie. ae's if thei'fresh itils isthr
cholii'e fori wuardl, tail intt atearo ts''
if mtuu1n11as possili'tarsity tmaterial,
pticewdme i to suppltan 11111 ttlt ose11
Iilantlali tutu ,iiii'u'of the 'io n tgi-
tiesare' ex'e'leti;giardts. Aitti Rein-
Hayties'tammtlte tillthe 'Iit leant,twili
he first-elass twitia litl oe tteirainting.
IHodisonl, 'iii, is a strontg critter aind
shttotts btaskets iweil. I.lie lcks thte ability
of thte two mtent seelee, btut foe all
lhat is sery goodil.
In tLontgden, the 'si1ringitneer team tail
tite of thte test gutaruds til the camlpuls.
Somertitk ttim etter lthan ltile upiper-
classmteit selectedi, lut t he chicie is
tdoiubtfiul. JLovelee antI lentbirook, his
teammallttes, tree both ctapableeni, the
lttler very stronig it guarld.
Thtse enity nf the selectiontu till not
be qulestionledi by isany.
Jutlatihtaidful if varsity bseball dcll-
didiates reporled fine prlctice yesterday
aifternioont at the fair grountds, htit every
tian was there ltswork, andtiCitacht Mc-
-Alister anti Captain Sullivan saw that
lilly got their fill. 'Te stiff blreze that
twet ruti'e diaindu whsltcondutiive in

I wisht they'd c omireeery lay liltii trlp
its ot."
get revenlge'forleireenrtl defetat.
taint CitadFy oe 111 1 hav1tits'u~e as-
dieavun'tg ltoeithutse finst-yer menittet 1
lie crselsecoutrtty awirk. The twit titer-
Cittsiiis't'ittgtietwether it isprble
Ihat the'crslit ounrtrty sqiladl sill lieou
Michigant is 1t seidtti itlll to the east-
er ross citsouatntry mItteithe iinuemtet
Aft'wt Bte'niare 111t'I'vry liay,- hut liihey
arti 11111 untintg itt squadse. Ditrector
iipatiktwtill exciter om itIgymt wrt:rI
cosoutrly mell.
Tyr. Miay' alnoiunlits that lt'e 5111-
ticre tethis tafte'rnoon lat ,3 1,1. T'ismtchs
twill lie betwtsen i~oeii-W\alsht andtiIa-
seut-t,efluiugtt'i. 'T'einniers art' tolie
tily eis'played -'Wedntestdaieafternoonil.
tProfits fromthi ie Majestic itreFt lien-
ftiltttlle givent Friday tight amontedt~i
lt $92,5. o. Aaitagee Cox ixpectedta
melt larger sale. lie sidi lie thought
thtire wtouldhtte abtoitt ontishouisand tick-
e staid. 'T'heconinmittee attibiuites the
smlal sale toI the faelttat little noticer
teas flivt-ruthietpublic. Besidies, many
stuideitis had already contibtied toi
funds collected it the classes.
'Fur stuidenit cunmitltee ini charge of
te stunt wishes to expreess its thaitks
to thse mniagemnt of the :Mjestic for
their interest ill the nuttier.
Wialter Rheinschtildl requhests Ithat all
ptersonsssating snubscritition lists aitd
mney already collected froi the tiftl-
feretnt classes report to tuhiinediately
at the Rocky Moutntaiisclib, or through
thte class tiresitentis or 'T'hieDaily sffice.
i.OtCnt LCiu T,5UtcS'TolARCIdTlECT'S.
Petit.Until tLtrcii, heath ot thse depart-
menrit of architecture, recetly lectured
aefore thte Architects' clib nf Detroit
tan "Mohaimiiedan Architecitre." Ptrof.
Lorcit was onreitt the organizers of the
Architects' elib intl tastittsturesident
flut three yeart.

cae -otc f Iycaate ftile
Iork istil li'sen iiothe s'tetanditil his
mall paticilpate intliatiitie ontly
P sobtion Aite twlust' uttuni
is i extttremlyI ils lilft-ihuhi puts on
prbain.T isfeantlt Ise1111 hul
im inent anger'of it hshmisl frotuhts
F muish situ ihuulS il'lhl i f tdismiissa
huatbeincs'turedI I utigh 1unsat~uisfaciitry
isiun:i ll a 'u silgle' cruttiet' Jih int' tie
peiod iof probaitonlt-e sltuet iIs Ott
tilto0511oveihis fiiessto Ido hutt: in l
ilhs F111111sily.l ie is reuiretutt o deit-
vti ll iihis illselto isstuiels.FtAccordI
ittly iseht' is forbllid tott part11 icipaueis ll
lii . ul iic-\t iii''u i P bliiachii
tic,in utud ')rit ionuh i llyI
athlticconestor lly debt inghidrama-
tio u il exhiltbitihu(2)" eice'u
til studtiltli ui blicationis {;) holi ngil a'' I
claIss orl univeity officeuu (4) oiial
111111ctiotit11wit ftheiiso-clledlcol
hugs' funcionlls, suhtas thltJuioItup
Isfreshmn 1bang iliandlii lar ahit' tes
111111 st u'u i lt'o tus iinte 'de d'ut'ehahut-
iv. b''t1mere'1111o1indicateu thchutitattrter
and Ilsopetof hectivitiesrferredtill
is, tisi ti' "lies t oh1e1 1 u t 'ulty'
asi tiulisuili ii' tillning'forii all at''l'ti c
'liii'actiithuhohull if litlIthter'etof. l
The efi-unuiiolflhelihulstrill ut llh
silly 11ur'slut1ed ttg;h atschooil y'eaur,
tiwtihtout less thatuntfot'uri-reciati'peios-
eah its-k." Fuder thureu'ne uliing "liii
terniuniit muetans this'euivaluthl ivue
reecitatihontss-Irwek, foirutote seaur itt oni.
burancuh if studiy."
'Thur hotutrs tffth t tendanctuue euiitl
ftie huavt-u besun chanlgeri en sduau'uty
and11 tridlay, *3 ito 5 ioiclock, 1touWednes-
daty tlal ndiiituy, 3hiltoitt4:31.
- Aluitiouf thurAttn At-ohutigh schoul
tehutartuestuduets in theUrnuiversity toilt
s old fuurthttthur ichuiganUn uiuunsclib-
hsotuse thuis eveunigwithu a btainqiuet atut
suismer. Mrthiestuhif theUniver-
sity uitdlhighschotul fatculties will us'
presnt as gulests tuf thur clubh. All haighi
schuuolaltunand uui espeiully first-yeur
tUiviersity studhents are iniiedu.
eJuuiuii - . VtWtgnuer, thur Pithtsiurg sttur,
tis to cotichtthu rtnugieItuiiturte ate-
hail tetim this spring.

Plais fori the cominllg sulummer' vaca-
tion1 are beig laid1 by' tieetampus gloabe-
trottlelrs Timetablthes atuneisngcon-
sulted, sreamishipt lists piue , nt itul 1t
ekers"uite couteidu.
111a1rilete i Dilla, 'o, 'ol, aiduuinei-
css illu,10,expect to suenditthurrut
lte suituuet tourintg itgngiuiu, Scot
lanid, 'WYairs, I oleand, Beligiuit, FGee-
may wesnuanituu, tutut ratee.
A. 'Tatlockc 09tealoetlects t itake
tutu exteniuedt toulr. Roy Welrch'o, willi
ai Junie 13, ticcumpntiu'ui by'PattiSit
Mouwrer, formiter editor-in-chief uf Tt
Diliy. irm S. Cody, 'o, unsd Chau-
cry Boucuher, '0, intendct siendtaarhut
iif ties'vacatlionu abroat.
A numbtuehrt'otf otheuristuetlannuingtoi
lirthe i waelu y tucross thureetuti.Fti
a nutuuehreof years thurcatulersiupislar's
uconven-ui'ntuumeanuistf tunsortautiont. T'he
m aecr fherd-us uf sts ottheu
uty 'u er and' -il tutu-givenluit reurnpas
stigt'fon thui r-i ksui.
ADiAMS ''1iLS HO(W . S.
K 15151ST'ABu ON R.\ I tilAlyS
hut thefusr111'thu ofmhis sr-ies ture ,
gire y-uesteiuday, Pro. fHeriy' C. .\uitu
discussed ithus'ortganiziattionit uf uriroutud
for theii uuuuroenof crohhan1111thei'ex-
Ientlo tihis cuintroli by stcsunts bond;
int thilscoutriy. Begintilitg ut-t itget
eratt ltuinnay' f Fritay's eetue, he Itd
ull t lime-chiesf tophicuf hits lecuur.
Pr'oif. Adtuam s poiuini t111tt cnu-
triol is ceatedls hrometugh thur gntes'of
theusseholig ncomaieuis wh~ichm lty' il
turtuinIttlt operat 11ifn ilt-e urouad tutiu
uhs-luistnhl y'iurpomse ist gin co ntrilu
tilit'r o uthe ulihd. Thrught ter
mediums si l'rof. Aiasu,uvshlemrilt'
huaunus uof mlhos uwho contruo'luthisehlinug
ts' ti'sli iit l
reat, .-.ts ,-uarrieris, as ref-leudillthit
ittnutusipgiomfrailoaicieuritieis,' sidl
PrfuAtmms "hadulin i-estone geatu
'imt, nlytttoihy' able s tthe in riltesaite'rut-
clicahituionms sunthitiltsay' siuriits as-
u's-n-t'ruuort'ud s outsstunding, ii suftmm
as thus u wrelth' eitopertyf otitlist'-
ri-I-hs 'utnd maue me'baisitof otuei tssus.
Thsinvet'igtiontmshowts thatulthis' tmimtt
otcck and bo1111n1duuu s ihertofoure' rephortu'u
as5 outtstndinin 1thes'hatinus of this'ub
stc ill hut'redlue riu oiummi$7,Oo00 lu-n
mietou $7,000 peustills.
"Araurad"ioninuedu'uPutf. Audams,
no11tltyIa buyerumandmis'elen'f tansu-
lirthlionllitI Iisl 1all gencyouhf iniatuces.
'Pihe' peopI' leitsinillhuoitds wsichnbriig
to lthtn1nocontro-el inttie icorporation.
Thei railroaduulot the oilendtiuiys
ut-ii'll -mtu--t c wic.rngc
-u,,titi ep'rtr s Iat- erumen rendeireu
mivthe ctarirts feermtniy' y'trs, butmi urior
t Juintf115111tie commiissintstas luau
inl Iheitlpostion t ssuree tiuniufoths inte-
pretationimof theimtis repoted, whethere
bty differerntcatriers ory' te sane cra
riers frustm yetr to ytar. It is evideist,
if tamtul reports are t see atpratiu-
dcl purpoiuse' stud e, "that tey shouml
he mutudewiths tucotussotni understandiing
of ternss used, and rest miloitauiiforni
sstein of accouuttsh." This uniforums sys-
tmi of accouninhtg is te ttsk up'oi whichm
Priof. Adams is etgagei.
'lie next lecture with coine upon
thur saumuesmubject tail withfutrter tde
vuop the isrgaiztiaio for prpose oft
Senmir its ut'llt tssenmbie at teUin
ciuchuieThsursdaty might for their sec
tutd esoke. 'lTeciumittee its charge
expects 1to1prtee iasort program of
sticems atutu iusic, 'Tickcts will e ott
stle utiday,

Attributes Panics to lack of Con-
fidence-Says Faith Is a Re-
tDr. Humght Blatuk gvethet'fist f is
Fery'lecres busfore Iluge audii-
encme ini lie F'onigegai111 iona mcuchm lt
ight. Time generall test fthe series f
leture is ''Thue tReuasonabii lss f Ru-
"'Tihe' 111fiuneta11111riniple r'of rei-
gl,'' stau i' . Blalc,'is tutundtierusilta-
ig o hte lartys if retliion. ith iiis
flie foumdaituitioof reilionm. 'lie udo'
Oft rligionitis shtut lto le aterage maniu
whnit'iy'ousa115'fith'toiiii111. Viii can't
ask a mnltollieveiis'ha't 111simosbe
reg'tto iifuihis lto'shut:lhilssyes andh
ill hs mouthmul.' Fliis faith is ntu
outsuide o f hi uuuuutuu 11 t.
"''henithere's Istheuu kind , oft itfaultm-
this busisnuess 11111's ftaith.You t111e Ia
hutt y onitions due''tuebadutradeglu
and llc liolt'mnut-iciflilteihautu
if unitspeinty.Ws'hy'?S Becauuselie ruot-
Aniti-urht-hutitll111111111onf iu lcllselieit
lues f ureliionbuahes iself upoiutis
phase' of Ihuimnlife.hReligionithelii
ce-tmetn t fsoiedl.
"r hrhis ta necessity, aicre i-itsa
ile'c'ssity; hut s-miini tkep c lelyin m
mnd Tatt 11hits'essence of Ireliionis not1
intesei'nmgs, 11 s iih.i.t\'houuut
fat h oreli-u' sitsIo s reltiItolGod. 'ihut
reinisure'i-gionu. .\y'umessagTo-
ight is thuaulthis faithi s areait.'
Aflu-i'thes 1lectre i. iBlcskhilstlu-hi
dered a banquet IatlltheUs'oF' lutuuhusel
bty theiDiIiSity hilyubl.
theseon i'mbr f lthe sriels till beI
gien. hit'. ["lckIt'[, h sen forsmi ' u h,
Noimmiauitis firtoficiiris i thut'Stu-
hdints' Leteeure associati11111 wereusmutle il
Unuis'e'siy 111111Saturdahy'afte'tnoonut.
FOuuy'uone rticketwas11oiated wh l ich
is sflilows:
P'resident--i lihiet I ryfrntu, '111th
i'-rnesdmt--JosepshmI.tKnly' r.
ifs-rtnig secretary--F. . gnh , 'o.
'Truses-. i. Bazuley, 'te, JiltnIDy
Jolies, 'Coul, Jtuusns 1. Prmimul, 'ro,IS.
i. Stalisbiury, det, JosphuHorneit, 'it1,
'brthurn FF. Bhlsutc, 'to.
Au thu requst of -rie.Ity fronu, tutd
throuiughim tiudernstandhing, tie'ftcts
in regtudrto th iese mnomiations terenota
preds ini Siudaty's Diliy. Ancordnmg
1o tie rules of tie associautin,tnomina-
hions closed yesterday. 'fhis tles lit
time ticket inth ie fil.
OFP b!ININ , AWTi,C'\Vu1d''t'FS
3uduge Clybeg beanhmisleictures oil
miinug' tndtii igtionulaw yestrduay
'hss'le(ctures trn givnn itRooim in
tie Law builing, tiller on mrimmg at
I ocltck atuholuse ohs irrigtion t t5.
Than ltctures sol conutinaue foe two wieks.
JugeCttyberg is lieauathor tf thur
arilet'outumisningmatw in "Cy" andtihr
adtvises that1stdentms houldutsupply
theuslves soulstlistsarile, wvhich hs
seen seiparaely houstd.
Thelc te mof yesterdaky hbeglawith a
historictlskeltch 'f tlim eln-i mutofcu
mininmtg lat. It lraernthut rules made
bhy thut-"fourty-uiers" untili they 'ectame
t"e tlaw'of mu ias i heucUnteduStates.
'The indcter tomorrow will uleal with

I lisas and than differntindus of veins,

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