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May 07, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-07

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The- Michigan Daily

N'o. srfi,



Many New Pen Will Enter-
Frosh fedics Win all Gam
---0alrd ack.
5.55ff f~iLLEDA'' 4 :05'. "a.
Thie ainual osice race givensute
the auspices of the Cross Country clii
will e rit Friday, May 5. The re
is opeii Only to meiwhio Ihave not 550
their three "C's" ass is to le ishtilet
a novice race. All the men-com spetis
run from scratch.
As a result several of the rnnsier-
real ability who, on account of sevr1
handicaps, sieec unale to do tieseve
justice ina the fall handicap rase, shol
prove their wortla in this race whteren
handicaps will e granted.
the swinner cf ti-race w~ie aar
cid the sler losn g ut is o r
liythe atletiieassiatsis, adt ilad
tionthtlim'nss senifist and seioi
places wi-ittbe giseii tiir CCC'-histl
Cros Cotr sut. Ito' is'race ii
startsat N'aseriian ii tYniitt sit4
anid a 1dte iiisiover tie'segular cro:
country course, ourt W'it -lu esissi
ansilback isis(eilie.
This noviice sacihs tbes a '-'ti i
race iss list yvs-sr, smonssilii'i
sinsners sitpasi rce1seig "hosi
lasiser" Raiy. sitiwons is i-tres
its the soice rce f tree yesir-as
Th~e race th scsiar is-bitt tie ii
of tRsse, Coe sit ull. Tsiser 1i-
tatricks isillsitt suidt isse te-iat
'the oiler ohccssts i-i ntt uibe asit-i
sssil later.
Iss order t ive 'theus iaiittle huts
paratory traiinig te sre- all urgedsi
esster he handssicapsta ciStusrdtasy.
iteisens sre' eligitle tsr sis etan
is 'Traiser itpstiet's itissntissnstoi
raisge le hanicalisps ascordisgstosi t
ability- of the cntsesasits, stistes-i
rissaser siill is gieni asstle s-tisses
siitslelaes. As vslusatlepries sre
e guvessfor isositiosiat tic- kssihit
contestasiiwt1ibe samipsty're-swarsest
their swon.
Abotiosfifty men whosi-ticseisis
slng withth le suates-ry siss rs''
etest to etiethis rscs'nsuit is t ,
to pros-can intserstiigtine.iis-
diately- after the raetetitree C('
swill suetd sssthold isaa siil s-tic
of officer' ii the gymi.
-TNNIS O -I-siNAIc-'e iscisN OD'AsYi
After seersilpostponemiets ties'
nisis tosrsasiesststarts itsdasi.T
matches iwill le russ off fsst, sice
series with Oerliss is dstes for Masy
and. the-teassi issst te picked before tl
Jts drawings for the tosrsamenct, sas
ers of the first class are asi folos
Fetcher-Price; IBroadurst-Dickis
Shisser-Frec; tLeiy-Wsester; tts
nond-Ayres; Wsallace-Saffrt;l
Dosovan; Weary-Dog
Second class: RogersCosiplact;
lides-Pattison; Fletcer-actsis; Me
Crawford; Iasmnsd-Slisser; M
shall-Lgosars; Rya-riffit;'Wets
Macthew isill starttis safrnoons
courts tre its coisiios.
uRfsiinausisSicoWALtIlVSt' Oii't.
In a gamse featured by hard iii-
and clever fielding o, the part of

frst-yarure, the fresh maedics defeates
te -sohmores cif their deparmaent yes-
-terdasiv sfertisos, )tiii3. The diamnds
wass sut, olving to the heay raifall,
ts-saisig te fiotisg unscertain.
Buchanasnsst, whto wsosns the firiggline
fosei tr-yaer smen, el Iis opp-
netistit ifewsca-sstered its, adshkept
2 Iis testi iseli sits sitdager. Coley,
tiin tg lir tic sopswa sinsteas,
tiin stsitconsisitenty aftes the first
hiniin. rThegasins 'scalled after sevess
ininusg shail beeciiplay edfThe lineup
'rc-timisi-s te-- t titssc; fO'Mara,
it; Benjaminissi itHIesisg, msit;iso-
retc; Buciihansait ps;iHacket, f ; Coo-
titer, r; Jssneis.
Soth iti esisCsox, Asb-Taiali, s
tcPeissies lii itIf;escts 3h; Coole, p;,
En ale-m re ;Corsel, esit
ly Csarsonirf
Sophs ....... ..... 2 0 o 10 0 --3
A re-titte- --..... 0 2 0 3 0 2 2-9
to sUmirs-I'jiott situ Enge.
Mansassger 1ait resrsed to Ansi Aror
-_ yesstedy suitdte staktpusisin tsagai.
eii \l r. Basird Ii- e-thsiat-s-istic ssit civera-
i- hn chut it lthe-sweate. iancerning the
si titss npar t lietinecus he - sstaed issat isn
hesis's' oc ii isisehisuailsicusitm of
sil the mansageet u011-ssewgsin ssse wil
3o bescsis'sedits-ier to doi j ti-iiistoi
I l teIii ichsers5ciofciseaso-nititicess.
15s11" r~l'ctsN hIf'cTflL
I; VlE(tN \'A'SIi NI',''f4
its'-Charle srs willtdesi-ses ani
irted eturethis- eeinitg st it o'lockt
p.in th eetssscsroomiiof ilhs' physics ]sits
it, oratory5.oisis.''The IDecveopmttettof \'Was
tz- igisi, ts-esipilitCite." 'lisltsuscre
c ii is-to be-givsnitsder tIt tesic-les iof thi
-i-s .\istIIisi ti ii, nisis sssion einsgisi
e Pressissidet JamsssB I. sAsgell isillinr
iso hie .Mr. \Mooirs-.-'Msr- Moore lista
Alt' hifssmsate-rial st firsithasndc, has-tng lie
1 is s'erset's-siof iscommitte f srcitet
i- whossseee appinsteds'ibya PresisesstRoose
thei volt toinvtsligate te plasu reissre
cey by MasjoreI,' ifilitt, st ue renstet0
to GeorgeWasinigtont.for ue ielsita
t- essigettestiosithlii'stees asui s'scits
thei hiiitg- f ts- iapitasl iy. Sr. i'soori
Isi s isiaisssiaedth-ilste lts' Ss'to
Mcs'illani, ositint, ii't resents
in- isL itn sitte spsjetes imap rvsiementso
ee tistmmseittetositegtesshich prac
si- A lsresnuitbtero id'ttes tadst est
ists Mrl. Misses'toniigt.
'te The tussossenrigisieers siill gie ue
te irthaut 1555a55ist Wiitoic' lae, risis
i 16night. Sies'tIis is ticeisitisl basicli
scsi of ts'lssi-s alargeusttesdanlsce is asti
patedc. A goodiil prgrsa vf msic sin
in-tsostssbiy te fsaculty anit messbiesc
ws:the vclss 155asbects arrnged. Cater-
sits Buresplromsises lticso his share in mal
sm-its sthes bsaquet isuccess. Te speci
ss- trsinssaeccte AsssArbor dspt:us
6 p i.s
Pi- . - -________
'w hissiilsusuusseior iviatiosiswec
Iif orsderedsi esterday fronts-iPhilaelphsl
trus. The inviais wO il le ofca
greets lesther, switsIUniversity Hlssl as
theis- iigasi sest prissect its gl
tiug slurfront cvei-e. 'They sre xiectedi
thur sarriveSay 2a.

Gadski and Schumann-Hieink
Praise Work of Iliss Gertrude
iiis Getuest'Nosrmansd-shSmtith, sihuoss
esse-ritihuiscs- sifl uauist-sautkasnoisy
thur foremst o mtaiposiers of tliiscountry,
Niltl accompanssuy thur seformuancve of luere
isi-u sonug- ints tsigls's tfacilty concvert
illts e this ight schooisa sudioiumia. SMiss
;smith'-ss-orh is umasisnlsy illuse fieldlof
sonsg isritingss otf te mioderun "soodl
sonug".tape. Sits- sa slso sirissass-
suerssus piano-5asuch s-iucomuspositionus,
tier sonig-s aecsting bisa-siiSchus-
hiaci-tik, hiomersss'nuitothesrs, uatnt
frosmsthiststc' ss-i-hie'has receisvedi suci
thfer e araniesessehive-:a i s aiteworthsy
muuusieal esrest. She ilil accomniy Mr.
EarleRilleets uns inginsg iverof her
sonsg. \tr. Sauelur I. tLockssoodtsiill
alsos pa'yis-aosit tesiolis pieces..
'hue remassiide ofthis'prsogramtiis
madesnstos thei1ittics iss iuusonataciishs,

Chunscey S. Boutcher .was.-last- inighat
unaniousluiy elected mntaging editor of
thue tagog Miich igatsetsiatsb, hyise nese
Mhichaigansensians boardl of constrol. P
t~cotsrd C. Reid seas chosen business
manisager os-er Daniel D. Morgans by a
vote of sevess ho five.
Associate editors nmusit be elected by
the sdifferesnt classes ots or before Saxtne-
dhay, Stay 9. The nanmes of those electedl dl
msuti thersabe certifiedl andlsaisdedstho at
tile board itthsin fuse faa-s after they arc he

'Unfsivorable wveather yesterday after-
susussscauseidi the sanntasen oiiorswings-
out Isahbs'postpontedutihl Fricday5-after-
nsoons at 4 oclock. It swould naturally
isis-ceehielcd todayiullst for use* hase-
hassl gua ewith Wooster tissafternsootn.
Fvor thur same reason the senior swing-
out for the lust fese years hsas had to
tic postponed, and a postponement of the
event has bsecomse almost habitual,
So use d iffiulttty wisss'scoutttisrcslini
thus master'of cas fosr thu sesnior'its


1 i

if whtslis-'-ith t seuss-ss suwsfunrl Inarchi tiling te icotmbine'uliht-lswssuse.s'Cups
is onIum in-cusis 5. santiiireeuthes it'satusit h lack usndputtphi' tassel s-eu's'or-
ssunuuises i-hiss u-si his rtus-i,iii'tiiuiiuh tirecitsuit all sessiosrits isill siear the
Thi coier ite lastcof chits year's5regulationssblavk tassels.'fhsemsetniues
fuss-uits cocseis's-is The e'hireiui roli'ssof thiclasisi-Iso are isa thur eombhinsedl
f55515n fllos sourse- s is can a smsall bow of rib-
SonaiftsO. IS-Graessic' s'phii tuus u i- boi as a udistingusinig marie, the luses
nino -chc- cii sussc-his tunchses'tt f is earissy asspieuni thue smaedics greets.
---Chtopin)- -5lbit Lo hcvkwsc.iii hus classes suit1 form aacrstintaoi
is-oue -fromu"s -- h c 'Iio 1cLlo- hss utrIe ittishitch Ithey soted to cuter
cvc'sllo) Eis' fG. Rillesic.Ishe'sing-oiuti, wihich is ascfollos's
t'islscei-ctie \Vs-c' sC:Ieushi(Get- ht-,eunginuers, lasss, smsedics, (shnts,
ti-uits-Normand-is ISmiith)-ilnttcci bIoi- taitstils.lissscops.
Aticuser;ferch usc ci Nai hts PEA iEXf EA
site ~ ~ ~ N1i S'I'iUDI tNse'Tsts uI lstsCtouss
slic wl Oe mauu'uh Ntiin 1,(loSnustomeetI
the (ertud Nomad-Siti)- r. '1htsIuaiversiya rouicf cosntrul oft
Rill ets. uitudec ui blishhcatiosns hscapproivevda plan<
la( I-hu s sect''"( ttesiius) l;Slsosentuifir issusing itsofficial stdlents' diretory
uususivsshs' Sichss's't ) ; 'iVulch i iscsel
next aru. I ise Christiast associatioss
Jhiszt) _ilticri huccisisucui'cci lie Cniversity have hieen givetn thur
l'Iis Innic\[. avis acciintaia sspervision of the work unit save, usca
- resist, authforizedthEle chasirmnius of this
SiT tlN' 101SfT CASElS pushltaio, - colnstautie h tisassumse use
GFi1' 'IWI IDAYS GRfACE uusiagcniatttcf the sdirectory. -
- 'lice plan is ho givec a fusiluccountt of.
'hue studeint riotcciess wuers' sgasint ccery studcenut'ssnatmc, class, udepartment,,
ccciitinuedis- t iseshass.sifts-vnoonussiusthus'city adesdh5,tphsonse sutmber, asnd homae
circuiti ciurItcyiordits-vof ;juduge 1Kits' - u*ddsshc. 'thu-i- anit of sucs usbooesa s
'flue viiliuusinne s ii, deiusthuts timtl -loInsisseasciifelt uponthur csapus, aniuscic-
I' ridgya'uioiic u. Itas isexptethatlu cisiaslly- one fusewihsthe lance wilt
thle cases iwcul ttiipic e d laisihssti 51c5dal55' is' loi. Sevreiry- Wadehchas expressed
hist whless court eesdud itiicas t cffgreat.ilearsurc'in regardl histhe uid tashn
unilyeterdays. (tilercrimialcshesiisill lcendithe studetelmusnager. of te
tcoccprceenchuce, howve, anduthue stu-it ctoryian'cll liar aid possible'-ut the timea
civi:cse-ssweine agaitnlpust ccvr. ohregistrationsits September Thse first
'the money sa s-lech forIcythue Stushenat editiont of'ithe bosok will be issued for
Ccucuuuilt*is tossrevuayito bc placedh isacirculatsionuatitihae end of October, and
the lawyver''Bandss ito csc us they see s'sevralnevisioins will occusr dusrisag the
fit, year. -thue co-operations of the faculty,
'thin prestige cf the Christian associationsc
COURTe'NE'v'WIt, SPEAK "Inds the apparent aced of just sutch atn
ON 'frfAfIMYATIC S(5R(uERY isnexpensive directory will all aid, it is
felt, ini placitag te aew book abov e any
tDn.\Wtlltim Coutnesy, dctefsurgeotn direcoiry-iswhivhhas hitherto beesapith-
if thc Norttuecus Pacifyc rauhuviay, hscbeetslispued.sh'le Ypt iluti State Normal
cengagced iocs-hik at thurentertaiunment schooilauthloritietsIsa-se touse applica-
of -the Stiudeints' SXleshiesh scocicty, to be tiotsfiur placuinag a cmapete list of state
hel~dh i inBrbiour gymnassscisum tomaorrow normal stteits *ini the Isew cdirectorny
ight,.lDe. Cosurtnecy is in change cf and the requtest bus been favorably ye-
the large railwvay hospitalh located at ceivech '-Wub s teiproposed statistics in-
Brainsardi, Shinuf. e is onie-of- the mtaes corporaitedlit is felt that the book will
mntuionsedl in.aetpril Aluminsas ie- certaittly he indcispensable foe both Anti
sn-ay on asacusd-isaiiuiislh - yI, U"'tcs. 'of Aerbor ad Ypsilaniti facusly and slut--
thue (departmuent cutmedcuinse ansirgery deteas. Moreover, it is felt that the recu-
suind sshasmadec sasusy- vuhusslie contniaus- sonauble lance of, twenty or tiventy-five
lions tos surgival literature. IaIts sushi- cets will place it*swithin flue--fitnatncial
jevi sewillie "Conaservsatisin isa 'umatic meuants of everyone. Any itnfornaution
Surgery" 'lisiltl bhacthc last naetitng tMay be obtained at McMillan hufll, the
of thue aeuiivlsoh ciety Ats year., oticcv of the >directory.

ersons to See ",L'Avar," to Ap-
preciate Moliere's Humor-A
Few Tickets Are Left.
Pruo. lsriuc Lei, fed of theFeench
epiunat, swill deier a lecture this
fternsoonsact 4 o'cok in Tappan Hall
cuecroomss, oi "LAsare," te play to
eapesentecd by 'the Cerce Damatique
'nais tomuorrowsevens'inig. The lee--
c, swhihs is o le gienint English, is
'cc to sll seho smay desire o attend
Ilii treatissg this sbject Prof Levi will
ay- particular atentiona to giving ai
salysis of te titua, its characters, plot,
such the cestral idea of avarice At the
ne ivhensMliere urotcuuL'Avare"i the
shjedt of avarice ivas msuct discussed
ry the gesneral public ad such writers
is oileausausd Lu Fontaine.
"LAs-are," "haute comedie," is one of
oire's foure famous masterpieces, the
oher threce beitg "Tutuffe," "Le Mis-
ssnctscp," candsi"Iss Fms'iaSavantes,"
ubhincustuesntesd itsprl at the ee-
-e's soirted'its Deccmber'. Moliere epe-
ents as pecutliuar ssvrce its the leading
carace, tarpagon, whlo s a miser
mouves is fashiotablue society 1-Harpa-'
osn's fallisng so loc.sdeepesa all the
morec tic traits of Iis aarice and ads
tileest to the pay.
Moiliere' haduto pintsu a vits's as hateful
Iin recaliaas it sisutageecabl iin cig
ictured ontheucstage, andsie asusceeed
inits hus ~ths,swhilcesltseitag may
s-eescwiull thecaidh of fustnty characters
andus risicculsuus inaisetts Moliere knew
well frost his osn expeiitnce s an
actocr stdash prcodciuern of plays sial in
coedusy laughter insst prevail, that the
hight side of tinuugs assst always ap-
pcar, usc master hiwsrsntgy the sadder
aisevts of life sasy urge their claims
uposn the uctuhor.n 'rue o this concep-
tios, he raised 'every scete that might
othrwseschavc fitted isto a tragedy with
te gay regions of ith and laughter
Fresnchaonempoaneos socety fur-
uishecu theucomsic pot with splndid op-
-portsuniies fr te display of his humor
sash thelexcicse, of kens observation
'The recsult is that Moliere's comedies
presentutois uscliong procession of the
variedh1typscut the mcii of the "grand
steled" At thec same time it is to his
great smerit tsve is-csepicted bols unive-
sat ans iitu ualhu traits its so skilful a
smannier s Etonmake hisi'sthe comic seriter
parn exccllence ot only of France and
Utrese',venteenthscntry, but of all ages
andsu of all natonss
"'Avune" is frequently produced at
thur Comedic rncise in Paris, Itwas
first payedh in 168 at the Palais Royal,
Molire hinmslf taking the leading role
s Harpugos. During the last years of
Moliere's life it was performed forty-
sevec tis.a TIhe play has proved so
popular that it has been translated into
m any lasnguages and often imitated
Several English dranmatists have o--
rowed fronm "I'Avssn"
Many of the vlasses in the French
departmaent have read "LAvare" Ths
fuel should cause much interest to be
nanifested in the play and the lecture
which is given s preliminary to it
Ticket, for the play will bec on sale
today rons 4 to 6 o'clock and tomorrow
afternoots at Wuhr's book store Within
the past fewc clays there has been a gool
sale of tkts, ut because of the ex--
celletnt seatinga rrangetment of the Ma-
jestic theter, good seats are still re-


Vgvrs&Ity Hall ~Leather
Law sBidl '0 IIIIUOI Il $2.25
Fxslneerlng Bldg. ON SLE T DAY 1.5
Medical B~ilding O A ETD Y 1s

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