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May 23, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-23

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The Michigan Dily
ANN ARB(-R, 1'IfC iGA\ SA i. L D Y,,MAXY 23, 1i(


No. 173.

Tennis Team Comes Fresh from
Victory over ChicagoCham-
pionship Baseball Game Today.
Cotrnel i',swaeepinig victoy iitie-iour-
amentitwith Ch icago held at Dtr itco
yesteday attgtr tacitfothittspcttort
at their toutnamettwtith ticvarity tiy i
1 o this a cit otil Ottr1 iedcotst-
oas toRwo It ,it aotei ttic -det
tic camiosipot oftt ha tttted Sitat
a coupltic ottyettsaaio, tahttni hett it t
attti is aatatctt ityttta tarotniil
Tody'stouria mentci eginat 1:30 i
tadts f Iow antb) i(h(, c'it lit'itt m tdic
s i itiob thet s i llbtat cnso
a seso tie t i i iti 'ttt t t
iTeoreit ofitha ettucrinamet waisitiat
-1 Chse (Conel )hit Itatt(itt tt
gel)tetat Rosha tartCiicago)
Iteltl) ttbr a tat tt it tad tut (
icoiccis ',tatiglitl e apt . oa
itiati riIt-cuandIt Drtetnch.i I)taaist a l'.t
trait i chatty tar tt tt it al'
cam. as Iittprved i N tat thatGa
yeataedattoat ualifyta n tillcnit l la i
ttittite am t iiiiyear itCp yt.If at itt It
pnlayeterhatiH is eas vcilyticetIit
playetrt i ti toe . fat
-hlnoti ii hei a illtiaaiatait ratai i t
thg atin e a thi r eisatig Ic lay
aFrenhi nitaetHe aeit gitt
gicarly iofthe aCtrn epaeit a itamt
pichitig clifnat u llytia airy etc ci st c\(i
utilehliedntupatrog aarin tuteehut
matct-hy aitl eailg tainsecai
Iahethepilptiggii iryma to icnctit
praticedoagatlt usliyfthetic piiia
provt, e i t le iiiIe o t aly 6 h ial
repeatechlayniedngPriccan6pla0 th6
ahicaoeilga m i iiaa iit ttr
Pite, dhitlaccstot lth eari at h
done inteabeogpacdItenI bitlss
plapedyetttcltha aer.otiunthda
falltuarenotedbit cotcidout tf at.t
nfaicii te ch(apitacitprouctnda.i He
enigin prdiah popcin ftiy titi itan
gaatiittwo iaeastringhteatstc. eari
With thsgrant teinlgratst i-
;tynfac e asohtnt he rasoet'feat
pihaingefittortaryfieteair t tatte
tieltig a playiga ttongita, ut

tshould dram well.
Plaits hate beeni tadce fcar at trip
thraoughltOhio itexitweuek, awieunIWatia-

ter, Obterlini Denniiton, atutuO. S. U.
till bae ptye.Act Nto-attnteant till
beticakent ittotg antdlthe tiet ottthe
sqtuaallttplayiiteraaundi-roiaistearly ii
ithettwccktsteiwhIo till go twith Cat.
Hoa tot thle trip
Crtt-a \rtetetI ta::\t tIc: arthit tNNi.
lt I3tat0teitrcahitit anadfrehi tiedc
ail-igt itttr tteUiest ae
balchamplisip itialithticatiaty i-
Iond.Thoutaghibotahtteamstiamttnet I a-
b ten tpttigutit sctaptpit'gautt the
fomeasoua iitllttjudtagitg rou theacir
Ior aoftheipt monith.aThet Iie tclditg
of he l it ashet t f iihe irt clas
esecaly n h~ ifil. Foaunttaini
it erhpsthei iiiua ar. Schnii leitt
der tecaidlbiteais teatic t a ll
aim tiiisurethrwrandaiheavyicitteul
alt doaubtt tic leaiethittetutuonalthti
tamiti rtat iciae litit s tiaeito Smitiht
hotaaslataetat inlaigimotaoaf the itt
tiort He hticblit sitadty at all timaet,
it hole- acit twhotrecevesttitu ha'a
tacitniunder itic yeaof NcAllitrfati
some ia titte antd tilliprotablly miaka l-i
.ale\astuc maitialInetaspritg Tic
lit autfitldersarit tic huit it eily attic
tat it it ef ade asbe tea rcingt
lt senstinatt fie tldigstti ll ieavean
;atTe iidtorkato tgther lie
it1charm, tlt i a iqu att ii aftirars eig
ma i lithe at itoewlis
hio nt hon iealy tietilinig fatrmi
ato t i it , e t to itt.they- tihe til-
ang atof ull I i Thii le lformerotKailata-
,oo catlilliaithasisow sed1gaorc-
alt, lrnilrt alt i oalthlit nniti iAo
hihtcmcoeshl ittontawticli
lcrlandat I iaita it at itt iii int i ibuntsli
A fitast dit tacitisll talise e
bl iiall ll i Its a been atittoiterfiea d in
ye atrs,
t:NiTpilT.t\N tYACUSE;.ta
A tiit oetig f ihe\ctw Yorticldull
latngh r ineet werciadeiicfir
enetiigtici'tigwaiarerttat the
orage lnd lattwhen St-racecosse
antguehr ettwatkacAci Ncmmtitteeit
aili dtecoatioastas appoinutatail dithit
cliii as ittwh letwi tt en ev r tat ic
a roal wle their Ifriatntditfrmt
c-- ett.-All cliii membersiandtu htter
Na-itiYtcrk tctuteuren ra reuieted tat
meitalc tii tuithe ttbo tutudaccttptany
toe a iihtoPtat rycati e litf aniyote
itanytvail eannertsi, the cli ill
aprcalt thec seiofitetatflir at feat
At'Ttili itLttt GETaiS BIITiTER
CharlesIcBairdithlieitic adirectroftheia
Uiitit ti asatitslightly- nijireti while
comatinge ttSitoeasret frotimtthe imer-
achlas atic metcesytiercday aertioonti
iDirecat aIir ita s riintg at weheel, ada
ini tieaefotto atpatsa arudiatiil s toe
wagontitrantilirectly-tto antiauctomtotile.
Pita icycle ws atdit hiattered, antad
Mir Itaird wakedlhcomtttae.

Alderman Scores Fifteen Points,
Breaking One Record-Track
Events Occur This Morning.
lac-e taorest tooatt aicittihtt tttttride
irtit y ati tcalt igin itic oit, l
Alder a t at to titth bake hilt c l -i
Niu mtt.Di U.at S.ttoldsiseondutpatcei
tilt, avetail dit1 l -half t it t toita haer
alat offi a(iltlianduth icimorlilac tilli
Not i taontl t iiilan tsitc ia-ill
tinnt i t t atgesto r-iota tatof p its
coredin iitile' l l ials, tutlieto ke
l i tus reccrdai nea ly t tooet.
af ult is l l o dd 46 fe
tiche ilt t tthe u tc tap ,r w taut
is h tter t ata I tutu tiord oflt oilici
i1t tHtrner iih itselft t a e a nd ii tuil-.
aprochbl it ecordtu of 3oaltat fetit i nchetsi
lasaiitl ia 111 t yer. At t tacoe f the4metic
after innin tthe amerthrowtu ta
tilt1it\ lair ilt er i fet alitreor
it 1 a7 fiat 2 ichesa tol Iii- a- , f
itsit tutu ii ~ al wrko ti
sa, D t t Cetatlt 11111 t he al lif
tilt-u ig rcof te siet, a oas ia t lei-
th t l uau a fro ha tilraaoit s ihool
chtrty shelaelitheirii (il iac ut Mah
Garrtlts, pro tt cifthtetufa itaut at hn-
antd itill pliac t he quari i tr i ie. taut
tatras I tiratia s agoingt o ta ketutu tic--
mendous aaarag luauo boh dathatti
thlasht seemthil e cIhouic i nt1 tittet2 tio t
it hisi ng ul niicertiu (11the ta rt
awety pohy IintsIa 1otut hsett litmit
itotutd i ll t he i imiiee taur t ra l igh
hiIc itetut ilhte thera ctoolsto utacii
ait hatrit initheli shott u ns1 il aut uil
the distcesifthlie tuater tattotay
, t at f i tuuit at uwtin w icht lifeista rt
Tit onlit tlopnthaeuauccaeltsfaftailhe
aie 10 a iinuryustaalhainedtbtal(i haiti-t
ara Ciy t at, Sullt i i ltand to f ail
Park, the asthto a expecliii tcat l lnag
D til o fit att
CoidintheitaliiiCtiiutiiiicwcorka ta
ftartrels ut INand itatit thatalmostaaceoa
aint hi aatto reucilis ha il]tihea 1111
liihe i ttif i ltals ucitt itied a a rsutilei
httnl.A . a a H uett t e t r outCti-ralu,
ail Khn WendNI l hi Flliptsc ticd' flua
thatd heIighat-o fett 3 ices.
Shtaptut-Alranla aoet, 6
fact .{aaincs:BogeAnn Arbottur 43
lieu a-a tcit KoihlercansInattuta4feet
a 1-atinchtes;- Suuauauauuineauo N-i NI a, 40
feet aaitcinchs
Discus lthrowi--Aldiormtaa; Runer,
Shely i01feet;Nilayer, Northaie-
iiaChicaugo; S tutuanstiue, NI NI I.

Dtistance-u ig faith. Trialiifor record-
tao feet 3 tincesa
14 me utuurthrum-Aldermant56 phfeet
4 minaes(16feet2ztichesaharyig for
recorda) ;KohlerLcIansintg 151feet it
inches; FrotatMusikegoni 113 feet
tcit Sonniaanstine M.I StANu u; fei
light jump- IHawinsu D. 1) S.
Sitaker, Detroui(Central; Cutrrel, Le-
trit atCecutat;Clppiger, tydae lank.
He ighut--afadt 8 tuches.
hrad ultumtp--aC lpingerI rue Park,
at fat 8in uches;cawukns, D. U S
auth Runnert Shelbha tic ftr e acattail3t
fat 7 ithe t haeffera.lhMuskgon, 2t20
Irat o intuches.
liiifolloincutag aria tica recoraa f yeat
haitiar cii lah-Fhut leaty a icaa
Deit a Cntr at; IN tact at1). I .I &
Catwel ttci, AttnhArbor; tutte o -.
Seco hetultcat : JSptiegl .I.I .
KauthtnNcatchll Phillphltlig; Stieri
Deutroiut Central;timeut:to ta5
tail aardalsha- iFirt ah eat: NV Sti-
geD .S;StoddardDciirli (eat
traut KhntttWndrael FPhiiptat taght
ime tat--a 4 -.Secandu ticat: INtitia
hiattitilCenutral:IhMile, -Lahaitiesat
Soauter, Sitelytagh:tim,:225
12ar hytu ight hurdlehs-a-frt het:
CarrelsI tatuot Cncul;iiSitaefferNMus-
keugon;a I tieca 635.Scod at:i
Vn iii In Detatrhiat at Cetutualippn
ac-i ItiltPar timetutu7 2 -
220-%u ratlowhat iurdlesa-Fiast aheatn:
Catrels, Dtrouaul(itera Sihalfft,MNs-
I tun: time :6 SecandthIeait: .
hor;timtut af
Stilteioi schools: a bake Faoret, r5;
1). U. S., a7a1-;Detroit Centiltal, ft -:
a a NI Ni N i6; asuuc Cark,6: Situb
NuAbor,4;Nauth iiionuuua4;I Waendell
Toal itltatbhaa lutst atticlar tic
NImn' t tea aguet-hsciallohy-anatal-
tuttiltly. Itantuuact iioiiutill tk
place t to at'alackth isimornuaintg, tutu i
the, eveningaac iat iliholda iaig pary
Thit ciailats i h l tioniuae a
foltautsa Iresidentm Kathteruie Pat;
Stu-t tat atututlo~receuaaler;- treastur
itlastyly cetact-oarreaspondithg secey,
aDoroth u ea Niel ne caicmathe fRtuahet
Onliyhu cieague ebr igl ataticdtatuuit
Th taritttutue hutnint i ngettemmcii
friiiail . hea ihuimuaauaais a5 cents.
Iood tmusic tutu rfreshmuuentsaare prm-
Rnimhori hare lately een foaitg about
te caumpiusathat amonthly publication,
eta liarplait of lie Indrould -ble
aared ap amlie beginning of ext yea.
NWhlenuapproached on lie subjet,
trail Seoul sadl "Iane heard of no
actona along thsline nor hathlie boerl
beenappuarouchead outhtiesubject Thee
has Forumtome talk of lie matterbat
nohnugudefinite If anythitg i clone
it millnithbe untmil afierte lmeopenig of
schouol next fall

Regents Appoint a Committee to
Investigate Accusations- -Bids
for Chemical Bldg. Unaccepted.
Slt-a denyig liiirumoredame~ aiacoaa-
t il tscrtarys offic, Screaary
Wladetendeaataredahis ignohiation t ite
hoardoftrgentsat thetiaumeetng tolt
yesterauy. his resitgnatitotuwut-achcepat
edt atutulat aommititee apptouinhtutedt invas-
igate te rupus
Thiltautssage- hyawhicha Nir. Iwade
tedre itreiatuutiona t tltrget
tiw t a staf lows:
"As i-tutuareawltiiare Ihave ohadini
umindt forluau eta t tal hat hut-eatsnt f
tyaut trautot-uaitt--t,, Ihalysia ml iin-
haenietitheato, aia yunugra-utdt
moreia act iei iiiluauld tatphat- edtintelm
chtarge tat that dutesa ofite socretary
ofi tie Utatrsity Iaut tuttemC~tidae
tiihat y-rasn lioaf alitprt menttatlat
ahylaitycalconaditalt tiI shoulda havte
giveni thitumeseti rtiousconstidationlut
mulme ti-e tuIago. uu aa1 ithr tiy
resignatioasuaitecretaryiof tilte Utvat
aity, toiliae tuetfromandfteru hi
hditi. Ithuer conscitaoic otflthe autany
courtetsiesIhv ec dat yautita uts,
I hag tara in
( Signeda) 3 taut a1.IWNNEtutu
Thelogcmmniautwhuch SI a
Wade ena iittci1thehahitiIdenyinag umtost
of alit acchusationus prtintdin l ithnethsit
paperswas acompaied by I iichacaslfor
amout, o tilgtheapoint iistute.il
Nr Wade id hutht a attachthu at tvaut,
thei static-ofiiafairas tat has offic, taut tau
resignhatuaaion. a-h-a-ta wyert ithuntptut
acttuaen i iititedth olo i atsohailn a ich
wats atedtha:u
"I ilici ofithe factaltlathit la_i-
fralit-coeattto u athttitautitha t lthe
aitttny genealhasbetitu st iattig
the affaaisutoI tiltaucuetarty'satffiacat
tilt stpittuiuittufiitlig andta
ala 1 attIumove hatt a comuaamicae f
three co isingof tilets Knappena
Hillantail I thi appitetoi imIake atnci
lauucstigatioanduuto tat tahtoatthe boautr
lr IGeaorge ID.NhWicox taitmattce
secreutaryuro I tt util the ilicit umiuteau
oreetil of a mid utant scr-tay
biy te btatd.t thadut llciiies c-cute, ate
tututatoiluade tel i ning.auaut af adiloa s.u
This tlkas d alegatedItoaProfiMatium
I,. hauga utwhotwasm oathoactng sece-
tary ta thecaertualnt ahpurosieuf sig-
tg thimlas.
li ar did nholtutiluauitself ii a tposi-
tiantoataccptany cal thebhushflate ta
itemw cmical tabulding sathismlii tnter
matudeferarail toiaultter meeiing
GeorgeaKcatis mante uperior of
constaruction at a salaryaol $,3ao hit
is t mathtieconstuaructioan ofalnit Lii-
vereity buiuldinagsact inspect theam and
the matineatlthat s utual It at fo-
merly ueceartoetcur e aim inpetor
fete eachiaFuling wmotas atpatch onma
percenmage asih.T hislamwmorka taultutua
hu de behy tieiem official
Frail Bradley- I4 i.ahompsounii he-
all of teeasa of fSpi8, akedcithe
toatteohmaccept aa Tappta mrmoia at
coamreneument timeand-ti to hola exer-
citestutu alatumicay Regentm Katppet
mat appoited to aceprut far tliartnd
Tie resigniationmelf DrSmtiie, i-
steuctor inmeticine, mwaaccepted
Nl netmbers o thurhond mwee pre-
eumi Thit btarde ajournedlto mctt
aganutJunue .
Wooters football coch foe ext yeae
mill he Longnan, formmer Michigan nine,
anud Yost's pupil

aINfdame Scbuuanmu-hlnk mat en-
thusuiasticallty received thi tamcallast
meek at thin eleventhi May festival at
thin Utniveesity if Illinois.

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