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April 24, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-04-24

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The Michigan D aily


O. 148.

Visitors Were Champions of Ohio
Last Year-Interclass Schedule
Made Up.
PTe news diamond will lbe invaded io-
mtorrow,. for the ir-t time, by a foreign
title. Case hat a splentdidl reod inl
baseball and promtises to send(1 rattling
Kgoodl vetera squad 5jto 1(1 il I iheingans
mettle on her town.XgroundI-
Last year tin O)11111ns won tends
tsttetl champltiloship (If Ohio ollgs
a title exeeditngly hard( 1to caturlee, 1w-
Ohio's sechools. Oh1io 'S1ate, Wosetern
Reserve, XXoosIter ObrleX , and11( iKellii
all wsere victitms ofi Case' atlhltic~ loiX-
ess. All of last s'eat' tea nis back
exeept Langenilalo. whoi placel centie
field.- 'Thlere _alen nntm1be of iiptle
eatdiates file this positoicdng
Benz. who fields whIen not ptcnleig. ie
wsa captainl of tihe NWestern ifescee
teamt intte06
Btarrett oXe lenz Xeill tilrt fore t (is-
itores. IBarrett has1 pitceds fir Cavei tIlls
years, and1 is one1 if tlhe peiXXmlier li
XI o)11O11o.lllggletoin. Il-ieestl. Re-
ichIl illns grid(illn flasti -fail i i
cas-I batting irter wCit I 1(11111 Ie:
XI ttii aa It-ic. ss :Regale c : Beon,
(lr t ,1 \lngglelon i f: Me}cr '. 1)
(lark, 'ii: Intcoem f lig-i,,h ~
ri-It. 1 iir cf.
T ( sl~e ofI saonl tikets is cniu
tietkets fill Ills Xie hom n "llic ar(( e -elll
ing at, $2 ,to m~emlblers f Xl" ii aica
'ellslot' w1ill be lifts clo
V1(510 Ill IN' I 15I NN (Xlii?.
Six iitifs (Ias olgli fo moliist of
the s(11 yesterday.i mlu in tlis tinn-"
'Paterson Its-lonl-st ii Ili(- 5-illeil-ils of
hi-s titlting sye san111 gill thriee rns fin
lis efforts. lT-e calsi w-n willh a
sces of 5 toi zths lattr 115C XIing
dIraggedi in Ily the cas by1 li elI and
Olson, ill te fourth.
%,arsity. seith ltnzsnloii wl Iearing till
ILoell 111(1 Coachi Mace. 1 ibnha Io(lt
beenX oilt for s111me litte 11111 ias not1 at
ait easy to clout and( sell1m ild.
'Dttd'' Retnntedy itne c0((5 leatedi shoe(s
tor-ros'ed' a glose, old stlkeisd into lbs
rightt graidot nwhers- liee lsis- el
uineetnettlar runnttitng en~leties li, iworli
svts easily ttts leatIllel of till !roue. Th
Serubs : 'Taft,' t1); Cu(sliig, >:.~ l
NMeCaitt.ss;Lehr. Lathlers, 31; Ri-tchie
Kennedy, rf; D~enntis, ef; O11on, f :
Ovitz, p;:;l. 11leAllister, c.
Varsity: Duntnlte, tin; Kelley, ab ; Pat-
erson, sis; Stnow, 3bl; Wheeler, rf; Sulli-
s-an, ef ; Meltotn. If; Bare. Birooke,- p;
Itinenroth, e.
Rttts-Pattersnt 3, Sliliialt( Tait, l(-
son, L.oell.
Nt\'D.sf (AI)i BE5ST (N I5ii(NlIIX.
The gamteI wsiit ('ase wil fuiX h 11 he ll
b lasebtalilfatts thteir irst chlantce ill see.
thte Varsity basebiall teamt playinlg a11 in-
tercollegiate gamle ott its ntews isl(IXoni.
Atnd witht tite comptioii~n of th~e diamotndll
cotnes thse partial ftlilmient of iDirs-eir'
Btaird's XIXn for thes greatsts (tiltstie
field it te coutntiry Witht varsI~ityI
gritdiront (1nd( taek seconto non(((e, atttd
lIro for tswetnty or tttole tennis courtts
thte ttew diattottd ottly sees-es toi ent iha-
size thte valtte of ite atiletis fild friit
Ite stattdpoitof sarsity athtletics; while
thle fact thtat the fielsds whieh sere var-
sily feldi ltttt two seasotts ago are Ill
hse asedl for class gam~tes traells' gha that
very inmportantt part of Miectigan's athl-
letic interests is to Inc well caede fil.

Thte varsity diamottd eotmpalres fax-or-
albly weitht mny college sdiattnd itt thes
otuntry, is- easily Ite best inth e trIsi,

-anIdttmittedly etter ttatlinatny of te
lenguleedimttotnds. Onthleir soutttern~
tipi the varsity dlullot,(Xld0((1anty i-
mond tshal~t eould l-e.cottpared to that
ion ferryfield. M[ost of tose in te
southliser e "slitttes" and.iunfit- to be
pliayedutpn after a hartd rit.
bersfiel iamilt~ond is of grass, witt
tie exceptio111 (f ts' ittfieldl arotttdtlfrott
frtto"-lirielbasle, ss-hict is tttsoslsed.
lie infileldi is arratgesd to slatttup to
Ills piterl's (bx, atdlitfieldlltlsar
fielded esily in tatniacont
Thie(nelI granstand lt~lis o' of the
higgest1(1(11best ill college crcles. It
is fitedst i ((it iotet'alchaits anttd sill
leecommodatl~e 163' ele.Is t a se--
eralllentraets' ,ndlxis andthis 50 ar-
rangd tat hes'whonle fieldl catt le setX
fN'ii1115 le'lltAs AEATr l . OlisOlNS.
lill-ls Bsblli Matage' Eldrtidge
go lis ceohortes lassetmblledIyestedlatd
arrani(gedifor te sesot's atiities
t'iglileel tem~ls Ileel'represetted. The
lolwn eatmS swill e otteetl]btntte
serie-s: 11(10 9. )1) 9t, 9T Tits, etgi-
lia 1(in (((liieas: ts,10,tt ass
The s ertess ihll tttmtmence-Alotoday.
tins }. '1he'sedlsle fote irlst tree
li- a"be eterminted (andiiis a'
'Ii \s. o i t.<s
'Ins dai -'Mtl 1 s. p aii l :l i e n1t, (s.I
kmi o s- oq s . 'i(liol tiiig (t
lrlos(an siMnager ldri g in-
ills lang all poest slimol~s t ' ilt t , 111
Th(osiily of1goisnsallof it-
iatrncos conty l(t next' fall is1(
sinhetal rthelts(fystetdaylwithl
(( lm" istanceilisqtall's.lItse emsiX tt tl
his ot eisiceasinins-totp'larlsty.e
The ila(men( less cto the t.rineof-eios
eaCl workigliisly.raduallyi leatttingthe i
-Cinto oin. todt~teItl
Ife ine (elsh11('oIll pte is 10(1lttlI
alte me oneIlgXXItsandIItiXeCwsquetads"
hafetesiwle Ilthenslofrthe i _lento
by Aie llrl aylediabotreett mls ight.
mi tiakesi to taokplanshefelowil
ae doIin lgiely,"tet taidbe"ngivetby the
=cens toenseelltttt.iecitortthoeDem-
wit etsie oltlno11(1 l eailttstay tht
uo.3(f1(11fJeli the ftt pacThis iietooamce
ifs ime c(iswchlttelotsuar."3
JllTheitIrunsileakotnuengdily t. -:-5
tn Nictlsle ha l~litil k an sciaogatther
coitg lf~ebenqendtof t ivearbyAthet
Wlitensal w aonoydsemocttsth~ni e iet
'craic elutbss snder (e l if L amn.tot
CtresisoetttohAsClarkscreta; plag-
beyoreehsisletgureere;nryAritdl F3
War, gl illctra atmsera
Sticbnqet lit is$30oiseowthtayabv.
slumtber of plittealtottes oialathyra

1(115o(fice iXnlUniversity Ball. Orders
fole comntcteentt itnvitatiottnswill he
e-I-I-ivl- rtt samte ttme.

Contends That University Is the
Place to Produce Classics--
Michigan as Dramatic Center.
Brandeti tr Maul ie- noil college' daatslis
has sthe slI fo ll iii tosay(i) tin laestSti
(ill's Chicago ecod-iead
Ills ((Illsnew,,lco lt il-o(f i l u 't-
vessitsy (f _ili-hiai huDa i s- I-e lisrnt tts
lbs lectiures- 5 hb(lp~iiesi Ils'-alos-
edioriln tht o s. .1 pdegs ((ll 1-I(ilt is
lre (loti ifhsdit h suffiientlol artIItloiep-1
lec e ta (((to'ilaythe IllaIs icis INC tt- -
((siltI. te acil s i thel i mprtn m t
lt(ter ''n n isivesiy e -ls of class~ic lays
fl-Illsecm ns o a mst iiviit slils
spilistiid111111(mostit ing, liertur
1101(11f1111111 miii n li vigitiT
dwell with the ma~t tis ii gi o
pivilege;l tli vedc -.oc0efal n
pastime. Is 1re (ult illhounil to iii i lsnli
andieepens (Il ~~se idit is 11he(sore
tf nowleder anfoi l ec h -o , h
feas osastnsgosihih mayfll Short
K~clspt, (((Cquicing(i that1g.501etiiex
citellof isiiim ~iiind ad htiil u01s ing~iht
to t %ill p o dg u111caii iu iihe tine(1andC
knowlsedmueas dstinishe loll t(vagu
impein shatel i aelis-lsten t O ill t e
stclrtage cifSareeaslgill ietlllhe
liing eitouti h uli efr a
i-hvn Pro. l l t is5((so itsw 1011tn
wl inoesisclofr nse of. sil\ siellt\alo
AVIssIrrliii s i'0imi is' arclyhgoiul
fnorinthe tile sseslatis.-l I eel
Whal enes or. ls(earnng.a150'1res- ttace
insill il ti nbieitsofkerinsl thOe s t
mIsoy geiusl alccompiliised lot'-lsil sttei
il ilelnaigad iffying hssI' oetrylta

ic$ is not to sdeveop actors ht to de
veslistsasbetter setse of dramatic art
an(1( 1 realliaptpreitiont of sdratttai lit-
'Te settior: lit. lass tmemXXoilltIis
yeer,1as5dtermlitnedl at a mteeting ihed
yesterday afterttoots, sill be a laeg
lock for the geteral lirary A fund1(
oif $too as asoleett otesd Io the Utnin
and ilssiibst'cotttinitedsithithtie appir-
pialtionls of tie oter senioteclsses.s
Thleecloek sill be pltet inithie reaig
rooms twhsiere the portrait of President
Angell ssesd tsshatg, oppos115ite te cslod
abovleite delis-ry Ides
Te invta~tisoescomtmittee rortnedesthat11
commllenceet invtitailtionts, eontainlinttg
twelsve palgs, hasee eett sesigttd.s'T1111
coer silllbe pullliltexhitibitiono Sot.
lit ceteiottsithittls, theomatte of
theo cls tax wa(s diseussed. As tree
hundl~redsnistors sil graduate 1111111,500
illsitation~s tmtlst be garanteed, tetall
was( madlse stfiiesnt to ittlue flo ie ini
(Iiss forleaelcit ;$350 wstinsumstofixei
rahon. lA mtioln wsa ssedl tatnl tes
olter riiionl foll'tue ipamletttof bissk
lilres 15mtade iefore bat- , tie namttes
(f the(5 Ilottttsetiors sllsh not (ap-
Isis ontthe initiations11whelassI(tls
rarer Illrassitntsili to'it il'S L. A
is-Is o-ifice 's-frott ss5 dalitlyltil lat
i fr the 'purplose of takitg dustasnd1
orer.,or eextra invtt~itos
'This'setniiot laslhlect littl report-5 1
Illha thXanulbanquietlll sbeheldi
((((n ill le 1111oite AtnttAnberIlroad
at 1:10 Sattrdainight. lThe pogam
fortleen( ~tintg is Is follwss, prankloGf
Ianobeisi toasstsmtaster:
Illtsilltiiino(f 'latttasle--I'rs'
dent Gergs- H. IHobar.
The Sunns Sills-of 1110'Clss Rifm
MIihigan Spisit-If 0.IBisbiso-
Campo~l(s festsiseoses-Prof C. i..
51151 'Isslo
TheiiSpanish Sisisent-DrII.-C' I
'hie'Sritmsage-11ost P. Xigofit
This-1?Voltinlslof a Senior--Pof I,
M. kesley.
laat d11(G(osn-W5ardl Sliiowtman.(
It1(Ils (decidiedialso (is cotinueothis
Customtnof swearnig capss 111(1giwis evserye
'llu it 1(11and lTiursdylte ill,- hoswig
set fonMaSl at ,I p.4 MIIISeent deart-l
iltXiicirclllen(IotX echilof tie bu~il-
insin trtsas fometlytit 111will arch
Couliet (loundstilhie chuler lalkaof
thi'ecampulss, sarting fromXI l'nisesihi
itll(flethe exercises lTe ipaae
Xiltetsnesetn to - Unisersiy 111111
Ishere e osisentAntgeili llddress tie
senor,. 'iTheecais1and1gown5sil ho
ieee Saturday. The commttittee sishes
ti annosuncs that setiors who ae not(
eels meslrtdsholtotd attetd to te mt-n
tee bsy Satlrday, tat thoetr cas adl
gownts lmay le read~y in itte for tie

Lessing's Iilinna von Barnhelm'
Will Hold the Boards at New
Whitney-Cast Is Prepared.
Afterlmanylweekof hardili w sork lsy
i)s'mnscesVteXsiii will stago'this fatloust
c III 11(0atthe Ne-1 5 01((Itn this even-
itu. It is I hped iiothatteoducll~tionttof
thiis tleien (11 0clissic iwillhl ark1istile sctl -
V tiu 111etrtles 1 11, 1 (11 11y slaye
prhillugl-Ills owrd tisthncst o
" eXiil -il 1111 1((iddlull erlth in re c- o
'Iitllf sirois Jollaih i l e oh ree-
(5 iiit is(101101 tohehlstandard tlIset
seeXr ude ilshihis up(onl theipsies, 11(1(e
sideh th his .11(11,s1ierakn
bouuerdlyss des - I ral at the
hull ssusisgrughs par in exielsen
in0 ((5a i sii-n lmt-hi IS ( l (grets' r
liltll h is iii tliili heiiii (11 5 (illsl ll o
suhi a it c as withihmarIlls' S -
0(o11 I i ( l tii Is ei4h Am1 i -'(ii usihl .ih Ill
,l i (tl iito Ja es (hoi il I~c llstt

Tie tild of thse batstitatnces for the.
yoar was givent last night initBarbsottr

yearleyyearsonc .. trdz d o swll-cessftti as iltle former sociai events givn
schoollild seiti's shi(lii --e(( (1115the lty thse hntd, thtere lbeittgssettnty-five
waorllit111lIt i tol is(( itt(,f-NOcl
sitl a ble 51(10ttoeuflns, i t lss, uhfel-s ottples Ipreset.
iseles tt X~llsi ts lOtol . (1 5 ere - c {a Tiietttasic last evening was 1unusuall11y
Knotin 1 r 1i~i : 'rr 1IC. gllnxer lild The11a11(1 (f tswenty-fise Ipieces
ansssslutticc1(',iff'ets 1f5st is ijlayedi fsn tte two-steps, aattlthe band~h
atsttslso (I 111s l-4xz~slstdtostoftorcetstra ,-fosr the waltzes., lJean Jordan~l
gti5 is 1 1(11 1(11 (1( Iiumd~t itiactdiea s eltaperon.
befotre1 (11((iI( tcaboeaillstntttthhit s fo -
toe ll it lthlts IfillsIt~sis - ryots 'for class clay otator in Ite
Me lr.losnsotts idea. of11tbse . Ishlnullse of st'ttbr lboss'class swill' eheield totnight in
college dramatics is siustlinely Idifferen~tthle Lasw- htidittg.The positiont is wots
thatn ltist ,i>f 'rsif - Sliilics'th11t11ite: throtugh competition anXdItis yearte
mtosIiuteXital lic etohi a differet onX- riva~lry is expected to be excepXtion~ally
clttsiot. Theit-huriser clim~ls thatlthIle stng as Itere are man~y able mXedninl
orditnary ecollsegt-proctll~ion tof lte ekes- Il t'e class.

fi1t £ u-rcif boste i t iii fu s'-Iauui' LC /'/i
dramici edls-ioriiof thus.Ithioa-go fecund-
I i0(llti hss-i (eselil thisseening,
(toslesGoodlhl dramat (iceds-sor if tine
IDetrouit:FreiPresss il1(1soattend.
SoeIerall (lienu iC s if tiche I lrnonie So-
ciety ofi ichtit hno tuadie arrange-
atitis ItoX(com(eot from IDetriti, as well
as5 repreoiiiisena isof thess-. bsiid-Pos tS
Detot IJournal.
'Ito 1(1number1 of seat s, iii solis in 1-
ceaelssnge eoery itay. il number rof goodI
seatls cais tilXSbe procurediithislafter-
.noonlt at SXalui'siostas, osfrsuo 4ho
6 o'clockor((atitIseNull Xitneyllh' ea(-
i'lotisirmai Onus spsi -Xlat 11(0-Ness
Whlitney3- will behis shlutol bIy thlt'ren-
dlitio ilof fGsrmalullmuic. l Souvuenir tpro-
gram~ls hbvsi eeI rn utsed isa(lly itt Gcr-
man asynoipsis (if(ise phlsyIsy (sets se-
ing ghve])n iInglisi
Thte slimy If thiseuenergetic Minna
chan~lginggthts- dtIel liiil,IVwho lplaces
0(1 tttueliimportanceihl XII Iis hounor, into
al flatterintg 1a1tdlardent llver, 1hasnot
yet lost1 its attrctlhssive Clltats.Riccattlt,
the1 Fench it elhtlat, seitthIsis poor
(Conetinuedi on Page Threw)

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