The Michigan Daily
ANN ARBOR, MTCT-ITGiA\,.5t"1DAY, MARCH 29, 1008.
'No- z35.
ENGINEE S AGAI heir tuched.The ftal score was z12 TC IV N
ENGINEERS AGAI N to ot in Haiesfavor. 'CTHuv1
teg wsas that betweenitAderson atd PR F S AN A BO
WIN OH MPTOJ~L~iAL Stlil fothtle eltrweight chamtpiot-
ship .1le ott lasted sligltly over fie
Bridge Builders Defeat Solons by t'itttttes Sttl tired himself while ot Hugh Black Turns Down Other
Narrow Margi-'l I its Wn ile. offenive atd prmittedlAtderson to OfesLctrsBgnT o-
Narrow Margin-'1l Lits Win get ati arttt hold tttd roll ottrIitm, whlicl fes LcuesBgntmr
Class Relay Championship, ae the latter the fal. row Night.
-- leyfront tefeatetd Low itt the light- - -
Thle athleic tprowess of the cmii who swe.ittclass iiths cottilarative ase, tie I'Tle Rks Huhis iBlackl, woill opeinsi
coineicthieir performsatices to the cottihotntlastig ote iistis atd ifty sec a'eie'.'lveletuesatNol es'
iaratis obscriy of the gysms sas dictitotds It roughan tutmtbhle fethsr-
otnstrated isubhlicly st the athli wc ciiiwetigh ot Combhss wottfritsNiisosut.II lan toiirtiiiiw n iitri scsi soiiAnn
cal last ight. The 'o eningteers by the WXelch atd Roger hatt alively tussle Arblisthiiisserit.ithe lictiec sif ii -
close score of 28 to 23. agini carried for tht mtiddleweight title. Weschi wsss 5' 'ccalotertni ,lrlii's. Ai
tiff chassmtiionishitphoors ini the hasket the svictor sfter twouiad sihalf minites ale vsecelyti . Back wal, ts iherdl iy
isall gamie. The 'ii is defeated the 'o8 iof wriwork. XXelsc's recovery frostsraiallyeviriiiisudninii the i niii etut--
hlsss fr tt laesss relay chamiship.hs a dilicilt casncery wasthde feaur iffcity.We r lc:sikehssellast
Ix the hsskellc amgiie the fastwok the oit. Hanitse, cwlii defeaed ,A. B er i t s necexs sarye isto xholdiiiesmch-
of the luws raced si gresat surpise riks inithe afternoonsi, sixosithe easy ig m UniversityHal lirdrt ac-
Friitmsstart tii fiishi they kept tihei tilt weghttitlehby xdefautl. Kanasgss. x ctiiiiotiiiliiiitheicro s lihai iiicd
posests slitthe iup,stkingtihemtiexert opp~oet, did n otaper. Thi exxneral txt ifsMi.Xlckisi's lec-
themsselves ts the limititoitswits. oils Thet horizontial basr exlshiii n etarexis iii ibeionsiTh 'e issstii iistess If
teamsswsere i gild cxniion.sThEle qlitteiii attrcion. isltier erformed RxlIsigin." lisithe ii'secndixfiif(th
teamxswork o f te engiteers asplioiacheid somiclevecrfets of skill sanh edsurntce seies xl ccci lctrs, and'tis sill h ,i
Perfectioni. Thefhue swork (f ryer, theawininstg firsiishonsors. .Xndiersonisenteed inndtiswe hruhIid}"
etigtteer cnter, tdrews'stich gapplause lis eveiiiaisantiwosciecntd ptics' ii.
Futl(f gingr, le stcceeedtimstie aftet iiHasentxxaiithir.l. Bakhld s hir ttheit nion ii t
stie itsgettig sitasicfrots Iosonsstsfoe- _______ htiI-Issisa'I '.is' ilNlilrk iy
sccessful throwis'sat disc hasket. iBesides ilticti tsscti'tii CONVENTIc.'es.
his'ethrewicfoutls swith lmoitisst asosslute II1r l a~let ei tstttstx
1 hsac. ismore wasa sclosescsecontds
at ilcitisck rtpublsicat cnvetioniseius1sy seli
its pitstscoriesi fur he iveers, hsscitseitgiiteX'istrcxi t
itg fisti hiasketsio its licredhit. XXasi- lt atigh mt.inirn ~sethWesterits iii
hose llcting waithey setshtsway t sciiitslawtittitiFtorenfce,. 1. isi. [. qw
apIlie' tissesh feii'chiasnces ito cage thettsrht ittFtricXi. X
KeeitonsoitlitelRoet tlat5lett's cs-
huhl. XX'sistiiiiscapthiains xl the etgi- rr' i s tutititi ttt isstitiiti i
ieer's. tulayeshespiscialliy teethlinsg
Luither xto iis hssskets. Ice ciias ariteItisss for hding te e cecisie chisie
weal inshotin. hwefr:ter cnititaes iresesstedl were Tshills,
For tlhe i lawsiitltf anIssis's' Cr. _Illhsc, anth Roxset. Li.,stliiete s~ois
tChew'thois' ini we'reL esp onisible forss'th
testly all hiv'poinstts scoredblithircis' siithssis sll tthis erilctcatihsat es c(h-ut
learsisndtshiierve' Iarge te cexdit lstfoirsi
this'showxiintg madue ib'yte lass'fite.',ly
got aayfruitsCxiiipsell severautsises vois'iss i.5.'
dir teth'ysunder' thi'etingisneehsket his Fosr somtie 'monthsthlere hisbtestsil
qisick, sacuraste' thrustwssherets'considher'sblseacivel''siteration Sit ihits'ftnioricssiiof
appaue. xniictlxithoght fitsixteth cse- thse uepatmen'tissia lisystdyI'lub
il'.,imanaugeditoxxxopsheestibasl thro'usghsthe kists ssss sxte ''Xoolissck" suitisseth xxn
ihoop sfoistiies. The istockf ltt' ot- listss sismiis ia te lw lss bhst Yal se
wsard'si xiieve'r'ywhere, dibbislitg cot- saitI Harvard. fMee'tngs are hisli oncee
isietb shfni'givig'his oppo~sintg guasrseach sweek, t whichs tte cer~ta5xi in te rt iem I I I I
issichs troub Ile. Xitte etndhof te firs tsembhes tkhe opstiiite sies iithis tis This p ~iaw ssils is'th lte.U
hall the soexise'oodsut,5itoxx8. Hias hvie csssiuussof hl'eadigcass"i ious 555liii isK. Jsup-i, le sx Icceptingiss xi
lawsplasyest sitefiest halxf as they xiii te ights. posi itin 'e ta initrostUie
scondstthef' iight hIssueisi. XMeisierslhit it hestorgniza tinitIinlists ee's' ix xxxii Edi. ittlss Sxl clandxxii
'Tle lne -ispsit'ditoixsixteentsstdetsoflte j55555nlior s it' cu i ssniofxil xx sl uitvelsill
Juiore'nginees -(nardss, XXtsistsiuts, slass ishisssre t tos'ectisntsmaily oit pr'e'aces'x'atsilusea an1aladhs
Csuapbell ; enst'., 'yle forwiaxds, te bsis f scholeship.i It is the iea spixtsh-'s bxfoses 'sl the I itxx's's' 111111
Dismoutre.lkich. Fre'shlawsw-Guardls, salthis'chrer muems ofstih555htt o aiiiandi xx lie sisui xliii s ts t
ivly. Spalig;scentte'r, IHoston;i'for- pep~etate theuorfaniautitotit inte uuir tuins it s .X crbo ims;Ish'tss or~se te li'si-
wasuss, Lither, hssusel. scsuss. Its Maiy suduetsixof the ftesmanussdsht bodssioptiofthes xlmoust sv i ilsies
Basets-"Tyler 6, ffismosre 4, Ely g, cas will le eectesi t ssmembserhipsits of en'on, lt itreiiosstho1ughtvls.
luitiel .:, Cark. Fetis-Tyler 6, Hod- te dh isa a htnsusiessto le giens t this'-
suui 4, Luthser. Reeree-Cosrneal. Timte- ubii.
keetper--Risse. Scorer-Watstson, _______________ BLOCk'K ""M I' ill 1S "lOlIX
'Fle contest besweenste its and laws Jeccvssrusox ui BNUTi'. IL.X RH'kl!lKllJU kN ItifSUPPERk
wstspisedid Crsig'isuie-fifths secondh The jeffersoinianstsheld their analsis l tutuiluf' eoultes .t-uth'iveiiuejunioir
adeantasge proved te satiation of tehbaquet as the Muichigan Unions ihb lt- iuucass su utesuiu t uc
freshmssansquartet Honer, 'u, led off house last night. The hoadsmsaser waslisupradaneatevigin a-
igainstss orsise, 'o81, and he mtent iwere . E. Wsinner. The toasts wee is o leix arranged 5 uinxt hiesnguy-isfeausu"s'[t
sout cx esswheth iey gate the toucishlowsesitse:u''iisi s is sui s i N
so Getzanaud Wolin respectively Getz Tendiencies of CUiversity Life-Floydh fleTheetcratini c s wr li stillsimspfle
gave Ryans ahout iayarduleathover Har- ls. daduisstintyirttiaze ofIges's "illd white fte
rianth Ryans increased it o uco yards Is te Press the louder of Puslic siiisiug
hisbefore he gave te toucso Craig. Opinions?--TC. . Srsusbi. Jamses K. NWstkinssoiceuie1ishe isas-
Diiuanthue last rnutter for te lacs, tore Termsinaions of Averse Possession- miase's chasi. 'he folliingxstugoass
acway at a greiat pace, but iis esscii F. L. Bates.iwere respondixuedfio:
alittle sower than Craig's andthsie at- Not Guilty-E. D. Xeler. M iseotries ofUnd'ueclaiss ifays-FBe-
ter ftiised te ats ciths lie yards to The Lacyer its Politics-S. i. erfy IB. Vexhuer.
sutre. Rhoades. Tip5sexo Sxud e ssPro. i. oP.'Tiiley.
Dfonsald Haines, of DMichigesida faue, Sring eer aust Co-esucainu-E. A. Co-ediuca'sion---Rciel I. Sinclsi.
scoutthe lencing tile. Is the preimsinary Bfagbsy. Ati] ieics hiB'njamuxin I.Ifewey.
hoits 1inuues woun frostsLovelee iby a huconiireteusivesesi 5f iucsutuutihif- 'hu elowiissMselindais . Kiuysuu.
score of 57 50 7, asse Fletcher defeated ity-F. K. Bfase. fn irtil(f-sBessainuxtsigge'uiusu.
Reighard 13 to 8. The two victors were Mistakes of a Lawyer-B..IB. Finduley. First Ofuss'Thinitg andt 'lxennother_-
excellently msatechdinte sitenas. - -Margasr ed isc,ssgiih ot eefu inuenlnthliu BA VRIYxiE u 'ee tor,:rhrJ bot
diided into two-nminute haslves. Its the This'crtuh) teams, with Sicock adTh'le uorginalui sies givenxx iy Xliss Ple.
finas te firs haslf resulted i t3 its Barr, snd ul cAiister sitd Euerutais for Lsuginf iitsertst wslthue' iiit1itue
fasor of Fletcher. This score was re- a battery, ;defeated the varsity susad g evenitg. 'heitakeofstlssi cetinis 5 ets
versediit inte secondsilhalf, teresist he- toitstyesterday. tDonsahsue anid Aheiussus ers olfluhe clss seve skilfullys givens.
tug it tie. The contestansts fenscedl a pitchsed fr stevarsity autd Euseurotui Fischer 's osrchestcra funished uh usie fits
"third hal" with the result still usle- caughit. It was teintssuie issuijug gassme the siventing sithn ilfothxe dance ifllowing
cided, hotsh men scorisng two touches.. of te seasons, and she varsity squad ttite supps~er. 'The pasrty brouke sihup bot
This wtas followedl by a onue-msinsute hoist sweaurs ii will scalp the youunguones Moss- muidnuight aufter a'uscidifethv tiasuist
its wehich daisies scuoretd twice seithsoust dasy. ev-eninug.
'hi sosxre oifolurignustudets, ect
showti ing teothers suiewte gmue of
cardsissyedl iniIis ciuntsury, tests
fesature f the receptions of disc Cossmo-
polxitan, clubh, given st this clubhuiouse lsut
ightstosixnuse foreign studensitsite
Universitf whovi sre uofyet usmesmbers of
ihast orfanizations. The nie guests rp-
resentied-fie countries. Chinasiled with
three,sAustrista and MXexicoi eachsail to,z
andi PolandssuandluHollsiandu, ecssuse.
Lsut snight's receptiun was xiiacrt
usiftte 551ue pufoses of the cubi,[
stasinly tf i sudeents whalrte attfensing
he University Inrist forigan cunutries.t
htis Ite scondildulrig this suaoolyyearI
sixt xxil probablfty beftclfowe'du bysnotuhe
beiore Junec
Lnothefus eauresicxlfluhe ifrlsusssfre
it wsuthfes'story-tellingsf fle Cus-t
mopolxanuus. isEc a h uuu asxe oxlhis i
co'liytso' pxfresentiianduithsec ales seree'
bistg guess usseralslanuauiges stth
same isis. Thle clxiit sltw numbules'sfoxri
uxcusuiers, icele tof swhosmuroominth usu lx
stiltois. 307 Nortah State srcet'.
Twox studenstuscnarrowly Isescaed aiusse-
ro scciudsnt ixwhis' cutsinisg siunte
ricer yseeuta. XX. L..Tayor. ui-
tenst inte literary udeartetf, accmsu-
Iani sitse.a lion igist, securedl u
caso tisutxte hbotihouse abutss3s o'cslockf
us ifus' afis'nnuuxsAu fle lbrige jst
felo th'fle' sfughtert-house fts'botxbhe-
camuues'caught ini u wshirptoolt, asin tg-
tg sroundiu, sudently cptsiedu, troinuustg
b lt'ocifuants iote fit'ise's' Xi fix
isstes'atxtis intssis rushes hbetwesth le
iers uofsthridgenils cntsierable u'-
loityt'I hle posiiftin sfthue two p etsl
w s'eedinsgy perilouus. liiiey man-s
sgevd. howiueei c iniug to thex'cnoeiu'asit
icrsuepti. fxfromus Ieneasthi ts' bidsge sussu
dowstr ieamus.
..XIRootis, sehouxlives' iterflebIridge
wa 5s suiu s itudng flute luankisatsithe tisse'
andi, seeinug te ccident, hasatiy ssied
a'ro'boatfand entus .ccs tste assistatncee of
he existle. li . Taylfor waus esiy res-
lud uststheflu e n5xxisuwsae're' ssunabehis
lift flhe'girt its thue'boatus,oisisccunxxtitosf
flhe'xatuer-soakhu.e'suonit ionsxuofxhes' lth-
ing. Shte'wusuatbte ts chung us ue' cnoei
Ind withfsomediffiulty itu'wus s towiuie
ashsosrs.Bohhpeop'le' were itaketoirX.
R'fsho uexwuhers' thefiborrowevsidd'
clotuhing, tush teehs'onssedhlust us carriage.
Neiher siiffeid hf'yhiniury fromustue
Antheriusenuior nmeic hlustarsredcinu
tile easterns hospial examuuiations.
Chacis sWN. Miller passed sucesiuly
file competxcitie tets for interneships ist
he Allegheny general hospital held al-
mst itlhins he saows of the largest
medcalss schools of te east. He was
givenx sne of te tens iterneships, al-
Ifhousghs170 mneconpeted, repreenstig
use prncipal medical schools of the coas-.
icy, as Jousts Hopkins, U. of ., adh
ushers. As was te casc insthue Rhode
islandus examsination, which Bailey passed
1last neck, antost all the tests were pac-
ticlcx. The ternm of service extends one'
year. Thie infinmary containsuSo300bhds,.
stud she cases sre principaly surgical.
Mile 11c iusasmcsmberc salthe 'of it class.
Il helonfusgcsexo ue Pil Beta fPisedicasl
fratierniy asesres tutuProf se Nan-
credfe's cinsical staff.
5i'idcuirNftPr iSrBttN.
The Rev. Presidlent NV. if. Mackenzie
of IHartord"Thieolougical Scminasry, who
gives te sermon ontut te Tappans curse
thiscmornesing at ue Fresbyterians church,
s being entertaintesd ityPresient Angell.
Dfr. Mauck'enzie is one sit the nlsusithdis-
tinuishsedlthueoloegians in the Conugrega-
iolchurch of todaluy.
Noted Critic Predicts Great Dra-
matic Future for University-
Discusses Coming Productions.
Jamses (f'Donnuei l emsset, sdrmatic
e'itovr ofthue Chicagos Revcr-d-ecushu
andu "reforcuxer xof lUiversity is1 Ni icliganu
dramasiutic," ini speakig f Ihis yer's
proution'iss, prisedxl thelsflue ct's''ionuof
fluslire's "''hAtiri"' byfle' Crcle Fran-
cais andh Lessig's ''i utist xxiin ilsarn-
leltu"'byxxthe Osutsvi u's-V e'uu'u.
f1these fitmou scsxams cMr, c. hsueti
said: "I thisk thatstieflue s'uctionu ef
'Aia' ands'x" a vsixth'i ssssuiSiu-sfef 'ar
he ssiupossible choiices fisti cosufldx
madute . A ltssghs ','.'vsre' titus issy si
ii scull tece'ved, its'great ramti
wior'thi last lal 'en uirlyfesabi-
lised. siete lsev1enteensth celsiusry
iist 1 tests iseseisised Imanifytillss, litaif
slies sfully. Is carait ser iion xiii
r'epruesen'ta t iof i'ren cii ife sead
smirablue'. IEvecytintu te lueassitisetail
wasx fpresentled( i I Lx sure s' y tutiee.
fi hssdetscribledIfuss its iinterest
ing ailite Itraits hesuiars'to bothii
servantsuul ssad esonxs f uhih 'sushinhutthis
Xir en.hetteu, swho is paricu'larlcy its
terested llithel fermanst tdramaussidth le'
foilouxinisg f fts' lfusuereevls 5'i'i's ss'
lection ofsxilx'u th i uxnn ual if'lay, fhelsis six
bisve xtsteeks'sfitffs'spsrinig vacat5 in:
''Theusetle'utin usfI'MI inavonususi rn
catt5' le fluhe'lite'r'ry'xu'alueu'fssfis1com-
Cuff. ifsh'e 'Wrsi 1ist he co xliid
fuss it'. decisiontousgiveC' '.Xiuususxsons utist-
"s aiplaf if t s alwa's proSitedi popu-t
Isr is th l Ufs'a'sus , vet notloshut'sihs
heis, fuss'theupeoplues f sll naissul can eu
eno n etu si 'e'njyeds't iliusuisi xosi
il,'su'us Chuss 'bits comedsuy wss'.xisrtisi
prsentaison oi tf fGetrmanulifs'onemo
raeu ith i lssiuig. Ischara'ctve's
wiere Gers ns whosscsu uers'tuets' xlife.
OnS us'fl Lesslgs aims swieitis nticsie
prvnilshatredwhicxxhfe'istsed lutwx enu
Prtussi'iandlSaxonys .'
hu tauuling fsther xdramtifc uworukits
flue' U'iviseriy, Mii. Benetsa'id: Sii '555
ixissu's 'SchosslIfor Scandass ll's 'a golod
seetions fur rouc'tlusisi f' flute' suetis.
'hue tplaf'sthut shsoiutll e' presentedul sie
ths wluhtlichsgivs'elusarcteres cresatedl fi
flue' authours, 'atdhforcwhichit ifis sut se-
cessairf'thatthdlivsiudent lb eequied fix
studsy ouvte sagefpornrciti. Suchschar-
acerssre s'ualytif o he' founds, sill ithue
plays of today, Isuei fle older sausndr
andulclassic sdramnas.GBodxulcarsacerza-
tiosn such as these drausas affocd is es-
pecially desirablfe its amuateur poducionus.
fIt thsens the characessre amuost eat-
itlete as they should e uprexsedvilasstue
stage with iliic peculiasr quauliisad
chsanacterisuics. Charsaces iimany
plays, particulasrly those of fle pnesend
sice, misust he ceated by the acor, ansd
this is of necessity ad fr te amatueur.
Of course, it is deirahle that plays
shuouldvi le chousenswhich castb isv sencted
in tse uriginual, withoutuihasvig t ei
cxii, us orden that they sisy e utuefoec
us msoudenundience.
"Iauc gad sex see usthusagreatimus-
provemsentsi ibuexnixade hut tramaics
its teCniv'ensitf'f IXMichigan. Studuensu
souldie svkeptsinusereseinul sdrnaai
srs nits ibssisith mst atiansic funt.
1cannotsudhelp ui thulicksusie ussucithis
drnamatuuic wotrk will msean to the Uni-
vensity if it contuisues fur sevenral yarsn.
Thle prousctionof xlasys worcuhy of lre-
sentaions will leadutoithue 'Uivecsity f
fxichtigublceomuting us centenoi sudeheut
edanatics in thils countsury for studuens
will he attractedi lureiby dInmtutaic wirk
Of such us ighs stutsndr.'.
Anderew Carnsegie has subhscribuedi$50o
to shv Amesricans tOlympu~ic fundu.