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May 13, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-13

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The Michigan Daily



Nio, t64..

.. ........... . .

Wabash Plays Varsity Today-
'10 Engineer-'lli Lit Game Tie
at End of Thirteenth.
The fist xof te twin s'resv beween
te xarsityxand taxi\Viiitxtnine xwiile
playdtislx'aftroon. i'nless Waah
ha mrvxi morex'x'hanxihasxxMichviga,
as boys ouxv xxgt xa( lasttolxixiv'ak ee.
rThegamesbothtodai ndtxxix xxitxinxrxxxx
w i fb led iii'oo px'Oiv t i405.
'ti he varity' met thlevHoosvivrs on their
homegrondsat ('xxxxfordsxvi v iiontie
byx it xxca vve xx 5 [ :.lx ' i vxxxx xxhoxxxitichevi
lxxpr-oi'e lay xlix is lxx"ht 'c, btxthe
Lit te I o tiixxix be.t
ixix'xxx. t1xxxxil xxretu xxxto x lxi thexpox'-
full tw', xxnxartlxxxxxallx te fis o n
lxx tiexi xth e xi1''0',1 x interetxv'vxxxmtexh
ofyterdayxwxxi that'between Webxtx
xI xxccxtx'x'xi,'I x'xx li Ixi:t xv -'xx r\'txxel'
exxxas x~x iy \Stx'cdtxxxv'x I xxt xxt ofxx
thexlirlxxafx'e lx11t0xxxxxxxxxxxxit ,ixaitxxi
him. It iii i d iti al ;t, h
second etasi, lxi xxxiii l has'i x'texenx'xtnd'
01' the its[xxclassxiiiiii ,ihiixtit xe xi
xl \lo. 11 sr ihtxi,'i th. ou' ghxix''tei
tixixivix li
The completi xof " irsitt run
leaves theii llxiim i' li xi' xxiiiti i lthe
xLunnxxxxxxx'xx ICapaii thg, Ayre,
Piiexx Leiii, lrxncvii "txtl, Diclinxl-
toxplay ALi. C.at\ lviii' fur
nxxiiitv'amii xi li'eitaken iuiiinxgxxani iotx
dayipthv' thu liiileat cies toexiAnnxi
Arho andxi wxillxxiilayxxeitel~ix dx lvi'aftr
Txiiifrv'shxfits xxandisioph vngiee'r'xae
stilii x l ivhe xg'mxxxA' terti xrtenx a xiiia
hxaxf inninixg fxastigood xxxx'isxeaxl xxxia
evr xxh v'expvtedi xxii xxxg xcxlvss tm,
L'mpiie Eldr'idgev'wxasxfo'rce'dv'to callxi thx
ga'm",beca'uxe i ofxd'rxkni's, lives'core rx-
v etixg lto ixtt i lxxthe xxii xxthe thr"
t'einthininig, 3 to 3.
hitixevofxihelixamsx hich vixxpliaxyed lx
this, lthe irt f tli e mv'xi-finaxls, xxould
lxxvixv'v'nxxfit mxitcxhxfxxx'te vxriy'
voxponex'nts xxi lxxst Stitiixy 'oxxaiiarge
exentit iwxas a piterxse' gxmie, axx the
xsiummxaiv'x of theiriorkx tre remxarkay
imilarxx. Sixtit, 'x, vrickxoxxivte,
xx'axkedxivie,axxii iermititedi iixhit.
Nuxle, lxxvrte xxipis, fxnnxeviniixe, iaxe
twox, andii xasv onlyp fixuxd fvr ive i.
'iis x tei'x introdvctixonxtovclasx
companxiy andxis workexiwxaxxioxxite eixaxs

thxatixeiptoi lxxCiii ionsiivhxxixx. Siihi
wvrikediaxsxweiilxis ie has this year.
iBvoxoikx'xxier' lxxvtle frexihmex'ixstartexi
iihx'rxun-'ettiing',lixiicixettxiing ihe firxi

hit of ite gxxme. "Witi oie mxxxtiiivini
tie econxd, xe foxnd Meier for a singe.
Wshixifolowedvimxlvwiith a ixge iv
ceixr ie'xilia ibrought Bookialer'
iomxeTxisixwiaxiie axtvcoing of rie
fresixhmenixtli 'tenixinthinninxig.
Iii thei'foxrthiinxxg te xvxiclx mixxx
bxvredilintotie scoe xwagonxiixxinxchte
sxxame xxxix asxdidltie yunigxer. ti-
Lxeox invxgexi axiii xa foloxedI y M-
Culloch, xx'hoxgo x two-iagger tia
ixrxxghtx le firit Min.lxA eie vi
profitlesinings iixfolxow'd, hbut linet
eightxhxtie sophsxi ixoke oe again.<
Smxih gxeeMcieoed xa iassxxtlvfisx.
NixCiiiiiiii xxaedi xxixexsy ixne tx Smitxi1
who laixyevi for Mcl~evi atisecvndibhtxi
fxiliedi. 'lhenxTixirer Meer arifxcedvi
andii Kv'iiar gt xa douxbe, te lxxv bae-
rxuxxer'x geting ii vii the pay. Pacix
a1-i xx'xiiked, xand lxxoimex xere again
oni the sxack, lxiii Belamxiy fannxed xxxvire-
ire is idexxiwitih the avataxge xin liei
gimix. Sv'iri' 3 io i.
'The' i tyx'xx'xxxiexixae rigixt ack.
M\ieivr ieldedilxx ihis i ax io Cataix
Founitini. Evr''eett entxim xlwixxxxa
(Contiued on Page To.)
M. E. Therwechter Nearly Loses
His Life in Trying to [rescue
Companion - Both Engineers.
Edinix'iiF. Stexvixon, ''ie, xxas drowxn iex
in Wx'itmoiixr' xke yetrdixy xftx'r'ovvn
it 5 :45 xxile out'aixxin itig'iiMvvrtox
F. 'i xv'xx vvitv', 'xte. Mir. Steens,
xvtxv'vxof liiie\S'iitimorvx'bxiat xxxixse, xxaxx
thexacxienxxt fvontxiihe ixhxre xxxii xet
antin iai'xriwxx'atixtoivvr~esue te iy.
1e.'arrixvi just i lixe ito xxv'Tie"
iiv'xitv'i, iiioiwentxvin xa fx'r'tle drown-x
wx'en'x the 1boomi xxxxwung xxvioxxi, kokinxig
him ixovth xxwatr. is patnerxv, viht
xxxixoxiii ei x ti erlx idexii'of teli a, exii iax'x
ISxt'visoni wasxxunavileito simx'andxxii xexx
xI owni ibx'fxre hlpxiirechlex imxii. ,As he
whic had xxidriiftx'd awa'vy fromiiithem.i
itco xxxixotxx'v'iwa tt'wentyxmi t'xle
forei'Stvs,' xlx bod'vliixi axxifoxnii, 'The
1 i doctorx xxxand isomex mxeiclil tiix'ttx
woke oxix'ivxer iii fvvrxxinihvxr, ut xiere
xxxablxe to.librig himxixackxioklife
Thx xxeixideentvoccurrediabout fo'rth rodsi
from 'tvexshorx'whe'te xwaxxte' waxxat
leasti xviifx'e'xdeepi. Dxther ipartiexxii
telakeiwre'aree'x of th'xx le xvtvxxx'xxiixv
nxitit' whenxtheyxv'sawv t'xemxit xsailoatt
fotiixxg twsthxx' emixvi.
Slyro-.xSvisonxxvooxexi xiti Mr. Pen-
ivy at 323 Maxisonixvstrexet. Hi hoxmxe i
inx WSebbixCity, Mv.,xxihx'e i fate
is ax mixeixie r.xxxx',Texdrxxxwnei xxxan
eatves, eidexaaiher adx ixoher,
three broxte' nd xxxvisterixx'yuniiger iihan
'iex'botly wasxbrovugt tox AmttiArb'or
last ig'tin xaxixl xiauto oiliie
t Seretary Waxde returnxedilxxAixi Ar
lxxbir yesierdaxy aternvxx ndxxiiwxax loet-
edl for soretixemlxe drixg te eveniig
withxSupierintie'ndenxt Reeve Mr Wiade
apipearsx lxx le xsome xiprvexvdin healix.
I Whxenxseen lavt ight xe staed ta
lie xiii xxvicare itonmake aiy taeentx
cernxevxing te reentinvixeigain untiii
Iiheirpxer tixie 'Te enixxext amng
theereary'xIfriexndsxanti acqainaneex
sis thatallxiilxxiiixcsatifctoeiriiy expinxedi
inlin tim e,

Saturdaity iigixi the, iSlnekfriars elit
i Chiexago endedi a three tight rn t of
1is ipiay,-"'i'exx'Sign of te Troubie Eagle,"

Enviable Records Are eld by
the Men Who Are Nominated
for Union Offices.
xtnext'x trugh, ix thevx'ir xa'tiitxionin
catmpustixviiesthyareifoundx I amonxg the
noineesxi for ffitcxtvvinttheixMichitgani
Uion. The sucvcesvvxxof thevUni'nxve- xix''
mxenti xxiiilbv iii vii ihvde v'endentiioxxi tliv
Forpei dentxii W .x55 .S' SIv'vitt' v , 'i,
hua pee t ir ice-pre idenvxt iof
thl iv' andxix xx i a "tudetit Counc,' ilmaniixxi.
liv wxaix gv'neral itixmanager lof they liei-
f. 1'. Kxli, xxxix, " ''p'"sid'n t tf hi
class andh a fobttlxplayexxiof liisomeipx
eitor of theixtix Rexx' it1, fotrlneviiitlxxi
onrl.x'llexwasitxixlgig uediori of
tilex 'o7 Stihiiv ni'iu adi wa'uixire
yea'irs axxim'mutr ofThe lDalyxx s tf
on, i'hiiv iittdntC tnitlanii lie' is
presienxh~x ttfthe 'Soiovlogy "iclbii li
lxxx tikevianitt ivepatinsveato
a memvxertov.i xxi ailyt s tft
the hGlte cvubxandxtheih irmanuuxofu the
exeut iiveitommitteelofvislxxclxxx.
Literar'xit'i' xlvi' xuv'it I H.tXA. hlxixl-
xechu, 'oois recrduinhg sxcrea'yx,x thexix
atlti lsscaion, 1lthexwasx presidhent
o is ii lass xi n in i s l freh mani tuu year'ii
and so ed 011 110vbitnessitaffio
manager for h iio xx iug seaso x, li
hon l" asv arsxxity x I tlilvths t . Heuiilxxxx
i lso alxuul o eaici xsxtxxfufh ige1 it
exaiai onsii aix d k h 1liii ii fori tiiut-h
itte cls n lsaSudnx onimn
playxelixMviJ.xQuunnxivis rurrfhis
ni~ tice-re xixt- o i, '0v1x
aiiy ntdi slxx nx associatii tt itoiixr xoitex
Law Riewxxfxx xtxtli r DnJ
SitneyCxx,'xA.xlI hrexeiv'ool ix ArsS
Aen hi,(hisiuclassxadt' memiherxxvofxxith
van ihaewuuh ustaf leixif.iux'x
ofs plae axx promi inenxt'paritein,1the
inte 'tit eyearmntx hsyer
A. H. idings pxays'tIhird Case oniiie
vasiy aeba"l'Ueam.'Ile is prienixiti
Lr.uikW. Do xhxorisx.vic-reietxiofc
troit, xii twt uiktomor roxwxafternxoonuxxxxi
the folloinxg Wednesd'ayhiv beore thu
arehxiteturali studenvxt andi other whoi
matiy lxe ixterestved, ilthtie relain le'

rtwveenx areitieet, ciienti, xxni contraetor
The elture xwilxbe given xx inxRoxox409
jNewxx Engineieringighxliixg, at 2:15 iP. xx

Thie anuxal intiaioni xf the Griffixix
ocue d Moxndivivay tnight.'hin yearn x-
etixixixovitie ai-Unive'rxiy order rep-
resexnt thecthree iloer elaxsex axd fourl
departmxexnts. Tue rganizativxn eixg
xeseentialil' cosmxopvitan lxn nature ex-
dexvirsxlxxoobtainxin x isiewxenxxrepre-
sen'aivuies vi every frm vifistudext a-
tiv iy. Foloiinxvxg are ths yearn eie-
tins . rinmeax, WililamxCvigan,
Lowex'l'l Carr, W. C. Anxderxson; Virgi
Gre, Raymxondu Vixxcer, George Will-i
xxi, Chaxres Beexr, Palxii Greer, Joxepxh
Afteir thte iiiativnxthe annuial baquqet
tooxk xlxcecatithe Miichiganx Uxin.xCanl
C. Bllankhenbuxrg presidedi axs toatmvaxter
t le foloinixlgrepoxsex:
"we~v'rever Bev'hcause We're Here,"
i. iB. \'edder; "We Nexw Felowxs," Pauxl
tlx'u''x' 'Square 'i'riaxgc,' Vietrur-Cxx
to;x ''Fromuxitheviheigihx" RaxymonduuIVs-
vier; "FixusssxxnGeeral," ICG C
Willas "iiAxixftrWSiteaxv 'Yout" -R
All Arrangements Made for In-
itial Bag Fight Between Sophs
and Freshmen.
AXrangeents for the ag figttwichue
x is th'kixplce Fridaxigtihavxxxx beeni
progre'xxing xteaiiy. Ilumxxinatxionxuxiii
bexuobttainedifront are ightly whiclhthe
city xiii funuishximpy for lthe cxxi xf
wiring. Tie field iel i iv e isur
roundxxxedh hy xxfencee. 'Teags for the
vconxtet areveluixg mxave by Mak & C.;t
thos of- itheoh omoxxivuxrswiilxxe witeu,
andiithosexx ofithei'frexshxmcxx blaek axtd
f iwite. 'ihiy xil xe madue xxif uuheay
canva'sxxStiffedt'lvihxcxxxeiorA lrg
hip the Stxxut Countelitox ectuatulhe
rulexs xoi thisixcontet re obxevyed. Nut
xxxiiixvilbelowthiueevItoveer i ivwho
t uoe xntutwiear tnisho.
Certalu in xgxs aeenxe ade ui txxhe
rue ofxv xihe itsh blxi gamie. There will
belvelx innxixg, eachix xi iuixtiiiclovng
wit linxtrmisixonxof three minutexlx-
xx xxxi .Bevre'the firt inninxgthe hlxi
wxi lv'eplted l-the cenuter' of the fledx
andiiieachclaxsxvi lxelined xxix behixtd
ixs gval. After eaehininxtg the hxall wil
1xhe eft whiere ever it happens to e,
providexdiit l isihinxboxun. Bfor
Ievrx'ininig ater te first, caech clasx
xvilbe inedx ttip ice yardsx frvm te hatt
towaxrdsitslioxnendexiSfvithe lucd.
'Tepolitsvifhe varioux contetxxiii
x bevouxnlexdanivfollvwsx:The reay rae
xiii give iv, situeach vf te votherx
Tfhurxday evening at 7 ocock there
xilhe a meeting vi freshumen of aih de
partmncxts xn the phyix lectre room.
'.'Six ixiil e the ony opporunity they
wilt have for any eoncered action, and
ethe Studtuex Counuxilisihex every firt-
year sudent to attexd. A Conclmnu
xiiile prcsent who wiii expain ah the
evntetsi andthwo wil hep to iperfet
the frexhmxaxi organization.
S A ecolleetionuxis eig takenutp amonvug
t xxbtth udercaxes to hep defray the
neeexsary expeunes. Thiee are y no
fxteansinciuosiderahle. A rope mt hc
])ouught for tethg-of-wart the ligtsx
for the ag fightiust boxe pt tp;x the
bags for lis contet, the ohstace and
bannixiexsfr thc reay race, adgexifor
the oflielas, and a numer of other x-

esxaries must he hought ; anti the push-
hiatt musiti e rented,.'The clannex arc
tox conxtribxute $40 altogether.
'STe fllowintg xave been appoiuxtedi to
maret cthin collection:
F<or thxe soph fiiis: Heckert, Good,
Arthtur, hlohnsack,
(Continued on Poom Th rg.

First Concert of May Festival
Will Present Voice, Orchestra
and Organ.
xxilap t ontxux xxighultutortie tidttimue
xii thy' fifteenthiantuu xi y Xl tivl.
lxii ltxe xsamev yxthusixamx xxichimart
lieu' inging andii 'grea' e r'stx'ona'ity
wxhere exvrxshe iappexrsx At hrlas tx
ii here' ee xi ptrexsxdxherlfxxinxx
letter'toxPro'. tt anlexxxiapsxxnjouyig her
'hu eslxivtis xyearx xromivy'sto e
thil' large' aniiitheuidictins r.tatl
Un'iiverity Halt will heix ,(~xtt everyx
plas iismaipat ithe sucxxessof
tliv fe'tivals.
Wiesioi harit s iii aig i li
tox festixvaltaudilxexncis ' L iopoldi diiglSrt
is ax newieu' r utox'lAnXxix.rborxx, bxxi
precedledi liy xn enviablei'r'putatuionxxa
plye thtus ei lxx' envxuin th omnuli ax
orchstrahuorlaxnumb'rxofx e ars h nt' is iix
alsox ax xioxlnist xofxino lxxman ailit.
Claudxye Cxxunighamutalsox appers ix
AnnixArbor on thefixstt.lie the a
baritonue wxithian xcellven~hxt voicex, and is
saidlxx lxvpaticrlywel'lxvisxuitedi xx
oruatoriouwxxx.,xinxxuwhu ich'hewith mkexistxlx
dtebut herev. . LRenickux llxpxiaiy
hex U'niver''s'ity origan'It tle has lxxixre-
x'xilxy r'tiltnedxi tromu hibroadt , a'dxiii e
tox renew thei' faxtirabih impresi'vxu hich
hex madeix' somex trevear'stt' ag.
ExiiixxxiJohnnhxxxxax lerxxin igig lur-
ig titlst ofithe int erlx in' "Th''ex'Solti
Kisis,"ilxx wxicihihexx'utuxuixaigext xsii-
cesxacu'x'ixtoreprts' lx 'xiiiNew
hervseillly' texxtdiii iiuit laxtxvarinil
eulthxxaiiaxlvtxxat sexissurexxhive
Ofi the vther artixts little nxxxvii said
They lxxxvxillxxxintheardutherex luviuxyx'
anxd thoewhio havex' beenx xitxufxrm exitn-
certssavin ot slowv i omendttviig their
xxotrk. he 'Thomaxi hic'auxgox xxx ixvxh
xilxuappearx laxx x(v exxconcet, underixithe
directionx vi Fredeicki A. Shock auth
Prof. Stanlecy
'Tle ipro,;rxants arc fr the ust part
xmoduerxn,hut lure tue exoghxcomtpses
of thc od schoxol representedh lv aisfy
anuy' aste. 'he programxtfoxr toniigtis
conceert folows
Vorspie, "tile Meitersinge"-Wagnern
Lyric Suite, Op 4... ....rieg
Shepherd's Boy.
Norwegian Marech.
March of the Dwarfs
Rexiative and Aria of "Vitellia,"
foot "Titus". ,. .... ....... Mvzxrt
Concxerto, fr organx, Ni. 2,hG miuor,
Opi. 177............. lxhixxlxrge
Srai'lvuxuxandante, conuxmoto.
Lliewelyn L. Revnwik.
Overtutre, "Barher vifiBagdadx".....
Reciativec anxdAni, froima "Propi-
ec" ..................... Meyeee
Mxxi. Ernestineichumatnnt-i einix
Valse xiv Coxncecrt,Op. 47....Chictutiax
'Te DamutuautinofhF'ustix...... . ifenia
SInvcatio-Meuxiixt oxxihelillXI-'t-

Daute of thic Sylphs.
March, "Rxkoeay."

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