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May 13, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-05-13

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G. I Wild Comfpany
Our Spring 1908 line of fine
Imported and Domestic
Is now ready. IIt includes all
the latest Novelties, Shadcs
and Up-to-Date P alterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
Grays and
Fancy Blues.
Your patrontage resptectfully
G. I Wild Comfpally
311 Sauth State Street

MatnagitsgEitor--AisztIrR F. RIrCnIE.
Business .Manager-C. E. WINSTElAD.


....Chiauncey iBoucher
.......Lee Af\YWhite
Ass't..... . . F. idriulge
.....Roblert iAlosessicr
........Roy D. Welch
.oal 1t. lainies,
Edior....- Louise Vatn Voorhtis
I-ass-elI :McFarland

The Kempshall Water-
Core is finding favor illth
golfers generally this yeat.
All the othser good muakess are
Ite itnprofusion-as well as
tlte famsous McGregor cltubs
of whtich we ate thle stole sell-
ing agetnts in tossni
Tennes Good's, too,
Sheehan &Co.'s
Student Bookstores
Official National League Ball
isthes statdardt ofttsssswolt.In the greati
wortds ethampsiotnsip tgams bt~s th
Cicago NationalPsudtotsiAssscsss the
Stpadintse agsse Balt wasseds-s. TteSpa-isldling
Oats-tat Natonal Lea-ue alsis se-d tsy
Vale, Iiars-srsi,Pritnsands allprmnt
college teanss. Ttsde uisrs asisi sailors insth
Uitest States Armssy sandt Navy ise itses--
clusively. In facttis isivse-salse,ssissr-
es-er Sass Balt is DPlayedl.
New York, Chicago, St. Loots, San Firancisess,
Minneapolis, Dnver, Batfaio, Syracase, Pis-
burg, Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati, Baiti-
mare, Washingtion, Ktansas Ctty, Clevelandt,
New Orleans, Detroit, Montreal, Canada.

Iarnn Vi--scllcr Leoanard C. Reid
Do-l . hRisle-a Robuita-Moresiad
.Mi. 13.Ii l Xli i -FredF.i Godi
I. sissl J. C-icr I. lIi Presacot
XXValtcr K. 'rowss-o Loois Kraft
l'aui Greer Sasmssel H. Morris
OtoI"JlyIg ICE. G.C. \Willias
Johin F. Wurz Carl H. Adam
ilarolal P. Gossil
Adsdress: ICHrIsGAN DAILY, Press Bldg..
Maynard Sireet
Matnager's Hooras :1-2 P. in., 7-8 p. In.
dsaily, 'exceipt Sonday. Both phontes
MV1~XIIXSAY 1, t)iaM.
is Itthrclilssstoay sac Ipublishs
ilae imme siandirec isaseceliaesa
isn 111r_' vlimsfi siccs ofiliii UitsnSfos
11(\1ycu itfolowisgy iasspianiiwe
,[I-- "ttcm tiu isiput efo-l e sc Usisons
I1?(lll t' 11c fa ts s l ithe iqualifcications
()-tt"vaios aniidaesiiW e X s-iIss
tll{t hc" ele tio 1h iisld tsins ilis
pointof ncritandi ot is poltica
str Il-i. 'ie fact su mittd ae toti
i12t'ttce-d lo k coiclu ive ins tine \\Isi
ate o bw tit: otessbod lie cast. XW"
i-eno hesitstdeire ito i.centlto
ii s i ii si io ls siu l i ot ill he d
c n. 'IItat i entirly 1 a1ito th voter
Is 5l ill si rpi ssllsast lilactsrsilniled
atll gss is is sioateiWit.a iss toss lati ng
to sills andii55 ii ryiic ticlcadidatsess
ot ie nion 01,111. isthis rlias sasn.
scat a pace-\iil1 1, if i Sillisr-il. swill icisl
ci is-ls. utiti i waill sike- tills tim s
Of this yt551s 10ii1-d.
I- '131 IS 'ilY TOA) Tl l
SCosntinurd freinPage Onr.t
rss ih a it: ciiapture Ici hird JLA
ca ieciliapeIsiest h it t-e Iay-
-tush liiiIbsissidianlimpossuussileaoneis-s
Isis as tis andtsselitchlicit roulsssgh
ills capltais in.i ThiensisuXXalsh'li -
IaeItfew minu11tessiaer, lsc scorced.
l letisisknownesisayassig isarasalf
thisamn w iissiasisciii loose. 'fhey lbusis-

en sa scifices, andssfan,-slto iiget isa
tiha head 1of ib atigilist-a-sll tsisi
grail. XiAtithe issndiofliseilsiirteenihsthe
score walisastill a ic i. I itic firs alS
0fl thei-Sioura-sisitse liths gtia5runi
scks, bt hisei giae wisscle n h
cosrcsreerced to a ti, whchalwsill le
Bilm tshorl.,\Wilsnialist, Mc
iii I iat Iseft sansdlatibat, wistils Kelar,
starrecsifis the- sisyiss.h'Iaic-lig tisilo f
tefrttarninesiiserc- Scsnisteriald
in isihie i fi sisirul ' sisialte la d wll i asst
iiit isnly issi isriislasncle-i-1ou t llftwis - i
threeichanaea.(Uric(- his iasslacgeas-
er corninigsa'osigsthesc-as; IisIlly, iit
it sllsdiaissy friomithei bagis sndI le
coul "Iiil cmpsilteuteply -
eiciisigl ngt sinica Iwos-ba-isggr i
loi s snc, i ti i ui t irstc andsIsis ilridssc
Tois Ilsgis l s IllN5N I 155A5P
\im , i5 .. ... . . i O I IjO50
Xerlisgc. 3is- -..--6 0 0 0_ 2
Nic~ ,Isi . .. .....- --t 2 1 3 1 10i
i tlls i , cf... .... ii 1 ii; Sioin
heaiii - - -f1 0 2 3.1 50
1; 3 3oiiIT6iiS
'sI]is.B R21It P11111
Fi Critisss.5 . - 1-... 0 0 53 1
Sc i deri~ai, 21. - .i .. . . 5 51 2 t
XXalsih, c..a... .. . 0 2 t 1
Raisisses ci. .. ..- o 1 2 is' is
S i ... ...... . I O 0 2
'Iiit. 0 1 0 000 (1i 0 0000-3i lii
y511ucA orl---kis -mills isab l Iii i sr, si.
f s ll s ll--Off5 sli : Ill XMeir
houar s [ i iiiiiias. 'iuc st gul
-5;~o I5_15 551 'ATIN si 5 5151I-iN ieS.
lest, lasis asting aiwssis sandi Sirysuin-
issofilillll ses-isssiisicilie- ascr
(If h8to (ivIita c aternoonlsiiisi.
lAss\\ l di~cre-it peirissthleaasors- sass
liedl, l]sititi ilela stitirieiac inlsgs ilh s
senills agotitwoiris iiarss it-eipla,
wit thel limiilisi s ill sll l i llsn-twss-
Th555juiors sgdi hegai it.:
rusasors ssingaur isen -sills-fills s
rons li thicthirdltillsen-irs t-illila
ills gme by threliacits', tioisrarsra5
ias, ands a stoisl-l i as. Ii lisafifths
a ciso to htia iss licia stitos
aissdtwo sstleii basss. Agsainste gamec
ws Ieveiiied p iilichesillshswleslth-
sessiosradiesllstwo siii srutw ilssansi
In lt- seveiithithirseiors scoredlasia
isi si thre-sascker Stlloswed lie a sigle.

'l~ isanlail siiiss-ssss's sissisienii lsa111
oisttieldalyis. Tse juinsc' effoirtssee
ussiisil.u'Iie Idsur1 ing-sl 'iuulastsfou
J nisiiThis l-silel) ss.asd Smiris:c
Itrel. a21is>; soodys. ish: ILev ' f;Co
Xin, is;etnciie. f: rc h e ci Craw
Sa-liirs--lisc, IS.,XWalshc.,Pe
Cotti, ss ilDisis.211 Fo,acafiiI_,silsass
i1) Too'esis rf-. iS Bur s, (si'iislig, XXh: al-
Icr, p
'o$ ILsa.... 51 a0020assil --010i
ay issis .... 0 0-,ii 0 i 52 x0 I -S t
'Illiees sishit-Prlsatl. 11111 i-base
hit-1 II endirsonsi. Stisaucliii is XX ci

1cr-, I);lby Conise, . R sass o ai l l-
Off XWeller, I;saff Cousle - 3. litIi\
pith shll- XX slles, . 1 Iilsia-l l~\
D~urhasmsstio' lsslod isto Puria-lI. Stoleis
iass--' aS: 8'Og ;.sUsmpirea i ans is
I Mlus3ic and ')Tamna
Isis Ja li-silso iii ppearsis silli
nst-a miii-su isica slomed, "TheElass liss:
is iunde isihe sisnga-ills-ill oasS Pu ili
Diillinsghamsu this a si-sail d siil arlier is}
tisa-reailsails resented her is- ss iiplay- sil
slissiy siccessfSsl swce-s ini Nci Xi se
anloso.I Tl11sld-"she his-i--
fouinds 111mo1stssonge-nisl vsclel, withi
amphls- oppoirt imitylfo Sill xploiatio
of ihis extraoinriitliicleriitionusis
oS lsrssiiisntI sctosansisa tsi s es. lii
tail lpiece isisnltwo1a1ts isisisiialtid
Sfroii the Dren-schi is ('slnoIl lt l
The isissiis h . l oh- 1i.slius I an
Robesri t Hoodsiowrs.ss lis--ssa, 111
perlsons a tom-boy1 li'sschlili, who s, ~
ecalis-il omus h e ii- ga-sills lsissi s 'fi
assisnyctin Norma\c ndyss andss csis s
isme il-vsit herifries an rlal-
ilrlte, hidass T e e cllenti-sip-
uorting ansiy incIssludel~s Jsephsis 'si
thrn alll weslls1 tnssisn issisisss andsiilatei
sta of ' I siiresHanc" siompny, -
Isrn ingso XX sls sisa GermIn-s-ill
man, ia s lwho i sii illamaeu sl~issisl iii
I slo ei " s madei sis chi .1 i sincsi
iue s is ln ssi lss is iii 111,11 a - isisinc
of aslong -silloniatithe lsickcrhcluul u
theatirit15wa5siobligedI to liii,1milt
X\ sllla s Sisfor iian t ssisisis iiof 1i1e.
XWhe-n 'iThimas XX. Ro--sslills sto the
Nsiw XXI Sal-c- .the-atsi, 'Iluursdaiis his ii
scsi Ipiay.'"The Traisvslilly 'a isus is
wihh is by Jaiiies Finisisaut ro
" -Tills ih r'l s i~s isLdy'' 11e wiill hes up.ii
littesibyi<1 list-he euaul iof slil alsi
prbalyneerhe-lseedil f i-+ Iais-
si-sy- M~r. Ross' lisi of assoiateH iplyers
inscliis-s Ilasrisiss Raily, Saisis Xi,
ViclaerlPerc-il'T. Mooeis thu
-,Shasw,- Har ry- I.I lilaisuuirs, XX illi1
Rec, i h amussss Pu Cllet cilrn
sswh la Islstyai r eteiasiflroresith
lellsisi IRob-sniniii SssI siss Jaluss


_11 in cls, issih 1our1iloittlions
Leave )our orders early
Enugraved plate with 100
University Bookstore
hli the hatest in
Kodas and
Rent a Kodak
10c per day

Going to Graduate?

impotin g 00b1
121 l3AS 111ImwY ST1REETs
Senior N t I otic e l10 II
wil rcit~ r5 1908l'sJeelyStoeN

Aplril 28stas'"Careida155"i Iet I Ps-In$2.50 eg*~ e
hsighiuies ils-. l'hemillisniires te- l
pisastera vsci' es os thi uni versi sity,his I I
shsichlieisaissgiveilylosir 1-s.111,aa v Vi tirtgi'iar.A s
______________li , xr ii S is ii s tls rneii5 77s i 1 is 'Iaid
I igslss-aighs i-s ss-slsl is'threeiid sss( -il'$1.25.
Shsadses. Henruy a&sCii., 701)-711 N. L i- Vm. ARN OLD, Jeweler,
sersity svesis. S4-6 220 S. StAIN ST.

Friday and

of Music


As necessary as yoxxr surammer
vacation. Pays for 'the loss of
all articles taken% from your
For particulars enquire of
0WJ 0O D E___
' General Agents Emnpire State Surety Co.
50. Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICHT.
Phone Main 6505

121 Washlngton E. TheRan dall Studio, Randall &Pak Props.

Phone 598

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