The Michigan Daily
No. I ts.
0.S U CH D LED sie kassetceed-up cigar was t ere
0. 8 II.SCHE U with tat saume "urry up" stuff that
hissaltwsays een claracteristic of hin.
FORlf hTFistle cl the bnsch up in circles
Fui DUAL gsunts. A fes words of general ad-
Handicapv Varsity Meet Will Pre- s"sce folosede and these signal squads
55 rc picked. eee tie real swork began.
Cede It-Tennis Men Go to Sweaters and jerseys were cast off aitd
Ypsilanti Today. the ssess fairly jumped iit the plays
- tfrss tse formations. When tne call
A dusal track mseet eilh C. S. V'. has caue to quit es-ry member of the squad
meen secured for Saturday, Mtay 6, to expressed himself as "all in"
sbeel ois Ferry fies, ande a varsity Tb' iterlass baseall games will
handicaps iseet swill iprecede it oesesekel. start et Msoneay. Tree games sill
Plans for a retsurnsmeetswiths Ohio,to'lie plaest on Sothl Ferry field. Two
ocur net sprnsg at Cosisielses are pe-a s ill take Ilace on the gronds fartest
tically consummsatesd. leetie aisence of susth. swhile onsc sill be pulled off on
Manager Bairdl negotiationes arceissng te diameonde in froit of te oll grand-
sirectesd by Mr. Fitzpastrik. stassd. It is impslrblale ia ay of te
Iast year tte tBsskey es roed asassert: eas gesewill e lyest o the ects
for Michigan's stlendidlieluaeissa t sstwshie diamosssdl.thoussgit isposssile tatee
Mlicliganss eb 1eeesssweakeed ibts telosse fnal gameswsill lbe' helI there.
of severest stars, (tiissha.seienecnssier-
ably sreingthsensesd andstle roesets are TIMttl,LVV ACCDENT'
gssod for a fast mseet. VICTMS TOTAL TEN
Thse handicap sseet sas -r tnes'eeilen
order Iso add a little itest toseethe T e tirt-six ioerest-hicicl lave
somewhsatsiathetc annuslss rstysestlet,.ic i-elapd sce ithe'fatal werek oseesIs
If there sars' ssss-'ealablsisdaele htrse e itsrurbstans asseoigti tse'ght no one'
athletes ini the Unessrsty15he se kilIsaseecoseee'tes the Uesn(eierit' t-lowese
to maeks'oodelin_?lescer 'ees'Ito eteeinjuredsIic te ele-ffai.
Thermonemeses-st ofee l e I ig 'ii se-ty hospsitalssiesterdasy f'eroesn.
pit soiitosthe grii s-se ssill ai ontetdseesDestde Is- N eestsierforedctnsi operaions
ably to ie ister'sest inste tietelet cree-set ties'manse siest leseesinterseal ijries
Intil ties-cmspeleesisen set te s'55s5 tetensesise is I liceresche of lie surgeni. Tn-s
couirts tie tetole. aslvseheld t -e t hler menesdies e; ithes'I oiseoiallicles
wvest endel of ties- telsct es. ptl,1rasisisg ties'numbsste' f e adlsto lee.
R 's illias!sunetil recetly empsloe
'Thec varsity- tesoseecesqd e mporaIsr55y5 by55 l .S. ILyndon, .is isse erines codsi-
fouir-snn ess amss, Iins-sesfsr tsatisethi tiolnseeastties'genesereleospiel. 'T'hree- ni
afternon toeleyteaepractsis eesuts teeswit ties iasient'stlie I lmessewatlie les-
he' Normalc it seseam tsa itel ,(,e. I 5 ses-e esaelsasesi tc l cnidition, tes
C'aptains IHoa-g,ietion, ifes sih-leiso sttee-s beieg slet of sdaenger.
plilyY'siesbleseeone es eeksesiose Th eeraellre-see companyselh'sesestabliedes
orer see get ti-i e e etam itoshaefrth fies ijee eoeffice'oee RoadselSrgeose
harder msathses sousidetch t s eee leseesee.ese-lee-ce elsee she amsage ases will
if seely wt s rteeseeais ars e conduees b ees ladles leAe stetemeet ws-ssissed
to eetsser iteem steelinse ts essoesisees es-te-essee by tesofficils f uerail
portant g ltes. CaptseesHless"Aver s 1-ayinsee lamsece fr tes-acciet o
P'ricesstIecad eyeswilplthleingl eeis \tsireae lltsae-osf lie lisite.ed, hio wase
eand l te oslsle-uep s we it teltiI illedieste eseosllision.
scnd Ayrcss assettPrice eid s es ___________ _
The Corsseltessee, es-h isletsis nitsesse'se ie s e'iosre ateslredsy smsakisg plaee
the lbig gaeeoef iieigsse's istennsee i see-esfo ess i ecece s esek. 'lhe seior
deule' foreliessse s, be5gns a itseecyrecestioeec ese ssittes se-rceinoeide
schseduele Seturdasy.- Vestnes-ilaje e-egtessstesreiay h'iey- sre aseefllowsss
lig gassesstlisyear smongeseme Pri ss eneretlechairmane H -s. .Colemsan;
ten,tPensylvaneeis, Y'sle r, CteurerI. O Bf. isbee:C sereary, Ae
leinsies,'Williamses, Chicaegosawlesi (tee tee Bi. C'eer.
gan.'Thery laiet'fuse ese gaee be- eerali srrsegeness-H . We. Ginsve,
fore ithey reaceheAnoseArborse ast soldeeecirens c -F.see N's ie 'tl sugllii. C. N.
be i ine forcesy let ssy- '3, wethee- l es-tst eseeC. 11, Rutle.
hook sp ewih ties'varsity- here.Inoteer Invlesseionse-A. secVN Eass, cairmans;
in somseesueere tee effset tisle eelsasees?. 'I's'shisetsR. PEover.
taee of geamsesisle stroneg esern'teelse lsem, D eraion-L. IR. Qilliame, cisir-
it is Captinsie Hlssg's itetionestee sesre deed JI.lGenthsieIHI.Ii. Seluider,
sates eiheaseenysiand sestree oneseg sag11, C Ra snp, Xs . Witiassee.
gregationapsse eeie.IHillsdle, Ws- ee MNusie-Piel Gleasoni, chairmean; -Bole
ier, Denionsee.Oberline et-reltesesiblee' uhton'i R. FI secdoss
opponeensiandselticssay tee-talekes t e lcetion-P,.I'MNIPlnket, chairman;
Detroit acd Toledeo stke seestroneg eAlibot, K S. Spson, Olive Bucks.'
local organizatilons. Adeliese1.iC(rter Srahe B. Derthick.
'T'he toeurnamentce lists rr eenggfihel Ties commuitee mt last sight and e-
rapielty and fromnshes namses eestie rolls gasne arrangemenests for the big dance.
already lte seaclee ses eiul teeelsessesend u-isles sill eeheldTeseday Inight of
iterestineg. Captains IHoeeg ewises tee cmeemseenset eeek, is Barour gyn.
enmphasize tesdsoubiles toeurnaenset, asseTh'ie msscic will ee'given either by Fiecl-
any person desirineg toencter, tewhsoles r's orestres or ine's band.
hstn50partiner, can espekteehisltsandl_______________
le will try to arransge catters stisfac rULCNs,1ISSUE A CHATNGE.
torily. 'The teses asse regulsieoens of We, the usdersigned, do hereby chat-
the tournaiment are iposedh ear lie ee- leege sll terons wom it may concern
try lists, tnet as they esitl e foloweds-stse proeducee e horse wshich canio be sod
strictly'soutld eereaed ley-all eneteseets. in les tsaenethirty nminutes, without
slisgs, kiock-osut drops, or hard feel-
Sostheerry feldt seas lhee busiesinisg; the soing to take place dring
place imaegilnabile yesterdasy afterncoosn.lie Counssty air parade, Friday, May ,
'sh~ie the class baseebal hteamsnocupisised xS. Sigied,
the diameondelandese iegreoue ndshe of i,30151nt 1. Ilammerwieler,
the football ienei, forty s-f ithems, pusfedl '. E. Sakitoem.
utp and down the outfielsiterritory' doeing Witneses:
stuints for Coach Tost. Ilietue ibroadel The Society eof Veicanse.
Attractions Must Report Prompt-
ly-Fussers Agog over Clarion
Prize Offer for Prettiest Girl.
h-ear ye' All tpsrstelepeartcipatstetakee
soie-iceTe ipsrsde'lineeeseill formseFri-
say' eel12:45, osleestsiviseerity aes-ruie.
Es-cry- distsayisisusposeetote reort at
2:45e sethee tearadi' eill eltaitpromepty
at 1 o'clock. t'ositiieeseesiercstill ee
posedt islie festlm of srge m stonhss u atui ersit, slvin er'c
organizaestionseasee assigneeseet'ac. 'thee
followssigssjseels stased naese prcelseeslt
thee poseitionseosf lis'eesectis'esegseies-
tosas sigisee. Ith eai trctioneelmtst
reo teo ties'laee-ideistee is-sties ceses
I. Key-eoiseCVisit.
. ('siteerstys' isssnd.
3. Executis'veessnieeti'
4. Va'dile Pie-15'fsrtees'e
5. ('esmopeeolsitsaneC'test
7. h hr ii55te Clies.
i. 'sec es
12.hTianes. et
13 hislpa (lsst t-.s
14 ells (lee
15 Dle- ii' asettle
tc, iliinc C l.
17 list holi gm' a.~e
'et the e lsl 'e ta
4 uniersitety seeset Seetie-e 2.
25 IThetDel ta hie.'e
27 1i I1 " Sima
" K Accia. tss
2. Sge lls l;sim
0. ('eta Vet i
42. Ketay-pNilson.isu 'tee
the3. e sScisrseetma tePihcei.s
3n.tity taPi
parae lie o ak ch ilsets. m as
Theveric esertheiSreut-snigirtstheeo
ctante, ngis-ess hiey eeVhwestetoineele
aot tesHtyo-,eeenarteeoSthesuthito-l
hue ten itten mxatbesealisshnoresgait
tiheehse'skbows itssitinlenumbiser,
hasortceesthaopleaceec- erit itheas
cpaigibeassuppr e lerfvrt
ne.The iz:fortestrettes aetiiisghu
caps to.Tieev ents e retsisarobe-
atwenety-es dofratr iletset.vItsill u
db ee tonserhiriilonsssehteis towgas
theestusbokser'ieMuph ntrest u
teressbenedritsef osverethey-coest asen-
Itre amutheir seartilerinyistee
t aign iny' ssept ioesasthatr thereiis
so lee t friendsly wairlee the ither ends,
-s tee s-lo esill gite' its sorority frienees
thee lest seiletesrt. huenettedertheat users-
esill tee esnoeughe Clsrioens thee prissier tas
been instirctedtois s-ee-tIllsyOhmset 111t,
tee eorder tslie cansesreese off emoere Clsr-
iosl eels moentst noise'if lecsinse
demandteis it.
WN'ork.s eb egeisiyeste-rdasy sfternoones
tee costsrusct the'ohceseteeicethe gysoces-
sitlnis. Es-cry avaeilale fInst eel spaece
esitt leutiliziedi. V-ee sari oeellie'se
lockier reom is ieto e.uieeel, there becing
aismokinig, resellsconstruedihere.. 'lie
.cartencters seill hfinishe the e-erie:eel the
ts tosdasy, asdetomorrows's-sthtes -ee'
ganeizaetiosestill bteeucrnedloseto lee co-es
r teeleeir booth 15to stilt thes'5elves.
Fromc asll indeicatiosc every-the'ng witlbe
ie tie test sof sleapte wenetie dolore,
oplen-c Fridasy sightl st.7 eo'clock. Jesegin,(g
fe-nethe-inuterestthesestie' gniaio.-
ati'ingsle is thesir' es-ucetie -leboothstie
fsair' promdises to eee-tie-greaetest set
iiANQ('ET GO)'s. OilHNSe)N
Th fna erranegemenest.,leer tiebn
quet istee'e gienes Gsts. fIset one-eset ,-e
stemied eln' bcy eationf5eneofet s 5
Inteieneprsen-l ting tehstheeeee'ittesi
s-tets ecels N ndeieceDwerhel. hette Nut'
the-seihe-reetstuhldIs.test"s-c' histet
a:3 1). lid. todsay.
'lThe 's's'teeese leCouty itemeoess'a'il
clibithstieintaies cshsec lub sheesftheen
sehet antes'these-les-heelsuset is' (cee
isrite oscthditelthe teeseneseueis car-
se ot see'efeeRiiy. Thes'geseracs ete
sOn eeson sse'eeegenisc enstse of
NMayore nd1 s'eriees he' M.Dwes'r,asdsset"
d teet:commieettleeeen MMhtsesse, ite's,
's'sad sest. t 1see. fiti ind NsethNismsee
sc eel liceof teemoceratic I 'si tes
soaclubse. 'hickestsfeesrtethebanquteemalyse
tee cseuredl 't esdellsar eehefreset any of
ties'eeleieno telteesetheokhesecbe-
Prof. Stanley Says Beautifying
Campus. Suggests European
Advertising tMethods.
Tle tie- tite seeTset Daeeitely:
'sisy 1t re-suiest ties se of your Cot-
diins toe s-serses-tneunintetiontssal mis-
111lhoaers I," etc' 'TheVCoralt (ion
stiessnsot obtject, neither he-s itinhisthe
ba51stibectes toiitheemoval 1of the sit-
seesit , bilboads reseedthe.-camspuus.
Iai -se-te-s thes sei-fiee tially, may
be te slls ict dlve y-ell still
fute i Sbec ' 'erssosally, I
e-es" tlhiktos eete shleqestcionsof
tle'hest esarteeeel hf is'esees sees smasde a
-ueeieet OfSeeseleri} s seea -ecee. 'Intheis
edelasey not tise, olsee e iesqeries he
made ist) iFor eelsat: useeare paths
consructd 7 Are he t alk on,nor
as (e- lese ,i siitelscof eellicetree-
tison se siesi insch stleI iisites shcouldstbe
sees's ot5thewes oftheCases
t t2 Wilitb 1ceshryicnltce
fuur sissies 55 c all frtree-ry
st reel coerui ci vry eossible
an lea se lch heit ec iiisionses thue
ieee 5 uI le ,,Cwd?(u) Woueihld
it not le -e- else' soe-tete nwh le
cems . conrteadthus ~resiser
iml~ssile ,iy dscusio seftasetract
c e '. N Your sitesisce ethee ee s
cn e is ofa5care pali n theslassee, as
aeinrceilststeioof the e lesestf7
lnpess l -ow lo g switl is,- r'
's'-We th: 1j't -e! ;,i
caulus, lad hat t v ,E le'asll hIt 11,i
e e e til e tleslb r s te ige se is
t Nw cmestheineisle tere--
tess-esl -l sesr1id sue3 istery. "I 1,)w shell ih-essd rie e i n s ee'hegiti eeee
fter'tle'antetlitles ov(.5Johnsoniil i eeie'-" Pl 5 5'ste do enot considher ie
gee teo(Univ-ersity ii-sll, esteehie' cill iii (iii ni-aniif I s'rggs ci thatetwe aedopt
-peal':etosees "'he-Maisjesiyfthllc ee- leLw. te des l eg cesis seesilesses-le Fturo-
flac' sil eth ie'troducieeei ea byProf. Blei. peas iiesil kr(ech onistsre-eiornrs, ash-
Caede ilesths-waesofeel uluear'cctsr iSe- lies eto essctmps, Columneses ix feet
fomteotie statlecaptle, (lies'JohnesIsohalnseewI less s e sit- elftteethee-feet
ieees de s-esee sitel les h is illi sit s c ish ef iaeee ter, andspe t hee l sesties-se essicene
sutcuiv esswes-sehy- - s t- mod essnnounc-mets's «f eesiie sees
stdc tow eld the masjesty eel tile- ,1W a e CtlI 5tisle t se ele syls-sh
lehe choses stee calltit. s Althouigh s e I sis as- theea tru (rlie, Viesnna,
sees a ''ee' refo m setesesee ethsteIle e ( del 'issi es t e., tees c-gots, stesalo g fees'years
tie' goernorsh'ieedip, leis ntcoseer edi byii smesse;ises ele se' .- gemestcs,-why
eseeridical re-form-eeri, sandeloeshs- eeenee-heshld 5ness 'stiesor' let the Stue-
seitdsthele remarkessetathe is the e st jsent C"issile;seisle-isistie-pleper siee
>l s es' ccii Nlieesta e vs e r htests - 5 1 v eoa p sters ansetlet sll (Jestser-
Johntisoniiis nstlawisy-er, heit thertests"isee'.itu is rig o.5555comb tintosemake the
Nes-seesfi-cltadeaptabstility tee coniitionsei' le I scets iefef'eie. Isucth a eoesbllca-
teas le'becme exceinsgly seh es-se-stilI
regaerdltee the lass. i-otes estclels hisart
is ice hisewo srb i5s seo -eIIbythe eaet-
nses settle whchelee-is carryisng oneste'
poliiee.seesechief executiv e eelhletsahete.
Frobabliey thee real - ks's of letsccs
i5s serecsonsael charmn,-hice secusessfor
lilie the regard ofeelveryoewsetle cs-ie'
tee comeees ini touchl.
hisses its'-hotie's ionel swouecildscot lay
iteethflihe tlee s-st rteeicsitoftesnying
the finatl rtist o!'i sexeistesnce.
It iseast nlessriy let ele -i.pol the
asudit iies set tiei'.iciest pias lecy tare
lessee-si(l eel I she 1 see geese; d !".ice ots t
tee diistanclss se s tec onspeitior--stud
lihe tesuts ecis (iitteenteell~ce camn-
pt. iesdthesre-adcuhses. Were
l: tet isseoste osajobiniuester I should
noti laessewriethtentiehisbt as a loyal
Cesie scic'}, 'stelcseic ciest-s anI venture
tee setfer these tenes, hopesein oarouse a
Bhuiffalo, April 25.-Sheeai 1to lie genueseies t~estr i ice tieimeportant stilt-
Dailhy.-A speceial New Teens Centiral ject. eceeAe. STANEY-.
ttsainsarriedh Iere Itodasybeesrisng a ecys-________
teritsfbasuted castle. Ac theone peer-
chasedhby Uivisersity of MNhiiganisgrsad- c - use es-sF',c eel eels, 'MAYxvI$.
hese recentuly its the "Rhisne coeuntry' ts Ac thee NlatFetst i siterferes with
Insistso ee eethe only one eefuitskind ttiedelsIsfetie' citt debatse,it les seen
ice Ameerieca, this is csupposedetoInie I it.dterined'steeoieholdsiet is-ees ay iS. 'Three
it teas snt yet seen learnedheherewr ebr ftebor eepegd
the castle still remsainintiehiis city sr tetssu'elseeefhe csrte-ecpege,
ssitedefather west. No smothiveteas as he.- V, Ie-eeer etcnleerupreidesnt, P. B.
aet beeedscoveredfntotesucha purchse, Collhins, trea-seurer. andcI'. 1,(. Stevesnsosn
sner thse idetesity sof the anstiquce hunes. trisec thes'Alhea Nec.
Bohrys o R. Doors Open
;.land 2TECUNYFI 7:030 P. M.j