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January 09, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…14mm"M0 VOL. IV.-No. 68. UNIVERSITY OF MICI IGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1894. ALL VOTE TO DISBAND. day of last June came up, Michi- Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin gan's proposal for the redistribution and Northwestern Will Hence- of the medals, previously agreed forth Go It Alone. . - -Iupon, was accepted. This gives. The delegates of the Northwestern Michigan the championship with 52 Intercollegiate Association met in points, Wisconsin 45 po...…

January 10, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…OK . a . oc. TV-No. ('sit. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, iSP-i. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Vol,. TV.-No. 6 11). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANI ARY 0, 189 PRICE, THREE CENTS. PURR ATHLETICS. It would seem that these rules JANUARY INLANDER. will fully eliminate all kinds of pro-I A Number Devoted to the AthleticTo t A f Harvard Takes Action to Abolish. fessionalism. Five of Harvard's( Interests of the Uni- PrIsioaim Ipr-...…

January 11, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…of . a . OL. B. -No. 7~i. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TIIUGSI)AY, JANUARY 11, 1994. PRICE, THREE CENTS. VOL. IV.-NO. 1 0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANTTARY 111 I894. PRICE, THREE (TENTS. A NEW WRINKLE 'FOMORROW. The '96 Oracle is touchingly re- Will be on Sale in the Morning--Lar-ferdt in he dtoal ada ger and Better than Ever-The bird's-eye view of their prospective Wrinkle a Great Sucness. lomb-stone is sown in another col- Tiie i...…

January 12, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…. o _; J % 'VoL iV.No.71. NIVRSIT OF ICHGANF~iAY, ANURY 1, 184. RICE ThEE CNTS VOL. IV.-Nn. IN. ,I7NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANITARY 12, 1S94. PRICE? THREE CENTS. CO-EDS SHOULD TURN OUT.( petitioned congress in favor of the THE FACULTY CONCERT. To G eAuaJ --13th amendment. In ilfo she start- T ' And Hear Susan S. Anthony To- ed a petition in favor of leaving on t Civen Last Night at Frieze Memor-I morrow Night.-A Short Sketch pIg m...…

January 13, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…e . o .de, ot. I -N . i UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, J ANUTARY 13, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. IN HONOR OF ILLINOIS, support a crew this spring. Accord-j The S. C A. Give a Reception to the leg to the Commodore's statement,, Stud-:nts from the World's the navy starts the seasos fourteen Fair State. hundred diollars in debtwstll no lios tie SI. . hs iiaserepIloslpect of ]liquidatioo except by the pprobllemlto(1 iowintoc prov-ie more th...…

January 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…o ANAM w Vo0L. IV. -No . 7 3. UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN,I IN WOM AN'S BEHALF. first efforts in favor of suffrage in Susan B. Anthony Speaks Enter- New York state and the importance, tainingly uf Some Phases oe of that legislation which removed Woman Suffrag-e, the property qualifications. lThe emancipation ansi enfran- Ant audience of usual size assens- chisenment of the slaves was a politi- bledl Saturdaiy esvening to sear the cal necessity...…

January 16, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…A% 4M Aim AOL VOL. IV.--NO. 7 4. 1Vot.P/-No 74. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUAR~Y 16, 1894. THE SENIOR LAW ANNUAL. of subjects which the names signi- W ill be Published by the Class of fy : General literature, Messrs. Sinsis Ninety-Four-To be Called and Denisos; drawings and engrav- To-wit." ings, Messrs. Wollman, Walters and "or sone icmae the matter of a taller; college orgasizations,Mlessrs. sensor annual for the law depart- P...…

January 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…A6 VOL. IV.-No. 75. UT GRADUATES' CLUB. Purposes of the Proposed Organi- zation.-Important to the Graduate School, The movement for the organiza- tion of a graduates' club, now being NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. To urge attendance upon all gradu- FOR EQUAL RIGHTS. ate students ought scarcely to be iE Eminent Advocates of Woman Suf- necessary. frage Speak in Newberry The organizing meeting will tak...…

January 18, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…VO~~~L. v N.7f NVRIYO MCIATUSAJNAYis 84 RCTRECNS VOL. IV. -No. 7 6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 189 4. PRICE, THREE CENTS. MEETING OF THE REGENTS. placed at 2 o'clock a. m.,be :extend- A Resolution Looking Toward the ed. A motion was passed with- Completion of the Gym- drawing the tinme restriction made at nasium. last meeting. This is for both hops. Thle board isf regents omet yester- The Medical committee apiproved of d...…

January 19, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…tt* UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRII)AY, JANUARY 19, 1894. PRICE, THREE CEETS. 'V' O L. I V. -- 'No. 77. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANt ARY 19, 1894. PRICEI THREE CENTS. AN ART1sTIC SUCCESS. rendered an instrumental serenade THE DENTAL JOURNAL. ToG l/aA f The Art Recital Given by Professor fo iz.TeFrs ubrOtTmrow1 o G ~ I~aI foLiz.TeFrtNmeOuToorw Truebictad's Pupils an Enjoy- All the participants are pupils of Dental and Medical Student...…

January 20, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…c l. fit.i-c~in VOL. I. -NIL. 78. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 189 4. PRICE, THREE CENTS. NORTHWESTERN CHALLENGED The Article consisted of several To an Inter-University Debate, and pages a elwitnadatat =2W ill Probablyt Accept.-M 'chi- ed considerable attention among the gan's Propositions. legal fraternity of Michigan. In Thle following challenge clipped the last issue of the London (Log.) from the Northwestern, has been...…

January 22, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…1 r . of A& VOL. IV-No. 79). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,- GRADUATES ORGANIZE, The executive committee will An Interesting Meetirg Saturday have charge of the meetings of the Evening.-Organization club and has several projects in Effected. viewv for developing interest in the The meeting Saturday evening forditnivwotfthclb Me- the organization of a graduate club ings will be hlvd subject so tlse call seas attendled by about fifty sradu-oftecm...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…jc . a , t . ail n. VOL. IV. -NO. 84. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. PRELIMINARY CONTEST. able that this year on account of the "LINCOLN AS A LAWYER" Competitors Must Present Nms general interest manifested in the Will be the Subject of a Lecture by With Subiect of Oration by contests, the public will be admitted Judge Samuel C. Parks, Hisss February First. to the contest. -- 'r n lla- sgcine 4 _t...…

January 24, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…tt* ---------- . IaT . Vol. IV.-No. 81. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1894. PRICE) THREE CENTS. A SINCLE TAX LECTURE. is thoroughly wrapped up in his MORE LIGHT AND HEAT. TOGnie Aufai Fropositions in Political Economy subject. He illustrates his lec- A Crying Need at the U. of M.-May Stated by a Single Tax lures by means of charts, showing Lead to Establishment of an Advocate. Electric Plant. We have some fine lesd Penc...…

January 25, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…iLT ally 0 L. IV. -No. 'i2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. VOL. IV.-NO. 82. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, IS94. PRICE, THREE CENTS. MAY FESTIVAL. lawyers and will contain all the OUR HUMOROUS PAPER ( English cases ever reported that are Will be out Tomorrow and will con- A Grand Two-day Musical Festi - tain an Illustrated Col- val will be Held in May.-De- now of any practical value...…

January 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…Vol". IV. ---No. 8. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1894. PR~nE, THEEN CENTS. MR. POST s SECOND LECTURE. The exposition of the H-ery I OUR CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. _ -TO Gife Aufai - George theory by Mr. Pot was en-i The Inter-Collegiate Debate Wil be An Exposition of the "Single Tax" tertainingly clear, and famnishes a for the Next Two Years litMnti-lelpnilad by an Able Advocate andwihNrhetr.ehve:oufn lapeisad Earnest orker. Igood basi...…

January 27, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…'t je3,fil. ~ VOL. IV.-i o.S4]. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1S94. PRICE, THREE CENTS. .A GRAND ORGAN. Stops. Pipes. -Echo Orast---------------- 44 An Attempt Wit be Made to Secure Ptedal orga----------10 2000 the Farrandi and Votey Pine Cooper's ------------ tO1 Organ. isteohait'alacceossions------- C__ tOoination pistns----'----- 14 Coalbination Pedals---------5 One of tihe miost liberal offers Pedal amoveents-----------...…

January 29, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…I ASL all , 1. Jail . VOL. TV-NO. 85. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUrARY 29, 159-1. A GENEROUS GIFT. come to stay. Two thousand years The Law Departmenct Remembered, ago the ruling idea was redemption. C. H-. Buihi Leaves $10000 to At a later time God planteud the idea the Libsrary. of liherty in society, sod John H-lss, On the face of every law student' Martin Luther and Savonarola camne mcay lie seen a smile which is an in-frt as...…

January 30, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…e . o , 1. aid . Vol. IV.-No. 6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUAZRY 30, 1894. CHRISTIAN SOCIOLOGY- with the church. Secularism is an- THE INLAND LEAGUE. Discussed by Pro. Herron Beforearchy. labor is not a commodity Doctor Gibbes Relates His Experi- the Students' Christian no more than the souls of -men are ence with the cholera in Association, commodities. Society is the fulfill- Calcutta. ment of nature in man. Justice is Lasteve...…

January 31, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…tt* *0 or..IV.-No. 8ST. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUTARY 31, 1894. PICE, THREE (DENTS. AGREAT CONCERT. se' aos"onih oaa" TELBAYO IE o G ~ Wa1-- The Interpreter of Chop 'n Delights whicir with its mesmeric effect was QuicTWokiAertdeaSerousFir a Large Audience by His succeeded by Mendelsohrn's Stirring in the Library Building Last CIceaeoEfde aecisand Playing. "Rondo Capriccioso.''Inl execut-Nlti iii'ronsreay Friosm the audienc...…

February 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…r ~ f , ' . 1a 1 . T N Si. TV -No %. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, THUTRSD AY , FEBRIUIARTY1184 EETECN. YitICE, THREFt CENTS. THE LAWS' BENEFACTOR. and large mining interests in the! A CLEAR EXPOSITION. To G eAwa3 ipper enossa Of the "Christian Constitution of A Short Biographical Sketch of the In 1843 Mr. Bhl niarriedcit Mis Society" by Prof. Herron, Late Christian H. Bhl, of Iowa College. We iW is c -5f in, I cipencils aiid of Detroit. Caro...…

February 02, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…lac tt* o ,.L 8A L =111111dm A qa ig .1 iii VOL. IV.-No. 8P. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1594. THIS IS NO FAKE. receipts will go to the deserving MUSIC AT ITS BEST. u npoor. .The canvas used by the n~ The Concert Given by the Faculty of urRpVnWinkle Gymn is to be r omte Completed at Once.-An Exten- sor hop committee has been secured. the School of Music Last Night sion of the Law Course. Stabler has charge of thi ecora- the...…

February 03, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…lab, , ' t. a l . Vs.. IV.-No. ff0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1894. PEacE, THREE CENTS. ,()f,. IV.-No. 190. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY>, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. WHEN OUR "GYM" IS FINISHED, be absolutely worthless for wnomen OUR CONTEMPORARIES., o G ~ ~~ WeWi HveOn o te es nds some special provisioni will, of Impressions Gleaned ram a Vit. toToG ye uag the Country In Material necessity, have to be mad...…

February 05, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…of , 1. ail. VOL. IV.-No. 91. VOL. -No 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 84 RCTu~~CNS PRICE, Tiim ,, CENTS. THE CLOSING ADDRESS. ' trail was southwest througlh town to ORATORS FOR THE CONTEST. To Gii/'rtetolgtthneiie a~ Prof. Herron Speaks on "A Vision a point na h olgttec More Than Thirty to Cempete for of Life."--The Institute Suc- across countryfor half a mile, enter- the Honor of Representing t cessfully Concluded.thUnv...…

February 06, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…of 4kAN - , VOL. IV. -No,. 92. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 189 4. PRICE, THREE CENTS. SOME INTERESTING FIGURES from Ann Arbor who will be at- THE PUPILS' RECITAL. T R ariEthe Choral Union Duringtatdhr ilts tecpct f1m YersRare.-ngrctdlirewlltstthgapctyo As an Indication of the High Grade Its Five Yer'Cre.A the hall, and tirkets will not be of Instruction Given in the School ctiVe nce ine lead peedi Unparalleled Success. ...…

February 07, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

….- . of A&I AL .1d9omb-0 m1w VOL. IV.-No. 93d. UNIVERSITY OF MICHiIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 189 4. ATHLETIC RULES this board shall lie appointeil by the TRACK ATHLETICS IN THE WEST president of the University, to serve 1T Adopted by the Board of Regula-, until the next annual mneeting of the Plans For a Field-Meet in ChicagoI tion.-Southern and Eastern for the Western Chan- baseballTrips. jSenate or until their soccessors shallponip lib...…

February 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…t 1 ., ' f y - . ; ,' s : , , t ,''; ' VsOL. IV.-No. 9-4. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 189 EASTERN LAW SCHOOLS. laws here is connected with the Bos-1 A NEAT VALENTINE. too law school. I ?rof. Mechsem Describes the Man- The Next Number of Wrinkle to be agement co' the Eastern Law At Harvard, eight msen give theirJ Devoted to St. Valentine and Sclthools. entire time to the law schsool isnTe Daily. -- straction. Hitre, it is...…

February 09, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…le"77 ,, « it ' Vat,.TV-No. 95. UNIVERSITY OF MIG:HIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 18991. THE PIANOFORTE. ing hold first rank. The fornmer I AN IDEAL ARTIST. its Construction and Possibilities- pterfected thne iron harp-frasie, giv- EeyOewohshadSr ~a Prof. Stanleys's Lenture Last iag to it the requisite Strengtth and Hveiy nchohs PheaingMSongs, Nightv Well Received, resonance. Fewv tersons woulil Pronounc e Him Such. think that the strain on tine...…

February 10, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…rx; Afth. x fGr 4 %low Vf z. I V. NO. Of' ). VIL. TV-No.UIVER SITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1894. PIETRECNS PRICE, THREE CENTS. SUMMER INSTRUCTION. ners, by Mr. Reed. Primary and I seconidary batteries, by Professor Pat-~ ASynopsis of the Pro gram for the tesj aoaoy oki eea Summer Course of chmsryny-r ele.\-syis struction. Iceity yAr fge.Aayia _ ieceemistry and organic chemistry, ti The comnmitte oaving in charge)1r. Edwards....…

February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…VoL. IV.-No. :7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1894 PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE GREATEST SONG-SINGER. his masterly performance aroused WE ARE IN LINE. an enthusiasm which manifested Candidates for the Baseball Nine As a Pleasing High Grade Baritone C N ers.-ote.Promi- Singer Max Heinrich itself in imperative encores. Mr. are Numerous.-Some Promi- has ro Eoual Z.eitz is a finished artist in every nest Men. ieiisinini no velis sid Y...…

February 19, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…Vol,. l.-No. 198. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1894. PRICEi, THREE CENTS. THlE DETROIT CONVENTION. 'Republican members of Cosgress 1 AMATEUR ATHLETICS. To'ns'Gilute Ar ovaentff from tbe state wii also go witb the ° Foreign M~isions to ba held party. It will reach Detroit Wed- An International Congress of Ama- in ~~teurs.-To BrinE About Un- ehv oefnla Fecuad iDetroit. nesday night sod start on the return formity. acocuesrngc t i...…

February 20, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…of AMLIV Iti. VOL. IV.-\{o. 19. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1894. IETRECTS PRICE, THREE CENTS. HE TALKED OF MONEY. wedge which is to accomplish that THE DRAWING PARTY To basis. Given by the Sophomore Class Vet- Q. Prof. Taylor Discusses Some Re-, cent Phases of the Monetary Is silver, wheat, etc., falling or is ed a Great Success.-They Make Money. We hae somefine lcl pee'i System in the United States. gold rising? Gold...…

February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…V . [V.--No. 100. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY- length, involving as it does the pos- WASHINGTON'S WRINKLE sible loss to the United States ofTo GiVe Afa The Law Students will Celebrate Will be out Tomorrow.-The Laws the Thirty-fourth An- one hundred and twenty-five million are in it again, and are Hon- Wehavesomefine lead pencils and niversary' dollars. The subject matter is or...…

February 22, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…j c . o , . Dail . 'Sic. flY-No. 101. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Vol- IV.-No. 101. UNIVERSITY UE MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 189 4. PRICES THREE CENTS. SENIOR LIT CONTEST. the family, the church, business,I ONL DISGRACED. !T G " M r congestion of piopulation, politics,i A Freshman Banquet Results Fa- i ® The Class of Ninety-Four will be n'ie tally-One Dead and Sev- Represented by Mess...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…c . of AQ It's V()- IVi.-No. 102. .0 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1894. A MUSICAL NUMBER. The viola soloist, Mr. George The New York Philharmonic Ciub Sauer, has been a member of the Give a Concert in the S. L. A. Damrosch, Seidl and Boston Sym-E Course Tonight. phony orchestras. He is as artist' the New York Philharmonic club 'in whom the management takes give a concert tonight in the S. L. great pride. A. course. This ...…

February 24, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…fAdubw tt* 'Of 3, VOL. I V.-NO. l0 . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1894. PRICE, TEREE CENTS. I f BASEBALL MEN OUT. Short stop-H.- French, H. R. AN EXCELLENT CONCERT. To Gie A J Y ates, J. Condon, XX. W. Pepple.l The New York Philharmonic Club Practice Eegns Today in the Gym- -yield-Captain E. C. Shields, 11. Scores a Crest Success-The I nasiu m. -Candidates Are c s1 1.s I' Program Doubled. Weots esm ela ecl n Msany. 11....…

February 26, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-NO. 104. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 189. PRICE, THREE CENTS. SOPHOMORE ORATORS. in his gestures and style of delivery. INTERCOLLEGIATE LEAGUE. T i~eA aJ - -' ~The musical part of the programI New Rules Adopted-Milchigan Not. The Sophomore Competition in the was furnished b Miss Colton. Reresentedgby Delegates.- Oratorical Contest Won by hy Surplus Divided. ( 55' a elsomeFii, l 0 pnee isan Mr. F. P. Sadler. The decisi...…

February 27, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV-No. 105. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARTY 27, 1894. PRICE, TnRFFi CENTS. THE JUNIORS ORATE complete the class compettionss AHEICASCITO Equly in Governmental Powers rihe judges' markings are as fol- -morat Meting ofIAthe oa.rodG A of and mmiratin Pobles lws:Directors Plans for Future an mithoSubPcts.lems --.lows-:Action Decided Upon. 0,c oitn lw cu~l n is liti veI The board of directors of tiesa Last esening the juniors held c...…

February 28, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… , ' . ail. Voc. [V--No. lOb. UMYERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBIIUAIIY 2~, 1894. PRICE, ThREE CENTS. Vol- [V.--No. 100*. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2S, 189-f. PRICE, THREE CENTS. RENOWNED AS ORATORS "Shall Suffrage be Restrained?' was treated by Mr. J. N. Dasis in a The Junior Laws Make Their Debut in Oratorical Contests at masterly wayT, not refering to e\- the 0. uf M. tending tbe rigbt to women, but --r discusse...…

March 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…c . of . 1a . rear.. I V.-N o. 10"i. THE LAST OF THE SERIES. The 'Sanior Lawe Competition L Night in the Oratorical Contest. I large audience attended nan o' lawe oratorical contest isn law lectnre roomn last ni 70A. UNIVTERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MTARCH 1, 1594. noble thoughts filled the mntds of THE MARCH INLANDER. the ancient mtartyrs wino faced death A ie - ast !!AFn Literary Number-A Sugges- tn defeince of their btelief, hot tion fo...…

March 02, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…T4c U, V of ',r~ Yy : . r' :: Rye i b ln;,V d IV.l'.--No. 10. PRELIMINARY CONTEST. The Long Looked For Debate, Be- tween Members of the So. cieties. Tonight. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 2),1h94. society, connected with the Univer- MUSIC, SWEET MUSIC. sity, can boast of so long ais exist- The Concert Given by the Faculty ence. Oni its membership roll arei of the School of Music Enjoyed to be found the naises of mten1now by a Larg...…

March 03, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…a . a ls VOL. IV.-NO. 10',). Vet. IV.No. 03. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1594. INTER-SOCIETY DEBATE. 1 was, however, decided the best and WRINKLE MEETING. Messrs. Mays. Marlett and Lindsey Oiisi1ess. Selected tn Represent the Tise music for the evening was Univ'ersitv. 1very nmuch enjoyed. It seas furiss- Tae general isterest felt ini thej ed by Miss Llilae Vollasilsolo- intercoliesgiate dlebate seas maniest list; :, Ir. ...…

March 05, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…Vol.IV.--No. 110. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1894. PRIE, THREE CENTS. FIFTY MILE STONES PASSED. week or the first of next. These are NEED NOT BE AN ATHLETE the jury cases, which will be con- To be a Member of n Athletic Alpha Nu Literary Society Cele- ducted exactly the same as in an Team. So Says the Univer- tehaveome fine ied pecis and Orates the Semi-Centennial of its j Tam.sot Saysahe nlvrhs e, esseI FOundation.-A Bright Care...…

March 06, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

….o , . a . VOL. IV.-No. 111. THE [DEAL COMPOSER. Prof. Stanley's Lecture on Richardt Wagner. at Unity Club Last Evening. A good sized audience listened to a lecture at Unity club last evening by :Prof. Stanley, on Richard Wag- ner, the renowned artist of operatic consposition. At tisc lime of Wagner's birth, fstay so, 1813, the opera needed re- formsation, as it had become of such a character thsat people sesverely crit- cised it. Thsis gre...…

March 07, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…w VOL. IV.-l 'o. 112. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7,1 94. PRICE, THREE CENTS. STORM IN LAW DEPARTMENT. sess some of tine qualifications es-f A BENEFIT FOR ORATORY. EVERY U. OF M, STUDENT One Hundred and Eighty-five Jun- sc a najdei hscsa The Oratorical Association to beI'5aibi pI iors "Bolt" Prof. Griffin's Lect- do not live in either state interested Nut on a Financial Basis The storm clouds wvhichs have been i tutions involv...…

March 08, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…c . a Alk. j7j a VOL. TV-No. 113. LONG LIVE WRINKLE'. Another issue of this Popular; Publication Will Appear Tomor- row-A Good Number. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURISDAY, MARCH s, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. The number of Wrinkle which will appear tomorrow is equal to any which has ttsos far appeared. Sev- eral artictes of sinusuat note are pub- ished in ttse corrent number. The double page cartoon illustrat- iug the psopliiar soisg, Romeo...…

March 09, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…4c . of AT. EX-SENATOR INGALLS. He will Speak Tonight in the S. A. Course and His Subject is "Hard Times" UNZIWVERSITY OF MICHITGAN different departments and the High Lschool remains about the same as ' heretofore, although the apparent circulatioii of books is less than in Es.-Senator tngaits speaks to1 sonic previous registratitons, owing night in the S. L. A. Course.v e to the fact that so many books are give a short sketch of. his li...…

March 10, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 115. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. AN ELOQUENT LECTURE. population should go hungry be- A SHAKESPEARIAN LECTURE. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT cause there is too much to eat, that Dean McClintock, of Chicago Uni- Should by a copy of esento CisisCannot beta Cure the poor should want for fuel he- versity, will Appear in the In- mm ml by Govt. Legislation. cause the mines are too productive? land Leag...…

March 12, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…t't AL A& Alw mm mm m m MMW , ... VOL. I . N .116. IT1\TIVERSITY OF 11IICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 12, 189 4. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A VEITA-N LE 11E. T NIVEST FMCIAMNAMRH1f S4RCTRECNS A VERITABLE TREAT. spent in social intercourse, games, THE SCIENCE OF TEACHING. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT Such Was the Art Recital Saturday etc. The evening's pleasure was Prof. W. S. Perry, Superintendent of Should buy a copy of Night in Frieze Memorial much enhan...…

March 13, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…9dr4w U lot lie AdL VOL. IV.--No. 117. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,7 THE HiSTORY OF SIN form a reference and circulating A Very Interesting Lecture by Prof library free to everybody. McClintock in the In- Anyone who wishes may either land League" pay the price of a new book or give The lecture last evening in the a book he now possesses, and have inland League course by 1'rof. W Iis name placed in it as donor. I). McClintock, of Chicago Lni- I...…

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