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January 30, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-30

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Vol. IV.-No. 6.


CHRISTIAN SOCIOLOGY- with the church. Secularism is an- THE INLAND LEAGUE.
Discussed by Pro. Herron Beforearchy. labor is not a commodity Doctor Gibbes Relates His Experi-
the Students' Christian no more than the souls of -men are ence with the cholera in
Association, commodities. Society is the fulfill- Calcutta.
ment of nature in man. Justice is Lasteveninc Prof.HeneageGibbes
A fair sized audience greeted
thi mutualism of sacrifice. Law is addressed the Inland League on'
Prof. Herron last night in the sec- - - e
love speaking its mind. Law exe- Cholera and his experiences with it
oohisy. leursaun ''Chrnt rI cutes itself through sacrifice. Leg- in India. The Doctor speaks with
islation is anarchy until it partakes authority on this subject, as he was
not alive to the opportunity offered
, of the law of love. Our courts can- one of the cotimissioners sent by
by this course of lectures. The I
rnot become courts of justice until the English government to India to
reputation of Dr. Herron upon" this'thybcmcorsfremtinivsige
tiske is vorls i geatthey bet-ome courts of redlemptuon- investigate ansi study this fatal dis-
subject make his words of great , n td hsftlds
I'he Christ order of society reveals ease.
weight and importance to all con- ..
the simplicity of human relation. The investigations were carried
cerned in the welfare of the human'Theproblem of society sill be solve i
I epobm fsceywlbesvd on in both Bombay and Calcutta,
family. Last night's lecture was shen oie-teitiof the rtiirclsle-
able and schiolarly and full of ideasan coedaprid fthe
lieves really in Jesus Christ. If the mionths. The work consisted of ex-
tor all serious thinkers. ! church would cease its disputes amations of the discharge
animtios ofthediscargs, atid
The speaker introduced his sub- about metaphysics, and ecclesiasti- post mortem examinations of the
ject by expressing the belief that cal doctrines, and show men the organs affected. The comma bacil-
sociology anil theology will ulti- difference between right and wrong lus of Koch was found in the ma-
mately be one science, for unless as taught by Jesus, there would be jority of cases; but, besides this, a
all there is in God can be revealed no social problem. If we walk in large number of other bacilli, more
in man, theology and society have the light as He is in the light, soci- or less resembling the comita ba-
no foundation upon which to build. ety will be in unity. cillus, were also found. Typhical
This revelation came through Christ. The signs of the times Herald the cases of cholera have been observed
He showed that justice and mercy new era. Men are looking for the where the comma bacillus could not
are the same. new creation. Society is lcingb
Agai, scioogy s asciiiceof igbe found at all.
sgain, sociology is a science of sprinkled with the blood of our Sa- The best authorities do not be-
viour, and industry is on the road lieve that cholera is an infectious or
cross that sacrifice antIiot selfish- to Damascus. contagious disease. The soil and
ness is the law of life. Progress is
fThe tiesw rrder trill be itie oi in.. other Piecil cotiditiotis tire probably
Christian, for all progress is the evo- dirieuaesutdittwine onesofcin-jy
dividualism, but one in which we refponsible for it, and not the
lttion and fruit of sacrifice. Powers o rt
i sacrificeasshoswtiby the-edenp-shall all be members of one body. patient who is suffering with it.
i e When the new era is ushered in it Water seems to be the chief me-
ti:n through Christ, who established
will bear away the evils of society dium of infection, but the poison
wis isibleyerneafonation and bear in the thousand years of j may also be transmitted through the
wehich all gorernusent rests.
peace. clothing. It is not believed that
The social problenm is the call of --- the microbe travels through the air.
the State to become Christian. The For the May Festival. y
Sanitary measures are of the great-
Sgt is the crial or ranizatin

To Ghie Au/a .
vEhavntntt lute tlead pen is and
to any one Who wil ari for them.
e iant to see your fa(-e and -ie
yon a chanee to seenour-stee
Get-ntir ttti'- ieaiers,
51 SouthM ain St.
When yot wnt the LatestetropolitanStyles
of t t. :3 ,A4r St Sthoes at tc io hi a pair iee
titn Aun Aror prices sena for tatalogue to
101, 183-185 iWOniWA AVE.,
Received. 400tbs. f Fine Chocolate
Bon Bons.
We will ha ve one of the ltar<,e-t ca ndy sales
for the rest of this month ever known in tt v
eity uutAnniArbor.Co ynein- vhet our prices.
Candy delivered to any part of the city.
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST .
Second Jannaury Inivoice
TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. State St.
Gymnasium Suits,
Of Every Description at

,ate si s g 5V U i LI L .
The Sermon on the Mount is the
written constitution of the Divine
revelation of society. Men once be-
lieved that social ills could only be
remedied by kings ruling by Divine
right. Then Democracy was born,j
but it was a democracy of state
only. If democracy is good for the
state why is it not good for indus-
try? The assumption that capital
will not be governed by God's laws
is social anarchy. Property has a
right to protection, but it is not on
equality with the rights of man. A
man's right in property is not dif-
ferent from Jesus' right to his body.
No industrial concern has a right to
the protection of society without
taking upon it some social responsi-
Capital is a social creation. To
unite capital and labor for a repub-
lic of duty, the state must join hands

Prof. Stanley, with the energy
that characterizes all his iundertak-
ings, has secured for the May Fes-
tival the Boston Festival Orchestra
and the following eminent soloists:
Emma Juch and Rose Stewart, so-
pranos; Gertrude May Stein, con-
tralto; E. C. Towne, tenor; Max
Heinrich, baritone; Arthur Fried-
ham, pianist; Fritz Giese, 'celloist;
and Felix Winternitz, violinist.
With this array of talent the May
Festival promises to be a musical
event never before equalled in the
The Young Peoples' Vesper so-
ciety of St. Andrew's church will
hold a reception for the young
people of St. Andrew's congregation
on Thursday evening at 7:30 in Har-
ris hall. A musical and literary
program with tableaux will be given.


importance in preventing its
d, and also in checking an epi-
c. There is no doubt that fear
a very strong predisposing in-
ce. Diarrhea often precedes
ra, and, if allowed to go un-
ed, may suddenly develop into
.e Doctor believes that the men
give all their energies to their
whatever it be, and then de-
their spare time to outdoor
ation, such as fishing or hunt-
are less liable to cholera dis-
than those who, when their
s work is done, have nothing to
cise their minds or bodies.
own and the Univ. of Penn.
arranged a series of baseball
s. Two will be played at
tn this season and two at Phila-
hia next year.

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