Pubehed Daity (Sundays excepted) during
the College year. by
subscription price V.50 per year, invariably
ii adeanee Siegle copiea'.; cents. Subscrip-
ten may be left at the tee of the DAILY,
it Stofiet'a, with any of the editors or
authorized soicitors.
Communications shoiild reach the othot by
o'eclock P.M. if they are to appear the next
lay. Aiddress alt matter inteaded for publica-
iioa to the Managing Editor. All business
oemmoanicatioaa should be teat to tie Boat-
Ann Arbar, Hich.
tite board of Regents abking for titebtttlite cot for himself a notch of his
removal of that nieaniogiess tahict owon, higih upon the rock of fame,
over the entrantce to the 'gym'' anti snwhere lie will ever he knosvn as one
the suhstitutio.n of oln beariiig fthc of tihe greatest iasters. His hooks
nante of tile donor? are chiefly imazuirkas, itoctutrnes,
-- 1sciherztos and concertos.
W.are pleased to aninottnce the i ___&_
election of Miss Carrie V. Smitih to Oisly 4; oat of i~o candidates
a positiont itsTit.]l V staff. 'fTe I for admtission to West Point were
co-eeiutsv have two good represen- Isuccessful at the last entrance exam
tatives ott THE Dst t~v staff and they intations.
need not fear hnt their interests will__________________
he weell represented in 'roy D1s ttxY
coltunns. While Mliss Morley i
ahsent in Nese Mexico, Miss Jessie
Smith, '97,,sill take 1hcr position ott t 1
aod SHORTHAND. Magnficet builing;onine
teacr; lretedainlce;tgo"'didiscirlinre;nsiper-
iowok;wllsu~itreaiding riom; laileturs
Saturidayereiigi recertiios; tpn the riiie year
iixeptitooafcitiesfr', ling stent in iiposi-
tiiin'-shorithanidigiraduaeuriipaieea di.iin
b'or -Niectogue, addess,
EDITORS. the start. a~~"f55tL
i'. A. tc ies,, hen'lii, Maniagin~g bEitui,.
11 A. S'iNi 5,Lit. '114, Aoiiti. Chopin, the Noted Composer.
.I. Loiit:, Lt 95'i, Asistant. _
F 5.%tii L awtoo .'1, Assistant't(rie ii' e t king eft',''t itlty, , Mit0 .
J.. Litm , Lt (9, ,Atieth' Eli,,,'. Frederic "ranscois (hoipin whiose , 'r rotr leant'Atm .5 'ior tfly(0i"Ti111t
'iis, itioiroMigr. soisaethegvtsttt *f.Horsford s Acid Phosphate slonE=,eel'Iic
S . NtI , .11. it, Businss Maager. toetsic e a to e o ieo tsuc evero ig-s.'s1.0
Ismtlt. 1 itlxl Lit.
. 3.Ga. t'. . all teas otte of the several omaster cons- ttiteicse I ~ t ~ ''Trins r tin eo-nn teAi'l,'vi' nrt'yoli',t0
. I'ibcl'r . t MEDIC~~AL posers ltat have graced the psresent aisle remsedy in existence forn'Alli trains dait tsctl t su
F .yle, tlt. E. L. .liortiotetl . e ntry9le ea t ita. S. (tttt'tNWeOiit).Abet i Aittit
An s MHil'5,'lt. loia-is cnur. iiwsgon nis i onear .wS. H. IOEN Ic . v .A. Tledo.
to.r c iii}, pti't ioi~tinl~5iic. iastyaddit t9) 'i s'e'eitltittg indigestion, tandt-
- t'. ItC . Jenin, '94. 'i, a1sstotntecaewt itleio hs
asi oofe111as ihte ra iuitos iess iIl~ G Alcpy mnice tit hiie lefie),t*':30i,.iinsttsicalatss his ewas shtort, II E I~vtetlyiT 1.1'
ofti~lyo i istschi tos fwfrcsttsIdisot'dered tl ictcl. SATURDAY EVE., FEBRUARY 3.
The' B itoris dto nettiold., th 'isete,respon-
oerltl't, 8jotrn~g Cin~ th Ds'I,.
Now11 if stome one wvoiuld heqei~tath
fndslsu511fiicient to citelefeorltrall.
ftnisherd 'gym''-thte state's re-
Nit doeublthitt thtat a large noiumbher
of stitdents wiil attendl ttetie iacit-
years. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Srigfield, L
Trite to thtettsualc type of mu~sical Mess,,sys:'I valoe it as xan eocelleit A A X A
geits) t sa te1,la tparii~t ieveeaiveif ,eiesiiecn, .andiiapleasant BY AUGUSTUS I HOMAS.
antil early nmanifestedl his itnhIerentaciuat,,edrainki, w11,enplopterely dilte wtcili A -
powvrrs. At thte age of InineOheliedliati er, ad 'eelt''e'edri."' B tin (anft xt All Aln( H-
conilelled hiis liarents ity tis piv AralPy.
sioliato' love tuor rutusic to plo ietts'teih"Ot -Il rroIc,
first teach~er hteseas fortsuate entoui Rmodleia~ohrvier~htI t
tio have a idisciple of llach. AfiteI Ilfevc (o~ i iettWt eer
lie tad appearedl in pulic..lie wa ForSale by all Druggists. siilsegi'ee.1
never vain of his nlavin(y but w;1,; it- 1
itan concert tonight. 'Ihe concert terly indifferent tot his saccess.
wiiilibetile of the ht'st of thte sea- Coi a eypplro h
-- - _ _ stage, for Isis gentle astd senlsitive
'ii,. aistottocemsent of thse he- disiiosition ntadcelhittsbeloved of all.
qunest to the latv lihrary hroughst joy Chsopitn travelled mssucht in Gcrntatiy
to thec hearts of lase stadents, and antI "ratice giving chtaritahle con-
happy anticipationus of a large and certs in the largest cities. Mu ich of
ciimtplete libirary. his life woas spenit illIharis whlere lie
-was the centre of titesmuisical circle
I,, 11roe s a vacancy in the rere of that gay tmetriiolis.
sentation frott the dental depart- Chopitn sas equalliy great as aA ny-
ment, whtich is opeis to ctinpetition. tuoso and composer. lie cotmposedl
'fll whlo desire to cosipete for the with great rapidity, itdedt, ise iften
piosition shsoisld do so at once. imlprovised for hours at a time, anil
some of his hest wnorks arc thecse itsn-
\V:are gladl to assnoisnce todayI
Ilt lstu~fcioiset tarist sischproflPtO liroductionhs. lieseas very
lirf, taney ax cctredfortheirreguslar its his lahors, sonmetimtes
May Festival. Thse list is certainly sworkinthIe greater part of thse nighst I
a tise one atst is isidicative of the adtsndis oiigfrsek
sitccess of the Festival. aisti monthss. lie woulid oftets sake
from his sleep atsd lrussh to thse piatnt
MWve' received a comnstsca- to develop thsroughs the mediusns of a
tion in regard to thse sahit, wicld few chsords some inimatared fancy,
scene to he groswing. of leaving Uni- or resolve some imperfect harmsony.
versity Hall hefore thse close of en- Chsopin woas contemporary in part
tertainments. Thtis is certainly a wills Schumann, Wagner and Liszt,
practice to he deprecated. the latter heing his most intitmate
_____________ friend while in Faris. Chsopin he-
Wituti it not he well if a peti- longs to no schsool. He wan no-
tion was prepard for presentation to , hody's pupil and nohody's teacher,
205 ("utturtss SIt.
t ac f -oi e us
c')Re Ktel)e5,
T¢ 1IegeJoLiioI5adf'OofS
Roeirodutitictncf Per) aitInk
cuuhes e tutciicr orait'5.
/{ QCass PiLures
"-o f rtr aofheEaGeu t
oriuted. eto id in Cellei 1300I5k- Jourgela
keiI ~rd,5-'AeIu (ard-)cxD~eOrder,-
'-Ar4i,5ticPrrx e5
rrce~podence cied Z '5.