So80.MAIN ST. 1il0'1for l 11 a<Ma r.-- -AGENT FOR THE t4 fl t . LH
ECLIRLUDYDn'KiGlvs'MiChristy Hat. London. L. L- & A. Hat, warranted. R oelof's Hat. IITAP1tl lA
20 EA-n rIItUKtON S bEET. .\lso Deaernain Men's lDin nl-uiS1 -(, SoiltCU l-s. 1 tik a1.-.a logi
Goad Wa-k Guaalln~teed . Goos elled fo rStore Fl-0rUerly Occuwpeci by 'rwo e~. Cln olo oOa . "1b
andal lvread. A. F. tnOV tT, Prop. _____________________________
ervrri n tli11 ub a ( art010W. naa ilir0 itinS
22 years illEthe > lltess.m02 j U. 01" Al. CALENDAR. adi a ot- ojn ee~ill
CITY L.A.UNDRLY', Tn5 111 1 hr]lo lo o,-n nieter at oncfe, ill order nolt to mlake
X. Mf. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fonrth Ave.( by .lie InabsnalllUnive'rsity Hall, too nmuci confusion oln tine tast day.
KFFP YURA~tr)T\'P WT111011Tur., O)I.Fa. ut o-r reeM-Entries may be made at tile gtol.
+TATECH$AVIPG$ 8A121{"" ut.. Feb.11 bapila H R ei. P1Frile,-mallni I nansium at anv tiale. En'eryibn y who
ha 8 .i.C al iIland Ws.hingtona Strel-ta I l '-'3 : isn w wthtilesuad siloulid en r
A. 1111am 'NI 1,1.110. baller. IInr.,FO). ,t.-'9311 H llul. Ii 103avto '1~'
ST R-I-/ Fi., Peb: 1.-Itenilllby SMaa Hiriehin-I. lin some frace, or otiher.-Harvard
ST R1" 'sM A N RYiCoa ninS-rtes. ICrimosoa.
out orkand elie r".. ffie, J Eat. ltrThe Advocate Indignant.
folllollnlld 1l'llll'll0 (111cr 0111.1 111- 1111i-0 ___
111 S 10 ell1ea 11c. ___
1lso b 'In. Giibson, Il i latune II il: r -
Morgan & G ibpun.
t i5oa suare. Toy itlatdnalle lninal-
Yo il lllnevae rnl 1 i. Sntllaynmail 111011y
addrna'. Pc .1n Ol~lar. J0hN 1P. HOt,
125 Il.Lrki St., Cicgol, Illinois. tSnador innrl-
of thea otaalallasao Il ialllrlajl a..foioa-lfto say inl ragard to titedis- GRAND OPERA HOU SE.
r11110mi 0sa i f ofessiors antli inlstrulctors
-aInFavor of "T'o-wil.'" i ia ' i' attirltilS, ei n 11,filet i deiiry
CROWN511f1 .l tfilOtt: -lil i e a t t at llge fIIil' ter t 111. ts'ills tlI
11}_rtd . -trari t ea's I ld elland poI l apl, 0iii llof l Am eria
-l~ThegIll es fcfcones frn 1)111 h11n5f(1UutLS 11~ns
'ab Ils. S tllololo. 0011 a I Ii l- ilieitl ls Nlllll 1 lllilIwil e eeteut
DAN CIEL PN ndDE SR D"Ei-Saoneof bGrnd Sa pid,.O illre i ar . boadfthaloftiege tclwi tthf e e ar-~c 11 mb1500 l~
IN i1MACHINERY HAILatil ANCD ..jl were'CH111CtGO.lotrtalbt ilt it . i~lt p i s f 111ou1e.i te" tplys h tte
46 S 't ste 1tree . 1t lill is' seCl-eilanat iy: I L - 'I I I~~3BipL' . 1.h ma
510 NG C plo 11 .1 ls11111 I istruco11. tis C1hinted e 51m 701W.ti'hiat1 ntas1t 11'the~l(
;'A..011 lit.CH S. ,.DENI'S OSNb' il 11 ilitt01 lIt Iofli a itristt id l o r t h n d t o
so-ios O' li I Il. n~~l~l~l 11111110 t~l1/ llI frt in'i'111'I noes ith ii 0-igo r uh bolere oi a it-anr s.tiledIthat ittil aen t i ng,' 1 to el life llthr ofh Ciba
otlNN E W A D FO T R I e eisxilon-ioifthe senior law BSlissito aboi le ,:,iiiete 11 andi r it e~irca iltal'ff r 5 Il-ilow Nothlia-i110en teile Al~
461S.(tateltreeiii'pub i hlol r'tin'I t i a liil. I l rivessIits war relicsotitiiis1p0eIIudbce.
die ad (iile illh d tl -Iltbeen skepicallft heilstuc-lt ' ttlt11in1dilelitslll0 heart~l~si t :..'.111111-in"'a'lword, Illiis w Ill
l MO D:1 - p. n. tadies delartc t ias" CeS ofsucha 1)ibl c tiotlHitt Oll nd awariing s~nevlthla's 101'as 11tj aill aIra0n111 0ei l'sit il le Cntt weet
3 I i ii 111D11 il -10l a.t ilIl.tto llGentl111im0111'si dIllilnllls h'Clnit.
I I I i~hld o- ilel sa t ll itil h 11-C a111il tAvI 111 Dot f1oiy allt not .et lt lIct asC o tii taota i nk of hu 11111 ligt Siail iltt' llit
___p_ fr. C'ii_ ri_ nstluui__citts 1i110eanliroa - 1i 111ill are hoi h l rc e i g sGe l >o ayoul I1111 or-deri s -not l nelt ftri t ebtot 01
t__ t. Ldiestl_ ncl__r c __s_ 5i11 aO le. il ill al l btl 110- 10C
l :? I 1 i__________________________ 1 ti0111 5 itkillgiiven-slte ittheIll tspectatorcio" lO t l
0111 lsos yaponielt ndIc tni ill thse Ithal~t yon illt'11 tl li 5httroolbellt1 ~ U E O A S
,troll~ 1 k111 111ctie bIti tIC 11 classCm111e011111 le.itaUnder l act. i atolt4 ti nes ttf~ ht tn st h nei
'an'lll Itn alI - Io 1. iii,-IPptuchtlis. bl rl I ttO ab~ lit tse orwoul e 110-o c ll bta Ce III 1. ithst t e btl se
- anb--n the ldepartyent1s0a111e 111ocee ingtlli f poIt sti.1111 h l itaI'orth etatet
A. he.til11111 ove f It'll SON1 t ll ' rdi o tine t oGense of pet- I sft i rs aCnI5 ~ ti os i isa Ir I, lt ttail
Atiantie Es pt-nan. alt<aolhtspoay and record that it at eImtli s tihssid roaot 1111111 CIlf 11m lt le~~
10 it.o s lEaap-anco11dsgac. Stret.ln hpr tit ~rtne
blal 11 Ca 1' 5. 110 5. 1n1011 that trtifin ani ttfti il lt steiatu111rel is lllattlitI ltostesatctfl
N.Su111.Slrely0(0 0Intbo 01 tne ctiinae orttwt ~t1 in ch, g tI ti i .5ofi theIb ril oo.
advetise,1th t yN F Ileeiv011ary1 tiC eIC 1Sficf iorti or. 1 S uh r:i)lfe 'i"wt h uia
N.u S.Lwie - 00 'lll sor. ilt o e ipythe a r e r riining jnt oo r ntsc.t ataymbeI- A. E in t.withC:aIlt toie (otdendEag Ehesnnas, Hwi 55'.lnHncsno.
0. . ' Ptl~a~l. Ann Asl Aror petrfors heti e ndoorgisotit ite.13111,of tatth L;eterry Come tted a- Nbtltg indeella vermitabslt e ratite
"________ ('thas dne olt.el1fo1ou1wh mold tookit "mr las' a to i t a
loinAttieti asociaiol to e 111 l ~ ie liaha otkeptsl ess wit h sotort]a-bit Cintt tillis soulst enti' ltadoex stid aed
wthbrllan torits andeiftecnanibel's' bli j ae teaodsIaof -tahit r now itevogue. iigasta t).'laI ith o111 aip lt CI
T( ieto y t pe s'oo e itt o Lnt iars 1 aisn t y.ioba b fl gndiceven10 111ittti11 N11111 akLO 111A tgSo.
Tie1ail(Rvd)TNo..T Wll, 819:. j i ts tea n ae l ttt ti'ritstotbednta ho us1110d1timeslta mofrelbillt ie 0 1),bteen111i-'itIi11t' treelandWiv-
Y o'ars ti llsincerelyigo ot siti Ii ("iltock, e1t111 in.t('e librty to ertween
-tt QTTS wt. iriant'li. tnc rts els n s lttoie ncuP the iexlpentCse ofaf e n t~ the,'iIi' 11i15'ill ddo ntown a S 1 it lii
D. . xprss... ); 1, . V & c. il. 7;iiile list tan be st o shnat otsa -toar 'en'll iCtNI-aicip'iFindert wlltpolase
Sotanim x sad .saeaPirtytleC3 etoaei reoni totl'hfr 011 ootIatf 11 u tbeC t t rt oI'llbyit, . Tt, ortt411N. Slae
Pasi Eat' x1. . . 945-1 N.S. Lmtd..13' The rac1 Athleisareet ovrdti e oiin itte nty intsmeja vatrdl ins t reoet. r-t2S
tte Valto areeligble.x't.e1larg st siedbtite.anteighlt tofbt all tyld- lomrie a psa mteotiekues aCoOia
CaL adSESxp.. DANCING G 1R. 1 a leml nG08 I'of Nevcaon.idateesttforrtheerottt Oas, t \toile 31111 I~ti\i. )tlt oreppy a
N.Y.&tiownIGenlemnSoari..ani508 InnibeChetiesN.wittrtie 8:)Uttetime Whese o ,ifawtikto ho.noOar. 1111 'ior g.,'ate
N.S.dTiady III.tg103131;acifiEpes.. iiii3H aven trieersttatuetraiineingwiiust aetreas. A . t ,.ARtob e,&.ofti ieGlt. E gl
©fe.oaW . RG L adico Ha W.dHYS.ene, -- C admot ad ttf nlte ot It te pit 4 ite est.11 r lotin loro ulseIt ietr iwill bea t ti-
l.ay ens Tgt S 01101k. G~astlt la. nn A -r. ya fr tela nda owrin(fr rtange o ttte W ' Liar oi k SCtelioifi ttik teitIlost-towortaten J1111 30,tth at
ttondAthleti'faasanciationmltot ba siveoi'',In wtiltsite o treas eabtate wo orkof at1.111 ttnetl' s.le fcoc ~it
P TlnHaEirAN yadsaRd 100 yatt O i teti, ntkit Ii M f ttt titll alltopportu.nit t
lastryar tointerherehincatildfrom e eacrkof ratvtwtetthe teather it IvTa tfail Ill
PRINT NG a~d" scoolSor kefel)aresiti o odretS. ee, bitemIShencl l icteCo gettoutogatt-
acr.ardle chieftres 'ttfentestttner o s on wcatitot ube e t toa glts, litiet borl ricIe. os i
w ' i te ea rgcerithis e y er sEtrif es duciite farko tgn lytoonut.r iread- bt~ka toOlith at S teabe'tween Stat
t~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~lai s't. a-nd >tI t I' t.'. dean . n raslotejac"otensititerviriitigitret
Hrdqllttota hil . wit loe2a. 1 tennaoy. t ar.tgeircthtedecpoticrsedaTite 'wvork is a ti Ai r ta i 1)e orsIa
l~attropalredy ins tne banks on to o notie on2tpe sj, ifely ires lih etl ittli )h .. Jieie o
G R N G R S 'th rc ,asth rear ig t r in bhon l naacioti t, tie apicejfu wt en is- u~led. sr.o. es8stttSret2 -
25los C A S. onteAmen, - AN n Arbo.1whcnum e fentries areltobe iniad E hie L i ell-known g 01 11)tig ttt.S. r eeI o, iiltiaitAg.,Told