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MMW , ...
VOL. I . N .116.
A VERITABLE TREAT. spent in social intercourse, games, THE SCIENCE OF TEACHING. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT
Such Was the Art Recital Saturday etc. The evening's pleasure was Prof. W. S. Perry, Superintendent of Should buy a copy of
Night in Frieze Memorial much enhanced by the vocal solo of the Ann Arbor Schools, Dis-
in by ~~cusses this Question. f YTL
H-iail. ! HMiss Cranston and a selection by Tr
The address at Newberry hallo
'ise second art recital of the sea- Messrs. Ewing, Pratt and Taylor of S
Sunday morning was given by Prof. BtsrlyLwI.eeitt
son at Frieze Memorial hall, Satur- the University Banjo club. Re- Mu-i. y Lvw t. Ciemiit.
W. S. Perry, on the Profession of Da:nce b~y Ross Granger,
day evening, drew almost as large a freshments were served. The last
~~,Teaching. 2The prettie, t JTaltz shier * Aaft Wiecder-
house as the first, at which no ad- feature was the 'conversation party' T cin sIdib iehen.s Tibbe suer "Aih 15eh
- aEducation is in nlo danger of be- I whent." Oristilt fafier lfti,(l .9
mission fee was charged. The affair upon assigned, topics. "Ham-ci
was a highly finished entertainment mocks'' and college engagements coming an effete scienceItoffers d5 SbO uth i t.
8 3 a broad field for investigation and
that could but command close at- seemed to appeal most strongly tod.o51SouthMainSt.
tention and appreciation. the average '95's heart. It is to be
tentiocsi tasked the greatest minds. The
Miss Maxon's work was through- deloreu that she 'le class cons-
: profession is not without its honors.
ot of a high ciarac te, aid in this nuttee iakes such strenuous effortsp s.
out f ahighchaacte, ad inthi i he supreme court of public opin-
debut she has made a very favorable to advance the social interests of ' t us
iii tier i classssal the class floes ntion has placed the name of ' estal-
5 erc sozzi above that of Napoleon.
voice allows good effect on heavy show its appreciation by turning out 's most ' ess of
passages, and enables le' to issier in larger numbers at these social Thii5mosiportaitbusis
the world demands, first, high schol-
sonate anguish, revenge. despair gatherings. - s t
-s-- + arisip. It is not the field for those
and appeal with power. Not More, but Less. sso lack nateriat ability and fail in wi. .cmsieeLaiestviunsn lau tyis
The program was openedwith anfrerenavs e , 4 r oes at i6,to sl5 a pit tes-
Airepresentativeiofi vT E AILu in- other professions. Second, with-- less Anet Arbor irie- send for cataieue it
organ solo by -se I r. eClelan terviewed a member of the adminis- out a knowledge of the philosophy
which was received with moderate tration board of the faculty, last and art, of teaching, no one is prop-
interest. Miss Maxon then 'p - eek, relative to the number of erly equipped for the work. The . "
peared in "Sergtus and the Lion," 101, 1S3-1 S5 woot~w kii Av L.
conditions sent out. The reports claims upon the state of Michigan DitIT, -n i IiiiiIG.A
ain adaptatioss by~ Prof.i eiruebooo PT li tIN
in all the sapers were found to be for a complete school of pedagogy
from "The Princess of India."
greatly exaggerated owiig to the at the University are as great as for
Miss Ferre ipersinateud this C 0 fact that the newspaper men were the schools of law or medicine.
t imposed upon by a misstatement of Third, the teacher must be inspired
Clush'' ithi fine chasges ass et as-i
Ca s the facts by those wiio were sup- by a high moral purpose. His life
ig efict, after ivsichs 'iss easH posed to bear grievances. The fact must be a model, because the chief
rendered a socal solo.is that greater care has been ever- ains of the school is the formation Artistic Photographer, 6E. HURON ST.
The selections frois the tariff cised under the regime of the ad- of character based upon ethical
speeches of Congressmen eed and FRESH ASSORTMENT
i i nitrtia b nad hkvi h i z n pi rtiniles_
mnnsra ive Duarci, wicn is a new
Wilson svere well receivedi by- the eature this year, than ever before
audience. Both Messrs. May and as the statistics will show:- Last
the are to be complimented on year soco conditions were sent out;
their delivery. this year but 706; 72 were put on
The piano solo from Liszt by Mliss probation last year; this year 1S; 17
Fisk was rendered with expression were dismissed last year compared
and was received with applause. with this year.
Part two of the program was a (nly sixty-six varnieg notices
dramatic effort, and consisted of were mailed to parents instead of
three scenes from "The Lady of the large number reported. Mis-
Lyons." Miss Maxon as Pauline. takes may have been made in indi-
and Miss Ferre, Miss Thomson, Alr vidual cases but extra care seems to
fussily, I'. F. Halt, Mr. Quarles.have been used to avoid such.
and R. F. Hall constituted the cast Base Bail Men Outdoors.
of characters. It would be difficult The first outdoor work of the sea-
to suggest any improvements in the son was begun here last Saturday,
rendition of these parts, and each Capt. Shields set the baseball can-
actor in turn deserves favorable didates at work on the campus.
Over sixty men were out and were
comment.given practice in batting for about
an hour, the pitchers and catchers
Sophomore Social-.o.7,.x
b isukiadcl ii h
priu plr.
The teacher must believe in the
nobility of his calling. It is im-
moral to make it merely a stepping
stone to another profession. Upon
our 350,ooo educators depend the
prosperity and safety of the Repub-
- -JcST R2cEsveED AT-
TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. State St.
I th-e-^ c " eges Weight, 2s pouinds-with elincher (G. & J.)
Athletics in the Colleges. tires-for $85.00 is the snsation of the
Outdoor practice is the order ev- hour. See it in the window of
erywhere and in all branches of ath-
letics. Nearly every college in the
country has had or is just about to
have an indoor meet and track men
are now getting out upon the track
and field. In the East the crews
are beginning to take rows outdoors.
Harvard's crew was the first, get-
ting out last Monday. Harvard's
baseball men got out on the field
Tuesday, Yale's on Wednesday,
while Pennsylvania's men have been
out for a week. The first game of
the season was played between the
first'and second nines of the U. of
P., last Monday.
Mr. Lloyd gives the, first quiz in
course 2, in philosophy, Wednesday
morning at 8 o'clock.
Suits and Gymnasium Sup-
You sire invited to examine stock and prices.
The sophomore social on Satur-
day evening at Newberry hall, was
a marked success notwithstanding1
that a comparative small number
were present.
Mrs. Dr. MacLachlan and Mrs.'
Major Soule chaperoned the party.
The early part of the evening was
eing wor ea separately n the
gymnasium. After practice, the en-
tire squad turned out for a run of
about a mile and a half. It seems
quite probable that very little more
work will have to be done inside.
This is considerably earlier than
outdoor practice has been begun
heretofore. Last year the baseball
candidates came out on March 24th,
just two weeks later than this year.