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February 26, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-26

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SOPHOMORE ORATORS. in his gestures and style of delivery. INTERCOLLEGIATE LEAGUE. T i~eA aJ
- -' ~The musical part of the programI New Rules Adopted-Milchigan Not.
The Sophomore Competition in the was furnished b Miss Colton. Reresentedgby Delegates.-
Oratorical Contest Won by hy Surplus Divided. ( 55' a elsomeFii, l 0 pnee isan
Mr. F. P. Sadler. The decision of the judges giving 'le nul etngo heitr wane tt il 'all to ;e wA
--ml htiteetd Duin eMr. Samlel thefirst place and DMr. Te aulmeigo h e- teury ne tonel rlfr hm
AsalbtitrseauineStearns second, met with the ap- colgaeAatu tltc soi- wgwattic ou aead ve
listened to the Sophomore orators proval of most of the audience.tinwsIldSurainevYrk aeSecinseotn,
Satarday evening in room 24. lTe marks are given elosw: dlgtshigpeetfot s
The first speaker, MIr. .P'.Sadler, jIIerst, gown, College ity of'ew ~ ~ ~ ia
shoaved in his forcihle delivery analI Tho ht I Yolvey rkColumia, CornellDeaeoree
easy manner thse benefits to he dent 'ass'town,iarvara, Lafayette, Liaevet-5 Sut Main est.
= sit1* of New Yor, Princeton, Rai-
sal from the courses in elocution and gesStvnaarlaoeiao, -
oratory. '
Its the truatmentaloflinsaahbject, '51« - nal 'ale. i
1iraat,'ligaeasec ofsa. Ic.. .2 at 3 i ata1ito The election tf oficers resuled
the life, charactersald sissiona tf tiiauee _. _aa.aa-a ss itthe choice of sian following:
that "'typical iFrenchmnan o ths e tanus. . .1f a a a al is lresu itlie-, 1)sitt'ieelariglt, Hat.
ae of tevolution.'' Mirabean was . advc-rsitdint, C.B uns,
the one man in lTrance whso appreciat- Colege Journalists will Feast. Swarthmasore; secretary, 1. IP. An-
e th dagrof the threatening A meeting of-rdresenaie fdes, Cornell; treasurer, A. N.
Tracy Rival fraterniies created wheat ouajiitteaettetrpataieStlea
-toms, le alone sunderstood svlat all the etollege papers anti annuals y' o s., i. *t aet55toeste to ttairaate 'te.
qaite a fight over tsoelhoice of an ta AaanaAbar ptactes seat farrCtalogae ta
foram of governnment was suited to was held Saturday afternootn in rooam eeatv omtehtteflo
the French people. lie realizedl 24. A goodly numher of the col- eeuiecmite u h olw
tisatepulrepuh enoic orniaredanot hornunalsin taendayd alege injournalistschosnattendedle MaandHall ckatheensingnisoereset finallyIS-1c5sosen: Wade, YaleRON AW
and hecause lie knew that France journals swere represented. The Maky
needed a strongly centralized goy- imeeting was called at the stggestion '2ndrises U.soed NewusnY ork. isETOMIHGN
ernment, lie favored a monarclsy of the editorial oard of 'The Cas- ruleprpwent tanghewtsatotea
based on tdemocratic principles. As talian to make arrangements for a chaes we aletroposewith atcarl
an orator, ise aimed not at nicety of anquet. The proposition saettestan es Vaeposdthtac
aiction, hbut at tte hearts of his hearty support of all wvhot attendedl contestant shall have een in attend-
herratadly his matchess rio- and represented tanelhundreal jour- ance t te college froasaswhicha ta
hearerscompeets all of te current year.
quence he swayed liar assemly tat nalists in te U~niersity. A com- This ways altered so anso realuire all Atsi htgahr 6E UO T
aloIss aidig.mittee o he made up of tawo em- comttiors o hate bhent entered its
Mr. Stearans spoke on "'Restrictedat Irs of tan editorial oards of each their collega' 'since Ocetoer i5flasts a Sondl JnuryInt vluoice
Saslrae.''His voice was good hutj college puablication wiliave all te p as t.'' -a-
hi syl acedeery ni isgs- jarnTashsfoetrhaaar 'irsprinters oabjected to te pro- Ov j. y'
firsstye lcke enrgyandhis5 ( rragemntsforthebanuetin oa to put te trial heats of slrnass
suies wtere not te most graceful. charge anal will meet fororganizatio in te forenoon and finals inite at- 5p't+ jOOJ.7
Isis line of argunent wsa logical next Saturday night. ternoon, claling that te snap t-a-
and clear. tUnivursal saffrageris +- ---woutld e taken outcf temn before ,rLTiTLE'S, -K45 5 5mbS.
resonslal fo th corait cn Baseball Practice Begn. the finals. After a latng discussion,
diion of politics. lIncompetence s Saturtay sass'nearly fiftyueis onpsitu rules were amndedal s nto Tutheandng cdmes:art eda
tals a slr smr sass uti casaci? tatd a ste yisuasuntreay ~laace field sports in liar uorn''gtherInendngnAnademans
putonthesae bsi wih apait, lan atth gynnstu radytotil there are only five conpttors in j\WA A ! OXFOR"D
an thetlr univrsal law of ieusaualty egit asehalilracie. Iesites earls even. T'hunaitswas teciedto s uba"lshs iaats, a'i'iaitio a ofa aj i'as
whiciehtis reeoniieeainitsall tiractatcal tir fifty-Ito ocandidates whose names Ilace thae 40 yandrunraattral lueats in 1Grau" cr'),gArasttemy tA, o i tbe
mtters, is disregarae tei m- piearetd in Saturday's I) il, auite temonaisitg ast, likeswise te first ~e x << <~i iftntaraiu
-fortat tfunctian oftat "tanci a iniumber of anewvcandidates lresen- trial of anyotaster races rea iiuaasg 'a a' a" .a , rto a~ mt <t ~i - c at ue'.'a:,
Ref 'orna sill casntectatly hy retrict edithtensevs, andthsurtatal itumer two fials. uta'a'
Printceton's amendentnab'rn-
in(, stffrage las such an possess it era aof cadiates sill lac rutupse-narr throstingaacateena x.Itra
aiti aimouni tfedti nan avter asity' anth seertya. 'T'ledeciudealthat the hamsme lto
itncomearsuf'ficient toinsaautaetheairnanmes of thue ew candidates swiltarless Ilhanites oundslwseght,
interest its thurmaisnatenanicae of itsw. aisiaar intoamsorrowsassue. itcuding hluaahe, atari aot to exceed A SEBLlO D
four feet in length. Comtpetior B . O D
ohDlr. hl.inger's subject wsa, "WXhat Captain Shields hut te ment to B S may assumne any position hr pleases. E .LL
ofAmerica?' Anmericat haid safely sork pronmptly anti they were keist The treasurer's report sowed thur
pased a anhur of crises its her his- as it for oter an or. The interior tatal receilatssere 5,aa5, and u-x- Suits anti tGyissossistiti1 Suip-
tory, hut star sill escape tie fate o of the "ig gyn," enclosead in can- penditures $3,684, laviig a alane
(.rece, Carthage anti Romea only tis, maks a very ruspectahle cagei of ig$, 3ir, when icae to divid-ises
by he ocil, iorl ad itelectalandoneof oodsiz, yt te nm-ingth surplus, the larger colleges
by he ocalmorl nd nteletua an oe o god ize ye te nm-wanted is divided in a ratio siths te Youar e tiited 'o e.a::iuc soo0id priatest.
uplifting of the people. America er of candidates may snake i numer of starters. T1his sas pro-
is than "New Atlantis" of Sir Thomas necessary to sork them in sauads. tested against by te smaller col- - -
Mlore's imagination. Asia was the 'here are so many out for the teens lges, on the ground that the larger w-E 9&
root, hurope the stock; America is that there will necessarily e a great colleges near at hand could thus
the lowr ad dstind t bethedealof eedngand he en hattake a lion's share of the receipts.
thedoeran dstiedtohelir dalofwedig,n h mnta Accordingly, the money sill still e UNI IJR SI[IjY BOOK TORE
fruit of civilization,.stork hard and faithfully sill e the equally divided among the compet-
There is room for improvement men who will get the places. lg colleges. STATE STEE, ANN ARtBO.

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