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February 26, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-26

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Pultished Daily (C annuay excpteat) duriat;
the olliee oat-aso
Ali copy inat',be' at the oftice before vati t.m
of thetdaty ot publicatiaon.
St :aNnt 0EaITO'Ri'sS FCrE:1-l017', a 'he
Mttaniag Fditort'mauy b ti ttti a:t tarImF ,f
aotie('tt ht'tttioainglatr:ttt' ontiy. iteate--
lay atndtFr'taay, frot ttito'clockh, p. a. 1Ev-
et'yt -eniattnaom730 1ot6 f.am.

by stories anti music. Miss Coltos
gave a very pretty story estitled
'St. Valentine's Day.'' Raleiglh r
Nelson ;old a lhighly' ingenins and
facetiou:; story about a"WIillie '"Thorni-
ton's Idlealistn"' in which by his ex-
celletit imitations audits personations
lie kept the audiience full of tairth.
:Miss Ritciards gave a highly ittlagi-
tative story abottt Cecile's experi-
ettee si thIsexamnaions andl lyptto-l

'ui L " ar.aE ,
6"Yft t_
1 'pll

T~fAqOU" U Y1SFIN HOSE- tismt. 'tot. Scott recited a choice j __________ls. . n %aA10 REYS
specimen of origitial verse written pSiISED.Ws
Cot t'ert'rtITI-N for 1)0Si titnson 're- I some years ago.ze a ®e ee BR
o ?aic tf si g i tttsti McMillant Indoor Contest. ~ a'
good material, Let everyone wvho -- do tA5IE AN
cares to try fair a place on Ti.t seneibr:f h c lai o"""-""
i)ttv btlegina work at otnce. Coto- gy--an R liidther ecnd ttlor
petition is open5 to co-eds as iwell ascttetStra afvnoi t4
rien. See the managing editor re- o'lok.'Ee ir evnt oi Yt VSPEEJAL *i., r~z rartc-eiaut vt i l' :coa 'Jm at e mEof all ref.
gareling the tattire oftl'thework. p,,niii ,ei eletc vi-~I~rnnLbaetc'N~ a ~s1' s'IEP~ ITNIA
ners, were as follos: we are able to place that jreat it a ' '-wt.i~i 'alt cilotr readers. 4Tbe
IN tte report of ite Newe \ork Standinig hight kick-I lertittati, eiinw fe si tar~ cpai' se n
hitattti cith*lame Octavo volumes if over 9i ' II i j c fr 1r7r~,ad8,000,00C
hI armnicclu 'inSatuirday's 'lent; Huttchitisoit, ecnd. tivialltii words. It contains 90amtps pri ?a tzu ors55, asratetigvery country of thc
Doat t. a statetttLettwnas mude which f in i. world, and separate meais cf eve'>' t_- ,eio the Litin. It contains every
toighit he misinterpretedl. It ivans taralledl bar clip - M\atttilardlt, topic in the original Edintiurgh1edittin nud i ofpt or c 4,000i noted
stated that Pirof. Zvitz. stutdiedtl al//i first; Hlavenahill, second; 20 titmes., people, living and dead, notlat ti;etein0ainy ott rCUtaitl
Mr itrosi. hti iott e Sadtghg tm brrn-I Without parallel in tte ha ok ofedactlton,' Inctr priasas stauds our offe.
sai tht heystuie toethr s be irs Iitcrinon ecnd'ftto our thousands of tise', ~iat irt'Vletsrs lau Willats nevrer been made
sai tta teystichd ogthr s befist Iiteltnsti tcotl 4 I before. snd should hive youre c raItta acoideraition . tver teader, therefore
sttudetits. In tour estimation Mr. 7-,4 in. is earnestly soltctted tD.0"c the tcrar. o to thtar offer that its importance
Xiii far exceeds ls.r. :tareossatn as Puttinig n6 lb. shot-Huntchinsoti. and liberality deservesa it insOtt--i for a lited ptiiod only. It meant
atn artist, first; Havenhilli, necondl. Distance, that the best and mst expenrslie :cscmi idsac wituin easy teach of even
28f.ai.the boys and eirls-,v7{3"tx tut' ?insa 'bits of economy
Ntthat a ttatnquet of tie college for that noblest of ,'1 p'.! , .-_- catac f.4 C. -ake of n cducation.,
jiicta it ttbrt ieeetl id Runtning breoadl jtttp-Htlicitin- Just think of itA rtx a
sons,fient; LeRaty, second. lit-
oupont, evey effort shouldlhe tmatde tat1 t f
to mate it sticcessfulinit all respects. .- -I
We ace certainth iat a l).nal et wvill 'Te Rev. Dr. Hollatialsitote at frtesotp ida 's;toiiJE N~
Iiotivsote idr '1 EVSDet the Itearty appriocal o1feeey-ISt. .\ndrewvs chuirchi last nigiti ottn OPDAI p ''' ' i"t.iu "oves ever
tate wiho is itt any wvtcotnnected "DitieeIuan." Twoa tiore lecture' department of a t.at cut tny othex
wsithicaillege.' oat etals or atittuals. will lie giventitt the series this iweek library--no sao wL,',:, };,
let eveeryotai, thierefore oali t H arris htatl. 'ITe subjects are G
hst we i~tto ittatie the haiet t a .\MitdosimerNight's DrSeam"tan'dtii 7 a .t
stuccess. "Mortality.:tO re ' c' bogsresd
('acua~ailt h tuteuu;the eutireoyt o .:0 . _ vt"'athe rate of
ifth asebt all initerests0 oenttaedatisi-t ' 1-..-savings bank
es-ieiitte f* will be sent wttt ti t e each day.
teactic ini at'gytinnasiiiiii ei srogyi li we" ae wtit ill
rules ts'iict lav luecn atyLeare crlast for yeas. r®tz ldivaered t
nott eigid, but at tiii'samuue 'unme strict - su ade--'i"
enauog itto si't'rt r gcc rit n itprac-T'tisi a peal o ffe acte ilii y itoiteraders a of.i tt, t , nii aml tilIt
l_,-lot 'sfoeel's acid Phenrthabf min ipentifor ail imiitid tiiiiaonily.

tace, swhichiiis thee thttig ttto ' a a aaa aaayaaaa
iinsisteid upoittfi a winniing teami is to
lie aevotetld" oiut of the large num- Is the moicst effettiv'etitnd agree-
lie of candidates. It would seem able remiedy its existence fot'
that trwo first-class nines can be got-
ten tagettier ivithtoutt aniy great effort psrevetting iniigestoss, atnd se-
if the proper utethiotds are pursued. ileving" those disefsls arising
Wolverines Entertained. frotm a disor'dered stonmacli.


Cu hsOi n edto/seISt Atv.it''ut' 'it t. rst,
1,riiilliai, tt ilt ici scibe, lot/iether 'thiyour fi asttcaiiji Iaio"fi',~ r wicah
.1 eiiiltoi fO)w Ilaiti, and j'tuuita'eiiji'ictoisrcm iit 10 ti ails' t a 1 as uuiiuaitto Pat
sutaialnuaiths un cctil the ci saaintinaj .'at.0ti)isi'ilaj jit.

Michigan turned ot in torce at
the receptiota Saturday evening.
Fully thieve hunidredl and fifty of
her sons and daughters ivere there
to msake neivactquaintances and to
enjoy thtemselves an in possible on
sucta ata orcain waaeat aaa aua'tanifaily

Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springtield,
Stats., says: "aI value it as n exelelent
preventtive nf indigestiona, and a ptleasntt
acidulated drink when propeirly dilutetd with
wateranad tiweetened"

and restraint is throiwn asaid. Desriptive pamtphlet free oat aptltleadio to I
Rtumford ChiemiaWorks, Providence,.I.
:after an hour anti a half of visit- Beare itf Stbtititas and Imiltationat.
intg the crowd relpaired to the audi-
toriuns where they tvere entertained For Sale by-all Druggists.

AndiBathaltttata W. H. OWEN, Pt'tt t is arecure. 'Ty ii t adbe iiiaeal.
lTanwt naever rle ret it.CSeatt bycmiilt as
NO. 4 East Huron St.OppasiateCouttttfaaddress Tice. OnieDottlar. JIiN 1. 151150
tHnuse. HttCoalilendtoil aSlt Baths. Per- 1li125CitlakSt.,'ChicagoItiinois. St- rat Iiiin

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