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March 01, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-01

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c . of . 1a .

rear.. I V.-N o. 10"i.
The 'Sanior Lawe Competition L
Night in the Oratorical
I large audience attended
nan o' lawe oratorical contest isn
law lectnre roomn last ni 70A.

noble thoughts filled the mntds of THE MARCH INLANDER.
the ancient mtartyrs wino faced death A ie -
ast !!AFn Literary Number-A Sugges-
tn defeince of their btelief, hot tion for College Spirit, by '
greater and nobler thoughts filledil an Alumnus.
tine nmincis of those wino brought to- 'Prie Aliarcht nutmber of te Inlan-
tine getber tineliarliamnet of Religiotns dcc, which appears today, is dlistitnct-I
th ej in z S3. Its the great world's gathn ively a literary nntnber. heittwno
IIIeriings Ieretofore held inn idotn,tirecedingniunmtersInavene Ieinde-

To GiVe Aa .
a cnleie'nus trgcsiton_-i' anay
Ola nninertoIs i nil i I ii Sit
t es tiii .. iiail i,

rinarkenidccintrast tin thleniginthefiore# Paris and lihiladelphnia suchi a titing voted tocosiertinFJv i ivr
t'i 'oirdeir wsanpertect, earls speaker ws a not thimnilil of. Is reimiained nt)Gafir, secssl aonlli ' NittsIirnelel'..
or 'iiipearaiu 11hr1 iiI b iopie of our land andiiday to cinhenif athletics. Ints mnonitnsn~ithiaet
trig. 'Phnoratiolnls nthll'wnleI bringdugc1h a theinig aboult. nice isetecnrhniin slt0S
werenvery goonil 'hey nisheid 1c11e- hull lelincrv eny ocl
n~~cy ~ e c'eliills.ace iii a iceneral ciarac-
t'rii SIllly as n iialitiy iof thingi'hlt slear ithe' OtSlr Side'' ias 1tle tee.
ar in e hairt th e s..peakers nd sil bjiihjchse nm- b y Ii. E. Michnael. Theanrticle relating toitIiiiv crnty
liougli sonin' n arnitypeil ilirane 'Ie Iiiiniiual of todlay nnnli ibelienIomoalnn-nai itiii
niece anile inc of, thieyswere lenvEslnoiw to spneak untnil tie iecomnen Col(eS)rt- uY
s.ek ColgeSllit A sngtiou.''
inuled. Thiefnst spa e asMc. (tinorounghinfiiormed on iiithi siles Tlie nwriter's oipinion of college af-
C. W. Chapmnainho took for iiis of a stiblject. When a mni uniter-airinianoftiacrftisid
Subledt, "''Ii ann hapnress ani standts tine question tinroroigitly, of coinditions at Ann Arbor and at Wi 5li5Siiou tt~lCaEt~c-t~rt iaii aityics
lldnteationa,'' fMan aspires for them anti not till linen is he callable hlarvard. The deplorable lack of °t $1 .er$S11- iuueta'in ii to$ a pili eis
5rae npnicn toetone of speakitng honestly ainil inteili- college spircit at lisinstiution i n~~iiCiem-nsedSi anlasS
tlie classes whnose aints clash as 12e geintly. livery hnonest dleel anti attributed tintine lack of democratic R
inuillicans scenes D)etnocrats, bankers every honest mias adds to the bainii- feelingresulting in thleestablishmnent a lF ul
against paupers, etc. Selfishness (Coniunusrd 11ntuiidtw ~ '' o ats le i iti far 0.iS- n5 Non inciniriAss.,
in tine ruling slicit in nnan. int ---c"+-t-icirotI'., - - MICIGAN.
ediumated iindnn only z can grapplne Preliminary Debate. giance aind assunied sttperiority,
wvhichn presents any trite fellowvsii-n
-wlithtilsnailcolndlitio~n of affairs. The arrangemeints for tine prelimi-'tlon tllei. 'fn ricei '
amn stdns Theileparteiciflellvisa
Sole te robem f nivrsa iarco nntest, toniorrowseiverting, nnidly writen, but tineiarticnlar
nilli alinnin and enverroilier iroblemnhante practically beei'ninomnleted. I factnsnaa'tinst whiichin is inaimiedi
I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h nqnutlutn elelysa i esetionlisi, 'Renolvedr, Thlat ice suficiently evident.
a lielI sa the Piolicy of the federal Gioveri-i lin ediinng article nil tinetmointii Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST,
speaer 'N J is menit Ouighnt to lie to BingliAbout is nt the lemiinilf (eor1,e Wesley -
nun ~ ~ ~ ~ t in n Aieianhii oCdi Annnexationi nilthe H anwaiian l a iisnuntil ceceintir ninaiedinig cdi- ('i'oud . Jansslns'xinvoitce©L
to. Piei"toflccinn i .ands. '' The edebaternsnwiii ai-tr. fr arrinstmaken a thoroughl
itn Struk lelinotinntinthe eaith.n1ipetc as foilowss: Affrnatie, Josiah tudyi ofitine ritisn onilRobert 10 lerfrrdtOtebrbru eabrJ.l. enrdJV. rwigwt'etatsfo sm 'C QOJ,,A
mnelhoiis of swar, rdisorgannztng so- lays h. AV Mlacict; negative, F. of hisinonets.'T'he article in long, -2
niets annd stagnating trade. States W. Newton, .l. II. lroec, C. F. hunt will well repnay careful reading. '. " "I' 1.L'S , - 4S-8 . late St.
ice ound together by connmnercial Kinmball, E. C. Findlty. 't toni- "An"Anecdote of Arizona'' is con- TngtanOes ieeteWrOa
tis nnl a ctnbrngnliin btsic will he furitishned by Mins Lillit trihutend by Miss Mlaude EI. Cald. the Leaning .Acanemiean
nhlater. 'Pie armnies of Europne MatNolaiOdRMis MnnieDavs snhi mi
d nlh 211,0 i and AHr. Aihert Long. iMc. iLong is Aun intcresting' shourt stouryins n'I ni iniun lemu in,It i li mum tnnsf(It
cot f ,ooO,oa,oon Te ped;apupnil of AMr. hilbie, ant isinvery I"'Chanley hronv's CGhost,''by Louis Griager's At.usdeeny, Ann Arbor.
millioni 0soncarandeltheiuchnnlooli
cennnnngereianllnnrt iinnn ghly spnokeni of as na violinist. A. Straussn. mx 1 i-'iWOr'-t' Cn. m nttii. -A trI' II m li -n1mmi
t ;ins Dan-is and Miss NVollaund are Amnong otiner short articles of in-u'=mmrnmm i'm
intituntiouns are teilet. ish mtilin bothi favorites switin Anin Armor atuei- terest are 'Roses and Sunfliowers"tns
cc)'svasn-cy gond.nets. 'lhie cointestaints inane stud- by iss Certrudle Heniry, and :
Evoututi i FeeI aa i eby titinedquestion diligently. 'l'his Shnadhy Frienid for 'lorrid Day,"by
N1'. Ifm..Eckels. 'Pie present genier- n'rne ls ni etn onet.Ms enet .Ciisl.-__
atun mansitnesed greater advancee sue ls n xiigcnet isJaet .Clwl.-_
-nnti labor tha for ceinturnen - 'Pinte poetry of tint number is con-BA E AL GO D
mnent nin tan a~eteersonian Programs. tributed by Walter Dren', Jesse 11).BASB A LGO D
before. Formerly men labored rHonn, aryClenPrt,
aloine, hut by the introduction of Th'in following programn will be hlrn HryCleo Prt, Suits anld Gymanasiuma Su ul-
nachinery labor ns in greater de- rendered at the meeting cmltint Jef- Eva Regine Piillips, and M. E. C.,
mianid and work in unison. Labor fersonian society this evening: Es- 193 plies.
and capital, the two great factions, say, iMr. Hayes; speechn, E. H. IngivntfBookJ.P.Revis' noe ;ieivie isxtnesoc ad rcs
shounid work in harmony and not be Storie; biography, G. J. Cenebaogh;gvno r .P ai'ns okTnneirunsmn'uin'snkmm re'
and dliv-imprmptu iscuston ~ 'on the Union Pacific, and of Prof __________
anitagonistic. His voice addlv mrmt icsin f. Mr. Spalding's 'Introduction to Bot-
cry could both be improved opon. Tollison; neg., D. j. Buckley; ~ H 9
'Phe next speaker, F. E. Chain- debate: i"Resolved, That Federal any. ____________
berlain, took for his subject, "The Election Laws should be Repealed," The number of candidates for theUN VRIYL0OLST E
Liberalizing Influence of the -Pathi- af ., E. E. Cart and NW. K. Moore; baseball teams has been increasedU IV SI BO K OR
ansent of Beligions." Grand and neg., Mr. Chadman and Mr. Scott. to nmnety-seven. STATE STREET, ANN ARFnttu.

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