x fGr 4
Vf z. I V. NO. Of' ).
SUMMER INSTRUCTION. ners, by Mr. Reed. Primary and I
seconidary batteries, by Professor Pat-~
ASynopsis of the Pro gram for the tesj aoaoy oki eea
Summer Course of chmsryny-r ele.\-syis
struction. Iceity yAr fge.Aayia
_ ieceemistry and organic chemistry, ti
The comnmitte oaving in charge)1r. Edwards. Genseral descriptive sait
thre sumimer courses of nstr practat i ca srnm, by Mr. Loivoley.
oi srcon an'iiatl biology, by Mr. Jennings.
die 1-7. of M., wills the authority of Geineral anattomy soil physiology of
the regents and the faculty of the, plants and histology, liy Professor
dlepartmocnt of Literature, ScienceI Newcotmbe, Miss Morrow soad Mr.
und thy Arts haveaniiounced the Dieters.
tro ratn for the tercmi. The tcrm10" -
Association of leledicai Colleges.
will begin Mioinday , 'July i, and1_____
c ose kt'itlav, August 1 7. "l e se %'- r. V aitlian has rcturineid frotm
,iii courses annot~uncredlviei le tiee 5ssionl of the Association if
iour courses, oie htou r pitr da"1', lvi Medical Colleges at Chicao-o. \Vs-
lass in the wveek aunless the contsrarv te'rday lie spoke for a few mlinuttes
is specified. The conruisittee has to one of bis classes as to te vork
assumted that a large proportiont of "iii the association.,IHI replortedI
the students will be superintendents that an earnest and suiccessfutl at-
tulprinicipials of schools, anid feuds- tenmpt is being imade to raise thsercc
ers in sigh schoossasoi acaidemies, I quirenieints for adissioti to medli-
and it has accordinlgly soughtt toj cal schools, and also to niake more
arrange the prograni with immoedliate uniform the allotmsent of linte to the
reference to this etid. In general, varioits studies of the medical
tile elementary courses wrill be givetn course. In both of tbese particu-
wiih a conrious pedagogical piurposeI lars sve arc still is advaince even of
and irnlt. As the term is short it is tbis reform movement.
desirable that work shuttd be con- liTe lDoctor also announices that
ducted u1p1115the ittensive Iplall. te association bad taken action
fiSudents are therefore advised tot 1 that alters 1895 all colleges of te
to attempt too mny courses and association sltostld have a mtedirtil
also to -coinsult withi their instrutctors course of three sears, eight misonths
biefove tmaking tul their program. I each, or four years, six monotths each.
The cousrses trill compilrise the foli-
Preparatory Greek and Greek drauma,4 Death Enters the Ranks of '03.
fir t~c. DeCou. Elemientary Latini The members of the class of
Cicero aiid Virgil, by Mr. Metider, anti Ninety-three and the many friends
Ca-sar's Gallic Wtar, by Prof. Kelsey.
Bleginnlers course in French aiid cor- ol- the deceased will be tained to
pusitiols and translation fruim English learn of the sad death of Miss Locy
into Preticli, by Mr. Levi. Biegiiiners S. Andrews, in Durango, Colorado.
cotirse in Germtin,tidvaniced coitrsec The death of Miss Andreswiansod-
in (Germanl grammsar and history of; den, being causerd by pineumnonia.
Giermtan literature from the midtdle of
tin eiuliteentli century to the death of She has been teaching in Colorado
Iotlie, by Mr. IMensel. English liter- since last Septensher. MN~iss An.
Gattire aid ther study of Shiakespeaire- lresawas a moat estimable young
by Professor IDetison. Old 1' tglisi I iady and had scores of friends in the
I Atiglo-SaxoniI and Eiiglishi grlitliari Cnirersity, iwho will nirurn her
cai aln histisrical basis, is Proftsout
IfelilIi, aod Eiiglishiciiimpostititntb ls1sa. N
Professor Scott. Amoericani1>i story acrd
civics, slid getieral hiistory, wtthi sir- Ex-Governor Luce will deliver an
vial refereiice to otediuoal history by Idrs n 'amn' llr h
Mr. Dosw. Psychology, hirstorof phil-
osoph~ly. pilosophiy of the sriecres tano S. C. A. tomorrosw morning. Mr.
philosophy of religion by Dr. Lloyd. Lace is an enthusiastic believer in
'rhe theoretical, practical and hiistori- farming, alnd is said to be a very
cal study of the scienlce and11 artiif eretaditrsigsekr
tahnbyPoesrHndl.Pi-bciples of political economoy, recenit de- The library of the Tappan P'res-
velopmsents in1 economic theory by byterian association, McMillan ball,
Professor Taylor. Geometry, tlgebra, has lately received the "World's
trigoniometry anid analytical geometry parliament of Religions," by Dr.
by Mr. Lyman. Differential and in- Barrows, from Prof. P. W. Kelsey,
tegral calculus by Professor Cole. Me-
chanics by Professor Ziwet. General and the "Prince of India" front Dr.
physics nod laboratory work for begin- \W. H. Jackson.
The Banquet Last Nigh~t a Most En..i
joyable Aeair-The Remnants Wire ureci ir lllicciipeaci
of the "Banner Class."
C-_ a oll ii- uit..tiiie csf . t5i
lt aiid
About thirty niembers of the '"ban- toilily sirel, iiihl ll,11foc theim.
ncr class''of '93 gathered aroond ; \Sc a hal itoiseerilic i:leuci
the banq~uet tables spread in the
larlors of thse Lighlt Infantry armory' A A ,14 b0- gIC
last tniglst. Te banqitet w'sonot-icitsoieii
lirenied by wrell prepared toasts an~d 1ra Sut Main St.
songs,;owritten for the occasioin, song
to the tune of familiar ,airs. TIhie
ssll sours of the nioring fosund
the baniqueters repartinig frotit the
baiiquiet tall swithu a feelinig that te
occasion sail beets a memsorable one
1o each one in atteinrance.
Thec follotwing officers of the per-
manent orgaiziations which wras
formserdwere electetd: President, when rms ivdnttliictsttetissiisiitaiiStylts
ot 53, $ft $4cr0$n slisesit 5ic tos1 a pair ls
GeorgeIB. IDygert; secretary slid liha ActAror ceds Senalftir Cataliesne
historian, Earl D. IBabst; treasurer,
Frank H. Smiith. A f
A year book will bic issued by " a s&
the secretary. (hne hundrerlansill t, 53-185 dotoss ARDAe.,
nh.riheOh . - SMICHIIGAN.
fifty dhollars iwere reported o0n lanrd
for thse reunlion inil'96.GR N E 'S
Mde .Rcado ace as(toastmaster anid the following toasts ( LSE IN DANCING still iscituis
wer re )Odedtoad Thiiisday eeinss8:(();Lladies.vStcudy
wee epotadtfstleonhs4 . Ladels ad 1(sr-si e, (1
'(i r 5 i 5 'ii1. lay vni gsiu 8es tocis. 0c'iici 1cc, G a l
'l'OnS-osiuusie Schol------- iL .taii'c cuidstisit.'ihiio.siieinrisitweilttwel.css$5
''l a ilrs Iliv" rer-- I_-_._1 C d i cii i lsIrecivedit a ncy time.
lT Chiimccs- ---- ----- .G Clv an
'sa and Class Sliri ___ ___ OG B ygert
The meno consisted of:
REsaltopdcOtrsc. Artist ic Photographer, 6 E. HURON SI.
Olives. Zepieretiss.
Rotci'uirke.s'. C'uhsiinSaladi
atolls. - Se-ond(1 JaNI>ftiOry eIncoice
Veai Croueott;.. S-asdiicurs, liP -
Pruitc. Nus. issnfectionis. ILWQ s 2 'Y0sY
Hiarl inii, lee- creaii. at u
:avsorted Caskr. 1-1 \ .crt.lil.J ...f.st8i
Ute Nir. I lihicolatIc
. __l' Tu r t.'Lht', - -48 S. State St.
The Wrinkle Jester in a New Guise.________________
lie laughs best swho laoghs last. GymYnasium Suits,
The Castalian seems to hare laughed Sweaters,
last. It happened in this way: YIes-
terday the 'irinkle jester was out in -ci-
all the colors of the rainbow, booni-
ing the \Wrinkle seiths a conspicuous
placard. Three Castalian men saw SFORTING "+ O D
him, captured him, and cajoled him
into their service by substituting a
Castalian sign for the Wrinkle sign, Of Every Descripion at
and compelled hint to promenade 1'
State street for an hour, to the great iA H '
amusement of the spectators.
The Hare and Hound club will UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE
run this afternoon from z6 S, In-
galls street. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.