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January 20, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-20

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c l. fit.i-c~in

VOL. I. -NIL. 78.



NORTHWESTERN CHALLENGED The Article consisted of several
To an Inter-University Debate, and pages a elwitnadatat
=2W ill Probablyt Accept.-M 'chi- ed considerable attention among the
gan's Propositions. legal fraternity of Michigan. In
Thle following challenge clipped the last issue of the London (Log.)
from the Northwestern, has been Law Journal this article was copied
received by Northwestern lniver- in full. This is indeed a high
sity front the commiittee having our complinment paid :Prof. Johinsonand
inter-collegiate debate in charge: speaks volumes for thne rierits of
First: Northwestern and the Uni- line piece.
versity of Michigan shall hold at least i The professor ban hail charge of
two debates. Tile first shall be held at Code Pleaditig before the senior
Ann rbo. tb 5-54)stileg y~srlaw class of ibis ternm and his liandi-
< t eg enia r.isoi ttetio l ing of the subject has shnown him to
Seonid: Tliie college, t wulch tde- ho thoroughly master of the svbect.
bate is heldl sill titko Stll arrange- , - -+ - -
iteits l'ot same, still secoots itues tied school of Music Recital.
entettaintiitt.shllhhay tll expetnss --
itietirred iii tihon holding of debate, ex- Tine following programti till be
ccipt the railroad ftrs of debaters atnd rendered by the pupils of the School
wiliiintrtacinasuin. hl lts of Music, at ttheir recital, at Frieze
Thir: Ech istiutin shll aveMemorial ball, tisi afternoons:
tree tdebaterasituo shall be tegultatly
citool i in the istittiotin thieli they t- Album iLear---,-. _--- It- -Brndisiti
represenit. 3 aidn'sSona -----over-I tot watt
Fottrtht: lihi-question for udebate MssMN. itttii aidleaietlt.
shatll bhi en by tile uivsersity at ~ <. 'At the Spitt,' - -ioil
st-lilt-i uebate is hldi. The other shllt h. sltitlier Sonto. 4
Ithive it-s-hoice of sitles of qutestioni. itsr. ileibrittarto.
-t. Sirona e ti -- ------ S~-Tl e -lititio
tiftht: heli ivtietsity t iitth i ts S- its iticult-tiA c, i'tttit
still 0oct 5s j 0 iS titi-ith otfll0itn-. Atio gre, oitaneAndati icon
Restrictionst: 1 iMr.wJ.it.olo cetn
svniutneither site obijets,to titeil Sit'.-. i, iny
is~ notiie-is (givesitof satid ohittit ijt ttit1t t-
. NitoIpersont shltl actt is Jdige trio c mint ; It ir ti iutmititi
]gri -, or h o n s ini tiltS-wtay been CIt iu- toi <clinto-sitt titk, (i)_,0 -'it -- eit n
iteetedt withi sitter iof the inistituttioni AtllE rot, ittittittee zn
initerested.- il. 'Aistitu to Litve"-_.--- -.I3.il t ii
Sixth: Each vebattor will Itave setvent Nit-. AmindaA.1e -
teet-tinttutes, exeept the lint nipeaker ii Noitito iii Anie~lr---- -----il
ott the negative,stito stiltlionv-stwntt - h is t-nIitiy I hutnai
tiititesn.tid first afiriniifllwihtoetikert saet-Catntonti. itnrti, itto tiltd
shlt~llhatve fitremititites il'vtcit inti~rtw.
Clise the tdebtate.-1i:t. tat ie Danees,- Ott it_- Invorak
-ieenthi: This judgesshlli matrk both 'ten s isi.oltniKtley-nd1
oiti tirgtiettatltaIdelivery, tmarkinig b Ity Siotttn.
the percentage systetni, etnch givinig a i--.---
indepetidetit sark fot etieh spetiker Vandalism at Chicago.
These perentages shall be addedi, ait
the side receivintg the largest sutnu The professors and students at
tottal declared the switter. IDebteto tOhie Untiversity of Chicago, are all
lie heldl not earlier thtant Feb. iS17, an stirred up over au act of vandalismn
,it ltiter thtan April if.
comunitevl at this University last
The Northnwestern says: Rrtae5 Crstt -..

The institutes of Gaius and Justini-

Next Semester-
A course in offered in the Inst-
titles of Gains and Justinian, sup-
plemented by selected passages from
otlier texts. Especial attentiotn will
be given to thinIstory and mneatting
of Latin legal ternms.
The course, conducted by Mr.
Meader, will be givein at io:3o,NWed-
nesvday andvlFriday, swithn twotthours'
credit. Thone wvho wish to take it
will kindily hand in their nantes as
soon as possible to 1.ttof. I-elsey or
Mr.Meader its order that a stufficient
nunber of copies of tine texts need-
ed may be imported in seasoin.
Concert by Professors.
The third concert in the Anion
course tvhichn wan given Thursday
evening at Arions hail by' iHermnan
Zeitz., violin; J. Erics Schnmaal,
pianist, anti Silas R. Mtills, basso,
all profensors at the university' of
music, Ann Arbor, wvas a very' sn-
joyable entertaintmenit. Tue pleas-
ure of tine ev-ening, hoswever, tons
marred biy a ntumber of late comiers.
Mr. Zeltz, the violinist, ws ap-
parently' tersvous, bitt it spsite of
that his playing swas very enjoy-able.
His first solo, the coincerto, in 1)
minor, Wienirtawski, swas his best
nuber, and lie reniveredi it with
considerable skill and appreciation.
M~r. Mills, the basso, ws in goovd
voice. is singing of Schumnan's
i"Two Grenadiers''wsnenthutsias-
tically aiplauded atid lie wsa called
before the audience the second time.
is singing of Horrock's "h
Rose ainvdtine Bird'' was not as en-
Mr. Schnmaal, the pianist, played
the Wagner 'Linotana and Recita-
tino fromn Tatnuhauner" and created
a very favorable impression. His
playing of Joseffy's iiAt the Spring"
was also enjoyable-Detroit jour-
The contestants in the Pennsyl-
vania -Cornell inter-collegiate de-
bate, will argue the following ques-
tion if Pennsylvania agrees: "Re-
solved, That the best interests of
the United States demand the an-
nexation of the Hawaiian Island,-
granted, the free consent of the
inhabitants of the Islands."

We Ilitiomefineiolsaitpenilstand
t05conveiet sittringtf5,e o IpNleattay
isoiany one' iwhoi itil icailito' them,
it's ianttoiisee yosr rite anit fie
yen archance tosee our tstck
GeoeralMusic fDealers,
51tSouth Main St.
Whet: youwnatte Latst fMlfetrltant Syles
ef $2, itt,$ ,54 OSines at Sicto $: t inpilea-.
tainAnit:Astor tiric-nes erCtaloguseto
tot, 183-1Sa tt'ovIttttrntAt-s:.,
Received, 400)lbh. of Fine Choclate
Boa Bons-
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
IArtinhic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
Lowney's (hocolates,
48 S. STATE St.
Gymnasium Suits,
Oif Etery Description at


,A nieeting of thies tttdetnts still be
held to take actioni vipon the proposi-
tionts. Titers is a strong sentimenit in
favor of acceptinig this challenge, pro-
tided certain minor dettilis catn be ad-
justed satisfactorily.'
A High Compliment-
Professor E. F. Johnson, of the
lawv department, contributed an arti-
cal 01n "The American System of
Pleading," being a synopsis of
pleading under the American Code.

the finest laboratories in -this coun-
try, which was dedicated but a shiort
time ago, and whose artistic decora-
tions were the pride of the institu-
tion, was painted over wills alternate
stripes of green and white paint.
An investigation is being made and
the guilty students will, in all prob-
ability, when found, he not only
dismissed from the university, but
prosecuted in the criminal court as



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