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January 20, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-20

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cc. of .T Taty
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, toy
out script too prtce t5.50 per year, invariably
in asdrace single copies 3 teats. Subscrip-
ioat may be left at the ofice of the DttY,
at Stottlet's, witth soy of the eatrs oe
authorized solicitors.
tCtmmunicatiotns shold reach the oboe by
7 o'cloc. x. it theyrrto appear theenext
lay. Address all mtter intended for publica-
01011 to she Mtanagitng Editor. All bustnes
cocmmniatios shoold be sest tso the Bust-
Ann Arhar, tich.
C. A. lUo.Nlost, itolt '0, Matteginc Edtor.
11. A. SPA1s7iio, fit. '94, Assitatnt.
.1. L.. Lo1111 E, Lii. '95, Assitanot.
J. A. Limoi, Lit. '9e, Athletic Eitior.
S. i. Cuitto, P. G. Lit., Buasiness Manager.
Wit. A. MittR, Lii.'o, Assistant.
H3. MI Gtioo, 10. I. P. lall.,vo.
Rt. 10.Aut, 'e9lo or tstlcAI.
'I'l 98. Lyl Fl . L. Mariindale, '91.
L. E. Coooro dt. 'e. G . Jenklins, '01.
All Copy most beat the otffioclefiore 8:30 ati
of ther day of poblicatioti.
The Editors do n110 bold tle~scsrtes pots
sible for the opiniio or statemetst of corrs-
pondenso, appearing is the Dotty.
T CDDmpiIDtt Wvhichi Prof.
Dohnson lias received by having his
article oni "The Amicrican System
r of Pleading,"1 reprinted in the lead-
iog lawv journal f Eoglaind, is cer-
tainly Dnf tso be prould Df. The
Dxi v, as the organ of the studcnts,
extends tD thr professor Dour cDn-
THE establishment f the TI'ri
ILeaguc Athletic association, coiii-
posed Df Nortihwestern, lUnivt~ y
of ChicagD and Lake Forest is cer-
tainly a gDod noove. Froisthlio
ncarntss uf the universities, mtany
advantages will result which could
not be exipected were they separated
as were the universities itn the North-
western Athletic associatiho which
recently disbanded.
A .xoo star ihas appeared in the
firmansent Df college publicatios,
being a semi-weekly published by
the stndents f Lehigh University.
The name Df the newv semi-weekly
is The B~rDwn asd White. It is a
neat paper in every respect anti we
are giad to add it tD ur exchange
list. The DAILY wisihes tue new
publication great success in its
chosen field.
STROANGE as it may seem swe are
obliged to gain home news in regard
to an interesting debate from a
foreign surtl&. ft would appear

froms an article in the last issue of ness-like oupervision of the finances-
the Nortwvestern, that 'Michigan has( of the various athletic associatin. H 6J
challenged Northwestern Univetrsity At the same meeting the advisory
to n iile-uivesil dbat. Tiscomomittee asinounced the appoint. s"S
tonit erti nive oorrstdeae. Whysmetit of Mr. J. H. Fine as head P 9 '
wil benew toourreaers Wh coach ito football niext season. Din
the com mitnee has seen~ fit to do all their recouinendation a niotion was°r A
thecir challeiiging in secret is incom- paosed ID the effect, that the joint i
pr;in:l ous. Suds a debate is comnmittee should authorize lbheex-
oreies Iletopenditure thsrough Mr. tine of P.,i the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
certainily of interest to all. and can mooney only for traveling expenses an HRTAD ¢anfietbuilding; star
lilal SUCeSSb te aciveCO- eacers lare atendnce go dhdisipline; sopor-
be tacasocsbytlaciec-anti board bills of such roaches ax loctioso; ellesuppliedt readingcroom;odaily lectures'
opeatin o te sudet bdy Afre reinvited, and for such times only Ooilcptltoi-eigclliti o lcing senetin pyear
qusinIi sto fpoelr.as they are asked for.-Harvard titoel 1lihol~losr,tioxtesg~ucu,,ieedttem. tiny
C1Lest~nthi meho ofproed re. }'rseoensts *.2 t..o per seek in, private iamifies.
Crimson, Fot-New s taaluooo, addeess
Northiwestern wvill take immediate ,e. R. CLEARY1 PoES.
action atidnmay possibly accept after
first baring been refused by thIiT D
U'nirersity of Chicago.i
liii c newv course in Latin wvhichs jd f eI& l , & 0
wvill be given next semester, consist- 01

ing of a stiidy of the iostitutes of_
Gaius anld Justinian will certainlly-__
be welcomed by literary studentsj Horsford's Aoid Phosphate
wvho have a reading knowledge of
the Latiniaind expect to enter upon Is the most effective and nffmve-
the stuidy of the lawv after conoplet- Esertod t xsec o
log their literary cotiroe. This re- al eeyi xsec o
minds tio that a course on Roman prevehtillg indigestiono, and r-'
Law should be giveno at the U. of leiatoedsae rsn
Mas is done at lHarvard, in our
mother tongue. It seems that such frotm a slisorsieredi stonmacih.
a course should by all means, be
given iiitlhe law department, in or- Dr. W., W. G-ardner, Spigfigeld,
der to show a comparison of mod- Mass., soays.: "1 valsie it us an excelleti
erii withs ancient Romnt law. It preentaite of indigestion, atid a pleasn
would at least be a liberalizing acidolated sdrish wheitpopolerly diltled. witls
study if it should prv not of the wat er,otndlswetoened.",
most practical good atod the aim of
the departnient should be to turno iesc1tiie psop ilt free o apilim liolilto
out a class of noen educated in the RtumforctCthemicaltWorks, Prsvdenee,R.I.
law in all its various piases. Bewa-isre of Subsitutesstoodl lllilttn.
Atleic-a- Finetn For Sale by all Druggists.

Jiiooi , lilt, Otto.0. 100
A11 trinstt-doiyItolSuntiday.
It 8.orREENWOOD, Agent,.i Ail voui
Wv 13. HENELTl t. P. 5. dotledio.
27q' =: o MT I' ,11IT
1Sup1orted lys, lc .51003 3113 .15113 II I i1MI.
Doi'tfail tot 'ithe Gbet t irhobo p111 it-
itits. inder to -clii. TFNI. ill te -econdtt 011
ititrot odintheCilotOtol -tilello lot tero tototot
ti lts tout :antitolhet ~lottt lotttoMotooet
:actos l-et. Sol.
Platihoette acrtti 01- til it1'ttrghietho tisele.
73c. Parostletto 5i3le0tack Otto, f~ irt h oo' th,
Gllery4 t5c.
Seat, onll sotloo titl -Jeotolovy sort.

A1tn importattmooeting of the
Graduate Acdisory anti Executive
Committees of the Ptrinceton Ath-
l etic Association wvas hseld last Sat-
urday, and a radical chatnge in the
managetnent of athletics vas brooughot
forward for consitieration. The
tewv schienme is to abolish the office
of University Treasurer, antI to have
mnaagers of the various associations
instead of treasurers, To performu
the duties of these offices there will
be elected a general athletic treas-
urer, woho with take charge of all ac-
counts and moneys handled by the
various associations, The proposed
amndmuents to the constitutiomi pro-
vide that this treasurer shall receive
a fixed salary for lhis services, and
shall not bc ptursuing a regular
course for a degree in college, He
is to have charge of the training
table, athletic grounds, buildings
and grand stand, and will supervise
all repairs and alterations upon the
grounds. lie will have, an office
and regular office hours.
These arrangements will doubtless
be ratified very soon by the college.
The change is one that will putt all
athletics in the college on a firmer
basis, and providet for a more bush-

295 fa cnresoft.
H1af-Tone euts,
f a repradncttcr), of,
- ~~RprodctitomsaoJPematdn k"
d cII ies o r iitura.ienfb etoC,
- ap th ler, 0r wits ,
}Aiit p~icures
__ o 'rnitcoj the [xeUlty
prilotedictobJ lit ileefjbc3lith'fJour944I~
Call @1 dc5 Aeou Crd,5-DaoceOrder-
Crre~pondenceoicited: Z S

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