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January 20, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-20

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____ ____ ___THE U. OF M. DAILY.
51 So. MAIN S. Director and Manger. --AGENT FOR THE-
Christy Hat. London. L. L & A. Hat, warranted. Roeof's Hat.
'0 EAST IRTKION STREET.Sls Dealer 1a Menine liashin,,, SilC:ra. s'i~uland
Goad wark Guaranteede. Goods called fr Store Fornnherly Occuplied by TWO Ali .
and delivererd. A. F. COVERT, Prop. ______________________________
221ears in the 1BusnsS.- ----
MM. Sabolt, No. 4 N. Fourthi Ave l I
I~o a anfd WahliolnHrse.l a
A.L aaaPoeIlaaa Pwea lo~. 0a aGUITARS
STAR STE A JVi LA UNDRY Mand Best,!Bhe ordZithera.
ourtweal ad deliering.CCC o lilae C t I'.1 CaIl- Elee CI'0 old re CaCa r al /2 i
roo SC.. lel,piosa 0. teprntfoi] rlnu i
0 Cs K sake ,it eel alo
CaRs NPN C asasas as CCCO. OD 1 tier slin ( e Anl CI
Ovn hl ruI l rven era Co ell '
TOS~r c PN ~a R. CoCCnlIC aC t eee >I rd11
bnaaa~ollhne,,e in ruet ae. Co dor.&M SSa, CHICAGO.
woanvos1a, e~.The Anns Arbor Organs Co., Sole Agensl, Anni Arbor.
693 U. O.F' 41 M. (ALENDA11. Ilaawters Wanstd.
DANCING and DELSARTE t., I:Ia -Seni or ti CC I f wo gooii active students wante I
MRS. WARNNIE n CladinCICCCC "Inh, i. N,.Calereo lnl,nta45toC "boom"S''tie circalationl of Tby
M O W RD OSER ).IC )111 CICCCICC om isioO5al loyei
46 iS. SIate Sitreel N\Cn.~Inn C l, -. Iee v5CCo 1IC, .in ity 100to t, 1 'aties - Iy tocICo
MONDAY tip .AdvIc Lc 1.1i-dsICC I, I,,I C e t' eIC"I~ClClll...dr: II,c1 n- IC. \-ih-II Cl
diI. aCCIICCOCCeI, 11ltIii s a, aale r.
IIONDA 5 1C. CC.Lad ier' C1-thc rCI e-,. e. nlCC I A CI
ZCCl0C DIIi''"To-yY it'"Eitor I, .ttito.
SNIP I RD\5 -11 ). Cin. (CieCtleeCCCC l , l I'llII .. iC +e AC ..IAC,5111 on c tld it i -
0el10. the ' SiCell NI C IllnThere wi l e a mleeting;o fCIthe I
7)C. s. Cidn.dCOo eiCCCi,!"",Ic1 1 1, l..1 1 II1. Ci 'a llllm w l, I0.,Clin n i NI- Ce itril C a rl I CCI 1To - it" iCC
4 a Cn.II. aiie. acl CCClCCI5Ids
IrnaICIC ol a~lOOO~ C i licCCICCCOCC1. haCClI 2oo 0 1,late. hnildinCgi, Saturday,
_ _ n,. 8,'i11 t1 OCCii;. at 4 1. Ii.
} ° S1C.. lC'CC; .01 le ;Ind t1,01. Co" l l , -.5u . rtl(. . \I \1 11\
o 18.1,CIn all CII . CC. Cl IC iC- inCCief-.
a I i ii S ll.CC . C. . C . I ,., 111101 CCC OCd n , >iC.__.,.. .-_
" Q010 ID.1C..I IemocraticoClub
a Tle r. 1 ... 1 :o1CICI I e10110 c o,,10
1151t .11del CICI C .ll 1 1 y du11111. I The1rC 0511 11be 1a 11m0'tinlg Cof theo
AmrinraaPsychological Ansn, De1)o11(10i cclub111o1 Cth110U1of(CM.1.to
I IC- ICe hed on S tray 1Jan. 2., at 1
\t tie annl 11 eIetCinCg of he 73i C 1). 1C)Che 1w 0le ctu r rooCC
1 .Amierican Psyilo5111gcal asocoiationi for tie lecion of offcers a0011hei
n helid rcently 1a1t,111111 1111college, tranlsactonl Cfi anyotier bsiness
which mil CcC Voe eforethe clb.
p0apCe rs ere readl by proessors fromII\V ,. CI 111101.
w C1011 7 aradiil, Clm iUniv. oflice-Ptresident.t
~I Penn, lryn0 iMawr, a01111tV f --1110.
ITiCIO '1CI1O leoinCCiI NCv. Wil, 1811.1. chian, 'Poessor Jarlles, of BUSINESS LOCALS.
A ..1N. C.HarvardC wa005elecedi presiet, 0011 A 111110 Clirunss C~l-moun~lted I
D0. xrs. . t, .NP. Yv . . Sll.s gas7 ot on211esn teto
Atlantic Erxplesla. 111Mill-& En... 55CC 1'Prof. ('aiel,ofCIolml~bia, secretary, gileorosiClothCCII JlasIC Fider 0
cI1i 1. E.Ep.......x).. C5'N S iie. . CIM. -11ie r the ensuinIg year. Ic was d ae- will lbe rIrewa red iy l v ll tl~t I)5 1
Mat ill 11 .1 t1i4s1< 1t.1 & al. Si,.ulI s cidiediatlthisiCmeeing og cold0111tile47 1 11
N. S. L Cl~oled ...runt 11101 lI e pr oc.1111nextc00on ention at Princeton 1iinhe 'ICC Unt-Ni11e1y furnisedloom11111,
0. w.1 . Rr 0' . H sI, Christmaas vacationa of I189C4 1ie FrsIce hea~ ut, bitil,rate10. At li1111r
U'. .I&T.An .,CI~cICC ,;AOt., A ACC rboCr. .2
THC ANN ARBOR ARGUS -- ""+-t--- O. 1101oIotile. .C 77rgsor.
PRINTING an7d_- Go Ddicated at Purdue. --I- g llil lls.g ICte Ii. &M lrllstu At
- PUBLISHING h Iio hpbita ie os drtsu htgtpi
'tt07SE.cost of $loo,ooo, swere Ideicaed i 7IIaekilntlCshes aCbtCtl pr1101es.1The
student Work a Specialty. yesterday at PuIrdu~e Univerniy. J.1'. aosCC~o. f'C
Bet 1w0r11menCCand LowetCrces i on thlIe iy. - Ilheiheapies lacei lto gt foun~ltain Y
__________________________________Thle nshops sere (designed ol r the uninew1011, 11101papler, 1111.e hooksi0 1a11
G { fy of mechanical engineerin~g clases, jbooliks onlICdlli5s lt Ineleeles I5lStae
DAtil/ $LD S _____street
CLASESIN ANING1011 nelC ICan5d they cover 0aore anid a half fshC; Arior Seam11 Dye Work, a t
foliowsC GntIllemleln, ,NClday or nAian1of grouiid. 'Pie equipmaents are fies' andligets cltiigC clie tee or
and Thursdaly evningsl9:0;LSCItadles, Saturdaly 11701. No. 3 West Illuroln tet.s lDye
afteenoo~n o-. La aCnd Gentlemen, al- comlpete, inluldinlg a ine passenger lug soutlig aidi reinlisinlg
vaneed ela ou, 7Tlennlavan-eCeti al and001110
Cay vnenin~gs R5ocIloc. 'owvfoCCI11,0565MCCC- locomotive so mounted as to shone --- - --
Ciftnedtet. Tuition, aeternl(twelve weeks)a1S5 rne' audyEeigCas
Pupils receivedl 00 Cly ine. degr~7t of nsped and otler interet-Grao'audyBvnn(ln
i ing details. Go. Matthewso and 'lhi c l s for laies 0an1 genltemen
T r O ,. maypoietcizn of the sacte to mleet Saturday evenings will beanS,
any pominet citzensnext Saturday erening ill 8o'lock
were present. The governor .made Thisinclass is for tose wishig to pac-
III 1Iircane1amiiat111 E mI s_ t ietall dunces, ilCildg thi T wo
eadiularlers or111115151. an address. Ihe shops were thrownnStep, Aademy, 01111 1n1 dace of maer
open for inpection, and a banquset it that 1m1y be desired. Offie at'
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. and dance closedl the festivities. o!Acaemlry, grIound of floor, l> Mayad StI
o111 block set f State St. store1

Donl~e, coil 41 oar Gallery, aCd yaa ill be
Ben11 isC 11re11110ualrilic m111aner. Sitilgs
maly 110 ad a any 1im10b11N!Sr. 7Mo0rgan, ond
a.10 1 0 Ml,. (.1110, CCs11l11110 5,111110 cOC1-
Mvorgjan & Gibson.
so PRY1 lmye lrC.111.I1 I
511 C iIIe u 5Cl'1~C00C.4 itit-t 01 cnv-iced.51
101, 1 51 t.,lliicao , ICIliuls . eInd CCCI nC-
About lMats Attire.
the 1CC rtnIll~yle iliglI 111pilyCol t
Itls the11Cr 110 great mljiCtyi1, 1111' sbl-
jlt of 111e115is 10111 ofIintl-ene 11111 11a1-
llaount interelt.
SOl 011 i 1Illiil among11the111fine Crts.
M1vtrial, 0olr cCCt ilmlisyle all ete
in11tile 111111111111111, 11111 ai 111151
Ielnlinlg to 81111 thll omplexCion, bulild
aII 111urse1 (f tleIlle tCCIecOltheid,
musllt 11e effetedltIC Iliake theCole 1 a1.
yie ear 101011111Ch otceapn1~les, stronli
selwi11g, buionCes lielhi~~s. ltillltfaI-
t11111 ciite n 1C 00110 111lenthliof 1101e
ena~lgedl ilnthe lllsiles(f lproviinlg
shCoul be pleasinlg tIC tilteye iad sati-
ftCloy tIC tile prols; ntll l l 11e of
nto~plC avil l styliandtste digtin-gi
the oworlil
thenelCtoICCtilltailors~l, tlo produlceie111
atireCCal Ier cCantIl tailloCCCmlydensuch
We arlorsAo.lV13,r DietriO pera111il
IllytlllsDiil.lIte osla y aenu11101
tLuity of buyin g 11110elmerhanlt tailor-
tills cln1 1110 Ccommllot, read~y-madei
gCoods. WhenICsCICIcloe aroaundl we
sill explalin11further0. Ilnthe mlean-
lisle beIkindli enoulgi t1)n11)e0a0fosw'of
tile 111511 1C11gillO thait 1100 illstoo
1111 yoll Ct 1110r1parlors ll inte Coolk
Ilon~se, nn 11001'eas0lre, 11111 will hae1u1-
l2.ICI s C 0-1111 NICIC111IrCIIICo CAr sil,
fil.CC ' 00011
Vslla 55Burrs.
20.00 C 111.1 111 1d11,Csils lfly ..--_- 1.111
105.11 .. 512.0
1511tn C5150011
&1.001 150CC
ff10.001 . . 1----- 0 5
Satulrdays, J.1127 Ithis ou011last liay
alt tile (11101 lIlusal
.Ask for tile MH 8111 P.ulonI.Ol
1F0r reduced rate tickets to Olio,
West va. 111101old Va. oints apply to
it. s. Gree wood, 'Ticket Ag., Toledo
Ann .Arbor & Northl Mich,

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