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March 06, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-06

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, . a .

VOL. IV.-No. 111.
Prof. Stanley's Lecture on Richardt
Wagner. at Unity Club Last
A good sized audience listened to
a lecture at Unity club last evening
by :Prof. Stanley, on Richard Wag-
ner, the renowned artist of operatic
At tisc lime of Wagner's birth,
fstay so, 1813, the opera needed re-
formsation, as it had become of such
a character thsat people sesverely crit-
cised it. Thsis great genius of sun-
sical art was horn to raise the then
osv standard of musical dranma, hut
for a hose Iis hopes were dashed.
His early productions~were not otf a
nature to become works of art.
However, he did not despair, but
carried out his ideas of a national-
ied drama, in which he saw a great
future. His prodisctions dazed his
contemporaries, who looked upon
Bleethoveo as the greatest of com-
posers, hut who realited from the
artistic skill of Wagner's acconm-
plishments that he was destined to
become a wonder of musical ideal.
He did for dramatic art what lBce-
thoven did for symphsony.
It was his idea that the otperaI
must be made something more thsan
amusement and lis whole attenition
was directed to bringing the dra-
nmatic art to a higher standard.
At the conclusion of Isis lecture
Prof. Stanley played a number of
selections from Wagner and ex.-
stained their relationship to nsature
and nsan's ronceptions of humanity.
intercollegiate Debate. #
Thle picia eastern colliegcs
have beensinvuiteci by the debatin
societies of Itarrard and 'alet:
eect delegastcs wvho shalt rersenci
thir rvarious rdebatinsg sceties in a
sMeeting to finm a debatinig league
amsong the rdifferenst insstituiions.
aumong tlsose to lie asked are Ami-
burst, Btrowvn, Colusbia,Dlartisoutts,
I tarvard, Princetois, University of
lennsylvania, Wesleyan, Williaimss
and Yale, and several of these have
already elected delegates. The pur-
pose of the union is to secure ntore
freuquent intercollegiate debates and
a regular and uniform program
for debates in the college de-
bating societies. tn addition to
the regular debating contests anmong
thse larger colleges and universities

the smaller institutions would hold
practice intercollegiate debates
whirls would greatly stimulate the
interest in debating and impirove thse
standard of speaking in thse col-
leges. The union would select
a set of questoins for all the
dtehating societies, and the North
Anserican Reviesv, the Arena and
Public Opinion have earls prom-
ised to give stpace every nmonths for
articles on the subjects chsosens, so
that there would be no lark of nma-
terial with wtichl to work. After
the league has -been focused as sug-
gested it might be enlarged to take
in many msore colleges.-Amiherst


The hoar
at its meeti
the securing
nasium for
decided to
in the hand;
If the con
with the sin
control will
will be drol
A cosni
of Dr. Nan+
C. F. Bairr

in of the Board of I
Control. U ml
d of control of athletics, ofU
ing last night, discussed Afusiciiy tLew If. Clement.
of the Watermsan Ovm llnss-'bylics Granger-.
an indoor oseet.Ittsvas I2710i l~hist Ihishicussiwe" AspII is'i~--
leave the entire matter sh . susrufe fss/i
sof the track committee. 41 Ttl ;350401 a I
nmittee wishes to go on 5t South Main St.
sdertaking, the board of
1 take stepis to secure the-
Othserwvise the matterp
ttee of three, consisting '
Lcrede, G. J. Cadwell and
1, was appoisnted to con-

- ---~ ~ - fer with the auditing committee of * q .
The Press Banquet.
thse hoard of regents to secure, if
The committee on arrangeensts possible, the renmoval of the cinder Wh~en youcat stnisest titrassuseosssty es
of$ a 3 $ r,5shloses at 5c ao51 aapair ls
for the University Press association walk running across the ball field to tsansAtin sArborsprcaes sr I'aetase tc
hanqtuet is nsade up ot the follow- thse medical building.
lug representatives from the various The eastern trip, as arranged hyr . FY E C
University publications: baseball manager Cadusell, wasup 101. 183-I85 Woio-siss, Avi.,
i. IBulletin-E. S. Btartlett, L. proved by the board. The Penn- DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
A. Pratt. sylvansa game has been dropped, as
2.r Castalian-Di.It. Lyons, E. satisfactory arrangemsents could not
J. (lttasvay. he made. The dates, as finally ar-
3. U. Os M. Dlroi-1-'. P. Sad- ranged, are as followvs: -
ler, J. A. Leroy. ilay 19-Oberlin, at Oberlin.
4. D~ental Journa-HI. . Hiss- May 21i-U. Of \-ermsont, at th'ur.
sey', H..Idgn. lingtois. Artistic Photographer. 6CE HURON ST.
3. Inlander-S. H. P'erry, L,. . May 22-Dartmsouthu, at itanover. FRESH ASSORTMENT
GI. Seeley. - May 23-liar-arh, at Cansbridgr.-F-
6. Olrale-J. H. Prentiss, J. It.I May 24-Browvi, at Providence. I A[t
IDeitz,! May 23-Prinretous, at Princetons. 01 ___+, aldu -F .Bafed Na 6Crea taa
R.. PaJondes. .P.lralel, My ".Conll't taa.i- _-. s
16. . Joes.Webster Society. Tu~rLI5LS, - 48 S. Sftate St.
3. Technic-I). 1B. Lten, H.___
It. Lonar. Flu Weterltrr oit vl Taugist and Dansced sit aver the World at
B.Lenrd TeWestrlieaciscetcwl teLeading Academies:
9. To-Wit:-O. 1. Scott, E . nu eet tomorrowv eveninge at ;7:30. at \YAiI17iO FORD
#Ihabat. whichs tiisic the fosllowsinag progr' lan i5isicii- Ii iishe ith ::oxw an at f(ass-:
so. IWrinskle-i. E. hhuhiesR. uill be rendleredl: T'rio, Msessrs. Con- iy lisa- 5 sass-a: 51orofd 5.-oii i.i.iSsiits
IL. Wagner. rickr, Jamssand Consant: reading Mich . .itsrs i-ti >>--sa s:: s ls-sui5ussr:
O .11 Conant' essay,II. M. -Scott; (clWt<iw lis:55 55,c1 i-uit
Basebail Practice.
oratisos, S. hF.h-erse; trio, 71essrs.
I Iruher is ncow fushy establishedt is Cousrsch, Jamsses anid Consant.: debate, Vr ! ;.
tse dlaily basebaull 1 Gratice andrIthe hirsoive1, T'hsat chitR ion riosscf I .~
nmateriail is beiig stelsi-ored uph. l'erkssus iundHItosrnsbluswerby the
Y5esteriday sass the irst dimius utioin Sensate wss-.snot ausXbiuse of GOOD
us the numinber of cancdichate-, owing hPcsser''Afi., Ms. '.I. Caimeron ansd BASE B ILL
to thue enforcement of the rule that'C. W. ltentley-, Neg., h-'. it. XXehl-{
all cansdidates muust buy Athlhetic as- msan ansI I. A. Edtwards; parliamenc~- ;wtsantldf (ymtnasi umstSljs-
sociation tickets. Neverthichess, over tary'uitl for one-hualf hour. lilies.
seventy'out of the hiunsdred randich "-
rtates were worked in the three dif- The University of North Carolina -u ,- iids so examinsiscskr ss sipriecss,
ferent squads. XWith a continuuation has decideed to discourage football?
of the present weather, wvork can lie until the rushes of the ganse are so
begun outdoors in a few days. modified as to niake it less danger-
- - ous, ahso to forbid attendance of WWI
Tickets for the Glee and Banjo students on games away fronshsonse, U IERSTyBO I-T
clubs' benefit to the Athletic asso- except upon written request of
elation are selling rapidly. father or guardian. STATE STRtEET, AN- AtiOs.

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