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March 10, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-10

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cause there is too much to eat, that Dean McClintock, of Chicago Uni- Should by a copy of
esento CisisCannot beta Cure the poor should want for fuel he- versity, will Appear in the In- mm ml
by Govt. Legislation. cause the mines are too productive? land League Course.g W
No, the hard times are not from Z Dean IV. D. McClintock, of the
A large audience assembled at over-production but from under- University of Chicago, who appears bore by tous ange.
University hall last night to listen consumption caused by unequal dis- on the Inland League course next Thep rettiest Walfe siew "Aif T sieder-
to the famous Kansas statesman on tribution. Monday evening, is a Shakespearian shen. O sa after liul 51.
"Hard Times, Their Cause and The theory of over-population scholar of national reputation. He
Cure. was shown to be an absurdity, and has appeared often at Chautauqua
Mr. Ingalls did not strive for applied only in so far as it related to and has won for himself friends and 51 South Main St.
oratorical effect, but chose rather to the coming in of the low classes admirers wherever te has beei. In
[)resent hard facts as they now exist. froni Europwe. Hard tinoes i in a speaking of him as a lecturer, Prof.enE
The address was of a character that measure disappear when restrictions Trueblood, who has heard him
shows that the Ex-Senator has lost are placed on these classes, when no (mite freqsently, says that le is lot
noeof hissability for clear thiiik- qit freuentlisashihadheosuno
sag sohis so esr se thik . only a very interesting speaker but
ing which so deservedly made him a' --+- -
leader in national politics. He is A Stormy Time. a very instructive one as well. He
leadr i natona poitic. H iswill stpeak here upon "Macbeth, or
the same fearless, forcible, logical The freshmen held their election the Natural History of a Sin.'' The
speaker of forimer days. inRo t oocokti
Mekr gas ftrormerdu li s t in Roon A at 9;o o'clockc this many Shakespearian students of the Whe you wantt eLuatesMetropiitanstyhs
morning and elected a president to University should avail themselves toan An Arbor ps-s send forI atogue to
by relating a conversation which take the place of Mr. Tower, whose of this opportunity to hear one of
took place between tinisef and a resignation was read and accepted. the foremost thinkers of the lay
Dartsmouth student in which the It was a sharp fight and resulted in upon sis hsoby, and anyoie anxious a S
student claimed that because of Iis the election of Mr. Emmons, by a to hear somethin- interesting can 101. la-isa svx oAvi,
many other duties he had no time to mo fo te.hDETRO I, - - MICiIGAN.
majorityP of four votes over the O- not afford to miss this lecture. The
read politics. The speaker gave posing candidate, Mr. Holbrook, general admission has been fixed at
solid food for reflection when he de- Alpha Delta Phi. twenty-flue cents and the probabil-
dared that one great reason for our rhe fraternities held a caucus last ities are that a large house will
hard times is the indifference of the night and nominated Mr. Holbrook, greet Chicago's distisguished pro-
educated, intelligent class to their relying on the support of all the fessor. Prof. McClintock goes from
political rights, duties and obiga-gosfm
sorority girls, and as result of vigor- here to Dubuque, Iowa, where he Artistic Photographer 6 E. HURON ST.
tions. They seem to forget that ous electioneering these all turned
educatiosn,nmoney, tariff issiuigra -oi lciooeigtes° i use will lecture Tuesday evening.
out in full force. The D. K. E.'s FRESH ASSORTMENT
tion,-everything that affects our aid Zeta Psi men, however, sup- The Art Recital.
national welfare must be settled at ported the independent nomuTAnee in -
the ballot-box. order to gain the support of the offi- The program to be presented at 4is F OQOLA4 5
On every hand is heard the cry of cers of the class for the banquet the art recital this evening is largely --asT RECEivO AT-
evils in legislation,-of "Cuckoo" which they give as the "independent dramatic in its nature, and will be T'UTTrLE'S, - 48 S. State St.
representatives and millionaire sena- banquet." equal to, if not indeed superior, to
tors. No "cuckoo" representative Other officers for the banquet re- the last one. The large attendance THE "WAVERLY " WHEEL
goes to congress who has not a signed and Mr. Levy, historian, at the last recital has made it seem weight,s pounds-witi t clincher 0,0 &;)
"cuckoo" constituency behind him. Miss Mary Thompson, poetess, were expedient to charge a small admis- tires-tor- 85.00 is tbe senstion o the
No millionaire senator reaches the elected to take their places. sion fee this time in order to limit oi". See it in the window of
senate save by the expressed will of Mr. George Fisher was elected the attendance to the capacity of BROWN'SDRUGSTORE.
the people of his state. "People- second vice president, and Mr. R. the house. The fact that the pro-
in this country have just as goon C. Bourland, athletic manager. ceeds go to the Oratorical associa- mmiImm
government as they are entitled to--tion should be an additional induce-
have."'The political burial of a Press committees.
corrupt Judge in New York and theThpg.ibael s
re-election of one in Chicago show General chairman Ottaway, of the 'ahe prograom will be as fo"lowse
the power of the people when wide University Press association an- Organ solo, ,Mr.McClellan; "e- BASE BALL GOODS
awake. Mr. Ingalls said he would nounces the following committes for gins and the Lon," Miss Maon;
scenes from "The Dodge Club," Suits and Gynmnasium Sup-
fall short of his purpose if he failed the press banquet: Minerocalhso, MisbBeah;
to impress his hearers witn the need Arrangements-T. P. Bradfield, The Tenor Miss lMaxon; tariff pies.
of discharging their political duties. D. B. Luten, J. A. Le Roy, R. L..
speeches of Congressmen Reed and
He thereupon reviewed the Chang- Wagner, N. F. Hussey, J. H. Deitz,WsecebfCressmnPeed and You re inuted to eaminae stock ad prices.
ed conditions of affairs from those E. S. Bartlett.
of a short time ago, and proceeded Invitation-S. H. Perry, Oreon piano solo, Miss Fisk; three scenes
to analyze the causes and to suggest E. Scott, W. E. Bolles, D. F. Lyons, from "the Lady of Lyons."
remedies. F. P. Sadler.
The economists' theory of over- Reception--E. D. Babst, R. E. The next issue of the Wrinkle will UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
production is least plausible of all. Jones, L. A. Pratt, L. G. Seeley, be a junior hop number and will be
Is it reasonable that one-sixth of our H. M. Bridgman, J. N. Prentiss. out in three weeks. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

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