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February 06, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-06

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VOL. IV. -No,. 92.



R ariEthe Choral Union Duringtatdhr ilts tecpct f1m
YersRare.-ngrctdlirewlltstthgapctyo As an Indication of the High Grade
Its Five Yer'Cre.A the hall, and tirkets will not be of Instruction Given in the School ctiVe nce ine lead peedi
Unparalleled Success. (sldiI ecs of tine actual seating 4 or Music was a Grand Success.
The --arrangements. 0 ly o !1 ae iv vilc:111 for
'the followineg figures siay be oif - -. T'he audience, which assembled at lie vas;toivsee yeair iace asd
interest to oar, readers. At the The Charity Bali. Frieze hall Saturday afternoon to yivsa~eheesee esesteef.
,conclusion of the May F'estival, the Tonight occurs the msichs talked listeis to tine prograim given Isy tine ,
fifth season, the Choral Union of Charity Pall. Everytliiiig is in pupils of the School of Music, fellt 2
will have given ;i concerts, at an a state of preparation at Masonic weell repaid for rousing. The fol- I. viI tiv, ssiclr
cxpense of muore than $2v,vvo. Tiele hail ainidtine sarious comiiinttees ! lowing programin sas givein: 51 South Mai

;is and
e way
d give
Lin St.

cost to echvi ticket holder has beersn are hiarvi at ivorka secoratinig, loola-
vi nov. The sanne concecrts could lug after the vefrestimeints aind gem-
not behe sardin vaiiv large ciy for fcral dctil s.
less than 4vvs. Ni, salaries have line vale o~f tickets isu already
icesi pail fvir thie various services larme. Tnvo lashes sol z ilikets ini
vitinouitsvlichi tin eraces coulnotabsosit ais hour y estervday. Tihe ir-
have beein conduactedi successfully, cinestra hseisi their final rehearsal
nut all mionseys have beeii vsed for last nighnt, andi everythinng noints to a
the fiurnising of the highest class msost successful aind enjo'yble even-
of concerts at the lowiest price. 'Ihe ing. 'l'le Grand Miarchi starts at S
carrying nut of this policy has re- v'clock.
suited iii a siucccssion of graind con- TePatc ost
.erts, but mnany people Isaac lost ___
sight of tse fart that this state of 'The practice court in tine laiw ve-
affairs ini Acn Arbor is exceptiosnal, partmnent was limt in operation yes-
ainil havc eenincliniedItco loiokaupont tercday Prof. Mecheminpresidling.
tiiemssi5 a right rather iliac a privi- Several motioins wvere disposeil of.
hege. Iitnimlst lie remienmberedl that (IBeginnignvith today, cases wiiilibe
these conlcerts will be given as loneg heardi, thc argunsents haeig baused
-us the -saie support is givein as in jon piints of lass. Theec ascesill
tic host. Thny wisl ot, hoawever, lie very instructive as soii very u-
ice condluctedl at a liss. We are terestisng staternsents oiifulits have
conideitthsiai fcsv peole are ac- meessnimacin out.j
tl aunted nwithn the facts iswhichn headl Prof. 'Miechiemisavidlthat lie hal
this articie. That tine University seen siothsing in any of thi'eastecrn
:Musical Society has cosstidence in lane schools iliac couldiecual thec
tine continued patronage of students practice court. 'li ne arest all-
and citizens is evinced by the prepi- iproachi sas at Pale, wviere last year
arations for the May Festival, a 'tsvo crimisnal cases swere conducted
msusical eveint sehichs well1 exceed in tine samne as they will be hecre.
interest any similar undertaking ins- - *__
the state, and especially by the tact School Of Music Affairs.
that notswithstanding the enormuss Tl're second semnester of the School
expense incurred, tse price of Cis- of Music begins February' i g. In
ral Union ticksets will renmain the order that the work mnay not be in-.
saime, $2.00, until after tine Hein I terrupted by tine readjustmients ic-
richn song recital, February ai, silicai dental to list beginning vif a newv
they wviii be withidrawvn. After that} sensesier persons desirous if study-
date tickets for the tFestival wiii be ing in the school are aidviseil to
sold at $2.5o for tine series or $inoo make an early applicatioss. 'T'he
for single concerts. Thnat is to say, new organ is now available for prac-
a Chnoral Union ticket bought now tice, and in tine line of organi nork
represents the Heinrich recital and the school is now preparevd to fusr-
the entire series of festival concerts nish exceptional advantages. Tine
as well. If the requisite number of attendance is already larger than at
tickets is sold-and tine attendance any time last year, and it bids fair
at the Pachman concert showed that to exceed its record of last year in
it will not require a very large addi- every respect. 'The work done by
tion of numbers to fill the hall-tne the pupils is of such a high grade
arrangements now pending for bring- that the closing concert, Feb. 1 .,
ing outsiders will not be carried out. will be done entirely by them. The
Otherwise the large number of peo- directors can be connulted every day
ple within a radius of non miles from 9 to so a. in., and r to 2 p. m.

r. .. _ .. .... { _ ..... _ .,_....,...

I. a. ncL ,ite3r ,u fd1lg n( Iio
s) cic' .eued u-c , .Ii ',. 5 lli s s Eon l;;;__-- I-
I. liieeicile ll
M1 ea.l. .iten i i i
Mrs.,5:1. -1l"eti Aiees as lictivr15aisdusse las
:t. iiiinre ------------ --Mic 5 t'L s I o a rtc la 01 cic lice se u aaias i
1ii Nlr .eJa.cobs.
4. Viuiv~ionon yt,.- -~or.__- - iotis
Mil iese. i m. inc u zse . . weC yuwnth ats sico ial~ye
,iivlviuiiofivsi.' . i $4 -i$5 Shoes a 5est as piy., s
0 ii lsiIisssther - 'iU.ce ciSol11is, - - tiilc;yR
C."'v~tlue oin uc"i-------- iii--C-A SES-N--A-CN-- i ii nl c
i. lvlis Ci,- ilisWinifredia 'ie. 1 1 cvi-185 liii (luiAiEii.,
]'I i I. ii liiiian---------s ccO iiici di DETOI Tuicl---iiiv Milu ICI GAN.s~i
1l. c - i S lii - -r W a nderer," ii i- -"-ii-i---' v c is ci i -Ti.
b. i tue l.-i- 1li - - luimil -i' i Ji ii5yiic
Miss i Wllu l i tii - - .liiil i ai l C A K S iNC W il et
S i. seeI ia l in anit i-i-,lie . a Znl. v n dIe i s i 1( tr
.Ilii ls raJ a c.ii,-.s1 iei tay ie
iii. om tt ' C.liii ii c lI 5 iulicei cci_ , i
i'vtit5, i ivitsisi.iss.
Allperoruedther prt ivil ndArtistic Pfotographer, 6 E. HURON SI.
did credit to tineuselves and thneir Se'ossd Jaitusn'ti IIvolc'4
instrunctors. 'Woirthy of special men-15
tion wvere the selectionis on the violin Q N Y04: _
given by Miss hates and Bhilss Mc- ".eitsQpjQQJA e;
Kensie. Both (lid exceedingly well. -A-
Miss Clara Jacobs aroused the en- 'UT i'S,' - 4 S. Sf tte oS.t.
thusiastn of tine audience, first by
her execution on tine piano of the Gymnasium Suits,
"Minuet" and later by tine pleasing Sweaters,
wvay which she sang Mr. Stanley's
"Cradle Song." Another pleasing
numsber on the programn was the
"Evening Song," which was very
sweetly sung by Miss Chute. Mac- . .\T mlh
Dowell's Praeludiuim and Intermee- SPORTIN + GOOD
co, rendered by Miss Fairman, made
a pleasant ending to the programn. Of Eveey Deseripties at
The Berlin university buildings W H '
were erected in t754 and were for-
merly the palace of Prince Henry,
brother of Frederick It. They were UNIV.ERiSITY BOOKSJ'ORE
fitted up in i 809 for the then recent-
ly founded university. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

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