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February 06, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-06

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JC. Of 'ThF. Daiil .
Published Daily (Bunclays excepted) duriaa
the College s f ar, 3,
St scriptionprice $2.t0 per year, insvariably
i t ci50aneP tagie copiea 3 cents. Subscrip-
tns may be left at the office of the DAILY,
at Stoffiet's, ith any of the editora or
authorized soliitors.
Coummunicatons sisouldt reach tcuroffiee by
7 o'cltck P. m. if they arr to appear the sect
lay. Addreaa sit matter intended for puhlica-
isna to the Managing Editor. At) huiess
cemmtunications sahould)be sent.toC te Bi-
aess Manseer.
Ann Arhor, Mich.

anotther opporttenity like the ban-
qlift, -Fridlay nigbt, to nifet teogethefr
and lve over the yearns lietit inl
good old Alma :Mater. That there
will lbe a large attendance iu asosured
J one) everyItoyal member of the
''banner class"''in urged tot turn oitt
yand mnake '93's banqitet ani erect
long to be retuembered.
«'i,'cnip the following editorial
tfront the Cardinal, of Wioconsin, in
regard to a possible arrangement for
a spring field day in Chicago:
At the text tmeetinig of the boardt
of directtors of te Athletic association
the qttestiotn of a spring field day with

the faculty appointed to investigate EJF
this esetions, has declared in favor -
of reporting studenits as panned, 3
condlitionedi or failced. This report 1
has yet teo be adopted by the generaly I E
faculty before it in effective, but its I
very submission means a great deal,i
aiid we feel core the studenftswtll 'Sctbe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
respottd to ito adoption wvithi a sod SHORTHAND. Mlanifcent buitlding; aine
tecrs;large attecnarce; goodtt diseiptice; super-
hearty atmen.-Thle Aridl. I >rtc; elisupied redingcroees: dailylecew
y Saotuyrevening recepi~tons,; ittthe entire year
Excetioinal facilities toe piar~cistdents in post-
-.__ ttom-ihccthuolc,.ctcnutesccitescteed tlieci. Iticiny
eoees $2 tIo .cape eek iupreiaesfamiles.
a'sr New catatouce, atdress
A~ L g ~ i~o RTOLEDO
! T'iiieTabier takingeffitruntly. Noe. , i81ta.
EHorsf'ord's Acid Phosphate TraiCnsleave :t1on qiiArbbv' jTt
Is tine maost effective and agree- *1i: 15 1. i
*Trainis m rtitvti Ano A rt o to Toed
able remedy in existence for utlliotitierisiic
It S. OltEENsvdOol, Aeent iie tirttrbo
pirevelnting indigestion, and re- W5. 13"iSENEsTT,G.v. A.Toe.
lieving those diseases arising
fr~ont a disordered stomach.

EDITORS. sotme other ettilege cilii he broulghlttip.
f.A. DE ~ oISO, Lxiv '94ianlgilig Editote. It inslnmost certainthalttarrtatgemesnts
;f. A. SPA LM,o, Tatc. '9d, Aseisan~tt. still lieimatdce, whliceh will resul~t ist t
. L . Ltiitit, Liit't%, Assistantt. mteet betwoeenI our traek athletic teaniE
.. A. Ot v, Lit. 'it), Attiletic Edlittr. andi a lteitn fritti MichtiganltociChticago
S. Wv. CUiTeISSP. IG. Lit., illiliarsa itacieger. l'tireroil y, sitthat trackadelld msent
5Vnt. A. -11ittiI, lit.'9N, Assistattt. miay go itito traininigsithi the assur-
ni TERv. LAcV. Icove that thieytrill hatsve soimethitng to
.H. cIt. t,,isltittal l .9 9. It . loll. 'P5. ettttt'f , til s ne a le tit tett
.ciAut. copt or n om beopoet
F. 1'.Sdlier Mea. tEDsICAL.. to citipete againist."
F..I 1.LYle, 9kit. Ia . L..ilrtin dole, '99-.____________
Agecs M rley ,'tit. flI-. it. iaskie, '96.
Curie V. stitIute, c'I. lixEPrII" (t: niore cve ar-e pronmisede x-
CICSTAC,. !C. t.J tnkilA'94i.
Icellenitniteliers of the Islander atid
Al 'opy mill be at tile aotfii'etefore b it). , Wrinkle wvhichi will appear thin week.
of lie day of publb'ictttn. The sitrrcss of college publications
'she Etlitors CoIo o selteili Cii'cmortreeteet of the T . of At. this year is remiark-
sible fsir te oitinsiil itotatemcetst.. m-al-,we w'osie.hemn
poieits, itap'einlgillteeAI. ' lcleiet osdrtemn
r ---.- - w . disadvatages under nvliclh they arc
N laboringin seculritng advertisenients.
TH AQU SLIeSIN Ho.* o. It is a wvell knoivn fact that a college
xl:~c to the crowided contdition ptublicatitin cannot lie tiade to pay
of TtF'I~yt~v yeteraytheac-without the supiport of the aulver-I
ctof the pu1)ill s eitla t lie a-titers. 'T'hiis fart should lie bornte
School if M'usic teat of iecessity inuamiug bthlle studenct brh
left over usntil today. casritilgspl is1.1 Remcteberthe
1THiEi.Dml r vill snspenidllpublica- abovi' naiiedl publicatiotis as welil as
Lion for a wveek with Saturday's all studenettpuiblications.
issue, in order to give the editors an 1 - - ---
opp~ortuntity to prepare for the ap- XViI.a rollege organiization
proaclting examinations. PtibliraI- brings disigrace tiion itself anti low-
tion will be resumeid Saturday, lao- _ers the goodl reptutation of the stun-
bruary i17. dents, abroad, ansewatsidone last
'Tue nuts week, the mtembersmsu1sf expect to
iFlare anid Hounidrn hare suffer conseeluences even tmore
conic to stay antI tv are glad to note secere thcani cere meted otit to thetm.
the enthutsiasni chisi being road- Thin isigraceful conduct of thse
ifested in the tame. The impetus Freshnt Glee clulb after the con-
and tratnitng which our track ath- cefrt given it a neighboring toswn
letes may exiete to derive from last weektdeserves the censure of
these runs will 1)11 them is good every one wvho has the gooid repitta-
conditlois for active practice ini the Lioti of ltce student body at heart.
spring. _______ _____e are sure that every attenmpt will
'TE series of lectures on Chris- be made to prevent a repetition of
tian Sociology, whlichs has just thin offence. The club has brought
cloned htas introduced into college disgrace on lice good name of lice
circles iiany newv theories anti University, thetmselves ndc the stc-
opened op a vast field for in- dent body, andl can exitedtno sym-
vestigation and study. 'Tis cott- pathty for thseir conduct, wvhatever
paratively ntew study has been ably befalls themi an a result of it.
set forth by Prof. Herron and that __________
lie has sown the needs which ciii Minnesota Falls in 'Line.
eetayrieinoaghavsis self evident. Prospects are bright for the abot-
ishnment or at least a very decided
N V'Re again, perhaps, will thse renovation of the marking system
menmhers of '93 have offered to them in our University. A committee of

Dr. W. W. G-ardfner, Springbield,
Mass., says: "I value it as an excelet
preveentative of indigestios, anti a pleassnt
aciiilatuedl irink wceeiptoplerly ediluted with
waean seetetied."
Detscriptivte pamtp tiltfree atn applicatioto
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Betaof etISuibstituitesanwt i Irittions.
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