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January 09, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-09

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VOL. IV.-No. 68.


ALL VOTE TO DISBAND. day of last June came up, Michi-
Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin gan's proposal for the redistribution
and Northwestern Will Hence- of the medals, previously agreed
forth Go It Alone. . -
-Iupon, was accepted. This gives.
The delegates of the Northwestern Michigan the championship with 52
Intercollegiate Association met in points, Wisconsin 45 points,, and
the Grand Pacific hotel in Chicago, Northwestern 15 points.
December 27, and finally settled up The medals were distributed, and
the affairs of the league. The dele- fell to the share of Michigan ath-
gates were: Minnesota, F.W. Foote, letes, 7 firsts, 5 seconds, and 7
E. P. Harding; Wisconsin, Henry thirds.
Vilas, T. N. Lyman; Northwestern, Delegate Baird also brought back
C. R. Latham, W. P. Kay; Michi- Northwestern's share of the medals,
gan, Charles Baird, G. J. Cadwell. and will retain them until that uni-
I. N. Lyman was chairman of the versity pays her assessment.
meeting and G. J. Cadwell secre- --- ----
tary. Webster Society.
A number of hours were spent in
.TIhe Webster society will meet on
settling up all the outstanding ac- Wednesday evening, Jaiiary In.
counts of the association before the The foiloseng is the prograns: Read-
matter of a baseball schedule for .gR.K.Jt e-
.ing, J.K.ones; impronmptsie-
next spring came up. All the ui-
bate, affirmative, G. Bailey and L.
versities asked for larger guarantees, E.Mahan; negative, O. J. Larson
but no better arrangement was pro- aid E. F. Le Gendre.
posed. Delegate Latham, of North- In the preliminary contest for the
western, said that the association lit de
lead never paid expeisses sud it si trcolga h eate the following
hadnevr aidexenss nd isquestions will be discussed: Re-
university preferred to withdraw.slvedlthattheAdisceisiore-
evilirat.solved that list Anmerican foris of
The delegates of all the other uni-o .s r t
." osernmseut is litter luau Slie iin-
versities declared their willingness lisl fori of nonarcsial goseri-
to withdraw, as the league hadtment; affirmative, Messrs. himbal,
proven a finiicial drain upon the Il)benaur and Ilathorn; Negative,
members. Accordingly, Delegate Messrs. bailey, Siss aidullirvey.
baird's motion that the league dis~ Resolved that organized strikers
!and, supported by Northwestern's should be punished as conspirators.
delegate, was carried unanimously, Affirmative MIiessrs.Chambers,Down_
and the association was formally dis- ing and Eckles; negative,"Messrs. J.
banded after the baseball pennant It."Mays, euler and Patton.
for 1893 had been presented to
Michigan and the football pennant Receptions in Newberry Hail.
for the year to Minnesota. -
Before the final adjournment two The Students' Christian associa-
other matters beside bills and ac- tion held open house at Newberry
counts were brought up, namely, hall Tuesday evening, December
' ns etocsinom u e

Make aVery Successful Christmas
Trip and are Royally En-
A few days before our regular va-
cation, our Glee and Banjo clubs
started on their western trip. Wed-
nesday, Dec. 20, they were in Jack-
son. The Jackson Daily Citizen in
speaking of the concert said:
"The entertainment given by the
University Glee and Banjo club at
the Ilibbard opera house drew out
the bon tois of the city. It was an
excellent musical treat. All the
songs by the glee club were well
rendered. The work of the banjo
club is of a very high order, in fact
far superior to many professional
clubs. The students delighted the
audience with entrancing music,
played so intelligently and with so
high appreciation of shading that
one could not tire listening to the
rapturous sounds. Many colleges
have banjo clubs, but it is safe to
assert none can surpass the UL. of M.
boys, if it is possible to even equal

To GigVe A vfa 1.
Wehavesome fine lead pencils and
a coinvenient striug case to give away
to any one wilhe slt celi for them
We want to see your face and give
yo a chance to see ourstoch.
ar 99(bor 014gal C.
15neni IiMusic Dealers,
51 South Main St.
When youwanttheLatestsMetropolitansyles
of $2,$3, $s or-$5 shoes at50t So tt1 a pair less
than Asia Arbor prices send for Catangue to
101, 183-1S5 sWooow i A.,
DIrt{il , - - MICIGCAN.

the settlement of last june's field
meet in Chicago and a proposal for
the alteration of the present football
Prof. George A. Coe, a member
of the Advisory Board of North-
western, urged upon the delegates a
revision of the present Rugby play-
ing rules to insure a greater degree
of safety. He said the feeling
against present methods of play was
growing among students, alumni,
faculty members and the public at
large, and recommended that the
league take concerted action in the
matter, or at least send a representa-
tive to the meeting of the Eastern
association. No action in the mat-
ter was taken, however.
When the question of the field-

28th, the occasion being the re-
ception to all students remaining in
town during the vacation. About
one hundred students were present
and all enjoyed a pleasant and en-
tirely informal evening.
The regular schedule of the S. C.
A. receptions has been made out and
is as follows: To Illinois students,
Janu.ry 12; students of the Middle
%Vest states, January 26; of the
Pacific West states, January 27; of
Michigan, February 17; of the
Southern states,February 22. Others
will follow later.
The freshman class has been
rather slow in getting up a class
social, but it has finally been de-
cided to hold one this month.

After the concert the club were
entertained by t l Jackson City
Reevd lubReceived, 4001lbs. of Fine Chocolate
dish. Boa Bons-
On Thursday e-eiing the club wi-i i eone of thet iisr 'e Can' dy saes
gave a very successful concert in ieiist sithistsiifV5 h sii
Lansing,', after which a bainqtuet wass a':iny 0 . -indeli -st(asto iy pa1t o f t sto iity.
tendered them at the howney -House R. E. Jolly & Go.. 26 S. State St.
bsy list at missi ands M.1 A. A. __________________________
b lI.On Friday the club arrived at
Grand Rapids. In the afternoon
they were takess to lit H1igh School
auth dhrivess about list tity-. The
Grand Rapids Democrat of Satur-
day contained the following:
"The concert by the state U ni- Artistic Phgrapher 6 EH NT
versity GIte and Banjo club atA P h HURON SI.
Dockerby hall last night was well
attended. The Glee club, made up HOT LUNCHES,
of sixteen excellent voices, sang Lowne
many songs, and they did it so suc-
cessfully that the applause was E-'
hearty and prolonged and the en- TUTTLE'S
cores frequent. Tise banjo club j 1'~48 5. STATE St.
rendered its part of the program
with a vim and ash. The organi-
zation is one that is very creditable
to the state university."
On Saturday the last concert of
the trip was given in Central Music
Hall, Chicago. The gpressofsthat HOLIDAY BOOKS
city spoke in thee highest ternms of
the club. After the concert the AND FANCY GOODS
club left for their homes.
The club will take another trip -T-
this year, including thee following
cities: Detroit, Port Huron, Toledo FB O~ ?DUT~l
and Ypsilanti. They appear in De-
troit the 27th of this month at the FromPublishers Prices.
Lyceum theater. The patronesses
will be Mesdames John H. Avery, WAI RS
Walter S. Russel, Ernest Tappey,
John N. Bagley, William V. Moore, UNVIVBRS'ITyBOOKSTORE
Geo. L. Canfield, X.H. Wells, A.
C. Angell, Henry A. Chaney, C. A. -A\-
Ducharme and J. T. Shaw. DOwN TOWN, MAIN SftBUET.



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