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January 09, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-09

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'IC. of 'M~r. TxaTUL.
Published Deity (Bundtays excepted) dariag
the Collegee year, by
Subscription, price $2ttit per year, iavariably
i advaeSingler copies :3 cente. Suhscrip-
ices may be left at the sove ot the DAILY,
at Stuffie's, with atny of the editors oti
authorized solicitors.
Coismunicatiotna ehould reach the office by

boring instittutions are frequently
remembered by ivealthy men, the
U. of IN., wtith one or twvo totable
exceptionrs, lids never received arty
such benieficiary assistance.
t'llsLtAlMrs have been nmade re-
ceintly itysubsitscribers to The DAILY,
that sti lents rooming in the same
house, whlo are not subscribers,

ject of the givers being "oto arouse
interest of college circles in a pas-
time chiedly intellectual, and to giveP
those students an opportunity to ,.__l
distinguish themselves in public con- t l-
tests whose tender phynique would
not allowo them to undergo the hard /
strain of training required by allh- It~
letic sports.''anod SHORTHAND. tagnaisert buitioa: alse
______________________________________________________ olrtetne; godiscieipinsu tper-
'iorwoi. well tlid,.t-aingt.,ooe,.,l.il.lvvtectre

"xoecloek th . it they are to appear the next qieStqety aeteppr aturday ,'veviug x eoawo"len lOw entitreyear
Jay. Adtdress all matter intended for publics- lint t lal rtltiutttt aatixw i ttt' ent - vn
tion to the Mantaging Editor. All business svhich is left at the door, thereby F - eenses $-.to $!5.75pet wek i[ private faamilies.
vessiain budb ett iens-depriving the proper owner of the i 's .t lfce P. R.lualxgseuPtRES.
sesManager.'I _tP.R P, a
THE U. of X. DAILY, utse of it. The reduced price of the t -A, -
Ann Arbor, Xich. DArrLY for the balance of the year .T LD
has placed it within the reach of -
EDITORS. every student of the University, so --
I. A. tc-,isis ICv SdLitt9,Assgitandt. that it is not necessary to tortottoly ,\t -y
. ,. 1 )ilt,,Lii..V),Asssatnt. obtain or eveu borrowv ottr neigh- IHrsods cd Phshte®%I lCAY ._
F. Wurt-lta wLst 1,iiAssitt, 'hoI oteli ', -tr:-ei .Ottty a.5 s
T. A. L t, Lit. O9tAthtletic Etditor. Trais ct%-ttt Arbr y enra
S. 5. Ctiss I'. G.Lt., nosiness Mantage-r. Is the roost effective and agrise- ttat'ins:-.
N4ifs,. 5 Sttt ., Lit: 'itAssisttant. IttiNiitC; iN parts with the Nortlt :1ii. frt.itI5 . n
LIERRY LW. ovesterti Intercollegiate AheicA-able tetfiedY ImIexistence for t t . l),inot ! . it.
1jt . itstin 9'it" sociation witht little regret. It Ithas petitginiesinad n r bet ttUtttanAnnsA'atlaoltdc
0.1'. 5::: l:e::iv se.eltl Ottatitly.lld 'e- nly
F.1. ilertt &ry H It1litriai, i(1:01N exc 10e av:, ti A5t
E,. YI.yle' . FL Itt~ittal,', illnever been a success finatcially antdleio !oedsaefl'sn v5 IEN.ttti.A'ted.
taE~~rnr, t!tiie> ii'oic. Michigan has felt the drain on he icr tgW i.BNE'G P .Toeo
L. Ei. It t:: etdi '95. 1C.G. Jenktlins '. i resources perhtaps mtore thau any of fo 'aoio'ee tmah ~T~7 eC/~a
All cotpy mutbeit at t0e itebeore :30:1(1.1n the othter menmbers of the associa- ]I ~uss
ofIlrOt fctlvtii.tion. Helncefotrth i'ticigan will ye-. rSrn il USA VNN A.9h
m uairn indelsendent in athletics, an Dr W. W. Gardner, lrigiedTUSA EVN G,JA.9h
attitudie that will plainly be atlvan- Mass., sy:« alei sain iexcellentia- --re"-is:Pcrdi-
l---- ------ -- agoons to baseball and football. teelaitottlesilndapaat
ls ;of the resolutions which te Whether the irnterests of track ath- ucidatateti dribk when protperly tilutd wi SOL SMITE EJS3SELL
Ihoardl if Regents shiottlid have mtade letics still stuffer r not. rentain to be water, and tI sretcortl."wt i tt olnno'pae ilapa
Nes tYears tday, is a tdetermtination seen. Thte itntercoilegiate field mseetinisnrtrpe,
to fitish te Hgymnasium toiring the stas the incetitive that broutglht out A POOR RELATION rsn er aterssrn emo rc t-Nlir. ]ahte ritc
p esn ya. atyea'osrog entoftac ai- t.:iplit e ptaslett ree:onas' N Aio t
-"- -ls suensaprcat h athletes anti, if possible, it wiould Rumford ChemiceatWorhs, Prnvidente,N.I. 'OE tsA C
T f~lwstdnsapecaete'seemi tat sotme such oteetitng stould BHwro 1:0O::lslisles it::iniiatios. 'arriutttlrandefir ot 1in acto-I irclto.
plractice in draswingtp legal papers be atrrangetd for thte coming season GI Iry.50S
Prof Mehem Is r111 I tars: ortl seat-, o ,le ti: twOati-,' jotwoelr
tlich rfgecet ivising Ii to maintain the prtlloer slnerest For Sale by all Druggists Store
classes. If the olter professors atitost: the track mn.
wiouldi io likewise, the restults cottld'
no~t be othter than betneficial. v , , r >;, n,., ;+ I -W i( ._-- ."+E . /1ltr !I "... .-t"

Etto itt.r is every probability of a It oietgvnb ieVl
formation iof a league betwitetn Glee attil Banjo club in .Detroit last
Princeton arid Pennoylvataa for the
pronmotiotn of track athletics i i teThrdyngtwspoucea
to colleges. Thte annutal panies great success by D~etroit papers. F.
wol e ed it hiladeolphita a H. arbour,.\lichigan's football
wceck or Ito before the M\ott Haven coacht, managed the affair. The
club stas given a supper by thte Vale
ganmos._ alunmni of Detroit, at the D~etroit
PiOtt. ((-cr0 KtiosttCit, ox-Allor- Club. The wvestern trip has been
ney Geueral of Michigan and one of very stuccessful as wetl as extensive,
lDetroit's mtost eminent lawyers, be- including Omaha and St. l'aul. At
gins a course of lectures biefore the Chicago the not proceeds wtore $i,-
lawv classes toiday. tHe is too well 500. All money over and above tx-
known to require any introduction, penses is turned into a flund for
having previously completed a Yale scholarships.
course of lectlures here, The D, 511.N!--- f-+-
extends a cordial, welcome and be- tntercoltegiate Chess.
speaks for him a hearty reception The second intercollegiate chess
by list lasts.tournatnent wsnheld at Harvard
- School, New York, from D~ecember
if' there in any doubt that thte 26th to January ist. T1he final score
world is not groswing better and list of games won stas as follows: Co-
people more interested in their tfel- lunmhia, 8y-; Itarvard, 7; Vale, S;
lowmens, a glance at the summsary of' Princeton, 3'i.~;. The challenage cup
bequests and gifts 1o colleges, as competed for was given two yearn
shown in another column, still cot- ago by Chauncey M. Depew, E. A.
tainly dispel it. While our neigh- Caswell and George White; the oh-

- 295 COncgresi f..
Half-Tone fUts.
Wiel 5hecbe5,
lila -tr htorgsfor
Reprosln tuoosoJ Pep adisk
c emog ebupA l d~ahinches.
. ad ofher Drawinfjt
r aS 9 i et~ure5
j~rtr~if the FaC\eU ty
printed. hto bind in o~lle~e I~uihht'Jourrlabs
(o l C d,5 r'el)u (ards5DaneOrder5
;-Ar4i,5tic rc,0ra'.mlle5.
CirrePondenceeoltitied- aJ S

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