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January 09, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-09

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I' 1

I FW H. CLE MENT, r. a.12-.C A.eeto oIlni A uew rufle, promulgated by the
iSO. MtAIN 8ri Direitor anid]Manae-ir. f 5 i ,r~pitiitlni l'~ H
stu________________ Cdes. faculty of Hillsdale college,tleclares PHDO fuuhAPHIu WOdK
EXCELSIOR. LAUNDRIY Fri.,IJti 12 -Attattli P trimatry Conitest DO- that those students who marry after
20 EAST I-URON STREET, bateRaom 4,8 p. in.
Good] work Guaranteed].Goodo cutletd tor Sat., Jan. 13.-Alpha Naucontrst debate. entering the college will be dropped muire, cull. at our Gallery, antityeauiwill be
nd detivereit. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Fri., Jan. 26t-S.C. A. recerptionnoistud~ent ts ffroot the rolls. sreti leattaitctattr ittg
the MtittleWrst. ttates. sre nteulIlatsi anr itn
t2 Years i the IIusness.tw.- - Sat. tan. u2t-S. C. A. Rttce ptiiii to stutdents ot It is announced that in order to may be tail aany time by Mtr. Margait, aned
Pacifie West states. reduceepnsstwo poesosand Mr(iati aliiteti-
CITY LAUNDRY, -epeties.pofesor- alto Ity M.Gboiltm o h "l
f. X. Seabolt No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. f Alpha Nu Literary Society, four instrutctors hate been asked to menrnenttseasatn.
KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE ( The Alpha No Literary Society resign at the close of thte present'
$TATC $AV1flG$ BAflK+ will told a contest idebate on Satur- aaeiMerHrvr rmo. I~organ &G i bSSon.
Conr. Matn ant]Wasington StreeRin day, Jautary 1I3. The subject is: Princetont is work ing hiardl to
LL. NOnLE, Pres. IRanane Pollir.I> ash Resolved, tat the regulation of thte secure the fornmation of a four-cor- C +ATA R RH HAVEs TYOUyGOEDITN
aT 9R STEAM LAUNDRY tariff be left to a non-partisan coot- nered football league between 1Yale, It s-asue ar, ry it aid beconvcinwed.
Fines twoin then it ilePrompt III, t1 n ission. Affirmative, J. IW. DasefHrarlad esyvnat akedidress. Pr iie. Otte Dollai-. Jt)tN 1. HOl~t,
atwork and deliveiing. ti~tsoEtsttti- T the poeleandcdmtne'of theitrclelte - 'U5 Ct-irk St., Ciiago, Illinois. Seni tor cit-
in St. Yt'ephune-8:t. 1.I. ree nldm n lock- - -al"
Ceownnotat nos negative, J. E. H-ickmian, Richard association just broken tip. 'sale is5
yna it .C ide. only too willing and the difficulty is BUSINESS LOCALS.
CHCG. - to win over Harvard and 1Pesnsi- tlr'Elphlte to WallkeiS Cslumltltii
Money Welt Expended. vni.Litersfrlrt-ts csee ilti
The folltinig are a few of the -Ni 0
mnCSINTMK ORDSFI, most itotable beqtuests antI gifts to Rta.Siiiiittl lltiiiit ieeii
AND Slb-ilNSiedt i ortctaes utitliphottograplilc
MANUACTRER colleges uduring that past year. A conivention uniler the asicel oka '~ill
iritir Smit I, iiortio sinsit toiis :00,0,00 of M\ichiigan Eqsial Suffrage as- NI I ls~iitoiiiittit tlii prices, The
ii inlistVandteirbitoiiYleit.---.- 5,iiit sociatis on wilbe held in Newberry i J T. Jac is lit.
DANCING and DELSARl"E tideFt.t Irit,ilto iiutlsiu .-.5 ill iO b0all January t15, i6 andl17. 1) 1 tuuLhc iitilIt-ot llilt-i toi(get foutia
- pANI ~ FERD.A.,1 Wittiii lii- le---- 00X)tt - I ishdseakeIt.wlleoee I., booksclui tSeede* 1:550 t-atie
46S Sae tee. Leaditanford ttie tuirtuet-_. ,,01,00 e. "'aShwbe Canli at tre eet ii~~Y:~
Atad a r tle i niakintg a tolil of six utillioin dotlars. o'I .'tn otaidottrsarAviit bore-l- iSteam Dy ettirueilati
1o1fV i ii ci iip .Lde.'et o-loetu-_ gf e cap, n ohes a bex i es n r't ,loliV t~ie
c t~ti.Y lasst. iii,. Oeuit lu-mi-arefnising
t.. 10Chilure-'s lateinoa chiss. ou lt ird yevening,J nury ir httte Cek, ti. o i gao ll'- l41I. XV ill huiusstreet. Watit
Prvtct-cii~teouuii nut The rogrtsitwsill kit is followos: (take hart inthe discpucsssions.lty- 11-I1
There___will__beafternoon____andeven-___I._I__,.__'i-ltie' t he renowne-itu diiul halt
Lieulm ton r ohllison; - 0ratuon, gu tttert hi tti toi t, utus letasedt- her
IX 0 sessiohi. Manyc-f our oitll Ciook Ilonisot tt tr shi tI atuudIfuiriishi-
ciizn('arc;ricpae n thedits I'd t in (1IItt ItI l T. I I-eexe ssa.
lautghlin; implromplitu discussiont,ttf- csso s. Jisl lbt te first con tuturdulinti; iaiitil tfor talt to sisit lilt
/firimattive, I11. I). 7th essick; negtative, ventliotnof the kitiulheld illour i tyIntuir li-i f
® More ad i ishoed arg adieceswiliiicr istlii--iol t- tickets bto Ohio,.
W. -1".7t iltr. ebata : Resolved, anl otpsediuic laJutge tiliittit-ts"it. <tio ()Ill'Va. Itints apply to
tat the \Wiltout bli I shituoldl lit greet thosie fromtitmttn ypar's if teI'lte p t - - ' u l, 'ti-It t-I A l -1'clet
Mte.'sll 'srhti i t utiMhic.i
r' lpassedl as reported toi the II llt ii - - .- .e 81tt tof li-I "gi
IRepresentatives." .\lriialive, I. C lK.\ NI1:5 011RX 11(5151 att l & it. llttig Stur-.
C. Ro~tbinisonisanul J.- C. radlesman;lt_ ITle IJ4.1' Jtcobts Co., ltist tic-uisvii
___________ line l-iof uteckeko rrthle eet-lateist
neg-ative, A. 1.. Curils anti A. 11 i. I-01111 It ll. iiuu 1 2ors-ia-N
fGwiTmso -v llutr, \ ii- U utherahiuiscthIisi Tuiesday:5 IGootilt- rlit2il e1 -vee No. --N
~X HG N~_ hsWa-__________ ______UIEST O-esrie iithiipoplarllilniii -tc ititi e iu- i-. I iVetttalt
tilr- Il ---i-i , NiNtitERSITY NOCES. 1hi ee t Grangers Academy.
s l1beb-d idttractioni is offered at (li-sbinithlis15weerk titnl meet 1s
EAoST.u-. ttenSIM]Nt uswutk Staturdatt, Jatntua-
-NEtti-.A. M1. A5Nt the I ratai this eveninug in Sol SnmithtI5 iui i itie uugtttui
tini xwi it; Nl. 5 lapI_....u 4:,o tRssell's "A Poor Reltationt."' Thse t asillIl t iiii. lTis ltass is fur thoust
i. txp -.... 1)51I " Studientslsh~ouldI turna 0511 in force . o auiu-iliteit ilusici, h el
. at etnEI) 55< 1ilig thue t-Monati llt le svelties. T'he
tilt att n(]X. 41 t 0. It O ,.a1tot11..t. ii0 and thereby shlowvthe inanlagers o o tMt e t. "xhiag,-s t.adgsic uni
1.S.Liitd ... [73: tacit< xpe-.. tl< te house that they apipreciate a it -alzOf.d te Uicrn
W . Liutt ..iiu ui Spt- Igio lii itygt-Ioi tit iuu itf Watihe.Oxftorilfor stile
G. P. &T. Agt., tliiaigiu A- nArb svtin uwentne gtit, . -n ylte ul t, Rlus (ranlge-, It thle
- I - ~eAuey tlits Mabttynitrduhstiee t ic h-
IH ANARObitS o. Lymuan ID. Norris, out of the = - - - nu deulhrsuIt-, pli-itt-c411s. 05-7:
THmN RBRAGS ott promnient attorneys anti cap- -+
Notice. ands zu itlitcnFC ni 1: ,,s, fl-,]-f Nottue.


";-~iPUBLISHING tunetumuonia an Sunday last. Ike
YTOTTSID- soas born iln Vpsilanti 71 years ago,j
Student Work a Specialty, and tout the inst student to nsatric-
Oro Wrtw-u sit]Loses Pitn i te Cty Ilate of the inst class of the (Sni-
versity of Michigan, a fact of whlichi
GR N E '.he was very proudh.1
CLASSES IN DANCING will iou-tua '~i tdnsLcueascain
follown: Getlemen, 'otututay mortiitt - htstdnt e-ot1soiain
and Thurnsday eensat8:00; 1.Ladites, SatorduyWhhaeee rnhgteC-
afternolons 4, Ladies anudiGentlemen, ad wt-laebe flnstngtecr
vanced classs, Tiiesday eveniingsa :dStlaiu-
toy eventa o 5 uioio. 0 roututuMiinor. 6 3tia- rent magazittes, are unable to tdo no1
Ppleee atarmyitile. v it-i1,this year, atnd for this reasntsthe
followsing tiagazines will sot be
9 jC(3- C T J!J= found at te library: Arena, Cosmlo- -
politan, (Inking, OverlandAntericanE
In tiietue-b'amin+ t a- i iL e. _-
Headuaotrters Citer-tsis. Naturalist, United Service and Cltan- -
tatuquan. Thuese may be supplied
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. lattr in ltha year.

be sen ts i"A.\Potor IRelationt."
lrlt Rutssell's uiuie pecsottality
tplaces htitmtbeyrnd tutilcesfutl imittioun
tnin Colliitseq~uuie ie ehas hiseowtn
special fieldl tll to himself. tIle is it-
depenident of till titles tatnu traiionts,
tretihig thc'itoarsds accirdhinto his
wnel fantey, attdletujoyhing the idistine-
titn of beinig the nmost eter-taiing
mtatin hi ls protfessti. tis sopularity
tiev-er wattes, butt wtixes strittger with
adetutehtug years, ansI those ws-io re-
membser him nt iyou111 thOtell the note
tittachtedhtoto ii inte mhttrity of lia
(Ippotctutihs forc such att evenities
enijoymettait"A Poor elationI" otters.
konight, are tinty occasionial anti all
kilo rare, bit that emphasizes kte neetj
of improvintgte shiinig ihour. A'
tacked house sthouild greet Mr. Russell
this evenitng.

lo iiN'I'st---Nicely futrnished, heat-
e u iites lit rotoms, 7y; East Wanh-
inglonl strteet. Call andl see thleml.
James C. Blaine.
nio.gri ofut1mercsts greetkest
tsttisili~ by Gaohiltinmilkon, (literary5
extecutor). Millittis if oAmticantttciti-
ziens alitst-ltit tettsrested iniithis ct-
re12 ,ut f tie eieurit statesmant, tdiplsi-
l~tkist itl ortoiu, atnti nill tue glad to
cearnts hak leislt uigrlplly is to he writ-
ten by hut tchoei l teti y exectousandut
wsork I islts-wurtut lv (itt ielivery, andt
sWe wdihi to e.oltt t ihlttoreliable,
-itkelligeiit, iuiessi Inial), silho still
gioe exlusivtie 5110t t t ttbuiess of
cept-esenitilig ItsiiltMielhigati
-Addrtess, Hill& Shermani,
:'irk4}Deatrbornt St..
euoId.(Chiceagos, tI.

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