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February 05, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-05

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, 1. ail.

VOL. IV.-No. 91.



THE CLOSING ADDRESS. ' trail was southwest througlh town to ORATORS FOR THE CONTEST. To Gii/'rtetolgtthneiie a~
Prof. Herron Speaks on "A Vision a point na h olgttec More Than Thirty to Cempete for
of Life."--The Institute Suc- across countryfor half a mile, enter- the Honor of Representing t
cessfully Concluded.thUnvriy
ng town in the extreme southwest- teUiest.Sp
T - <trotveni rr~tttt a 5eto -iv aa y
Newberry hail was crowded to its1 era part and taking a zigzag course teh
tuil capacity yesterday afternoon to to the norths to the junction of Cath- the time alloweti for those desir- Ide ,at to s sec or ean iel
hear .Prof. H-erron's closing address arine street with tihe T. A. A. & N ing to ester the oratorical contest to yonea ctoI see eat tck.
in tile Iistitute of Christian Sociol- Mt. railroad, where tse Ireak for handl illthseir names wthstile titles
o)gy-. The speaker asserted that the home was dropped. The rue ionic of their orations has expireit.'The I 'O pa
vision of life aisways comes through was a straight course of abiout tisree- executive commnittelies receire eia I Vsi I, Ies
obedience to God's trill aisd judg- i qluarters of a siile, lip grade. thse names oif thirty-four tvho aspice 51 Smot Main St.
ment. 'The penalty of disobedience I lHodgmian ttas the first houilni to to represent tile Lhi. of itt. in oratory,
as nioralad iatellectiual bliidnliess. arrive, at .123 , thus ttinnlisp lie eleven froii the literary deiiartnient -
'T'houghi nan lie deep illsamne of chase by half a nminiite. h~ubbard aoiltwenty-thirce frow the law de- j
tmeoral failuire, if lie hut opens 11i5 and Parsonss tere next, alpY:2 , aiii partiment. OIf the literary conting-
hleart aisi life to Goal,lie is redeemiss hr dopdini eflo- en, te.enors furnish six, the
cd. Elvene the material ilevelopiiieit isg order: 1R. 1. Newion, I'. '. juiors fouii and the soplioiisores but
of the world awaits the nioral de- Newton, Nickols, Woodruif, Porter, one. lisa janioe laws who have
velopment of our natures. 1 Parker. Lots were drawn, from the entered outnsumber the seniors, tse
The possibilities of our lives ace four first to arrive, for heares for the two classes being represented by
thitee an te repecivey. When',yeua et theLaest lt-iirputitan ttyies
yet unknown, nor can we know what next chase, Hodgmeoant 4 i hren and tenresectvel. of $2,$3, 44 or $5 Shees t 5to $iIIa pair lees
wef nosw ace till wve all walk in the Newton being chosen. All those who have hsanded in tan Ann Arier pricesa senid for tetaleateeto
light. Obedience of man to the -----0*#---- their names for thtese contests mast
trill of God is necessary andi requir- February Intander. send to the president at ito No. mHa Y & C
ed. 'What is education hut the tin- TeIlnirfrte rsn ivision street, on or before Feb. tot,183-185 svitiittvRiin tx-.,
folditeg of Chtrist in man? A man '-t nsdrfrtetrsn to, three typewritten copies of their DETROIT, - - MICiiIGAN.
as a nsoiily as God is mats in bins. nontht will be out 'Tthusday. It orationts, withsosst either nanmes or
Whieniiamn's body beconies the ser- wilcniu h icsinsatdin the January-iiimber ~ s~ noiiidicplunmet.'Te nanie of each G A G RS ntesb
valet if his sotul,aitithisslife ad.(prssuitig hud oevr LSESI ACN wl eta
soul h.eronie unsitedt tiths God's, all lect of aiihletics at the 1..osalM. It' peristteingaseatle papseradfosGntlem AS eS n, DAnCINay ri meetoa
Iacwtiltttaksas tseelforte tafier anti Ci sid tya sevei, st);Lads Satiray
Of Giodstsolvers are at the drisisosal wlltae5hefom vf ileapoilit l enclosedt tithein the aorationl he'Itic st rattaes-t.ialivas sed Genmieass, au-s
o sn use ostlook for ailtm lstisby idt e seanse ' visc.. (rteta trGaMat,-
saan av et i esiistget rf.secretary trill nouiafy ecsts conitest- lan l elitleta ra- } V a tct ''rt i etes"ritwt- am eelsastt
sets is Spiritual eislighiteinmet.T 'he lannls cTota utN se usitbl alsl 1if Iis uaatacci'li ishas Ppl cetttt ayOs
olsen life is the instpiresd life. Thle , ua autsat Iet .Ce'-received a sufficiteat -ridt' sso dit
it, Siielts ald iairdl, ft sasthe
shiect of nate cresation sttnot aild i estahutsm tt amth iiiiotaii-silthe-cahsat
vsie experimnit. We -re not here contiesti. " _
ous prosbationa,but this.upaseotitf scysec- s hssai rl
reaionisuscaboe al ~ ril e numierouis. Amaongtghletm 'The Detroit Coteventiotn.
eery toui, staking every statn, etery laiinMsere,'ly- - Tree years ago, the Studcenit Artisic Photographer, 6i.HUOSI
laosc vr oeiissaimnSatwyer, ''Charlie .ifrotan's GhostI," ''6aliE.elHrenRiONssnsalT.th
witis the spirit of Gralod. .Sesia'A c las argeat stiudet convetioniever hed. SicoitiJisinmnss'lm- 1ottI.
'T'hustise practical vaslit of lte aico ayn . 1Cmlan nNearly (oostdent, trout 151.iii- F-
titiotnrof life istsit btiI cleo'Thoreugarealittr a,'etioisalintaitutiosaof this'Unitedt O Y \T 5,t~x
uivsaersail apeal of alt the forces of mssti ai a ~,S .Jit, Statets ail Canadia, met at Cleve- .~7R+Qi~IA
Godt otse sisyclasphasttst tc? l rtstta eret-iliilaitutoisaositder the lprobless of the- -
Chriat to dedicate oni's aelf not is} isueassong its contribntosa -J. R orhl's evangelieation. 't'U11'1' I,11s, - 418 S. hritt St.
telf-absortionutoaelfisshsness, etn,'VI.btet-It '.Ptrc, Abosat ttwice as itmaysudesats are
isa live the life thtat Goil wishes, t i tia expected at the secosnd internsatainal O'n asu i.S t,
lie of some msoral usc to one'a feI-i1'Ctorat Union Tickets. consvettiout, to be tidlits Detroit, Swveaters,
iota creaturet, aid be incalaveatwttht - Feb.all to Star,. lime costaet-
love and reveremece foe Goal, All those dlesirinig toat stendath time lswsial be addresstedbylabhovut __AND
-Sl ay Pettiest oftime ('horal meon cig-hliy-fire of timelea initiatsion---t
HareandHoud Rn. ouild do wvell to purechasse season aries suchmissiaonary w'ork~ers of thse
Time nusaltveekly run of the Htare t tickets at once. 'Timese tickets will asworld. SPORIING G: ODS
sued Hound climb took place Satur -be sold foe twao idollars upl to thse Reduced railway rates ansi fiee UU
day afternoon. Time hares, Atwood titme of time Heinrich conceert, andI entertainment will be provided for
and W1ilconmade the start at 3:26u, will titan be withdrawn from tale.( a limited nunsher of stutient dele- Of Every Deariptmionsam
rise paek, consisting of Hodgman, ( They wall adumit both to. thee recitalt gates. All students taho sish to at-
Hubbard, Parsons, R.P. FNewton, by Max Heinricts and ho time four tend will please give their names to
1. WT. Newtoti, Nickols, Woodruff, 1 concerts of time Festival. After the some of the S. C. A. officers at
Porter and Parker, following at sale of season tickets in closed sin- Newberry hail, as soon as possible.
3:31 T2a gle tickets admitting to thse Festival Already the applications received UNIVERiSITY BOOKfSTORE
'rhe bares came in at 4:14 after cmncerts will he sold, the price lia- exceed half the number of delegates
running about five miles. The log been fixed at $2.5o. allowed. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

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