t 3« plan is give in another column. B The average age of the students~
1 + te iplan as annsounced Tue !-DAILN at IHarvardl is 22.7 years.
has charge of one of thre formal dis-! The Athletic association at Penn-
i'tbiished DOaily Ihasosays excepted)l aurisi. cussions. Our turn, however, (lots sylvaia will lay out shoot $75,000
t~r,.- oitere aru1' not ronie for some time and we will on the sew athletic field.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION consequtently have time for rellec- ; The sesior class of De Pauw has
__-tios. As swill he renmenmbered, this selected Htenry WVatterson for class
Ssvbscrusiori price V2 5A)pereyear, isvariahly association tad its origin through orator for the text commnencement.
iii jaseanie hitieeepies.3 cenits. huibseCiji- the efforts of THE DAILYv four yearsi Pennsylvania swill have three ath-
rises may teiette at the ottiee of the DRILs,
at Stuffiet's, with aniy oe the editoes or agii.r letic nieets in March, April and
atthorizedtsolicitos -- - o-Na ,i re aainf. h eua
crsmuricstiins shouid reetih theoice by ITo Imorore Western Journalism. Maisiraatofrtergur
and SHORTHAND. Mtagrniiicent buiding;nine
teacers lage ttedane; ooddiseitlinie; super'-
illsiiui;iswelsiuppliediireadingicrom; dilyletus*
Satur~daysev'enringreeepriaiis; opii rheenire yer
Exceptiinalifaclitiesfr hiscingsastudietinir is ci-
ilii-shriiat ra casgirsicleedtreui. li'n
e..ei, e'~al .uu 1 .._o ... . ... ittipsus .i.. a..._
o'clocke. P. itthey sre totappiear the seat 1spring meet. Far -News catog u crs.
lay. adtdress sit matteerintendted o uiteeahhca plfot interchange of views P. R. CLEARY, PRS.intthMagngEto.Albses
communications should b e sees ts the tBusi among the nmembhers of the Western T LD
ss Mansgee.
THE U. ef X. DAILY, College Press association, hy means ft
Ann Aebor, Hiets. of circular letters, has beetn outline dij /V Irf1 _ _._
hy the executive conimittec in an-
EDITORS. annsoutncemoent just issued. Theset
C. A. U NOst stRi ''9t4, Metuaginug Editiii. ltestr is al ilii 'Oii(i& tr.2 h
it. A. he aDN~Is it .. 94,Assian. letes iii he pbla e eey t o TieTbtttsn"cie " ediN -5 F
L.t. 2 t1ii s, Lit. '90, 'Asisiaint. sersinth . f . ee ly hih l'uioavtlii kim Arboro e niy i i
I . rz'Ioy, Lit.'9, Ahleicitor. has heetn chosen as the official or- Hoi'sfcrd S Acid Phspae"1il 1x2lt. n
A.Iuuisii.'ii AtitiiEiiirw1ho p a e,>:; .'110 . i.
S. sr. CUrisiSo P. G it .., BIiness Manaugee. autnuof the association. It is in-.,i l I(.i.
Wmt. A. tlioki, iii. 'li, Assiiin. tended to embiody isnctsese letters 1s tate most effective andi agree- -Traisun bt lii's'' H' ir1tto ali1ce
.Tr Ao .si.AtW. Alladli tin doily tusrutit Snittlis.
H. IB. Hocniciri'Wi. C ~ souggestihons that wileiladto tihe al etd i xitnefrH. (RFNOD e2n,.lAbr
It). Austiii3. 5. H" beitey neitnefs . iEE sTiiiO, P.A T'lido.\ii'ii
r. t. saolrt;t. MEIi'CL. ratstng ot the standard of tournal- 5't i ~t .0 .5 i.
E. . 5 t~yl t!6lii . t. Mat irrutue, 't"}, ii tlse
Auuiei. Slry, '97. ,H. 1 ii. til9iu, ism n heWest. pies entstl itndigstioo, rind t
i'ariTeV sil1, t. 5r'rsi. Aniotig the subijects to receive li Csttc dsae OPfr4 2 d
;e.Gtitis s.Iizi hsec e~s rbn sideratioti are: The relation of iNtE NiIHT uoy.
All 'c1p15mno'i blittofit ce ii'vrevi clta.uit the Daily to the university; of the from s rirsordered stol-nth . MONDAY EVE., FEBRUARY 5th..
ofi ilit ish e (lay ioipu l tlti .it
newspaper to tire college; of tire lit-
'Tire Editiirs doinittlaithtmuiselves testyn- aypaper to the college aidtd Dr 'W' M«i Garoftter, SjrviogfcLal, -
ibefrteoiinorsae etofcor s caryass. says: "I value(it asan excellent
1 ihietntsi einri ii the roAJi'ltr( i l th utiativersity; of thre literary de-msssa 5 1 hi i a ot teiev Mthi,
preventative oflintigesioni iti( itspltasant.
- pa~rtinerit arid the ness departetn st iiuvsiiusilsa II lliill anll]iiil0
- inthue cotiiege 11aper. Commurnica-aio vii i ttu
___R____________________H____. _ItHolls arec expected to he hrief and to wild 'uairt-'ivetevvit.' 2-J Q o N S -2
Wc ae iiforsuei tat lii'tra e ti11t0. Thepitrepiaration of thu.(eS I)'('S PNV
letters front the tmaterital coilected I t rt'i'it paphl11e1ctfree iii'appliieitsiont
IutiR.etes auth tersutis islets lure i Amiriot
uahee n eri ir r o s to lull by rotatiots to te matuag- Rumford Ctemical Weeks, Perovidene C iitS t'rv'et- u-." irlri
mraking aily' progress swithithue author- Ittuteadfrtrwi ~riet ice
tiesitsthetisater(Sfobta cisg i su etditors of the isaisers helonsgitig i Iii tillil it tite ssr ' i tarltilrliuns .'. 'lit isuil'Cii'le'Nt cki ofitlit -urout, :211'
'gy''fi s uhui uarie ltis tlheassocuiationtsintshett followvirng For Sale by all Druggists. Srtt.sreruil Sei' ~so a l it, ' iii 55111 cl
fact is toi le regretted, as Ipractice 'ltordier: ,Eiriun ulig, .
shourld he followsed every day. Risuod1s.
Rihodln. a sIAs satuidensswcill he glad to kntow 'T hegarsus, uireka, I11. A,. 2(
thsat thseiractice courtwihicit tiresy 'The G. of C. Wekly, Chricago. '~'...
have lookedl forwvardl to withi so mtuch 'Thre Adelbert, Atdelbert rollege, m295 ('tssurocs St.
pleasutre. still hold its first session Ohio.,r <-, -'
totday. TIhe establishment of tihis Thre College ('brotticie.
court is one of the nmost insportant ,Tlse Aegis, University of Wiscon- I ~ ~ ~ ~ 'td
nunovations of the preent college sn aio,\i
year, atnit will ad xisthre training of Tire D~aily Cardinal, 'Uiversity of Hlalf-Ton~ei ts
practical lawyers. Wisconsin, Madisont, Wit. repradtctro of
--_ ____The 1De Pauw Weekily, D~e taos wIe e C5hIfe t e5,
hr is encosraging whlen swe are re- university, Green Castle, Ind. JhlustrCstiot1Jot"
msindled of the develolpment muade in Tire U. or NIM. D1Aiv, University ,orasn] 0
the line of oratory during rte past of Michrigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. I) recercs~Petarlnrk
few years. We are informed thsat 'Ps eyonClein eyn hatffrccJcihAt~h~~~~ N
there are an unusually large number college, Gambler, Ohio. ol ,'buIldI1 ' j
comnpeting for oratorical lhonors this The Illini, University of I ll.,, Go ieh o Arcttle ltra., 5eienhjtcur.,
year, wrhichs fact is anothser indica- Chanmpaign, Ill11. ' . <t~d ohler D rassipT.
tion that the Univertity of Michigan This list is not conuplete as y etQ &5sPictures
will be able to win a good place in but will be ntade so as soon as pos- - a
the next intercollegiate toratorical sible. Thse first circular letter swill1 jrtr(alt5Qj thefle
contest. soon be published tnder tire super- prllcfedtobiudl tOll~el3o~t5S gtt}l rI51
vision of the editor of the Earl-
Trrek~ plan adopted by the execu- hm
tive committee of the Western Col- ham l C d,5 4\ e u d5-1VxnaCce~rdler5
lege lPress association looking to the INTER-COLLEGIATE. d ? rI rtc r7ll')lle5.
awakening of interest and a closer 4 .
relation of college journalism in the A new msagazine called thre Inter- g
WVest is certainly a movement in the Collegiate Wave is now publishred .B6pfdeDee01CI led ' a~4
right direction. An outline of lte at Chicago. ,aoStoa