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January 12, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-12

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VOL. IV.-Nn. IN.



CO-EDS SHOULD TURN OUT.( petitioned congress in favor of the THE FACULTY CONCERT. To G eAuaJ
--13th amendment. In ilfo she start- T '
And Hear Susan S. Anthony To- ed a petition in favor of leaving on t Civen Last Night at Frieze Memor-I
morrow Night.-A Short Sketch pIg ml Hall, a Most Enjoyable Welvse fw ine leadni es
of a Most Eventeul Lite. the wvordl"male" in the 14th aniend- ;Affair. 1 .01ve ix-is strivgese iv(
meat, and worked with the nationat otes ~ew illoas fol-
The S. t.'A.hoard hav e secnred yoman suffrage associationl to induce ITli-t wvomenin ismusical circles Weisiin o synvte cosnaue
as an exranmber o theirious congress to secure to hei six the cain cope swith the mnen vs-s fully oltehnet«seoroe<
the serevices of Suain l. Antioisv, right of voting.idemnrstratedl last eveing;vwbeis
wh il ecue nUivrit al n S7she wn oKansas swithlissM.Jeainnette Loudon openecl
tomioccrossnight.41Ms nthiony his t iibteth Casty Stanton iand Lxiiy tien. ceriii ithiiBallaide,' Afllsrie il lins~ i tesilsi
devotedl hcrcenecgies xlisinezS ]toC(olet andilthere obtainedc on svotes 0lip1 ,by Choispn. isliiiexecitioni ~ISohM
seci S' cv nd a]civxi rights (ii 5 liilie Isc foinoan suffrage.Ini i 64 xvwithli if thelice wvas cvry ood -aildIthc
ii ctol 1her -4.' acs oif the so islicisitinof iMl ix Stanston i sits xiii satioilon h at hrc
a51e,5 shi s til ll (nr tic(woma (idsisker 5 I iuvand(] wiii e tlc rS
si ci a sine-iusIv p csuaive l55 ipi (a-ssistansc ofGI:'i'. c-iisainseeg'ai I n x slctlion x v s a isretty
'trilNext 4ockksctyifhc puisationhumof solislby Irciii Stills etitild"l
St sa Eisv xx il nton w s hurn ! a xcek ly ipaiercaled"ci reR vo uacsi stoilsalxi ilisi xis i fi1xxii
ist 4os'S iii Sils, Ni s ivy I 15,{ilutionst,"devotedt Ito theic ciii iss un thus cii

%in5 St.

_ i


17S20. Ilaniel Anthiony-, lid fat,tion1111of wvonmen . Mr. Ieman . x-si s selcton L M*I & '
codttosnsmanufa-ctuirecixvasaIlsbes-il In 18972 Ms ilsis atalt vareceicc ved ihsimritcdal au. Ii iis stli in i ~iiiiiiiye
k salter snwsoi eiusc-tseI Iissdaughlter s tt alciirssiiii hatec I ln desslr Iiislrshs ip h oI,i. *51 55C (lust V 55-So Sfiit iixx
at te sateandconressona 111- ha1AnAlls rcei-sils-sendi for C a~iieiito
iih thc isisa of scif-suppsort, anti tiosn in Rochester to test the appli- Schosol oif ;Music is receivs5inpuilsN f~
emsplioyedi skillful Ssticers in Iis caions of the Toth and iTills siamend-vvwho formerly went to IDctr oit C
sixn ioso .:Atr sopleting her curts. She vvas indlicted for illegral I cinits isndChii caio ivs-avetyS- R s6 TFE
educaion a a Fiends boaring-volisig and ived by- 3ustice ihuntnisficanit fact. o.I3I5ttomm)ar.
school ini Piiladlph~~ ia, M is nbt nacticrdance vithi iec defant ITle vi nging of Niss Al icc Balley E - - TNMI cIGiAN.
thiong tasiiglt iniNsw N out fromissteis til hsenerd e t c i-satIon ncvcrc i halse ticsasty.a ue\cvii s-vcsscsei c t J )
1,S5 o T;0 1f athr emoed ictbteen iiSi o sndi 88olv vii-lest- aIi theclosvrsofit xssvs ix thiscty.Recess-act 00 lbs. c' i iChecela te
iii ii 'x til 45 visi toisill iniall Ithc 1101thenu nds south-isisLjIast ecs- ;si' gavec two soct but s-s-Iiosi-u uisi-
ansisi i 5 vi seild1 in Rochicstcs \
tit 'ixtlississ first spoke isn pub-v ns1c Thc p easimp l csniYofly IM i xi S issia s ,i ss limi .i m i ms-~vdt.In 1'R-2u iii:~ u.irie
he in 1S44 , anicromthattithillsk intc retainif Ncuss Jollyt2e
ais sii ui uhtsui stanc of hlid o-edts Eiza,- .a ntc lpssusR.iN iE.sc siiltitly & o., 6S. Slate St.
hatin the temperani ice-sio - ilSI il t, !Beth Caliy Stantonis iid41Mst1d N-alegrci suie sty1 ;ofii iisic~ h nirn o.~isadlcuig ol e" ae 't. ' hsoy cnrs edrdi uhapsiusc
us ,i 4sislurcalleid astemperacceit i sSuffrage.''Stir was lpresentl at manner dslsayeil thsetechilpuc ofl
conveition ini Albsany, lafter ising I theplaer
the wvolil's congress antI xwas entliu- he abyer
refiuseti aclissisoni to a previoustoss- siasticals- rceivedl. i A inmber lby.4Messcs. leitis andl - ' -
ventions on account of her sex. ----* ---- Sciiiat conlciledl a program wvhich
In Isf~, the Wosman's New Nork A Scotch Evenir c sail been thsorouigily enjoytd by all. Artintic Phntngrapher, 6 E. HURON SI.
Stsate Tenmperanice society was or- tFroms the very bseginning until the
gaisizesi. Through her exertions OnlxiMonday evening, tani. 15 thiatnt h ssieseveeala- j ~L1L CIS
and thoise of Mrs. E. C. Stanton, the Ili.niLleague xwiii 'use their teintoni andt the earnest applause atLonys hclte,
wonsen cause to be admtsiitesdto esdu- 91thentertainment. This xiii be thLenswriftheseletios, stteteu
rationsal antiother coventios swilsthishir seconsd musical evening and teassti-lanisssfatosfets 'TTP

the tight to siseak, votc andsid rcr will be uiinter tse sdirections of
isi consmnittees. Its13s7x she lbe Iessrs. Gourlasy bros. of lDetcoit.
camse prominienst amooni the ais I lie program xiii consist tof Scotch
lists foc the abolition of slaver y.itsvongs aint recitationss ant ilii be an
858f, shleomadie a reposrt, in satcii- tspecially enjoyable affair for stn-
ers' convention at Troyis favor tof Idents tof Scotch desceist. Tue fol-

co-ednu.ation of vexes.
in sf59-fstir held conventions
iii each county of New- York ini the
caluse of female suffrage, and since
then stir has addressed annual ap-
peals and psetitions to the legisla-
tuires. She seas active in securing
thse passage of the act of the New
York legislature in 18S60, giving to
married women tile possession of
their earnings, the guardianship of
thleir children, etc.
During the war she devoted her-
self to the woman's league, which

lowing persons vwill alsoi participsate
in the progranm:s Misses Caroline
Campbell, Helen Giourlay and
M~esrs. AlaisMurrayand I'. HItfiray.
Thle entertainmsent still heeIseld as
usual, at the Churchl of Christ and
tile admission price to non-holders
of season tickets has heen fixed at
ten cents.
A meeting of all '97nmen inter-
ested in the freshman glee and hanjo
club is called for January 12, at 7
p. in., in room a4.

ths Iteseni...I ~ -& ."-- -
those] resent 48 5. STATE St.
A Treatfeor Economists.~
Prof. Adamrs still lease 1 iesday s~l1i J~& ItIL
for Jobhis H-opkins Uiniversity-.is INis15 ~ss x
cosirses here still continuec notithi-
standing. Course ,, in P~olitical HOLIDAY BOOKS
Eonorny will be covered as follows: AND FANCY GOODS
J an. 1f and 18, juedge Cooley still
lecture on Corporations, Jan. 23,-- -
Mr. L. F. Post, of New York City, FABULOUS ;r 1EDUTM012.
editor of The Standard, Henry
George's paper, will lecture on the tirues Pubishetrs Priceee
Single Tax theory; Jan. 25 and 30,
Mr. Dixon; examinations tlle last W H '
two weeks.
Prof. Mechem lectured 10ottle law -An-
classes today. DOWN TOWN, MAIN STREET.

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