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February 24, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-24

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VOL. I V.-NO. l0 .




Y ates, J. Condon, XX. W. Pepple.l The New York Philharmonic Club
Practice Eegns Today in the Gym- -yield-Captain E. C. Shields, 11. Scores a Crest Success-The I
nasiu m. -Candidates Are c s1 1.s I' Program Doubled. Weots esm ela ecl n
Msany. 11. . Chikeing ,1A.Tope, II coecne tgeas o i reaa
-A. J. Purdy, WXX. X' Xaterrnais, -tosany cc' svo ill s ii calerthen.,
Toa'a 'lc h addtsR. XXV. Hunt, P. 1H. Xaters, The New York Pthilharmoiscnichub ryecave io see rour tmce ansd aive
forthebasbal tam illgointo , C. B. Smeltter, J. A. LeRosy, seas welconied last evening by- a ycii itelnice tosee otsisi.
a-tve raiingin lieXX teriasa -l. -Harns . A. St. Clair jlarge asatt tdemonstrative austience.
1 'enmesb h lbwr elgyisaashisin Canvas has heronlsung J"It. Mallory,I. 11. G.(iamimons, 'ie(ubrshhzcu.er ell~~
froms the gallery to t(loy to pro-3 Cadwssell, P. 1). Ilourland. receiedv ansi were rcndered in a c-iriliacreir
iosost artistic mainer. The tose I51) South Main St.
test tae svsndosvs, anti all necessary Sensor Committees.
prccasls~ss taesi ii eivisr tistwas perfect, tse platying beisig more
icrvi ri11 ii stneto is biitlitg. resisdesstLyonse,oftif eii-seiosr of tse snoctutrnal thsass of cisc heroic'
Xli(ti ctnslilsiesusul pesetI1lit class, tis -had inmier rinsidisera- rchararier.The pliayitig by-tie iluar-
licli~lies t ir y-isiasiii tiis ionisfosr somse (isise the atpinstisesit tette seas suot proportionatlely so
itrossa;siik. hee-of the several comittilees sin(lie giod as (lost of live esstire club.
c'iiresssests swilltfir that each isan j;senior receptin. The ciake-istsof liesoplygsasssthsloe
shl swear rubbher sosledI shoes, and the consoittees is nose determsisevd 'o 'clt(ic oivila
shahl appear ior pacticer regularly- on and is annosuneed as follows: selections seere msore of a character
trm o6p i.N ldesii Receistions: George 'I..'tresmble, to display-thse exsecutison of liear
fro ; o 6p. . N pldgewil, ,wisestlisa vasttli L teittills t itanst Sly
bic taken fronm the candidates, but chirmsan; Miss Mary Dufsfy, Mi-s player thsatnfor the entertainmentotfst2,$3ti, s.Siots ats50cto55 a paot lss
die rule has been mcade, and sill be Jisti Carpenter, MXiss Jessica M. of the listener. M1r. Chsas. Blarthi's thiansAnnssAsS olit sis send 5for1 atai .a t
rigidly enforced, that any' san whoc Mcintyre, Mliss Marioni lattosn, violoncello solo "Tarentetla," seas
sreaks traininsg will tbr peremptorily Lloyd 1J.XWentsorth, Anidrew J. seell execusted. Sir. Sot. 'Marcosson, RamoaFYFE aU8
clissisissest. P~~Turity', A. .ILadd, James A. loss first violinis an artist of tsr firsiclass, . a- 5ovsi A
Admiission tis tts gynsoasiusi slur- Arrangements: Daniel It. Luten. witha shom Mtr. Zietz studied abroad. DF'l'loIT(, - - MICHIGhAN.
igpractice hours wilt be grantevd chairman; George J3- Caslvell, X'. The most pleasing of the soloists seas
music to candidates veho ipresent uleir 11.Canfid, Itermas I1.IEy-uer, lSir.'Eugene XX'eicer, uniter whomt
curtds at tsr door. 'Tur gymnasisusmXw.XW. Xedmoeyer, R. F. Hail. the Philhiarmonsic Club is now pus-
committee of (lie regents grantesd Invitations: 1:. J.(ittaway, chair- I sing its sixteenth year. After Isis
;seiaisson or asbal 1uaciceinman; Miss Winifred A. Higbtee. Miss tivo selections isa (le secondi purt hre
the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o gyansEonyuccnlto o . L~a 'rourette, iRoblert IE. restpondledito ass encosre isnaccom-
that none but canditlatra swoutl be J1oises, J.. Overton. (tiarrievl. Artistic Photagrapher, I E. HURON SI,
Its trosS. X'etd frsosmtier
issabstted. T'herefosr, the baseball PisMron or Michigan Students. Se-ondI tnaiiu lsiy IinVOice
_____- first nuvmnser seas heartily sselcvomest.
osaniagensent reilsests that all but 1 l1ce1'story-' reception fur StIicti-SseioeseapesigvicofJ
caundidates rema in asway, as all otherspShposseapesigvcef , {-F-
y'il gao students given in Ncseborry hall lair rasnge and goosi sjsalily - The wil bQreuse adisson.b
Fifty-two turn base alreaidy hand- thseeigwl ea tn;cli encore to her first piece seas I'little '
fedinther ame fr te ariusmax to this sveek of socials. An Dosis,'' sung laere a short timae ago sIsL''ris tS 48 S. Sfssto St.
ad ii thir amesfor he arios teresting programsi will be given, isy EmaJ3ucla and later by Stadame
posiions and that nunaler switt prob- n shihill apspear Miss Mabel l It as b u-r Taught sod nked all ever the wortd at
abybe cinsiderably increased sehen wStsshertilya ierlauvtnmbrswee the Leauing Academies:
aby tdy Ih slw Cotton, J. Raleigha Nelsoss, Mis harilyappauOd.r
practice ibegins tdy h olw nL ihrsadPo.'t TeN'A . X R
iins are lice names alreadtyI, iirrhsaie:o. .N. tlc ttissieo lc asleuessa laic tsiiiiiieii ssitii uepiseticn of itanuc
Scott. Patriotic and college songs iicdiscrimsinate cost irritating to le ) ti tms uvi vii i iiiort .cis-oti. 5'ait.
C itrser-C. F ebela, .°irnerss As'cdmy, _Anns 'iir
F.w'iluc~u, sill alsic finti atplace in tlie es'en- cluib,sehichchoseever readily re- MGrh. g in -'e a~on rn.ii -andearn
itinbs~1" t .5 (5 ' 's entertainmnts. LESide s the spontled. l < sisssicsi' iitinasiei. iliii' esu~en'i
sil. formal lprogramme, several isersoss Thie inextnusmier iilthIcture et~aue
Pitcher---. St. 1Iliis , I. s.ave been delegated to miingle in course swill be lion. J. 3. Isugualls, G m sim S t,
(alluis, IT. it. lrogsscas C. 1.tise croswt antI tell origissal stoiries Starch 9. 'The postpionetdlectusre ofSw tes
:Showalter, I:. C. X ooil i e amse ntssiof the listeners. Re. ctsalucahiteshulsar
hlr, 1I. R. Crawford .A a . us-uwic hudhv
liiC.Scieraf udges Selected, beers given Juts. 1th, swill tar given
bodS.tc ern.i1rarch a trt. lice subject of the - ANn-

First base-C. F. Hillter, Josephi The judges selected for (lie final lecuewl i Prtns,'as
(Vere 3.I~ H Strrso, 1 lb debate to b hel next 'riday are not as announced, "Savonarola.''
C cenzie, W. It. tollidacy, C. Mc- Sir. T. A. Biogle, Res. . 3. SGrston .
Huiherrn, H. H9. Van Tuyt, 1 "andt Mr. . . . irserman. Tickets i 'The committee having in charge
Ifotchinson, Ray Bart. are now on sate, which wilt admittlespo re rarilcnet
Second base - Russell, C. It. ito this debate and also to thce inter- thin evening wishes it announced
Conrad, L. 3. Wentworth,' H. Cole- university contest with Northwvest-, that no admission fee wilt he charg-'
osan, R. M. Weideman, G. XW. en, to be held April 2,the two con- ed. All are invited, whether mem-
Denrson, 3. D. Etdmunds. tests to be given for 25 cents. Tick- hers of the class or not.
Third bae-J. Baird, H. J. tIsa- ets maybhe bought of any of the The course in Topics in Ameni-
kiver, H. A. Chambers, XW.X. comnmittee-men, or at Blowdishs & can History will he organized Mon-
Woodbury, E. X'. Deans. Matteson's. day afternoon at 5 o'clock.

Of E~very Dcscription at


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